@ -198,6 +198,7 @@ RLAPI void UnloadImage(Image image); |
RLAPI void UnloadTexture(Texture2D texture); // Unload texture from GPU memory (VRAM) |
RLAPI void UnloadRenderTexture(RenderTexture2D target); // Unload render texture from GPU memory (VRAM) |
RLAPI Color *GetImageData(Image image); // Get pixel data from image as a Color struct array |
RLAPI Vector4 *GetImageDataNormalized(Image image); // Get pixel data from image as Vector4 array (float normalized) |
RLAPI int GetPixelDataSize(int width, int height, int format); // Get pixel data size in bytes (image or texture) |
RLAPI Image GetTextureData(Texture2D texture); // Get pixel data from GPU texture and return an Image |
RLAPI void UpdateTexture(Texture2D texture, const void *pixels); // Update GPU texture with new data |
@ -213,21 +214,25 @@ RLAPI void ImageAlphaPremultiply(Image *image); |
RLAPI void ImageCrop(Image *image, Rectangle crop); // Crop an image to a defined rectangle |
RLAPI void ImageResize(Image *image, int newWidth, int newHeight); // Resize and image (bilinear filtering) |
RLAPI void ImageResizeNN(Image *image,int newWidth,int newHeight); // Resize and image (Nearest-Neighbor scaling algorithm) |
RLAPI void ImageResizeCanvas(Image *image, int newWidth, int newHeight, int offsetX, int offsetY, Color color); // Resize canvas and fill with color |
RLAPI void ImageMipmaps(Image *image); // Generate all mipmap levels for a provided image |
RLAPI void ImageDither(Image *image, int rBpp, int gBpp, int bBpp, int aBpp); // Dither image data to 16bpp or lower (Floyd-Steinberg dithering) |
RLAPI Image ImageText(const char *text, int fontSize, Color color); // Create an image from text (default font) |
RLAPI Image ImageTextEx(Font font, const char *text, float fontSize, float spacing, Color tint); // Create an image from text (custom sprite font) |
RLAPI Image ImageTextEx(Font font, const char *text, float fontSize, float spacing, Color tint); // Create an image from text (custom sprite font) |
RLAPI void ImageDraw(Image *dst, Image src, Rectangle srcRec, Rectangle dstRec); // Draw a source image within a destination image |
RLAPI void ImageDrawRectangle(Image *dst, Vector2 position, Rectangle rec, Color color); // Draw rectangle within an image |
RLAPI void ImageDrawText(Image *dst, Vector2 position, const char *text, int fontSize, Color color); // Draw text (default font) within an image (destination) |
RLAPI void ImageDrawTextEx(Image *dst, Vector2 position, Font font, const char *text, float fontSize, float spacing, Color color); // Draw text (custom sprite font) within an image (destination) |
RLAPI void ImageFlipVertical(Image *image); // Flip image vertically |
RLAPI void ImageFlipHorizontal(Image *image); // Flip image horizontally |
RLAPI void ImageRotateCW(Image *image); // Rotate image clockwise 90deg |
RLAPI void ImageRotateCCW(Image *image); // Rotate image counter-clockwise 90deg |
RLAPI void ImageColorTint(Image *image, Color color); // Modify image color: tint |
RLAPI void ImageColorInvert(Image *image); // Modify image color: invert |
RLAPI void ImageColorGrayscale(Image *image); // Modify image color: grayscale |
RLAPI void ImageColorContrast(Image *image, float contrast); // Modify image color: contrast (-100 to 100) |
RLAPI void ImageColorBrightness(Image *image, int brightness); // Modify image color: brightness (-255 to 255) |
RLAPI void ImageColorReplace(Image *image, Color color, Color replace); // Modify image color: replace color |
// Image generation functions |
RLAPI Image GenImageColor(int width, int height, Color color); // Generate image: plain color |
@ -257,22 +262,24 @@ RLAPI void DrawTexturePro(Texture2D texture, Rectangle sourceRec, Rectangle dest |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// Font loading/unloading functions |
RLAPI Font GetDefaultFont(void); // Get the default Font |
RLAPI Font LoadFont(const char *fileName); // Load Font from file into GPU memory (VRAM) |
RLAPI Font LoadFontEx(const char *fileName, int fontSize, int charsCount, int *fontChars); // Load Font from file with extended parameters |
RLAPI void UnloadFont(Font font); // Unload Font from GPU memory (VRAM) |
RLAPI Font GetFontDefault(void); // Get the default Font |
RLAPI Font LoadFont(const char *fileName); // Load font from file into GPU memory (VRAM) |
RLAPI Font LoadFontEx(const char *fileName, int fontSize, int charsCount, int *fontChars); // Load font from file with extended parameters |
RLAPI CharInfo *LoadFontData(const char *fileName, int fontSize, int *fontChars, int charsCount, bool sdf); // Load font data for further use |
RLAPI Image GenImageFontAtlas(CharInfo *chars, int fontSize, int charsCount, int padding, int packMethod); // Generate image font atlas using chars info |
RLAPI void UnloadFont(Font font); // Unload Font from GPU memory (VRAM) |
// Text drawing functions |
RLAPI void DrawFPS(int posX, int posY); // Shows current FPS |
RLAPI void DrawText(const char *text, int posX, int posY, int fontSize, Color color); // Draw text (using default font) |
RLAPI void DrawFPS(int posX, int posY); // Shows current FPS |
RLAPI void DrawText(const char *text, int posX, int posY, int fontSize, Color color); // Draw text (using default font) |
RLAPI void DrawTextEx(Font font, const char* text, Vector2 position, float fontSize, float spacing, Color tint); // Draw text using Font and additional parameters |
// Text misc. functions |
RLAPI int MeasureText(const char *text, int fontSize); // Measure string width for default font |
RLAPI Vector2 MeasureTextEx(Font font, const char *text, float fontSize, float spacing); // Measure string size for Font |
RLAPI const char *FormatText(const char *text, ...); // Formatting of text with variables to 'embed' |
RLAPI const char *SubText(const char *text, int position, int length); // Get a piece of a text string |
RLAPI int GetGlyphIndex(Font font, int character); // Returns index position for a unicode character on sprite font |
RLAPI int MeasureText(const char *text, int fontSize); // Measure string width for default font |
RLAPI Vector2 MeasureTextEx(Font font, const char *text, float fontSize, float spacing); // Measure string size for Font |
RLAPI const char *FormatText(const char *text, ...); // Formatting of text with variables to 'embed' |
RLAPI const char *SubText(const char *text, int position, int length); // Get a piece of a text string |
RLAPI int GetGlyphIndex(Font font, int character); // Returns index position for a unicode character on sprite font |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// Basic 3d Shapes Drawing Functions (Module: models) |