@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Some people ported raylib to other languages in form of bindings or wrappers to |
| hb-raylib | 3.5 | [Harbour](https://harbour.github.io) | MIT | https://github.com/MarcosLeonardoMendezGerencir/hb-raylib | |
| jaylib | **4.2** | [Java](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_(programming_language)) | GPLv3+CE | https://github.com/electronstudio/jaylib/ | |
| raylib-j | **4.0** | [Java](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_(programming_language)) | Zlib | https://github.com/CreedVI/Raylib-J | |
| raylib.jl | **4.0** | [Julia](https://julialang.org/) | Zlib | https://github.com/irishgreencitrus/raylib.jl | |
| raylib.jl | **4.2** | [Julia](https://julialang.org/) | Zlib | https://github.com/irishgreencitrus/raylib.jl | |
| kaylib | 3.7 | [Kotlin/native](https://kotlinlang.org) | ? | https://github.com/electronstudio/kaylib | |
| raylib-lua | **4.0** | [Lua](http://www.lua.org/) | ISC | https://github.com/TSnake41/raylib-lua | |
| raylua | **4.0** | [Lua](http://www.lua.org/) | MIT | https://github.com/Rabios/raylua | |
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ Some people ported raylib to other languages in form of bindings or wrappers to |
| raylib-swift | **4.0** | [Swift](https://swift.org/) | MIT | https://github.com/STREGAsGate/Raylib | |
| raylib-scopes | auto | [Scopes](http://scopes.rocks) | MIT | https://github.com/salotz/raylib-scopes | |
| raylib-smallBasic | 4.1-dev | [SmallBASIC](https://github.com/smallbasic/SmallBASIC) | GPLv3 | https://github.com/smallbasic/smallbasic.plugins/tree/master/raylib | |
| raylib.v | **4.0** | [V](https://vlang.io/) | Zlib | https://github.com/irishgreencitrus/raylib.v | |
| raylib.v | **4.2** | [V](https://vlang.io/) | Zlib | https://github.com/irishgreencitrus/raylib.v | |
| raylib-wren | **4.0** | [Wren](http://wren.io/) | ISC | https://github.com/TSnake41/raylib-wren | |
| raylib-zig | **4.0** | [Zig](https://ziglang.org/) | MIT | https://github.com/Not-Nik/raylib-zig | |
| raylib.zig | **4.2** | [Zig](https://ziglang.org/) | MIT | https://github.com/ryupold/raylib.zig | |