@ -952,9 +952,6 @@ void BeginMode2D(Camera2D camera)
/ / Apply 2 d camera transformation to modelview
rlMultMatrixf ( MatrixToFloat ( GetCameraMatrix2D ( camera ) ) ) ;
/ / Apply screen scaling if required
rlMultMatrixf ( MatrixToFloat ( CORE . Window . screenScale ) ) ;
/ / Ends 2 D mode with custom camera
@ -963,7 +960,9 @@ void EndMode2D(void)
rlDrawRenderBatchActive ( ) ; / / Update and draw internal render batch
rlLoadIdentity ( ) ; / / Reset current matrix ( modelview )
rlMultMatrixf ( MatrixToFloat ( CORE . Window . screenScale ) ) ; / / Apply screen scaling if required
if ( rlGetActiveFramebuffer ( ) = = 0 )
rlMultMatrixf ( MatrixToFloat ( CORE . Window . screenScale ) ) ; / / Apply screen scaling if required
/ / Initializes 3 D mode with custom camera ( 3 D )
@ -1016,7 +1015,8 @@ void EndMode3D(void)
rlMatrixMode ( RL_MODELVIEW ) ; / / Switch back to modelview matrix
rlLoadIdentity ( ) ; / / Reset current matrix ( modelview )
rlMultMatrixf ( MatrixToFloat ( CORE . Window . screenScale ) ) ; / / Apply screen scaling if required
if ( rlGetActiveFramebuffer ( ) = = 0 )
rlMultMatrixf ( MatrixToFloat ( CORE . Window . screenScale ) ) ; / / Apply screen scaling if required
rlDisableDepthTest ( ) ; / / Disable DEPTH_TEST for 2 D
@ -1062,6 +1062,11 @@ void EndTextureMode(void)
/ / Set viewport to default framebuffer size
SetupViewport ( CORE . Window . render . width , CORE . Window . render . height ) ;
/ / go back to the modelview state from BeginDrawing since we are back to the default FBO
rlMatrixMode ( RL_MODELVIEW ) ; / / Switch back to modelview matrix
rlLoadIdentity ( ) ; / / Reset current matrix ( modelview )
rlMultMatrixf ( MatrixToFloat ( CORE . Window . screenScale ) ) ; / / Apply screen scaling if required
/ / Reset current fbo to screen size
CORE . Window . currentFbo . width = CORE . Window . render . width ;
CORE . Window . currentFbo . height = CORE . Window . render . height ;