@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# include "raylib.h"
# define MOVE_VELOCITY 5
# define JUMP_VELOCITY 35
# define JUMP_VELOCITY 30
int main ( )
@ -22,42 +22,34 @@ int main()
int screenHeight = 450 ;
InitWindow ( screenWidth , screenHeight , " raylib [physac] example - basic rigidbody " ) ;
InitPhysics ( ) ; / / Initialize physics module
InitPhysics ( ( Vector2 ) { 0.0f , - 9.81f / 2 } ); / / Initialize physics module
SetTargetFPS ( 60 ) ;
/ / Debug variables
bool isDebug = false ;
/ / Player physic object
PhysicObject * player = CreatePhysicObject ( ( Vector2 ) { screenWidth * 0.25f , screenHeight / 2 } , 0.0f , ( Vector2 ) { 50 , 50 } ) ;
player - > rigidbody . enabled = true ; / / Enable physic object rigidbody behaviour
player - > rigidbody . applyGravity = true ;
player - > rigidbody . friction = 0.3 f ;
player - > collider . enabled = true ; / / Enable physic object collisions detection
/ / Create rectangle physic object
PhysicObject * rectangle = CreatePhysicObject ( ( Vector2 ) { screenWidth * 0.25f , screenHeight / 2 } , 0.0f , ( Vector2 ) { 7 5, 50 } ) ;
rectangle - > rigidbody . enabled = true ; / / Enable physic object rigidbody behaviour
rectangle - > rigidbody . applyGravity = true ;
rectangle - > rigidbody . friction = 0.1 f ;
rectangle - > rigidbody . bounciness = 6.0f ;
/ / Player physic object
PhysicObject * player2 = CreatePhysicObject ( ( Vector2 ) { screenWidth * 0.75f , screenHeight / 2 } , 0.0f , ( Vector2 ) { 50 , 50 } ) ;
player2 - > rigidbody . enabled = true ;
player2 - > rigidbody . applyGravity = true ;
player2 - > rigidbody . friction = 0.1f ;
player2 - > collider . enabled = true ;
/ / Create square physic object
PhysicObject * square = CreatePhysicObject ( ( Vector2 ) { screenWidth * 0.75f , screenHeight / 2 } , 0.0f , ( Vector2 ) { 50 , 50 } ) ;
square - > rigidbody . enabled = true ; / / Enable physic object rigidbody behaviour
square - > rigidbody . applyGravity = true ;
square - > rigidbody . friction = 0.1f ;
/ / Floor physic object
/ / Create walls physic objects
PhysicObject * floor = CreatePhysicObject ( ( Vector2 ) { screenWidth / 2 , screenHeight * 0.95f } , 0.0f , ( Vector2 ) { screenWidth * 0.9f , 100 } ) ;
floor - > collider . enabled = true ; / / Enable just physic object collisions detection
/ / Left wall physic object
PhysicObject * leftWall = CreatePhysicObject ( ( Vector2 ) { 0.0f , screenHeight / 2 } , 0.0f , ( Vector2 ) { screenWidth * 0.1f , screenHeight } ) ;
leftWall - > collider . enabled = true ;
/ / Right wall physic object
PhysicObject * rightWall = CreatePhysicObject ( ( Vector2 ) { screenWidth , screenHeight / 2 } , 0.0f , ( Vector2 ) { screenWidth * 0.1f , screenHeight } ) ;
rightWall - > collider . enabled = true ;
PhysicObject * roof = CreatePhysicObject ( ( Vector2 ) { screenWidth / 2 , screenHeight * 0.05f } , 0.0f , ( Vector2 ) { screenWidth * 0.9f , 100 } ) ;
/ / P latform physic objectdd
/ / Create pp latform physic object
PhysicObject * platform = CreatePhysicObject ( ( Vector2 ) { screenWidth / 2 , screenHeight * 0.7f } , 0.0f , ( Vector2 ) { screenWidth * 0.25f , 20 } ) ;
platform - > collider . enabled = true ;
/ / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
@ -68,20 +60,18 @@ int main()
/ / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
UpdatePhysics ( ) ; / / Update all created physic objects
/ / Check debug switch input
if ( IsKeyPressed ( ' P ' ) ) isDebug = ! isDebug ;
/ / Check player movement inputs
if ( IsKeyDown ( ' W ' ) & & player - > rigidbody . isGrounded ) player - > rigidbody . velocity . y = JUMP_VELOCITY ;
if ( IsKeyDown ( ' A ' ) ) player - > rigidbody . velocity . x = - MOVE_VELOCITY ;
else if ( IsKeyDown ( ' D ' ) ) player - > rigidbody . velocity . x = MOVE_VELOCITY ;
/ / Check rectangle movement inputs
if ( IsKeyDown ( ' W ' ) & & rectangle - > rigidbody . isGrounded ) rectangle - > rigidbody . velocity . y = JUMP_VELOCITY ;
if ( IsKeyDown ( ' A ' ) ) rectangle - > rigidbody . velocity . x = - MOVE_VELOCITY ;
else if ( IsKeyDown ( ' D ' ) ) rectangle - > rigidbody . velocity . x = MOVE_VELOCITY ;
/ / Check player 2 movement inputs
if ( IsKeyDown ( KEY_UP ) & & player2 - > rigidbody . isGrounded ) player2 - > rigidbody . velocity . y = JUMP_VELOCITY ;
if ( IsKeyDown ( KEY_UP ) & & square - > rigidbody . isGrounded ) square - > rigidbody . velocity . y = JUMP_VELOCITY ;
if ( IsKeyDown ( KEY_LEFT ) ) square - > rigidbody . velocity . x = - MOVE_VELOCITY ;
else if ( IsKeyDown ( KEY_RIGHT ) ) square - > rigidbody . velocity . x = MOVE_VELOCITY ;
if ( IsKeyDown ( KEY_LEFT ) ) player2 - > rigidbody . velocity . x = - MOVE_VELOCITY ;
else if ( IsKeyDown ( KEY_RIGHT ) ) player2 - > rigidbody . velocity . x = MOVE_VELOCITY ;
o">/ / Check debug switch input
if ( IsKeyPressed ( ' P ' ) ) isDebug = ! isDebug ;
/ / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
/ / Draw
@ -89,29 +79,31 @@ int main()
BeginDrawing ( ) ;
ClearBackground ( RAYWHITE ) ;
/ / Convert transform values to rectangle data type variable
DrawRectangleRec ( TransformToRectangle ( floor - > transform ) , DARKGRAY ) ;
DrawRectangleRec ( TransformToRectangle ( leftWall - > transform ) , DARKGRAY ) ;
DrawRectangleRec ( TransformToRectangle ( rightWall - > transform ) , DARKGRAY ) ;
DrawRectangleRec ( TransformToRectangle ( roof - > transform ) , DARKGRAY ) ;
DrawRectangleRec ( TransformToRectangle ( platform - > transform ) , DARKGRAY ) ;
DrawRectangleRec ( TransformToRectangle ( rectangle - > transform ) , RED ) ;
DrawRectangleRec ( TransformToRectangle ( square - > transform ) , BLUE ) ;
if ( isDebug )
DrawRectangleLines ( floor - > collider . bounds . x , floor - > collider . bounds . y , floor - > collider . bounds . width , floor - > collider . bounds . height , GREEN ) ;
DrawRectangleLines ( leftWall - > collider . bounds . x , leftWall - > collider . bounds . y , leftWall - > collider . bounds . width , leftWall - > collider . bounds . height , GREEN ) ;
DrawRectangleLines ( rightWall - > collider . bounds . x , rightWall - > collider . bounds . y , rightWall - > collider . bounds . width , rightWall - > collider . bounds . height , GREEN ) ;
DrawRectangleLines ( roof - > collider . bounds . x , roof - > collider . bounds . y , roof - > collider . bounds . width , roof - > collider . bounds . height , GREEN ) ;
DrawRectangleLines ( platform - > collider . bounds . x , platform - > collider . bounds . y , platform - > collider . bounds . width , platform - > collider . bounds . height , GREEN ) ;
DrawRectangleLines ( player - > collider . bounds . x , player - > collider . bounds . y , player - > collider . bounds . width , player - > collider . bounds . height , GREEN ) ;
DrawRectangleLines ( player2 - > collider . bounds . x , player2 - > collider . bounds . y , player2 - > collider . bounds . width , player2 - > collider . bounds . height , GREEN ) ;
/ / Convert transform values to rectangle data type variable
DrawRectangleRec ( TransformToRectangle ( floor - > transform ) , DARKGRAY ) ;
DrawRectangleRec ( TransformToRectangle ( leftWall - > transform ) , DARKGRAY ) ;
DrawRectangleRec ( TransformToRectangle ( rightWall - > transform ) , DARKGRAY ) ;
DrawRectangleRec ( TransformToRectangle ( platform - > transform ) , DARKGRAY ) ;
DrawRectangleRec ( TransformToRectangle ( player - > transform ) , RED ) ;
DrawRectangleRec ( TransformToRectangle ( player2 - > transform ) , BLUE ) ;
DrawRectangleLines ( rectangle - > collider . bounds . x , rectangle - > collider . bounds . y , rectangle - > collider . bounds . width , rectangle - > collider . bounds . height , GREEN ) ;
DrawRectangleLines ( square - > collider . bounds . x , square - > collider . bounds . y , square - > collider . bounds . width , square - > collider . bounds . height , GREEN ) ;
/ / Draw all physic object information in specific screen position and font siz e
o">/ / DrawPhysicObjectInfo ( player , ( Vector2 ) { 10.0f , 10.0f } , 10 ) ;
/ / Draw help message
DrawText ( " Use WASD to move rectangle and ARROWS to move square " , screenWidth / 2 - MeasureText ( " Use WASD to move rectangle and ARROWS to move square " , 20 ) / 2 , screenHeight * 0.075f , 20 , LIGHTGRAY ) ;
EndDrawing ( ) ;
/ / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -