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1 arquivos alterados com 40 adições e 6 exclusões
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src/models.c Ver arquivo

@ -5461,18 +5461,52 @@ void LoadGLTFMesh(cgltf_data *data, cgltf_mesh *mesh, Model *outModel, Matrix cu
t">void LoadGLTFNode(cgltf_data *data, cgltf_node *node, Model *outModel, Matrix currentTransform, int *primitiveIndex, const char *fileName)
">static Matrix GetNodeTransformationMatrix(cgltf_node *node, Matrix current)
Matrix nodeTransform = {
if (node->has_matrix)
Matrix nodeTransform = {
node->matrix[0], node->matrix[4], node->matrix[8], node->matrix[12],
node->matrix[1], node->matrix[5], node->matrix[9], node->matrix[13],
node->matrix[2], node->matrix[6], node->matrix[10], node->matrix[14],
node->matrix[3], node->matrix[7], node->matrix[11], node->matrix[15] };
current= MatrixMultiply(nodeTransform, current);
if (node->has_translation)
Matrix tl = MatrixTranslate(node->translation[0],node->translation[1],node->translation[2]);
current = MatrixMultiply(tl, current);
if (node->has_rotation)
Matrix rot = QuaternionToMatrix((Quaternion){node->rotation[0],node->rotation[1],node->rotation[2],node->rotation[3]});
current = MatrixMultiply(rot, current);
if (node->has_scale)
Matrix scale = MatrixScale(node->scale[0],node->scale[1],node->scale[2]);
current = MatrixMultiply(scale, current);
return current;
currentTransform = MatrixMultiply(nodeTransform, currentTransform);
if (node->mesh != NULL) LoadGLTFMesh(data, node->mesh, outModel, currentTransform, primitiveIndex, fileName);
void LoadGLTFNode(cgltf_data *data, cgltf_node *node, Model *outModel, Matrix currentTransform, int *primitiveIndex, const char *fileName)
// Apply the transforms if they exist (Will still be applied even if no mesh is present to support emptys and bone structures)
Matrix localTransform = GetNodeTransformationMatrix(node, MatrixIdentity());
currentTransform = MatrixMultiply(localTransform, currentTransform);
// Load mesh if it exists
if (node->mesh != NULL)
// Check if skinning is enabled and load Mesh accordingly
Matrix vertexTransform = currentTransform;
if((node->skin != NULL) && (node->parent != NULL))
vertexTransform = localTransform;
TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING,"MODEL: GLTF Node %s is skinned but not root node! Parent transformations will be ignored (NODE_SKINNED_MESH_NON_ROOT)",node->name);
LoadGLTFMesh(data, node->mesh, outModel, vertexTransform, primitiveIndex, fileName);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < node->children_count; i++) LoadGLTFNode(data, node->children[i], outModel, currentTransform, primitiveIndex, fileName);
