@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Here it is a list with the ones I'm aware of: |
| raylib-lua | 1.7 | [Lua](http://www.lua.org/) | https://github.com/raysan5/raylib-lua | |
| raylib-lua-ffi | 2.0 | [Lua](http://www.lua.org/) | https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/issues/693 | |
| raylib-lua-sol | 2.5 | [Lua](http://www.lua.org/) | https://github.com/RobLoach/raylib-lua-sol | |
| raylib-lua | 3.5 | [Lua](http://www.lua.org/) | https://github.com/TSnake41/raylib-lua | |
| raylib-lua | 3.7 | [Lua](http://www.lua.org/) | https://github.com/TSnake41/raylib-lua | |
| raylib-luamore | 3.0 | [Lua](http://www.lua.org/) | https://github.com/HDPLocust/raylib-luamore | |
| raylua | 3.7 | [Lua](http://www.lua.org/) | https://github.com/Rabios/raylua | |
| LuaJIT-Raylib | 2.6 | [Lua](http://www.lua.org/) | https://github.com/Bambofy/LuaJIT-Raylib | |
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ Here it is a list with the ones I'm aware of: |
| raylib-chibi | 2.5 | [Chibi-Scheme](https://github.com/ashinn/chibi-scheme) | https://github.com/VincentToups/raylib-chibi | |
| raylib-gambit-scheme | 3.1-dev | [Gambit Scheme](https://github.com/gambit/gambit) | https://github.com/georgjz/raylib-gambit-scheme | |
| Euraylib | 3.0 | [Euphoria](https://openeuphoria.org/) | https://github.com/gAndy50/Euraylib | |
| raylib-wren | 3.0 | [Wren](http://wren.io/) | https://github.com/TSnake41/raylib-wren | |
| raylib-wren | 3.7 | [Wren](http://wren.io/) | https://github.com/TSnake41/raylib-wren | |
| raylib-odin | 3.0 | [Odin](https://odin-lang.org/) | https://github.com/kevinw/raylib-odin | |
| raylib-zig | 3.0 | [Zig](https://ziglang.org/) | https://github.com/Not-Nik/raylib-zig | |
| raylib-jai | 3.1-dev | [Jai](https://github.com/BSVino/JaiPrimer/blob/master/JaiPrimer.md) | https://github.com/kevinw/raylib-jai | |