@ -18,159 +18,169 @@ |
#include <stdlib.h> // Required for: malloc() and free() |
typedef struct ColorRect{ |
Color c; |
Rectangle r; |
typedef struct ColorRect { |
Color c; |
Rectangle r; |
} ColorRect; |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// Module functions declaration |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
static Color GenerateRandomColor(); |
static ColorRect* GenerateRandomColorRectSequence(float rectCount, float rectWidth, float screenWidth, float screenHeight); |
static void ShuffleColorRectSequence(ColorRect* rectangles, int rectCount); |
static void DrawTextCenterKeyHelp(const char* key, const char* text, int posX, int posY, int fontSize, Color color); |
static ColorRect *GenerateRandomColorRectSequence(float rectCount, float rectWidth, float screenWidth, float screenHeight); |
static void ShuffleColorRectSequence(ColorRect *rectangles, int rectCount); |
static void DrawTextCenterKeyHelp(const char *key, const char *text, int posX, int posY, int fontSize, Color color); |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// Program main entry point |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
int main(void) { |
// Initialization |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
const int screenWidth = 800; |
const int screenHeight = 450; |
InitWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, "raylib [core] example - Generates a random sequence"); |
int rectCount = 20; |
float rectSize = (float)screenWidth/rectCount; |
ColorRect* rectangles = GenerateRandomColorRectSequence((float)rectCount, rectSize, (float)screenWidth, 0.75f * screenHeight); |
SetTargetFPS(60); |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Main game loop |
while (!WindowShouldClose()) // Detect window close button or ESC key |
{ |
// Update |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
if(IsKeyPressed(KEY_SPACE)) |
{ |
ShuffleColorRectSequence(rectangles, rectCount); |
} |
int main(void) |
{ |
// Initialization |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
const int screenWidth = 800; |
const int screenHeight = 450; |
if(IsKeyPressed(KEY_UP)) |
{ |
rectCount++; |
rectSize = (float)screenWidth/rectCount; |
free(rectangles); |
rectangles = GenerateRandomColorRectSequence((float)rectCount, rectSize, (float)screenWidth, 0.75f * screenHeight); |
} |
InitWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, "raylib [core] example - Generates a random sequence"); |
if(IsKeyPressed(KEY_DOWN)) |
{ |
if(rectCount >= 4){ |
rectCount--; |
rectSize = (float)screenWidth/rectCount; |
free(rectangles); |
rectangles = GenerateRandomColorRectSequence((float)rectCount, rectSize, (float)screenWidth, 0.75f * screenHeight); |
} |
} |
int rectCount = 20; |
float rectSize = (float)screenWidth/rectCount; |
ColorRect *rectangles = GenerateRandomColorRectSequence((float)rectCount, rectSize, (float)screenWidth, 0.75f*screenHeight); |
// Draw |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
BeginDrawing(); |
SetTargetFPS(60); |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
ClearBackground(RAYWHITE); |
int fontSize = 20; |
for(int x=0;x<rectCount;x++) |
// Main game loop |
while (!WindowShouldClose()) // Detect window close button or ESC key |
{ |
DrawRectangleRec(rectangles[x].r, rectangles[x].c); |
DrawTextCenterKeyHelp("SPACE", "to shuffle the sequence.", 10, screenHeight - 96, fontSize, BLACK); |
DrawTextCenterKeyHelp("UP", "to add a rectangle and generate a new sequence.", 10, screenHeight - 64, fontSize, BLACK); |
DrawTextCenterKeyHelp("DOWN", "to remove a rectangle and generate a new sequence.", 10, screenHeight - 32, fontSize, BLACK); |
// Update |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_SPACE)) ShuffleColorRectSequence(rectangles, rectCount); |
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_UP)) |
{ |
rectCount++; |
rectSize = (float)screenWidth/rectCount; |
free(rectangles); |
rectangles = GenerateRandomColorRectSequence((float)rectCount, rectSize, (float)screenWidth, 0.75f*screenHeight); |
} |
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_DOWN)) |
{ |
if (rectCount >= 4) |
{ |
rectCount--; |
rectSize = (float)screenWidth/rectCount; |
free(rectangles); |
rectangles = GenerateRandomColorRectSequence((float)rectCount, rectSize, (float)screenWidth, 0.75f*screenHeight); |
} |
} |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Draw |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
BeginDrawing(); |
ClearBackground(RAYWHITE); |
int fontSize = 20; |
for (int i = 0; i < rectCount; i++) |
{ |
DrawRectangleRec(rectangles[i].r, rectangles[i].c); |
DrawTextCenterKeyHelp("SPACE", "to shuffle the sequence.", 10, screenHeight - 96, fontSize, BLACK); |
DrawTextCenterKeyHelp("UP", "to add a rectangle and generate a new sequence.", 10, screenHeight - 64, fontSize, BLACK); |
DrawTextCenterKeyHelp("DOWN", "to remove a rectangle and generate a new sequence.", 10, screenHeight - 32, fontSize, BLACK); |
} |
const char *rectCountText = TextFormat("%d rectangles", rectCount); |
int rectCountTextSize = MeasureText(rectCountText, fontSize); |
DrawText(rectCountText, screenWidth - rectCountTextSize - 10, 10, fontSize, BLACK); |
DrawFPS(10, 10); |
EndDrawing(); |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
} |
const char* rectCountText = TextFormat("%d rectangles", rectCount); |
int rectCountTextSize = MeasureText(rectCountText, fontSize); |
DrawText(rectCountText, screenWidth - rectCountTextSize - 10, 10, fontSize, BLACK); |
DrawFPS(10, 10); |
EndDrawing(); |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
} |
// De-Initialization |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
free(rectangles); |
CloseWindow(); // Close window and OpenGL context |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// De-Initialization |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
free(rectangles); |
CloseWindow(); // Close window and OpenGL context |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
return 0; |
return 0; |
} |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// Module functions definition |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
static Color GenerateRandomColor() |
{ |
return CLITERAL(Color){ |
GetRandomValue(0, 255), |
GetRandomValue(0, 255), |
GetRandomValue(0, 255), |
255, |
}; |
} |
Color color = { |
GetRandomValue(0, 255), |
GetRandomValue(0, 255), |
GetRandomValue(0, 255), |
255 |
}; |
static ColorRect* GenerateRandomColorRectSequence(float rectCount, float rectWidth, float screenWidth, float screenHeight){ |
int *seq = LoadRandomSequence((unsigned int)rectCount, 0, (unsigned int)rectCount-1); |
ColorRect* rectangles = (ColorRect *)malloc((int)rectCount*sizeof(ColorRect)); |
return color; |
} |
float rectSeqWidth = rectCount * rectWidth; |
float startX = (screenWidth - rectSeqWidth) * 0.5f; |
static ColorRect *GenerateRandomColorRectSequence(float rectCount, float rectWidth, float screenWidth, float screenHeight) |
{ |
ColorRect *rectangles = (ColorRect *)malloc((int)rectCount*sizeof(ColorRect)); |
int *seq = LoadRandomSequence((unsigned int)rectCount, 0, (unsigned int)rectCount - 1); |
float rectSeqWidth = rectCount*rectWidth; |
float startX = (screenWidth - rectSeqWidth)*0.5f; |
for(int x=0;x<rectCount;x++){ |
int rectHeight = (int)Remap((float)seq[x], 0, rectCount-1, 0, screenHeight); |
rectangles[x].c = GenerateRandomColor(); |
rectangles[x].r = CLITERAL(Rectangle){ |
startX + x * rectWidth, screenHeight - rectHeight, rectWidth, (float)rectHeight |
}; |
} |
UnloadRandomSequence(seq); |
return rectangles; |
for (int i = 0; i < rectCount; i++) |
{ |
int rectHeight = (int)Remap((float)seq[i], 0, rectCount - 1, 0, screenHeight); |
rectangles[i].c = GenerateRandomColor(); |
rectangles[i].r = CLITERAL(Rectangle){ startX + i*rectWidth, screenHeight - rectHeight, rectWidth, (float)rectHeight }; |
} |
UnloadRandomSequence(seq); |
return rectangles; |
} |
static void ShuffleColorRectSequence(ColorRect* rectangles, int rectCount) |
static void ShuffleColorRectSequence(ColorRect *rectangles, int rectCount) |
{ |
int *seq = LoadRandomSequence(rectCount, 0, rectCount-1); |
for(int i1=0;i1<rectCount;i1++){ |
ColorRect* r1 = &rectangles[i1]; |
ColorRect* r2 = &rectangles[seq[i1]]; |
// swap only the color and height |
ColorRect tmp = *r1; |
r1->c = r2->c; |
r1->r.height = r2->r.height; |
r1->r.y = r2->r.y; |
r2->c = tmp.c; |
r2->r.height = tmp.r.height; |
r2->r.y = tmp.r.y; |
} |
UnloadRandomSequence(seq); |
int *seq = LoadRandomSequence(rectCount, 0, rectCount - 1); |
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < rectCount; i1++) |
{ |
ColorRect *r1 = &rectangles[i1]; |
ColorRect *r2 = &rectangles[seq[i1]]; |
// Swap only the color and height |
ColorRect tmp = *r1; |
r1->c = r2->c; |
r1->r.height = r2->r.height; |
r1->r.y = r2->r.y; |
r2->c = tmp.c; |
r2->r.height = tmp.r.height; |
r2->r.y = tmp.r.y; |
} |
UnloadRandomSequence(seq); |
} |
static void DrawTextCenterKeyHelp(const char* key, const char* text, int posX, int posY, int fontSize, Color color) |
static void DrawTextCenterKeyHelp(const char *key, const char *text, int posX, int posY, int fontSize, Color color) |
{ |
int spaceSize = MeasureText(" ", fontSize); |
int pressSize = MeasureText("Press", fontSize); |
int keySize = MeasureText(key, fontSize); |
int textSize = MeasureText(text, fontSize); |
int totalSize = pressSize + 2 * spaceSize + keySize + 2 * spaceSize + textSize; |
int textSizeCurrent = 0; |
DrawText("Press", posX, posY, fontSize, color); |
textSizeCurrent += pressSize + 2 * spaceSize; |
DrawText(key, posX + textSizeCurrent, posY, fontSize, RED); |
DrawRectangle(posX + textSizeCurrent, posY + fontSize, keySize, 3, RED); |
textSizeCurrent += keySize + 2 * spaceSize; |
DrawText(text, posX + textSizeCurrent, posY, fontSize, color); |
int spaceSize = MeasureText(" ", fontSize); |
int pressSize = MeasureText("Press", fontSize); |
int keySize = MeasureText(key, fontSize); |
int textSize = MeasureText(text, fontSize); |
int totalSize = pressSize + 2*spaceSize + keySize + 2*spaceSize + textSize; |
int textSizeCurrent = 0; |
DrawText("Press", posX, posY, fontSize, color); |
textSizeCurrent += pressSize + 2*spaceSize; |
DrawText(key, posX + textSizeCurrent, posY, fontSize, RED); |
DrawRectangle(posX + textSizeCurrent, posY + fontSize, keySize, 3, RED); |
textSizeCurrent += keySize + 2*spaceSize; |
DrawText(text, posX + textSizeCurrent, posY, fontSize, color); |
} |