@ -3430,13 +3430,18 @@ static Image LoadImageFromCgltfImage(cgltf_image *image, const char *texPath, Co
if ( image - > uri [ i ] = = 0 ) TRACELOG ( LOG_WARNING , " IMAGE: glTF data URI is not a valid image " ) ;
int size ;
int size = 0 ;
unsigned char * data = DecodeBase64 ( image - > uri + i + 1 , & size ) ;
int w , h ;
unsigned char * raw = stbi_load_from_memory ( data , size , & w , & h , NULL , 4 ) ;
int width , height ;
unsigned char * raw = stbi_load_from_memory ( data , size , & width , & height , NULL , 4 ) ;
free ( data ) ;
rimage = LoadImagePro ( raw , w , h , UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8A8 ) ;
rimage . data = raw ;
rimage . width = width ;
rimage . height = height ;
rimage . format = UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8A8 ;
rimage . mipmaps = 1 ;
/ / TODO : Tint shouldn ' t be applied here !
ImageColorTint ( & rimage , tint ) ;
@ -3462,20 +3467,20 @@ static Image LoadImageFromCgltfImage(cgltf_image *image, const char *texPath, Co
n + = stride ;
int w , h ;
unsigned char * raw = stbi_load_from_memory ( data , image - > buffer_view - > size , & w , & h , NULL , 4 ) ;
int width , height ;
unsigned char * raw = stbi_load_from_memory ( data , image - > buffer_view - > size , & width , & height , NULL , 4 ) ;
free ( data ) ;
rimage = LoadImagePro ( raw , w , h , UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8A8 ) ;
free ( raw ) ;
rimage . data = raw ;
rimage . width = width ;
rimage . height = height ;
rimage . format = UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8A8 ;
rimage . mipmaps = 1 ;
/ / TODO : Tint shouldn ' t be applied here !
ImageColorTint ( & rimage , tint ) ;
rimage = LoadImageEx ( & tint , 1 , 1 ) ;
else rimage = GenImageColor ( 1 , 1 , tint ) ;
return rimage ;