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build.zig: Fix various issues around `-Dconfig` (#4398)

* build.zig: Fix various issues around `-Dconfig`

* build.zig: Parse all relevant flags from `src/config.h` at comptime
Sage Hane 4 months ago
committed by GitHub
No known key found for this signature in database GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
1 changed files with 78 additions and 42 deletions
  1. +78

+ 78
- 42
src/build.zig View File

@ -72,6 +72,36 @@ fn srcDir(b: *std.Build) []const u8 {
return std.fs.path.dirname(src_file) orelse ".";
/// A list of all flags from `src/config.h` that one may override
const config_h_flags = outer: {
// Set this value higher if compile errors happen as `src/config.h` gets larger
@setEvalBranchQuota(1 << 20);
const config_h = @embedFile("config.h");
var flags: [std.mem.count(u8, config_h, "\n") + 1][]const u8 = undefined;
var i = 0;
var lines = std.mem.tokenizeScalar(u8, config_h, '\n');
while ( |line| {
if (!std.mem.containsAtLeast(u8, line, 1, "SUPPORT")) continue;
if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, line, "//")) continue;
if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, line, "#if")) continue;
var flag = std.mem.trimLeft(u8, line, " \t"); // Trim whitespace
flag = flag["#define ".len - 1 ..]; // Remove #define
flag = std.mem.trimLeft(u8, flag, " \t"); // Trim whitespace
flag = flag[0 .. std.mem.indexOf(u8, flag, " ") orelse continue]; // Flag is only one word, so capture till space
flag = "-D" ++ flag; // Prepend with -D
flags[i] = flag;
i += 1;
// Uncomment this to check what flags normally get passed
break :outer flags[0..i].*;
fn compileRaylib(b: *std.Build, target: std.Build.ResolvedTarget, optimize: std.builtin.OptimizeMode, options: Options) !*std.Build.Step.Compile {
@ -86,33 +116,36 @@ fn compileRaylib(b: *std.Build, target: std.Build.ResolvedTarget, optimize: std.
"-fno-sanitize=undefined", //
if (options.config.len > 0) {
const file = b.pathJoin(&.{ srcDir(b), "config.h" });
const content = try std.fs.cwd().readFileAlloc(b.allocator, file, std.math.maxInt(usize));
var lines = std.mem.splitScalar(u8, content, '\n');
while ( |line| {
if (!std.mem.containsAtLeast(u8, line, 1, "SUPPORT")) continue;
if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, line, "//")) continue;
if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, line, "#if")) continue;
var flag = std.mem.trimLeft(u8, line, " \t"); // Trim whitespace
flag = flag["#define ".len - 1 ..]; // Remove #define
flag = std.mem.trimLeft(u8, flag, " \t"); // Trim whitespace
flag = flag[0 .. std.mem.indexOf(u8, flag, " ") orelse continue]; // Flag is only one word, so capture till space
flag = try std.fmt.allocPrint(b.allocator, "-D{s}", .{flag}); // Prepend with -D
// If user specifies the flag skip it
if (std.mem.containsAtLeast(u8, options.config, 1, flag)) continue;
// Append default value from config.h to compile flags
try raylib_flags_arr.append(b.allocator, flag);
// Sets a flag indiciating the use of a custom `config.h`
try raylib_flags_arr.append(b.allocator, "-DEXTERNAL_CONFIG_FLAGS");
// Append config flags supplied by user to compile flags
try raylib_flags_arr.append(b.allocator, options.config);
// Splits a space-separated list of config flags into multiple flags
// Note: This means certain flags like `-x c++` won't be processed properly.
// `-xc++` or similar should be used when possible
var config_iter = std.mem.tokenizeScalar(u8, options.config, ' ');
// Apply config flags supplied by the user
while ( |config_flag|
try raylib_flags_arr.append(b.allocator, config_flag);
// Apply all relevant configs from `src/config.h` *except* the user-specified ones
// Note: Currently using a suboptimal `O(m*n)` time algorithm where:
// `m` corresponds roughly to the number of lines in `src/config.h`
// `n` corresponds to the number of user-specified flags
outer: for (config_h_flags) |flag| {
// If a user already specified the flag, skip it
while ( |config_flag| {
// For a user-specified flag to match, it must share the same prefix and have the
// same length or be followed by an equals sign
if (!std.mem.startsWith(u8, config_flag, flag)) continue;
if (config_flag.len == flag.len or config_flag[flag.len] == '=') continue :outer;
try raylib_flags_arr.append(b.allocator, "-DEXTERNAL_CONFIG_FLAGS");
// Otherwise, append default value from config.h to compile flags
try raylib_flags_arr.append(b.allocator, flag);
if (options.shared) {
@ -319,10 +352,28 @@ pub const Options = struct {
shared: bool = false,
linux_display_backend: LinuxDisplayBackend = .Both,
opengl_version: OpenglVersion = .auto,
/// config should be a list of cflags, eg, "-DSUPPORT_CUSTOM_FRAME_CONTROL"
/// config should be a list of space-separated cflags, eg, "-DSUPPORT_CUSTOM_FRAME_CONTROL"
config: []const u8 = &.{},
raygui_dependency_name: []const u8 = "raygui",
const defaults = Options{};
fn getOptions(b: *std.Build) Options {
return .{
.platform = b.option(PlatformBackend, "platform", "Choose the platform backedn for desktop target") orelse defaults.platform,
.raudio = b.option(bool, "raudio", "Compile with audio support") orelse defaults.raudio,
.raygui = b.option(bool, "raygui", "Compile with raygui support") orelse defaults.raygui,
.rmodels = b.option(bool, "rmodels", "Compile with models support") orelse defaults.rmodels,
.rtext = b.option(bool, "rtext", "Compile with text support") orelse defaults.rtext,
.rtextures = b.option(bool, "rtextures", "Compile with textures support") orelse defaults.rtextures,
.rshapes = b.option(bool, "rshapes", "Compile with shapes support") orelse defaults.rshapes,
.shared = b.option(bool, "shared", "Compile as shared library") orelse defaults.shared,
.linux_display_backend = b.option(LinuxDisplayBackend, "linux_display_backend", "Linux display backend to use") orelse defaults.linux_display_backend,
.opengl_version = b.option(OpenglVersion, "opengl_version", "OpenGL version to use") orelse defaults.opengl_version,
.config = b.option([]const u8, "config", "Compile with custom define macros overriding config.h") orelse &.{},
pub const OpenglVersion = enum {
@ -371,22 +422,7 @@ pub fn build(b: *std.Build) !void {
// set a preferred release mode, allowing the user to decide how to optimize.
const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{});
const defaults = Options{};
const options = Options{
.platform = b.option(PlatformBackend, "platform", "Choose the platform backedn for desktop target") orelse defaults.platform,
.raudio = b.option(bool, "raudio", "Compile with audio support") orelse defaults.raudio,
.raygui = b.option(bool, "raygui", "Compile with raygui support") orelse defaults.raygui,
.rmodels = b.option(bool, "rmodels", "Compile with models support") orelse defaults.rmodels,
.rtext = b.option(bool, "rtext", "Compile with text support") orelse defaults.rtext,
.rtextures = b.option(bool, "rtextures", "Compile with textures support") orelse defaults.rtextures,
.rshapes = b.option(bool, "rshapes", "Compile with shapes support") orelse defaults.rshapes,
.shared = b.option(bool, "shared", "Compile as shared library") orelse defaults.shared,
.linux_display_backend = b.option(LinuxDisplayBackend, "linux_display_backend", "Linux display backend to use") orelse defaults.linux_display_backend,
.opengl_version = b.option(OpenglVersion, "opengl_version", "OpenGL version to use") orelse defaults.opengl_version,
.config = b.option([]const u8, "config", "Compile with custom define macros overriding config.h") orelse &.{},
const lib = try compileRaylib(b, target, optimize, options);
const lib = try compileRaylib(b, target, optimize, Options.getOptions(b));
lib.installHeader(b.path(b.pathJoin(&.{ srcDir(b), "raylib.h" })), "raylib.h");
lib.installHeader(b.path(b.pathJoin(&.{ srcDir(b), "raymath.h" })), "raymath.h");
