@ -2485,159 +2485,6 @@ void ImageDrawRectangleLines(Image *dst, Rectangle rec, int thick, Color color) |
ImageDrawRectangle(dst, (int)rec.x, (int)(rec.y + rec.height - thick), (int)rec.width, thick, color); |
} |
Color GetPixelColor(void *pixel, int format) |
{ |
Color col = { 0 }; |
switch (format) |
{ |
case UNCOMPRESSED_GRAYSCALE: col = (Color){ ((unsigned char *)pixel)[0], ((unsigned char *)pixel)[0], ((unsigned char *)pixel)[0], 255 }; break; |
case UNCOMPRESSED_GRAY_ALPHA: col = (Color){ ((unsigned char *)pixel)[0], ((unsigned char *)pixel)[0], ((unsigned char *)pixel)[0], ((unsigned char *)pixel)[1] }; break; |
{ |
col.r = (unsigned char)(((((unsigned short *)pixel)[0] >> 11)*31)/255); |
col.g = (unsigned char)((((((unsigned short *)pixel)[0] >> 5) & 0b0000000000111111)*63)/255); |
col.b = (unsigned char)(((((unsigned short *)pixel)[0] & 0b0000000000011111)*31)/255); |
col.a = 255; |
} break; |
{ |
col.r = (unsigned char)(((((unsigned short *)pixel)[0] >> 11)*31)/255); |
col.g = (unsigned char)((((((unsigned short *)pixel)[0] >> 6) & 0b0000000000011111)*31)/255); |
col.b = (unsigned char)(((((unsigned short *)pixel)[0] & 0b0000000000011111)*31)/255); |
col.a = (((unsigned short *)pixel)[0] & 0b0000000000000001)? 255 : 0; |
} break; |
{ |
col.r = (unsigned char)(((((unsigned short *)pixel)[0] >> 12)*15)/255); |
col.g = (unsigned char)((((((unsigned short *)pixel)[0] >> 8) & 0b0000000000001111)*15)/255); |
col.b = (unsigned char)((((((unsigned short *)pixel)[0] >> 4) & 0b0000000000001111)*15)/255); |
col.a = (unsigned char)(((((unsigned short *)pixel)[0] & 0b0000000000001111)*15)/255); |
} break; |
case UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8A8: col = (Color){ ((unsigned char *)pixel)[0], ((unsigned char *)pixel)[1], ((unsigned char *)pixel)[2], ((unsigned char *)pixel)[3] }; break; |
case UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8: col = (Color){ ((unsigned char *)pixel)[0], ((unsigned char *)pixel)[1], ((unsigned char *)pixel)[2], 255 }; break; |
//case UNCOMPRESSED_R32: break; |
//case UNCOMPRESSED_R32G32B32: break; |
//case UNCOMPRESSED_R32G32B32A32: break; |
default: break; |
} |
return col; |
} |
Color ColorAlphaBlend(Color dst, Color src, Color tint) |
{ |
Vector4 fdst = ColorNormalize(dst); |
Vector4 fsrc = ColorNormalize(src); |
Vector4 fout = { 0.0f }; |
Vector4 ftint = ColorNormalize(tint); |
// Apply color tint to source image |
fsrc.x *= ftint.x; fsrc.y *= ftint.y; fsrc.z *= ftint.z; fsrc.w *= ftint.w; |
fout.w = fsrc.w + fdst.w*(1.0f - fsrc.w); |
if (fout.w <= 0.0f) |
{ |
fout.x = 0.0f; |
fout.y = 0.0f; |
fout.z = 0.0f; |
} |
else |
{ |
fout.x = (fsrc.x*fsrc.w + fdst.x*fdst.w*(1 - fsrc.w))/fout.w; |
fout.y = (fsrc.y*fsrc.w + fdst.y*fdst.w*(1 - fsrc.w))/fout.w; |
fout.z = (fsrc.z*fsrc.w + fdst.z*fdst.w*(1 - fsrc.w))/fout.w; |
} |
Color out = { (unsigned char)(fout.x*255.0f), (unsigned char)(fout.y*255.0f), (unsigned char)(fout.z*255.0f), (unsigned char)(fout.w*255.0f) }; |
return out; |
} |
void ColorWrite(unsigned char *dstPtr, Color color, int format) |
{ |
switch (format) |
{ |
{ |
// NOTE: Calculate grayscale equivalent color |
Vector3 coln = { (float)color.r/255.0f, (float)color.g/255.0f, (float)color.b/255.0f }; |
unsigned char gray = (unsigned char)((coln.x*0.299f + coln.y*0.587f + coln.z*0.114f)*255.0f); |
dstPtr[0] = gray; |
} break; |
{ |
// NOTE: Calculate grayscale equivalent color |
Vector3 coln = { (float)color.r/255.0f, (float)color.g/255.0f, (float)color.b/255.0f }; |
unsigned char gray = (unsigned char)((coln.x*0.299f + coln.y*0.587f + coln.z*0.114f)*255.0f); |
dstPtr[0] = gray; |
dstPtr[1] = color.a; |
} break; |
{ |
// NOTE: Calculate R5G6B5 equivalent color |
Vector3 coln = { (float)color.r/255.0f, (float)color.g/255.0f, (float)color.b/255.0f }; |
unsigned char r = (unsigned char)(round(coln.x*31.0f)); |
unsigned char g = (unsigned char)(round(coln.y*63.0f)); |
unsigned char b = (unsigned char)(round(coln.z*31.0f)); |
((unsigned short *)dstPtr)[0] = (unsigned short)r << 11 | (unsigned short)g << 5 | (unsigned short)b; |
} break; |
{ |
// NOTE: Calculate R5G5B5A1 equivalent color |
Vector4 coln = { (float)color.r/255.0f, (float)color.g/255.0f, (float)color.b/255.0f, (float)color.a/255.0f }; |
unsigned char r = (unsigned char)(round(coln.x*31.0f)); |
unsigned char g = (unsigned char)(round(coln.y*31.0f)); |
unsigned char b = (unsigned char)(round(coln.z*31.0f)); |
unsigned char a = (coln.w > ((float)R5G5B5A1_ALPHA_THRESHOLD/255.0f))? 1 : 0;; |
((unsigned short *)dstPtr)[0] = (unsigned short)r << 11 | (unsigned short)g << 6 | (unsigned short)b << 1 | (unsigned short)a; |
} break; |
{ |
// NOTE: Calculate R5G5B5A1 equivalent color |
Vector4 coln = { (float)color.r/255.0f, (float)color.g/255.0f, (float)color.b/255.0f, (float)color.a/255.0f }; |
unsigned char r = (unsigned char)(round(coln.x*15.0f)); |
unsigned char g = (unsigned char)(round(coln.y*15.0f)); |
unsigned char b = (unsigned char)(round(coln.z*15.0f)); |
unsigned char a = (unsigned char)(round(coln.w*15.0f)); |
((unsigned short *)dstPtr)[0] = (unsigned short)r << 12 | (unsigned short)g << 8 | (unsigned short)b << 4 | (unsigned short)a; |
} break; |
{ |
dstPtr[0] = color.r; |
dstPtr[1] = color.g; |
dstPtr[2] = color.b; |
} break; |
{ |
dstPtr[0] = color.r; |
dstPtr[1] = color.g; |
dstPtr[2] = color.b; |
dstPtr[3] = color.a; |
} break; |
default: break; |
} |
} |
// Draw an image (source) within an image (destination) |
// NOTE: Color tint is applied to source image |
void ImageDraw(Image *dst, Image src, Rectangle srcRec, Rectangle dstRec, Color tint) |
@ -3538,8 +3385,304 @@ void DrawTextureNPatch(Texture2D texture, NPatchInfo nPatchInfo, Rectangle destR |
} |
} |
// Get pixel data size in bytes (image or texture) |
// NOTE: Size depends on pixel format |
// Returns hexadecimal value for a Color |
int ColorToInt(Color color) |
{ |
return (((int)color.r << 24) | ((int)color.g << 16) | ((int)color.b << 8) | (int)color.a); |
} |
// Returns color normalized as float [0..1] |
Vector4 ColorNormalize(Color color) |
{ |
Vector4 result; |
result.x = (float)color.r/255.0f; |
result.y = (float)color.g/255.0f; |
result.z = (float)color.b/255.0f; |
result.w = (float)color.a/255.0f; |
return result; |
} |
// Returns color from normalized values [0..1] |
Color ColorFromNormalized(Vector4 normalized) |
{ |
Color result; |
result.r = (unsigned char)(normalized.x*255.0f); |
result.g = (unsigned char)(normalized.y*255.0f); |
result.b = (unsigned char)(normalized.z*255.0f); |
result.a = (unsigned char)(normalized.w*255.0f); |
return result; |
} |
// Returns HSV values for a Color |
// NOTE: Hue is returned as degrees [0..360] |
Vector3 ColorToHSV(Color color) |
{ |
Vector3 hsv = { 0 }; |
Vector3 rgb = { (float)color.r/255.0f, (float)color.g/255.0f, (float)color.b/255.0f }; |
float min, max, delta; |
min = rgb.x < rgb.y? rgb.x : rgb.y; |
min = min < rgb.z? min : rgb.z; |
max = rgb.x > rgb.y? rgb.x : rgb.y; |
max = max > rgb.z? max : rgb.z; |
hsv.z = max; // Value |
delta = max - min; |
if (delta < 0.00001f) |
{ |
hsv.y = 0.0f; |
hsv.x = 0.0f; // Undefined, maybe NAN? |
return hsv; |
} |
if (max > 0.0f) |
{ |
// NOTE: If max is 0, this divide would cause a crash |
hsv.y = (delta/max); // Saturation |
} |
else |
{ |
// NOTE: If max is 0, then r = g = b = 0, s = 0, h is undefined |
hsv.y = 0.0f; |
hsv.x = NAN; // Undefined |
return hsv; |
} |
// NOTE: Comparing float values could not work properly |
if (rgb.x >= max) hsv.x = (rgb.y - rgb.z)/delta; // Between yellow & magenta |
else |
{ |
if (rgb.y >= max) hsv.x = 2.0f + (rgb.z - rgb.x)/delta; // Between cyan & yellow |
else hsv.x = 4.0f + (rgb.x - rgb.y)/delta; // Between magenta & cyan |
} |
hsv.x *= 60.0f; // Convert to degrees |
if (hsv.x < 0.0f) hsv.x += 360.0f; |
return hsv; |
} |
// Returns a Color from HSV values |
// Implementation reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV#Alternative_HSV_conversion |
// NOTE: Color->HSV->Color conversion will not yield exactly the same color due to rounding errors |
Color ColorFromHSV(Vector3 hsv) |
{ |
Color color = { 0, 0, 0, 255 }; |
float h = hsv.x, s = hsv.y, v = hsv.z; |
// Red channel |
float k = fmodf((5.0f + h/60.0f), 6); |
float t = 4.0f - k; |
k = (t < k)? t : k; |
k = (k < 1)? k : 1; |
k = (k > 0)? k : 0; |
color.r = (unsigned char)((v - v*s*k)*255.0f); |
// Green channel |
k = fmodf((3.0f + h/60.0f), 6); |
t = 4.0f - k; |
k = (t < k)? t : k; |
k = (k < 1)? k : 1; |
k = (k > 0)? k : 0; |
color.g = (unsigned char)((v - v*s*k)*255.0f); |
// Blue channel |
k = fmodf((1.0f + h/60.0f), 6); |
t = 4.0f - k; |
k = (t < k)? t : k; |
k = (k < 1)? k : 1; |
k = (k > 0)? k : 0; |
color.b = (unsigned char)((v - v*s*k)*255.0f); |
return color; |
} |
// Returns color with alpha applied, alpha goes from 0.0f to 1.0f |
Color ColorAlpha(Color color, float alpha) |
{ |
if (alpha < 0.0f) alpha = 0.0f; |
else if (alpha > 1.0f) alpha = 1.0f; |
return (Color){color.r, color.g, color.b, (unsigned char)(255.0f*alpha)}; |
} |
// Returns src alpha-blended into dst color with tint |
Color ColorAlphaBlend(Color dst, Color src, Color tint) |
{ |
Vector4 fdst = ColorNormalize(dst); |
Vector4 fsrc = ColorNormalize(src); |
Vector4 ftint = ColorNormalize(tint); |
Vector4 fout = { 0.0f }; |
// Apply color tint to source image |
fsrc.x *= ftint.x; fsrc.y *= ftint.y; fsrc.z *= ftint.z; fsrc.w *= ftint.w; |
if (fsrc.w <= 0.0f) fout = fdst; |
else if (fsrc.w >= 1.0f) fout = fsrc; |
else |
{ |
fout.w = fsrc.w + fdst.w*(1.0f - fsrc.w); |
if (fout.w > 0.0f) |
{ |
fout.x = (fsrc.x*fsrc.w + fdst.x*fdst.w*(1 - fsrc.w))/fout.w; |
fout.y = (fsrc.y*fsrc.w + fdst.y*fdst.w*(1 - fsrc.w))/fout.w; |
fout.z = (fsrc.z*fsrc.w + fdst.z*fdst.w*(1 - fsrc.w))/fout.w; |
} |
} |
Color out = { (unsigned char)(fout.x*255.0f), (unsigned char)(fout.y*255.0f), (unsigned char)(fout.z*255.0f), (unsigned char)(fout.w*255.0f) }; |
return out; |
} |
// Returns a Color struct from hexadecimal value |
Color GetColor(int hexValue) |
{ |
Color color; |
color.r = (unsigned char)(hexValue >> 24) & 0xFF; |
color.g = (unsigned char)(hexValue >> 16) & 0xFF; |
color.b = (unsigned char)(hexValue >> 8) & 0xFF; |
color.a = (unsigned char)hexValue & 0xFF; |
return color; |
} |
// Get color from a pixel from certain format |
Color GetPixelColor(void *srcPtr, int format) |
{ |
Color col = { 0 }; |
switch (format) |
{ |
case UNCOMPRESSED_GRAYSCALE: col = (Color){ ((unsigned char *)srcPtr)[0], ((unsigned char *)srcPtr)[0], ((unsigned char *)srcPtr)[0], 255 }; break; |
case UNCOMPRESSED_GRAY_ALPHA: col = (Color){ ((unsigned char *)srcPtr)[0], ((unsigned char *)srcPtr)[0], ((unsigned char *)srcPtr)[0], ((unsigned char *)srcPtr)[1] }; break; |
{ |
col.r = (unsigned char)(((((unsigned short *)srcPtr)[0] >> 11)*31)/255); |
col.g = (unsigned char)((((((unsigned short *)srcPtr)[0] >> 5) & 0b0000000000111111)*63)/255); |
col.b = (unsigned char)(((((unsigned short *)srcPtr)[0] & 0b0000000000011111)*31)/255); |
col.a = 255; |
} break; |
{ |
col.r = (unsigned char)(((((unsigned short *)srcPtr)[0] >> 11)*31)/255); |
col.g = (unsigned char)((((((unsigned short *)srcPtr)[0] >> 6) & 0b0000000000011111)*31)/255); |
col.b = (unsigned char)(((((unsigned short *)srcPtr)[0] & 0b0000000000011111)*31)/255); |
col.a = (((unsigned short *)srcPtr)[0] & 0b0000000000000001)? 255 : 0; |
} break; |
{ |
col.r = (unsigned char)(((((unsigned short *)srcPtr)[0] >> 12)*15)/255); |
col.g = (unsigned char)((((((unsigned short *)srcPtr)[0] >> 8) & 0b0000000000001111)*15)/255); |
col.b = (unsigned char)((((((unsigned short *)srcPtr)[0] >> 4) & 0b0000000000001111)*15)/255); |
col.a = (unsigned char)(((((unsigned short *)srcPtr)[0] & 0b0000000000001111)*15)/255); |
} break; |
case UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8A8: col = (Color){ ((unsigned char *)srcPtr)[0], ((unsigned char *)srcPtr)[1], ((unsigned char *)srcPtr)[2], ((unsigned char *)srcPtr)[3] }; break; |
case UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8: col = (Color){ ((unsigned char *)srcPtr)[0], ((unsigned char *)srcPtr)[1], ((unsigned char *)srcPtr)[2], 255 }; break; |
// TODO: case UNCOMPRESSED_R32: break; |
// TODO: case UNCOMPRESSED_R32G32B32: break; |
// TODO: case UNCOMPRESSED_R32G32B32A32: break; |
default: break; |
} |
return col; |
} |
// Set pixel color formatted into destination pointer |
void SetPixelColor(void *dstPtr, Color color, int format) |
{ |
switch (format) |
{ |
{ |
// NOTE: Calculate grayscale equivalent color |
Vector3 coln = { (float)color.r/255.0f, (float)color.g/255.0f, (float)color.b/255.0f }; |
unsigned char gray = (unsigned char)((coln.x*0.299f + coln.y*0.587f + coln.z*0.114f)*255.0f); |
((unsigned char *)dstPtr)[0] = gray; |
} break; |
{ |
// NOTE: Calculate grayscale equivalent color |
Vector3 coln = { (float)color.r/255.0f, (float)color.g/255.0f, (float)color.b/255.0f }; |
unsigned char gray = (unsigned char)((coln.x*0.299f + coln.y*0.587f + coln.z*0.114f)*255.0f); |
((unsigned char *)dstPtr)[0] = gray; |
((unsigned char *)dstPtr)[1] = color.a; |
} break; |
{ |
// NOTE: Calculate R5G6B5 equivalent color |
Vector3 coln = { (float)color.r/255.0f, (float)color.g/255.0f, (float)color.b/255.0f }; |
unsigned char r = (unsigned char)(round(coln.x*31.0f)); |
unsigned char g = (unsigned char)(round(coln.y*63.0f)); |
unsigned char b = (unsigned char)(round(coln.z*31.0f)); |
((unsigned short *)dstPtr)[0] = (unsigned short)r << 11 | (unsigned short)g << 5 | (unsigned short)b; |
} break; |
{ |
// NOTE: Calculate R5G5B5A1 equivalent color |
Vector4 coln = { (float)color.r/255.0f, (float)color.g/255.0f, (float)color.b/255.0f, (float)color.a/255.0f }; |
unsigned char r = (unsigned char)(round(coln.x*31.0f)); |
unsigned char g = (unsigned char)(round(coln.y*31.0f)); |
unsigned char b = (unsigned char)(round(coln.z*31.0f)); |
unsigned char a = (coln.w > ((float)R5G5B5A1_ALPHA_THRESHOLD/255.0f))? 1 : 0;; |
((unsigned short *)dstPtr)[0] = (unsigned short)r << 11 | (unsigned short)g << 6 | (unsigned short)b << 1 | (unsigned short)a; |
} break; |
{ |
// NOTE: Calculate R5G5B5A1 equivalent color |
Vector4 coln = { (float)color.r/255.0f, (float)color.g/255.0f, (float)color.b/255.0f, (float)color.a/255.0f }; |
unsigned char r = (unsigned char)(round(coln.x*15.0f)); |
unsigned char g = (unsigned char)(round(coln.y*15.0f)); |
unsigned char b = (unsigned char)(round(coln.z*15.0f)); |
unsigned char a = (unsigned char)(round(coln.w*15.0f)); |
((unsigned short *)dstPtr)[0] = (unsigned short)r << 12 | (unsigned short)g << 8 | (unsigned short)b << 4 | (unsigned short)a; |
} break; |
{ |
((unsigned char *)dstPtr)[0] = color.r; |
((unsigned char *)dstPtr)[1] = color.g; |
((unsigned char *)dstPtr)[2] = color.b; |
} break; |
{ |
((unsigned char *)dstPtr)[0] = color.r; |
((unsigned char *)dstPtr)[1] = color.g; |
((unsigned char *)dstPtr)[2] = color.b; |
((unsigned char *)dstPtr)[3] = color.a; |
} break; |
default: break; |
} |
} |
// Get pixel data size in bytes for certain format |
// NOTE: Size can be requested for Image or Texture data |
int GetPixelDataSize(int width, int height, int format) |
{ |
int dataSize = 0; // Size in bytes |