diff --git a/examples/models/resources/shaders/glsl100/cubemap.vs b/examples/models/resources/shaders/glsl100/cubemap.vs
index fd8d17e1a..6f486fbad 100644
--- a/examples/models/resources/shaders/glsl100/cubemap.vs
+++ b/examples/models/resources/shaders/glsl100/cubemap.vs
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
 attribute vec3 vertexPosition;
 // Input uniform values
-uniform mat4 projection;
-uniform mat4 view;
+uniform mat4 matProjection;
+uniform mat4 matView;
 // Output vertex attributes (to fragment shader)
 varying vec3 fragPosition;
@@ -16,5 +16,5 @@ void main()
     fragPosition = vertexPosition;
     // Calculate final vertex position
-    gl_Position = projection*view*vec4(vertexPosition, 1.0);
+    gl_Position = matProjection*matView*vec4(vertexPosition, 1.0);
diff --git a/examples/models/resources/shaders/glsl100/skybox.vs b/examples/models/resources/shaders/glsl100/skybox.vs
index 0d00d54fe..e440ace3c 100644
--- a/examples/models/resources/shaders/glsl100/skybox.vs
+++ b/examples/models/resources/shaders/glsl100/skybox.vs
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
 attribute vec3 vertexPosition;
 // Input uniform values
-uniform mat4 projection;
-uniform mat4 view;
+uniform mat4 matProjection;
+uniform mat4 matView;
 // Output vertex attributes (to fragment shader)
 varying vec3 fragPosition;
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ void main()
     fragPosition = vertexPosition;
     // Remove translation from the view matrix
-    mat4 rotView = mat4(mat3(view));
-    vec4 clipPos = projection*rotView*vec4(vertexPosition, 1.0);
+    mat4 rotView = mat4(mat3(matView));
+    vec4 clipPos = matProjection*rotView*vec4(vertexPosition, 1.0);
     // Calculate final vertex position
-    gl_Position = clipPos.xyzw;
+    gl_Position = clipPos;
diff --git a/examples/models/resources/shaders/glsl330/cubemap.vs b/examples/models/resources/shaders/glsl330/cubemap.vs
index d3565dfdc..d71f80867 100644
--- a/examples/models/resources/shaders/glsl330/cubemap.vs
+++ b/examples/models/resources/shaders/glsl330/cubemap.vs
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
 in vec3 vertexPosition;
 // Input uniform values
-uniform mat4 projection;
-uniform mat4 view;
+uniform mat4 matProjection;
+uniform mat4 matView;
 // Output vertex attributes (to fragment shader)
 out vec3 fragPosition;
@@ -16,5 +16,5 @@ void main()
     fragPosition = vertexPosition;
     // Calculate final vertex position
-    gl_Position = projection*view*vec4(vertexPosition, 1.0);
+    gl_Position = matProjection*matView*vec4(vertexPosition, 1.0);
diff --git a/examples/models/resources/shaders/glsl330/skybox.vs b/examples/models/resources/shaders/glsl330/skybox.vs
index 6279bc497..f41d4692e 100644
--- a/examples/models/resources/shaders/glsl330/skybox.vs
+++ b/examples/models/resources/shaders/glsl330/skybox.vs
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
 in vec3 vertexPosition;
 // Input uniform values
-uniform mat4 projection;
-uniform mat4 view;
+uniform mat4 matProjection;
+uniform mat4 matView;
 // Output vertex attributes (to fragment shader)
 out vec3 fragPosition;
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ void main()
     fragPosition = vertexPosition;
     // Remove translation from the view matrix
-    mat4 rotView = mat4(mat3(view));
-    vec4 clipPos = projection*rotView*vec4(vertexPosition, 1.0);
+    mat4 rotView = mat4(mat3(matView));
+    vec4 clipPos = matProjection*rotView*vec4(vertexPosition, 1.0);
     // Calculate final vertex position
-    gl_Position = clipPos.xyzw;
+    gl_Position = clipPos;
diff --git a/src/config.h b/src/config.h
index 6479d409a..4a74655ce 100644
--- a/src/config.h
+++ b/src/config.h
@@ -105,12 +105,23 @@
 #define RL_CULL_DISTANCE_FAR        1000.0      // Default projection matrix far cull distance
 // Default shader vertex attribute names to set location points
-#define DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_POSITION    "vertexPosition"    // Binded by default to shader location: 0
-#define DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_TEXCOORD    "vertexTexCoord"    // Binded by default to shader location: 1
-#define DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_NORMAL      "vertexNormal"      // Binded by default to shader location: 2
-#define DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_COLOR       "vertexColor"       // Binded by default to shader location: 3
-#define DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_TANGENT     "vertexTangent"     // Binded by default to shader location: 4
-#define DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_TEXCOORD2   "vertexTexCoord2"   // Binded by default to shader location: 5
+// NOTE: When a new shader is loaded, the following locations are tried to be set for convenience
+#define DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_POSITION     "vertexPosition"    // Binded by default to shader location: 0
+#define DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_TEXCOORD     "vertexTexCoord"    // Binded by default to shader location: 1
+#define DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_NORMAL       "vertexNormal"      // Binded by default to shader location: 2
+#define DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_COLOR        "vertexColor"       // Binded by default to shader location: 3
+#define DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_TANGENT      "vertexTangent"     // Binded by default to shader location: 4
+#define DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_TEXCOORD2    "vertexTexCoord2"   // Binded by default to shader location: 5
+#define DEFAULT_SHADER_UNIFORM_NAME_MVP         "mvp"               // model-view-projection matrix
+#define DEFAULT_SHADER_UNIFORM_NAME_VIEW        "matView"           // view matrix
+#define DEFAULT_SHADER_UNIFORM_NAME_PROJECTION  "matProjection"     // projection matrix
+#define DEFAULT_SHADER_UNIFORM_NAME_MODEL       "matModel"          // model matrix
+#define DEFAULT_SHADER_UNIFORM_NAME_NORMAL      "matNormal"         // normal matrix (transpose(inverse(matModelView))
+#define DEFAULT_SHADER_UNIFORM_NAME_COLOR       "colDiffuse"        // color diffuse (base tint color, multiplied by texture color)
+#define DEFAULT_SHADER_SAMPLER2D_NAME_TEXTURE0  "texture0"          // texture0 (texture slot active 0)
+#define DEFAULT_SHADER_SAMPLER2D_NAME_TEXTURE1  "texture1"          // texture1 (texture slot active 1)
+#define DEFAULT_SHADER_SAMPLER2D_NAME_TEXTURE2  "texture2"          // texture2 (texture slot active 2)
diff --git a/src/core.c b/src/core.c
index fc38203ec..a456fab20 100644
--- a/src/core.c
+++ b/src/core.c
@@ -2375,17 +2375,17 @@ RLAPI Shader LoadShaderFromMemory(const char *vsCode, const char *fsCode)
         shader.locs[SHADER_LOC_VERTEX_COLOR] = rlGetLocationAttrib(shader.id, DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_COLOR);
         // Get handles to GLSL uniform locations (vertex shader)
-        shader.locs[SHADER_LOC_MATRIX_MVP] = rlGetLocationUniform(shader.id, "mvp");
-        shader.locs[SHADER_LOC_MATRIX_VIEW] = rlGetLocationUniform(shader.id, "view");
-        shader.locs[SHADER_LOC_MATRIX_PROJECTION] = rlGetLocationUniform(shader.id, "projection");
-        //shader.locs[SHADER_LOC_MATRIX_MODEL] = rlGetLocationUniform(shader.id, "matModel");
-        shader.locs[SHADER_LOC_MATRIX_NORMAL] = rlGetLocationUniform(shader.id, "matNormal");
+        shader.locs[SHADER_LOC_MATRIX_MVP] = rlGetLocationUniform(shader.id, DEFAULT_SHADER_UNIFORM_NAME_MVP);
+        shader.locs[SHADER_LOC_MATRIX_VIEW] = rlGetLocationUniform(shader.id, DEFAULT_SHADER_UNIFORM_NAME_VIEW);
+        shader.locs[SHADER_LOC_MATRIX_PROJECTION] = rlGetLocationUniform(shader.id, DEFAULT_SHADER_UNIFORM_NAME_PROJECTION);
+        shader.locs[SHADER_LOC_MATRIX_MODEL] = rlGetLocationUniform(shader.id, DEFAULT_SHADER_UNIFORM_NAME_MODEL);
+        shader.locs[SHADER_LOC_MATRIX_NORMAL] = rlGetLocationUniform(shader.id, DEFAULT_SHADER_UNIFORM_NAME_NORMAL);
         // Get handles to GLSL uniform locations (fragment shader)
-        shader.locs[SHADER_LOC_COLOR_DIFFUSE] = rlGetLocationUniform(shader.id, "colDiffuse");
-        shader.locs[SHADER_LOC_MAP_DIFFUSE] = rlGetLocationUniform(shader.id, "texture0");      // SHADER_LOC_MAP_ALBEDO
-        shader.locs[SHADER_LOC_MAP_SPECULAR] = rlGetLocationUniform(shader.id, "texture1");     // SHADER_LOC_MAP_METALNESS
-        shader.locs[SHADER_LOC_MAP_NORMAL] = rlGetLocationUniform(shader.id, "texture2");
+        shader.locs[SHADER_LOC_COLOR_DIFFUSE] = rlGetLocationUniform(shader.id, DEFAULT_SHADER_UNIFORM_NAME_COLOR);
+        shader.locs[SHADER_LOC_MAP_DIFFUSE] = rlGetLocationUniform(shader.id, DEFAULT_SHADER_SAMPLER2D_NAME_TEXTURE0);  // SHADER_LOC_MAP_ALBEDO
+        shader.locs[SHADER_LOC_MAP_NORMAL] = rlGetLocationUniform(shader.id, DEFAULT_SHADER_SAMPLER2D_NAME_TEXTURE2);
     return shader;
diff --git a/src/rlgl.h b/src/rlgl.h
index fcee91fda..5d37e9a1b 100644
--- a/src/rlgl.h
+++ b/src/rlgl.h
@@ -762,22 +762,50 @@ RLAPI void rlLoadDrawQuad(void);     // Load and draw a quad
 // Default shader vertex attribute names to set location points
-    #define DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_POSITION    "vertexPosition"    // Binded by default to shader location: 0
+    #define DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_POSITION     "vertexPosition"    // Binded by default to shader location: 0
-    #define DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_TEXCOORD    "vertexTexCoord"    // Binded by default to shader location: 1
+    #define DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_TEXCOORD     "vertexTexCoord"    // Binded by default to shader location: 1
-    #define DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_NORMAL      "vertexNormal"      // Binded by default to shader location: 2
+    #define DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_NORMAL       "vertexNormal"      // Binded by default to shader location: 2
-    #define DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_COLOR       "vertexColor"       // Binded by default to shader location: 3
+    #define DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_COLOR        "vertexColor"       // Binded by default to shader location: 3
-    #define DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_TANGENT     "vertexTangent"     // Binded by default to shader location: 4
+    #define DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_TANGENT      "vertexTangent"     // Binded by default to shader location: 4
-    #define DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_TEXCOORD2   "vertexTexCoord2"   // Binded by default to shader location: 5
+    #define DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_TEXCOORD2    "vertexTexCoord2"   // Binded by default to shader location: 5
+    #define DEFAULT_SHADER_UNIFORM_NAME_MVP         "mvp"               // model-view-projection matrix
+    #define DEFAULT_SHADER_UNIFORM_NAME_VIEW        "matView"           // view matrix
+    #define DEFAULT_SHADER_UNIFORM_NAME_PROJECTION  "matProjection"     // projection matrix
+    #define DEFAULT_SHADER_UNIFORM_NAME_MODEL       "matModel"          // model matrix
+    #define DEFAULT_SHADER_UNIFORM_NAME_NORMAL      "matNormal"         // normal matrix (transpose(inverse(matModelView))
+    #define DEFAULT_SHADER_UNIFORM_NAME_COLOR       "colDiffuse"        // color diffuse (base tint color, multiplied by texture color)
+    #define DEFAULT_SHADER_SAMPLER2D_NAME_TEXTURE0  "texture0"          // texture0 (texture slot active 0)
+    #define DEFAULT_SHADER_SAMPLER2D_NAME_TEXTURE1  "texture1"          // texture1 (texture slot active 1)
+    #define DEFAULT_SHADER_SAMPLER2D_NAME_TEXTURE2  "texture2"          // texture2 (texture slot active 2)