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Corrected issue with ttf font y-offset

Ray 7 years ago
1 changed files with 14 additions and 2 deletions
  1. +14

+ 14
- 2
src/text.c View File

@ -872,14 +872,26 @@ static SpriteFont LoadTTF(const char *fileName, int fontSize, int charsCount, in
// NOTE: We try reading up to 16 MB of elements of 1 byte
fread(ttfBuffer, 1, MAX_TTF_SIZE*1024*1024, ttfFile);
// Find font baseline (vertical origin of the font)
// NOTE: This value is required because y-offset depends on it!
stbtt_fontinfo fontInfo;
int ascent, baseline;
float scale;
stbtt_InitFont(&fontInfo, ttfBuffer, 0);
scale = stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight(&fontInfo, fontSize);
stbtt_GetFontVMetrics(&fontInfo, &ascent, 0, 0);
baseline = (int)(ascent*scale);
if (fontChars[0] != 32) TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "TTF spritefont loading: first character is not SPACE(32) character");
// NOTE: Using stb_truetype crappy packing method, no guarante the font fits the image...
// TODO: Replace this function by a proper packing method and support random chars order,
// we already receive a list (fontChars) with the ordered expected characters
int result = stbtt_BakeFontBitmap(ttfBuffer, 0, fontSize, dataBitmap, textureSize, textureSize, fontChars[0], charsCount, charData);
//if (result > 0) TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "TTF spritefont loading: first unused row of generated bitmap: %i", result);
if (result < 0) TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "TTF spritefont loading: Not all the characters fit in the font");
@ -924,7 +936,7 @@ static SpriteFont LoadTTF(const char *fileName, int fontSize, int charsCount, in
font.chars[i].rec.height = (int)charData[i].y1 - (int)charData[i].y0;
font.chars[i].offsetX = charData[i].xoff;
font.chars[i].offsetY = charData[i].yoff;
font.chars[i].offsetY = baseline + charData[i].yoff;
font.chars[i].advanceX = (int)charData[i].xadvance;
