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Joshua Reisenauer 8 anni fa
1 ha cambiato i file con 27 aggiunte e 15 eliminazioni
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src/audio.c Vedi File

@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ typedef struct AudioContext_t {
unsigned char channels; // 1=mono,2=stereo
unsigned char mixChannel; // 0-3 or mixA-mixD, each mix channel can receive up to one dedicated audio stream
bool floatingPoint; // if false then the short datatype is used instead
bool playing;
bool playing; // false if paused
ALenum alFormat; // openAL format specifier
ALuint alSource; // openAL source
ALuint alBuffer[MAX_STREAM_BUFFERS]; // openAL sample buffer
@ -165,13 +165,14 @@ void InitAudioDevice(void)
alListener3f(AL_ORIENTATION, 0, 0, -1);
// Close the audio device for the current context, and destroys the context
// Close the audio device for all contexts
void CloseAudioDevice(void)
for(int index=0; index<MAX_MUSIC_STREAMS; index++)
if(currentMusic[index].ctx) StopMusicStream(index); // Stop music streaming and close current stream
ALCdevice *device;
ALCcontext *context = alcGetCurrentContext();
@ -770,12 +771,12 @@ int PlayMusicStream(int musicIndex, char *fileName)
int mixIndex;
if(currentMusic[musicIndex].stream != NULL || currentMusic[musicIndex].chipTune) return 1; // error
if(currentMusic[musicIndex].stream || currentMusic[musicIndex].chipctx) return 1; // error
for(mixIndex = 0; mixIndex < MAX_AUDIO_CONTEXTS; mixIndex++) // find empty mix channel slot
if(mixChannelsActive_g[mixIndex] == NULL) break;
else if(musicIndex = MAX_AUDIO_CONTEXTS - 1) return 2; // error
else if(mixIndex = MAX_AUDIO_CONTEXTS - 1) return 2; // error
if (strcmp(GetExtension(fileName),"ogg") == 0)
@ -799,6 +800,7 @@ int PlayMusicStream(int musicIndex, char *fileName)
currentMusic[musicIndex].loop = true; // We loop by default
musicEnabled = true;
currentMusic[musicIndex].ctx->playing = true;
currentMusic[musicIndex].totalSamplesLeft = stb_vorbis_stream_length_in_samples(currentMusic[musicIndex].stream) * info.channels;
currentMusic[musicIndex].totalLengthSeconds = stb_vorbis_stream_length_in_seconds(currentMusic[musicIndex].stream);
@ -822,6 +824,7 @@ int PlayMusicStream(int musicIndex, char *fileName)
currentMusic[musicIndex].totalSamplesLeft = jar_xm_get_remaining_samples(currentMusic[musicIndex].chipctx);
currentMusic[musicIndex].totalLengthSeconds = ((float)currentMusic[musicIndex].totalSamplesLeft) / 48000.f;
musicEnabled = true;
currentMusic[musicIndex].ctx->playing = true;
TraceLog(INFO, "[%s] XM number of samples: %i", fileName, currentMusic[musicIndex].totalSamplesLeft);
TraceLog(INFO, "[%s] XM track length: %11.6f sec", fileName, currentMusic[musicIndex].totalLengthSeconds);
@ -859,16 +862,21 @@ void StopMusicStream(int index)
if(!getMusicStreamCount()) musicEnabled = false;
if(currentMusic[index].stream || currentMusic[index].chipctx)
currentMusic[index].stream = NULL;
currentMusic[index].chipctx = NULL;
//get number of music channels active at this time, this does not mean they are playing
int getMusicStreamCount(void)
int musicCount;
int musicCount = 0;
for(int musicIndex = 0; musicIndex < MAX_MUSIC_STREAMS; musicIndex++) // find empty music slot
if(currentMusic[musicIndex].stream != NULL || currentMusic[musicIndex].chipTune) musicCount++;
return musicCount;
@ -876,11 +884,11 @@ int getMusicStreamCount(void)
void PauseMusicStream(int index)
// Pause music stream if music available!
if (musicEnabled)
if (currentMusic[index].ctx && musicEnabled)
TraceLog(INFO, "Pausing music stream");
UpdateAudioContext(currentMusic[index].ctxp">, NULL, 0); // pushing null data auto pauses stream
musicEnabled = false;
currentMusic[index].ctx->playing = false;
@ -895,7 +903,7 @@ void ResumeMusicStream(int index)
TraceLog(INFO, "Resuming music stream");
musicEnabled = true;
currentMusic[index].ctx->playing = true;
@ -981,13 +989,17 @@ static bool BufferMusicStream(int index)
if (musicEnabled)
UpdateAudioContext(currentMusic[index].ctx, NULL, 0);
return false;
if (currentMusic[index].chipTune) // There is no end of stream for xmfiles, once the end is reached zeros are generated for non looped chiptunes.
int readlen = MUSIC_BUFFER_SIZE_FLOAT / 2;
jar_xm_generate_samples(currentMusic[index].chipctx, pcmf, readlen); // reads 2*readlen shorts and moves them to buffer+size memory location
jar_xm_generate_samples(currentMusic[index].chipctx, pcmf, MUSIC_BUFFER_SIZE_FLOAT / 2); // reads 2*readlen shorts and moves them to buffer+size memory location
UpdateAudioContext(currentMusic[index].ctx, pcmf, MUSIC_BUFFER_SIZE_FLOAT);
size += readlen * currentMusic[index].ctx->channels; // Not sure if this is what it needs
currentMusic[index].totalSamplesLeft -= size;
currentMusic[index].totalSamplesLeft -= MUSIC_BUFFER_SIZE_FLOAT;
if(currentMusic[index].totalSamplesLeft <= 0) active = false;
@ -997,7 +1009,7 @@ static bool BufferMusicStream(int index)
currentMusic[index].totalSamplesLeft -= streamedBytes*currentMusic[index].ctx->channels;
if(currentMusic[index].totalSamplesLeft <= 0) active = false;
o">// TraceLog(DEBUG, "Streaming music data to buffer. Bytes streamed: %i", size);
TraceLog(DEBUG, "Buffering index:%i, chiptune:%i", index, (int)currentMusic[index].chipTune);
return active;
