
[models] Animation System Fix Part 1 (#2009)

* Fixed gltf missing transforms on load


* extracted Matrix calculation in to static method and added skinning check

* fixed formatting

* Fixed write to access to nullptr when animation has no normals

* Refactored UpdateModelAnimation to only update changed vertices when needed (allows for multi animation playing)

* add check for models that were missed during BindGLTFPrimitiveToBones to not segfault the program

* fixed id mismatch between animation and model

* draft on fixing the mesh to skin mapping

* dont look at this

* removing debug info
Tristan Schulz 3 年前
committed by GitHub
找不到此签名对应的密钥 GPG 密钥 ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 95 次插入72 次删除
  1. +95

+ 95
- 72
src/rmodels.c 查看文件

@ -134,13 +134,14 @@ static ModelAnimation *LoadIQMModelAnimations(const char *fileName, unsigned int
static Model LoadGLTF(const char *fileName); // Load GLTF mesh data
static ModelAnimation *LoadGLTFModelAnimations(const char *fileName, unsigned int *animCount); // Load GLTF animation data
static void LoadGLTFMaterial(Model *model, const char *fileName, const cgltf_data *data);
static void LoadGLTFMesh(cgltf_data *data, cgltf_mesh *mesh, Model *outModel, Matrix currentTransform, int *primitiveIndex, const char *fileName);
static void LoadGLTFMesh(cgltf_data *data, cgltf_node *node, Model *outModel, Matrix currentTransform, int *primitiveIndex, const char *fileName);
static void LoadGLTFNode(cgltf_data *data, cgltf_node *node, Model *outModel, Matrix currentTransform, int *primitiveIndex, const char *fileName);
static void InitGLTFBones(Model *model, const cgltf_data *data);
static void BindGLTFPrimitiveToBones(Model *model, const cgltf_data *data, int primitiveIndex);
static void BindGLTFPrimitiveToBones(Model *model, n">cgltf_node *node, const cgltf_data *data, int primitiveIndex);
static void GetGLTFPrimitiveCount(cgltf_node *node, int *outCount);
static bool ReadGLTFValue(cgltf_accessor *acc, unsigned int index, void *variable);
static void *ReadGLTFValuesAs(cgltf_accessor *acc, cgltf_component_type type, bool adjustOnDownCasting);
static Matrix GetNodeTransformationMatrix(cgltf_node *node, Matrix current);
static Model LoadVOX(const char *filename); // Load VOX mesh data
@ -1782,72 +1783,93 @@ void UpdateModelAnimation(Model model, ModelAnimation anim, int frame)
for (int m = 0; m < model.meshCount; m++)
Mesh mesh = model.meshes[m];
if (mesh.boneIds == NULL || mesh.boneWeights == NULL)
TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "MODEL: UpdateModelAnimation Mesh %i has no connection to bones",m);
bool updated = false; // set to true when anim vertex information is updated
Vector3 animVertex = { 0 };
Vector3 animNormal = { 0 };
Vector3 inTranslation = { 0 };
Quaternion inRotation = { 0 };
//Vector3 inScale = { 0 }; // Not used...
// Vector3 inScale = { 0 };
Vector3 outTranslation = { 0 };
Quaternion outRotation = { 0 };
Vector3 outScale = { 0 };
int vCounter = 0;
int boneCounter = 0;
int boneId = 0;
int boneCounter = 0;
float boneWeight = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < model.meshes[m].vertexCount; i++)
const int vValues = mesh.vertexCount*3;
for (int vCounter = 0; vCounter < vValues; vCounter+=3)
model.meshes[m].animVertices[vCounter] = 0;
model.meshes[m].animVertices[vCounter + 1] = 0;
model.meshes[m].animVertices[vCounter + 2] = 0;
mesh.animVertices[vCounter] = 0;
mesh.animVertices[vCounter + 1] = 0;
mesh.animVertices[vCounter + 2] = 0;
model.meshes[m].animNormals[vCounter] = 0;
model.meshes[m].animNormals[vCounter + 1] = 0;
model.meshes[m].animNormals[vCounter + 2] = 0;
if (mesh.animNormals!=NULL)
mesh.animNormals[vCounter] = 0;
mesh.animNormals[vCounter + 1] = 0;
mesh.animNormals[vCounter + 2] = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
// Iterates over 4 bones per vertex
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++, boneCounter++)
boneId = model.meshes[m].boneIds[boneCounter];
boneWeight = model.meshes[m].boneWeights[boneCounter];
boneWeight = mesh.boneWeights[boneCounter];
// early stop when no transformation will be applied
if (boneWeight == 0.0f)
boneId = mesh.boneIds[boneCounter];
int boneIdParent = model.bones[boneId].parent;
inTranslation = model.bindPose[boneId].translation;
inRotation = model.bindPose[boneId].rotation;
//inScale = model.bindPose[boneId].scale;
// inScale = model.bindPose[boneId].scale;
outTranslation = anim.framePoses[frame][boneId].translation;
outRotation = anim.framePoses[frame][boneId].rotation;
outScale = anim.framePoses[frame][boneId].scale;
// Vertices processing
// NOTE: We use meshes.vertices (default vertex position) to calculate meshes.animVertices (animated vertex position)
animVertex = (Vector3){ model.meshes[m].vertices[vCounter], model.meshes[m].vertices[vCounter + 1], model.meshes[m].vertices[vCounter + 2] };
animVertex = (Vector3){ mesh.vertices[vCounter], mesh.vertices[vCounter + 1], mesh.vertices[vCounter + 2] };
animVertex = Vector3Multiply(animVertex, outScale);
animVertex = Vector3Subtract(animVertex, inTranslation);
animVertex = Vector3RotateByQuaternion(animVertex, QuaternionMultiply(outRotation, QuaternionInvert(inRotation)));
animVertex = Vector3Add(animVertex, outTranslation);
model.meshes[m].animVertices[vCounter] += animVertex.x*boneWeight;
model.meshes[m].animVertices[vCounter + 1] += animVertex.y*boneWeight;
model.meshes[m].animVertices[vCounter + 2] += animVertex.z*boneWeight;
// animVertex = Vector3Transform(animVertex, model.transform);
mesh.animVertices[vCounter] += animVertex.x*boneWeight;
mesh.animVertices[vCounter + 1] += animVertex.y*boneWeight;
mesh.animVertices[vCounter + 2] += animVertex.z*boneWeight;
updated = true;
// Normals processing
// NOTE: We use meshes.baseNormals (default normal) to calculate meshes.normals (animated normals)
if (model.meshes[m].normals != NULL)
if (mesh.normals != NULL)
animNormal = (Vector3){ model.meshes[m].normals[vCounter], model.meshes[m].normals[vCounter + 1], model.meshes[m].normals[vCounter + 2] };
animNormal = (Vector3){ mesh.normals[vCounter], mesh.normals[vCounter + 1], mesh.normals[vCounter + 2] };
animNormal = Vector3RotateByQuaternion(animNormal, QuaternionMultiply(outRotation, QuaternionInvert(inRotation)));
model.meshes[m].animNormals[vCounter] += animNormal.x*boneWeight;
model.meshes[m].animNormals[vCounter + 1] += animNormal.y*boneWeight;
model.meshes[m].animNormals[vCounter + 2] += animNormal.z*boneWeight;
mesh.animNormals[vCounter] += animNormal.x*boneWeight;
mesh.animNormals[vCounter + 1] += animNormal.y*boneWeight;
mesh.animNormals[vCounter + 2] += animNormal.z*boneWeight;
boneCounter += 1;
vCounter += 3;
// Upload new vertex data to GPU for model drawing
rlUpdateVertexBuffer(model.meshes[m].vboId[0], model.meshes[m].animVertices, model.meshes[m].vertexCount*3*sizeof(float), 0); // Update vertex position
rlUpdateVertexBuffer(model.meshes[m].vboId[2], model.meshes[m].animNormals, model.meshes[m].vertexCount*3*sizeof(float), 0); // Update vertex normals
// Only update data when values changed.
if (updated){
rlUpdateVertexBuffer(mesh.vboId[0], mesh.animVertices, mesh.vertexCount*3*sizeof(float), 0); // Update vertex position
rlUpdateVertexBuffer(mesh.vboId[2], mesh.animNormals, mesh.vertexCount*3*sizeof(float), 0); // Update vertex normals
@ -5188,30 +5210,26 @@ static void LoadGLTFMaterial(Model *model, const char *fileName, const cgltf_dat
model->materials[model->materialCount - 1] = LoadMaterialDefault();
static void BindGLTFPrimitiveToBones(Model *model, const cgltf_data *data, int primitiveIndex)
static void BindGLTFPrimitiveToBones(Model *model, n">cgltf_node *node, const cgltf_data *data, int primitiveIndex)
for (unsigned int nodeId = 0; nodeId < data->nodes_count; nodeId++)
int nodeId = node - data->nodes;
if (model->meshes[primitiveIndex].boneIds == NULL)
if (data->nodes[nodeId].mesh == &(data->meshes[primitiveIndex]))
model->meshes[primitiveIndex].boneIds = RL_CALLOC(model->meshes[primitiveIndex].vertexCount*4, sizeof(int));
model->meshes[primitiveIndex].boneWeights = RL_CALLOC(model->meshes[primitiveIndex].vertexCount*4, sizeof(float));
for (int b = 0; b < model->meshes[primitiveIndex].vertexCount*4; b++)
if (model->meshes[primitiveIndex].boneIds == NULL)
if (b%4 == 0)
model->meshes[primitiveIndex].boneIds = RL_CALLOC(model->meshes[primitiveIndex].vertexCount*4, sizeof(int));
model->meshes[primitiveIndex].boneWeights = RL_CALLOC(model->meshes[primitiveIndex].vertexCount*4, sizeof(float));
for (int b = 0; b < model->meshes[primitiveIndex].vertexCount*4; b++)
if (b%4 == 0)
model->meshes[primitiveIndex].boneIds[b] = nodeId;
model->meshes[primitiveIndex].boneWeights[b] = 1.0f;
model->meshes[primitiveIndex].boneIds[b] = 0;
model->meshes[primitiveIndex].boneWeights[b] = 0.0f;
model->meshes[primitiveIndex].boneIds[b] = nodeId;
model->meshes[primitiveIndex].boneWeights[b] = 1.0f;
model->meshes[primitiveIndex].boneIds[b] = 0;
model->meshes[primitiveIndex].boneWeights[b] = 0.0f;
@ -5383,13 +5401,16 @@ static ModelAnimation *LoadGLTFModelAnimations(const char *fileName, unsigned in
translationStart.y = values[1];
translationStart.z = values[2];
success = ReadGLTFValue(sampler->output, outputMax, values) || success;
success = ReadGLTFValue(sampler->output, outputMax, values) && success;
translationEnd.x = values[0];
translationEnd.y = values[1];
translationEnd.z = values[2];
if (success) output->framePoses[frame][boneId].translation = Vector3Lerp(translationStart, translationEnd, lerpPercent);
if (success)
output->framePoses[frame][boneId].translation = Vector3Lerp(translationStart, translationEnd, lerpPercent);
if (channel->target_path == cgltf_animation_path_type_rotation)
@ -5405,7 +5426,7 @@ static ModelAnimation *LoadGLTFModelAnimations(const char *fileName, unsigned in
rotationStart.z = values[2];
rotationStart.w = values[3];
success = ReadGLTFValue(sampler->output, outputMax, &values) || success;
success = ReadGLTFValue(sampler->output, outputMax, &values) && success;
rotationEnd.x = values[0];
rotationEnd.y = values[1];
@ -5430,13 +5451,16 @@ static ModelAnimation *LoadGLTFModelAnimations(const char *fileName, unsigned in
scaleStart.y = values[1];
scaleStart.z = values[2];
success = ReadGLTFValue(sampler->output, outputMax, &values) || success;
success = ReadGLTFValue(sampler->output, outputMax, &values) && success;
scaleEnd.x = values[0];
scaleEnd.y = values[1];
scaleEnd.z = values[2];
if (success) output->framePoses[frame][boneId].scale = Vector3Lerp(scaleStart, scaleEnd, lerpPercent);
if (success)
output->framePoses[frame][boneId].scale = Vector3Lerp(scaleStart, scaleEnd, lerpPercent);
@ -5451,7 +5475,10 @@ static ModelAnimation *LoadGLTFModelAnimations(const char *fileName, unsigned in
for (int i = 0; i < output->boneCount; i++)
if (completedBones[i]) continue;
if (completedBones[i])
if (output->bones[i].parent < 0)
@ -5460,7 +5487,10 @@ static ModelAnimation *LoadGLTFModelAnimations(const char *fileName, unsigned in
if (!completedBones[output->bones[i].parent]) continue;
if (!completedBones[output->bones[i].parent])
output->framePoses[frame][i].rotation = QuaternionMultiply(output->framePoses[frame][output->bones[i].parent].rotation, output->framePoses[frame][i].rotation);
output->framePoses[frame][i].translation = Vector3RotateByQuaternion(output->framePoses[frame][i].translation, output->framePoses[frame][output->bones[i].parent].rotation);
@ -5470,7 +5500,6 @@ static ModelAnimation *LoadGLTFModelAnimations(const char *fileName, unsigned in
@ -5484,8 +5513,9 @@ static ModelAnimation *LoadGLTFModelAnimations(const char *fileName, unsigned in
return animations;
void LoadGLTFMesh(cgltf_data *data, cgltf_mesh *mesh, Model *outModel, Matrix currentTransform, int *primitiveIndex, const char *fileName)
void LoadGLTFMesh(cgltf_data *data, cgltf_node *node, Model *outModel, Matrix currentTransform, int *primitiveIndex, const char *fileName)
cgltf_mesh *mesh = node->mesh;
for (unsigned int p = 0; p < mesh->primitives_count; p++)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < mesh->primitives[p].attributes_count; j++)
@ -5552,23 +5582,16 @@ void LoadGLTFMesh(cgltf_data *data, cgltf_mesh *mesh, Model *outModel, Matrix cu
cgltf_accessor *acc = mesh->primitives[p].attributes[j].data;
unsigned int boneCount = acc->count;
unsigned int totalBoneWeights = boneCount*4;
outModel->meshes[(*primitiveIndex)].boneIds = RL_MALLOC(totalBoneWeights*sizeof(int));
short *bones = ReadGLTFValuesAs(acc, cgltf_component_type_r_16, false);
// Find skin joint
for (unsigned int a = 0; a < totalBoneWeights; a++)
outModel->meshes[(*primitiveIndex)].boneIds[a] = 0;
if (bones[a] < 0) continue;
cgltf_node* skinJoint = data->skins->joints[bones[a]];
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < data->nodes_count; k++)
if (data->nodes + k == skinJoint)
outModel->meshes[(*primitiveIndex)].boneIds[a] = k;
cgltf_node* skinJoint = node->skin->joints[bones[a]];
unsigned int skinJointId = skinJoint - data->nodes;
outModel->meshes[(*primitiveIndex)].boneIds[a] = skinJointId;
@ -5603,7 +5626,7 @@ void LoadGLTFMesh(cgltf_data *data, cgltf_mesh *mesh, Model *outModel, Matrix cu
else outModel->meshMaterial[(*primitiveIndex)] = outModel->materialCount - 1;
BindGLTFPrimitiveToBones(outModel, data, *primitiveIndex);
BindGLTFPrimitiveToBones(outModel, node, data, *primitiveIndex);
(*primitiveIndex) = (*primitiveIndex) + 1;
@ -5648,12 +5671,12 @@ void LoadGLTFNode(cgltf_data *data, cgltf_node *node, Model *outModel, Matrix cu
// Check if skinning is enabled and load Mesh accordingly
Matrix vertexTransform = currentTransform;
if((node->skin != NULL) && (node->parent != NULL))
if ((node->skin != NULL) && (node->parent != NULL))
vertexTransform = localTransform;
TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING,"MODEL: GLTF Node %s is skinned but not root node! Parent transformations will be ignored (NODE_SKINNED_MESH_NON_ROOT)",node->name);
LoadGLTFMesh(data, nodeo">->mesh, outModel, vertexTransform, primitiveIndex, fileName);
LoadGLTFMesh(data, node, outModel, vertexTransform, primitiveIndex, fileName);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < node->children_count; i++) LoadGLTFNode(data, node->children[i], outModel, currentTransform, primitiveIndex, fileName);
