
[text] Review TRACELOG() messages, categorized

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src/text.c 查看文件

@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ extern void LoadFontDefault(void)
defaultFont.baseSize = (int)defaultFont.recs[0].height;
TRACELOG(LOG_INFO, "[TEX ID %i] Default font loaded successfully", defaultFont.texture.id);
TRACELOG(LOG_INFO, "FONT: Default font loaded successfully");
// Unload raylib default font
@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ Font LoadFont(const char *fileName)
if (font.texture.id == 0)
TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "[%s] Font could not be loaded, using default font", fileName);
TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "FONT: [%s] Failed to load font texture -> Using default font", fileName);
font = GetFontDefault();
else SetTextureFilter(font.texture, FILTER_POINT); // By default we set point filter (best performance)
@ -434,8 +434,6 @@ Font LoadFontFromImage(Image image, Color key, int firstChar)
xPosToRead = charSpacing;
TRACELOGD("Font data parsed correctly from image");
// NOTE: We need to remove key color borders from image to avoid weird
// artifacts on texture scaling when using FILTER_BILINEAR or FILTER_TRILINEAR
for (int i = 0; i < image.height*image.width; i++) if (COLOR_EQUAL(pixels[i], key)) pixels[i] = BLANK;
@ -476,8 +474,6 @@ Font LoadFontFromImage(Image image, Color key, int firstChar)
font.baseSize = (int)font.recs[0].height;
TRACELOG(LOG_INFO, "Image file loaded correctly as Font");
return font;
@ -582,12 +578,12 @@ CharInfo *LoadFontData(const char *fileName, int fontSize, int *fontChars, int c
int chX1, chY1, chX2, chY2;
stbtt_GetCodepointBitmapBox(&fontInfo, ch, scaleFactor, scaleFactor, &chX1, &chY1, &chX2, &chY2);
TRACELOGD("Character box measures: %i, %i, %i, %i", chX1, chY1, chX2 - chX1, chY2 - chY1);
TRACELOGD("Character offsetY: %i", (int)((float)ascent*scaleFactor) + chY1);
TRACELOGD("FONT: Character box measures: %i, %i, %i, %i", chX1, chY1, chX2 - chX1, chY2 - chY1);
TRACELOGD("FONT: Character offsetY: %i", (int)((float)ascent*scaleFactor) + chY1);
else TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to init font!");
else TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "FONT: Failed to process TTF font data");
if (genFontChars) RL_FREE(fontChars);
@ -671,8 +667,6 @@ Image GenImageFontAtlas(const CharInfo *chars, Rectangle **charRecs, int charsCo
else if (packMethod == 1) // Use Skyline rect packing algorythm (stb_pack_rect)
TRACELOGD("Using Skyline packing algorythm!");
stbrp_context *context = (stbrp_context *)RL_MALLOC(sizeof(*context));
stbrp_node *nodes = (stbrp_node *)RL_MALLOC(charsCount*sizeof(*nodes));
@ -709,7 +703,7 @@ Image GenImageFontAtlas(const CharInfo *chars, Rectangle **charRecs, int charsCo
else TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "Character could not be packed: %i", i);
else TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "FONT: Failed to package character (%i)", i);
@ -751,7 +745,7 @@ void UnloadFont(Font font)
TRACELOGD("Unloaded sprite font data");
TRACELOGD("FONT: Unloaded font data from RAM and VRAM");
@ -1668,7 +1662,7 @@ static Font LoadBMFont(const char *fileName)
if (fntFile == NULL)
TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "[%s] FNT file could not be opened", fileName);
TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "FILEIO: [%s] Failed to open FNT file", fileName);
return font;
@ -1681,20 +1675,21 @@ static Font LoadBMFont(const char *fileName)
searchPoint = strstr(buffer, "lineHeight");
sscanf(searchPoint, "lineHeight=%i base=%i scaleW=%i scaleH=%i", &fontSize, &base, &texWidth, &texHeight);
TRACELOGD("[%s] Font size: %i", fileName, fontSize);
TRACELOGD("[%s] Font texture scale: %ix%i", fileName, texWidth, texHeight);
TRACELOGD("FONT: [%s] Loaded font info:", fileName);
TRACELOGD(" > Base size: %i", fontSize);
TRACELOGD(" > Texture scale: %ix%i", texWidth, texHeight);
fgets(buffer, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE, fntFile);
searchPoint = strstr(buffer, "file");
sscanf(searchPoint, "file=\"%128[^\"]\"", texFileName);
TRACELOGD("[%s] Font texture filename: %s", fileName, texFileName);
TRACELOGD(" > Texture filename: %s", texFileName);
fgets(buffer, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE, fntFile);
searchPoint = strstr(buffer, "count");
sscanf(searchPoint, "count=%i", &charsCount);
TRACELOGD("[%s] Font num chars: %i", fileName, charsCount);
TRACELOGD(" > Chars count: %i", charsCount);
// Compose correct path using route of .fnt file (fileName) and texFileName
char *texPath = NULL;
@ -1714,7 +1709,7 @@ static Font LoadBMFont(const char *fileName)
strncat(texPath, fileName, TextLength(fileName) - TextLength(lastSlash) + 1);
strncat(texPath, texFileName, TextLength(texFileName));
TRACELOGD("[%s] Font texture loading path: %s", fileName, texPath);
TRACELOGD(" > Texture loading path: %s", texPath);
Image imFont = LoadImage(texPath);
@ -1764,8 +1759,9 @@ static Font LoadBMFont(const char *fileName)
font = GetFontDefault();
TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "FONT: [%s] Failed to load texture, reverted to default font", fileName)
else TRACELOG(LOG_INFO, "[%s] Font loaded successfully", fileName);
else TRACELOG(LOG_INFO, "FONT: [%s] Font loaded successfully", fileName);
return font;
