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Ray 1 year ago
1 changed files with 199 additions and 31 deletions
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+ 199
- 31
src/platforms/rcore_drm.c View File

@ -123,6 +123,9 @@ typedef struct {
// NOTE: currentButtonState[] can't be written directly due to multithreading, app could miss the update
char currentButtonStateEvdev[MAX_MOUSE_BUTTONS]; // Holds the new mouse state for the next polling event to grab
bool cursorRelative; // Relative cursor mode
int mouseFd; // File descriptor for the evdev mouse/touch/gestures
Rectangle absRange; // Range of values for absolute pointing devices (touchscreens)
int touchSlot; // Hold the touch slot number of the currently being sent multitouch block
// Gamepad data
pthread_t gamepadThreadId; // Gamepad reading thread id
@ -170,11 +173,6 @@ static const int EvkeyToUnicodeLUT[] = {
// LUT currently incomplete, just mapped the most essential keys
GestureEvent gestureEvent = { 0 }; // Gesture event to hold data between EventThread() and PollInputEvents()
bool newGesture = false; // Var to trigger ProcessGestureEvent(gestureEvent) on PollInputEvents()
// Module Internal Functions Declaration
@ -448,7 +446,7 @@ void EnableCursor(void)
void DisableCursor(void)
// Set cursor position in the middle
SetMousePosition(n">CORE.Window.screen.width/2, CORE.Window.screen.height/2);
SetMousePosition(mi">0, 0);
platform.cursorRelative = true;
CORE.Input.Mouse.cursorHidden = true;
@ -565,11 +563,8 @@ void PollInputEvents(void)
// Register previous mouse position
if (platform.cursorRelative)
CORE.Input.Mouse.previousPosition = CORE.Input.Mouse.currentPosition;
CORE.Input.Mouse.currentPosition = (Vector2){ 0.0f, 0.0f };
if (platform.cursorRelative) CORE.Input.Mouse.currentPosition = (Vector2){ 0.0f, 0.0f };
else CORE.Input.Mouse.previousPosition = CORE.Input.Mouse.currentPosition;
// Register previous mouse states
CORE.Input.Mouse.previousWheelMove = CORE.Input.Mouse.currentWheelMove;
@ -600,15 +595,6 @@ void PollInputEvents(void)
// Map touch position to mouse position for convenience
CORE.Input.Touch.position[0] = CORE.Input.Mouse.currentPosition;
// Call the ProcessGestureEvent here instead of on EventThread() to workaround the threads not matching
if (newGesture)
newGesture = false;
// NOTE: Keyboard reading could be done using input_event(s) or just read from stdin, both methods are used here.
// stdin reading is still used for legacy purposes, it allows keyboard input trough SSH console
@ -618,6 +604,183 @@ void PollInputEvents(void)
// NOTE: Mouse input events polling is done asynchronously in another pthread - EventThread()
// NOTE: Gamepad (Joystick) input events polling is done asynchonously in another pthread - GamepadThread()
// Handle the mouse/touch/gestures events:
// NOTE: Replaces the EventThread handling that is now commented.
int fd = platform.mouseFd;
if (fd == -1) return;
struct input_event event = { 0 };
bool gestureUpdate = false; // Flag to note gestures require to update
// Try to read data from the mouse/touch/gesture and only continue if successful
while (read(fd, &event, sizeof(event)) == (int)sizeof(event))
// Relative movement parsing
if (event.type == EV_REL)
if (event.code == REL_X)
if (platform.cursorRelative)
CORE.Input.Mouse.currentPosition.x = event.value;
CORE.Input.Mouse.previousPosition.x = 0.0f;
else CORE.Input.Mouse.currentPosition.x += event.value;
CORE.Input.Touch.position[0].x = CORE.Input.Mouse.currentPosition.x;
touchAction = 2; // TOUCH_ACTION_MOVE
gestureUpdate = true;
if (event.code == REL_Y)
if (platform.cursorRelative)
CORE.Input.Mouse.currentPosition.y = event.value;
CORE.Input.Mouse.previousPosition.y = 0.0f;
else CORE.Input.Mouse.currentPosition.y += event.value;
CORE.Input.Touch.position[0].y = CORE.Input.Mouse.currentPosition.y;
touchAction = 2; // TOUCH_ACTION_MOVE
gestureUpdate = true;
if (event.code == REL_WHEEL) platform.eventWheelMove.y += event.value;
// Absolute movement parsing
if (event.type == EV_ABS)
// Basic movement
if (event.code == ABS_X)
CORE.Input.Mouse.currentPosition.x = (event.value - platform.absRange.x)*CORE.Window.screen.width/platform.absRange.width; // Scale according to absRange
CORE.Input.Touch.position[0].x = (event.value - platform.absRange.x)*CORE.Window.screen.width/platform.absRange.width; // Scale according to absRange
touchAction = 2; // TOUCH_ACTION_MOVE
gestureUpdate = true;
if (event.code == ABS_Y)
CORE.Input.Mouse.currentPosition.y = (event.value - platform.absRange.y)*CORE.Window.screen.height/platform.absRange.height; // Scale according to absRange
CORE.Input.Touch.position[0].y = (event.value - platform.absRange.y)*CORE.Window.screen.height/platform.absRange.height; // Scale according to absRange
touchAction = 2; // TOUCH_ACTION_MOVE
gestureUpdate = true;
// Multitouch movement
if (event.code == ABS_MT_SLOT) platform.touchSlot = event.value; // Remember the slot number for the folowing events
if (event.code == ABS_MT_POSITION_X)
if (platform.touchSlot < MAX_TOUCH_POINTS) CORE.Input.Touch.position[platform.touchSlot].x = (event.value - platform.absRange.x)*CORE.Window.screen.width/platform.absRange.width; // Scale according to absRange
if (event.code == ABS_MT_POSITION_Y)
if (platform.touchSlot < MAX_TOUCH_POINTS) CORE.Input.Touch.position[platform.touchSlot].y = (event.value - platform.absRange.y)*CORE.Window.screen.height/platform.absRange.height; // Scale according to absRange
if (event.code == ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID)
if ((event.value < 0) && (platform.touchSlot < MAX_TOUCH_POINTS))
// Touch has ended for this point
CORE.Input.Touch.position[platform.touchSlot].x = -1;
CORE.Input.Touch.position[platform.touchSlot].y = -1;
// Touchscreen tap
if (event.code == ABS_PRESSURE)
int previousMouseLeftButtonState = platform.currentButtonStateEvdev[MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT];
if (!event.value && previousMouseLeftButtonState)
platform.currentButtonStateEvdev[MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT] = 0;
touchAction = 0; // TOUCH_ACTION_UP
gestureUpdate = true;
if (event.value && !previousMouseLeftButtonState)
platform.currentButtonStateEvdev[MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT] = 1;
touchAction = 1; // TOUCH_ACTION_DOWN
gestureUpdate = true;
// Button parsing
if (event.type == EV_KEY)
// Mouse button parsing
if ((event.code == BTN_TOUCH) || (event.code == BTN_LEFT))
platform.currentButtonStateEvdev[MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT] = event.value;
if (event.value > 0) touchAction = 1; // TOUCH_ACTION_DOWN
else touchAction = 0; // TOUCH_ACTION_UP
gestureUpdate = true;
if (event.code == BTN_RIGHT) platform.currentButtonStateEvdev[MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT] = event.value;
if (event.code == BTN_MIDDLE) platform.currentButtonStateEvdev[MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE] = event.value;
if (event.code == BTN_SIDE) platform.currentButtonStateEvdev[MOUSE_BUTTON_SIDE] = event.value;
if (event.code == BTN_EXTRA) platform.currentButtonStateEvdev[MOUSE_BUTTON_EXTRA] = event.value;
if (event.code == BTN_FORWARD) platform.currentButtonStateEvdev[MOUSE_BUTTON_FORWARD] = event.value;
if (event.code == BTN_BACK) platform.currentButtonStateEvdev[MOUSE_BUTTON_BACK] = event.value;
// Screen confinement
if (!CORE.Input.Mouse.cursorHidden)
if (CORE.Input.Mouse.currentPosition.x < 0) CORE.Input.Mouse.currentPosition.x = 0;
if (CORE.Input.Mouse.currentPosition.x > CORE.Window.screen.width/CORE.Input.Mouse.scale.x) CORE.Input.Mouse.currentPosition.x = CORE.Window.screen.width/CORE.Input.Mouse.scale.x;
if (CORE.Input.Mouse.currentPosition.y < 0) CORE.Input.Mouse.currentPosition.y = 0;
if (CORE.Input.Mouse.currentPosition.y > CORE.Window.screen.height/CORE.Input.Mouse.scale.y) CORE.Input.Mouse.currentPosition.y = CORE.Window.screen.height/CORE.Input.Mouse.scale.y;
// Update touch point count
CORE.Input.Touch.pointCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TOUCH_POINTS; i++)
if (CORE.Input.Touch.position[i].x >= 0) CORE.Input.Touch.pointCount++;
if (gestureUpdate)
GestureEvent gestureEvent = { 0 };
gestureEvent.touchAction = touchAction;
gestureEvent.pointCount = CORE.Input.Touch.pointCount;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TOUCH_POINTS; i++)
gestureEvent.pointId[i] = i;
gestureEvent.position[i] = CORE.Input.Touch.position[i];
gestureUpdate = false;
@ -1462,15 +1625,20 @@ static void ConfigureEvdevDevice(char *device)
worker->isMultitouch? "multitouch " : "",
worker->isTouch? "touchscreen " : "",
worker->isGamepad? "gamepad " : "");
platform.mouseFd = worker->fd;
// NOTE: moved the mouse/touch/gesture input to PollInputEvents()/
// so added the "platform.mouseFd = worker->fd;" line above
// and commented the thread code below:
// Create a thread for this device
int error = pthread_create(&worker->threadId, NULL, &EventThread, (void *)worker);
if (error != 0)
TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "RPI: Failed to create input device thread: %s (error: %d)", device, error);
worker->threadId = 0;
o">//int error = pthread_create(&worker->threadId, NULL, &EventThread, (void *)worker);
o">//if (error != 0)
// TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "RPI: Failed to create input device thread: %s (error: %d)", device, error);
// worker->threadId = 0;
// close(fd);
// Find touchscreen with the highest index
@ -1570,6 +1738,7 @@ static void PollKeyboardEvents(void)
// Input device events reading thread
static void *EventThread(void *arg)
struct input_event event = { 0 };
InputEventWorker *worker = (InputEventWorker *)arg;
@ -1731,7 +1900,7 @@ static void *EventThread(void *arg)
if (gestureUpdate)
o">//GestureEvent gestureEvent = { 0 };
GestureEvent gestureEvent = { 0 };
gestureEvent.touchAction = touchAction;
gestureEvent.pointCount = CORE.Input.Touch.pointCount;
@ -1742,8 +1911,7 @@ static void *EventThread(void *arg)
gestureEvent.position[i] = CORE.Input.Touch.position[i];
newGesture = true;
@ -1752,7 +1920,7 @@ static void *EventThread(void *arg)
return NULL;
