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[build.zig] Override config.h definitions (#4193)

* [build.zig] Overridable definitions from config.h
The new Options field "config" holds a string the user can set in the
format "-Dflag_a=1 -Dflag_b=0 ..." to override the values set in
The file is parsed and the default values are appended to the
compilation flags, if the user doesn't override them.
The user string is appended to the compilation flags.
The "-DEXTERNAL_CONFIG_FLAGS" is added to prevent "config.h" inclusion.

Note: a certain format is assumed for the formatting of config.h
Note: this commit references the closed issue #3516

* [build.zig] Only SUPPORT_* definitions are overridable

Lines from `config.h` which contains "SUPPORT" are added to compilation after being parsed:
- remove whitespace
- format to preprocessor option https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Preprocessor-Options.html

The user supplied flags have priority over the ones read from the file.

NOTE: extension to commit 4da7f82e6f912485351167da3bbc91807371fdee, the logic is simplified
because the SUPPORT flags only have binary values, which makes them easier to parse.
lnc3l0t 7 місяці тому
committed by GitHub
Не вдалося знайти GPG ключ що відповідає даному підпису Ідентифікатор GPG ключа: B5690EEEBB952194
1 змінених файлів з 33 додано та 0 видалено
  1. +33

+ 33
- 0
src/build.zig Переглянути файл

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ pub fn addRaylib(b: *std.Build, target: std.Build.ResolvedTarget, optimize: std.
.shared = options.shared,
.linux_display_backend = options.linux_display_backend,
.opengl_version = options.opengl_version,
.config = options.config,
const raylib = raylib_dep.artifact("raylib");
@ -52,6 +53,36 @@ fn compileRaylib(b: *std.Build, target: std.Build.ResolvedTarget, optimize: std.
"-fno-sanitize=undefined", // https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/issues/3674
if (options.config) |config| {
const file = try std.fs.path.join(b.allocator, &.{ std.fs.path.dirname(@src().file) orelse ".", "config.h" });
defer b.allocator.free(file);
const content = try std.fs.cwd().readFileAlloc(b.allocator, file, std.math.maxInt(usize));
defer b.allocator.free(content);
var lines = std.mem.split(u8, content, "\n");
while (lines.next()) |line| {
if (!std.mem.containsAtLeast(u8, line, 1, "SUPPORT")) continue;
if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, line, "//")) continue;
var flag = std.mem.trimLeft(u8, line, " \t"); // Trim whitespace
flag = flag["#define ".len - 1 ..]; // Remove #define
flag = std.mem.trimLeft(u8, flag, " \t"); // Trim whitespace
flag = flag[0..std.mem.indexOf(u8, flag, " ").?]; // Flag is only one word, so capture till space
flag = try std.fmt.allocPrint(b.allocator, "-D{s}", .{flag}); // Prepend with -D
// If user specifies the flag skip it
if (std.mem.containsAtLeast(u8, config, 1, flag)) continue;
// Append default value from config.h to compile flags
try raylib_flags_arr.append(b.allocator, flag);
// Append config flags supplied by user to compile flags
try raylib_flags_arr.append(b.allocator, config);
try raylib_flags_arr.append(b.allocator, "-DEXTERNAL_CONFIG_FLAGS");
if (options.shared) {
try raylib_flags_arr.appendSlice(b.allocator, shared_flags);
@ -253,6 +284,7 @@ pub const Options = struct {
shared: bool = false,
linux_display_backend: LinuxDisplayBackend = .Both,
opengl_version: OpenglVersion = .auto,
config: ?[]const u8 = null,
raygui_dependency_name: []const u8 = "raygui",
@ -307,6 +339,7 @@ pub fn build(b: *std.Build) !void {
.shared = b.option(bool, "shared", "Compile as shared library") orelse defaults.shared,
.linux_display_backend = b.option(LinuxDisplayBackend, "linux_display_backend", "Linux display backend to use") orelse defaults.linux_display_backend,
.opengl_version = b.option(OpenglVersion, "opengl_version", "OpenGL version to use") orelse defaults.opengl_version,
.config = b.option([]const u8, "config", "Compile with custom define macros overriding config.h") orelse null,
const lib = try compileRaylib(b, target, optimize, options);
