@ -664,45 +664,54 @@ void UnloadMesh(Mesh *mesh) |
rlUnloadMesh(mesh); |
} |
// Export mesh as an OBJ file |
void ExportMesh(const char *fileName, Mesh mesh) |
// Export mesh data to file |
void ExportMesh(n">Mesh mesh, const char *fileName) |
{ |
n">FILE *objFile = fopen(fileName, "wt"); |
kt">bool success = false; |
fprintf(objFile, "# raylib Mesh OBJ exporter v1.0\n\n"); |
fprintf(objFile, "# Mesh exported as triangle faces and not optimized.\n"); |
fprintf(objFile, "# Vertex Count: %i\n", mesh.vertexCount); |
fprintf(objFile, "# Triangle Count: %i\n\n", mesh.triangleCount); |
fprintf(objFile, "# LICENSE: zlib/libpng\n"); |
fprintf(objFile, "# Copyright (c) 2018 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)\n\n"); |
fprintf(objFile, "g mesh\n"); |
for (int i = 0, v = 0; i < mesh.vertexCount; i++, v += 3) |
{ |
fprintf(objFile, "v %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", mesh.vertices[v], mesh.vertices[v + 1], mesh.vertices[v + 2]); |
} |
for (int i = 0, v = 0; i < mesh.vertexCount; i++, v += 2) |
{ |
fprintf(objFile, "vt %.2f %.2f\n", mesh.texcoords[v], mesh.texcoords[v + 1]); |
} |
for (int i = 0, v = 0; i < mesh.vertexCount; i++, v += 3) |
if (IsFileExtension(fileName, ".obj")) |
{ |
fprintf(objFile, "vn %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", mesh.normals[v], mesh.normals[v + 1], mesh.normals[v + 2]); |
} |
for (int i = 0; i < mesh.triangleCount; i += 3) |
{ |
fprintf(objFile, "f %i/%i/%i %i/%i/%i %i/%i/%i\n", i, i, i, i + 1, i + 1, i + 1, i + 2, i + 2, i + 2); |
FILE *objFile = fopen(fileName, "wt"); |
fprintf(objFile, "# raylib Mesh OBJ exporter v1.0\n\n"); |
fprintf(objFile, "# Mesh exported as triangle faces and not optimized.\n"); |
fprintf(objFile, "# Vertex Count: %i\n", mesh.vertexCount); |
fprintf(objFile, "# Triangle Count: %i\n\n", mesh.triangleCount); |
fprintf(objFile, "# LICENSE: zlib/libpng\n"); |
fprintf(objFile, "# Copyright (c) 2018 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)\n\n"); |
fprintf(objFile, "g mesh\n"); |
for (int i = 0, v = 0; i < mesh.vertexCount; i++, v += 3) |
{ |
fprintf(objFile, "v %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", mesh.vertices[v], mesh.vertices[v + 1], mesh.vertices[v + 2]); |
} |
for (int i = 0, v = 0; i < mesh.vertexCount; i++, v += 2) |
{ |
fprintf(objFile, "vt %.2f %.2f\n", mesh.texcoords[v], mesh.texcoords[v + 1]); |
} |
for (int i = 0, v = 0; i < mesh.vertexCount; i++, v += 3) |
{ |
fprintf(objFile, "vn %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", mesh.normals[v], mesh.normals[v + 1], mesh.normals[v + 2]); |
} |
for (int i = 0; i < mesh.triangleCount; i += 3) |
{ |
fprintf(objFile, "f %i/%i/%i %i/%i/%i %i/%i/%i\n", i, i, i, i + 1, i + 1, i + 1, i + 2, i + 2, i + 2); |
} |
fprintf(objFile, "\n"); |
fclose(objFile); |
success = true; |
} |
fprintf(objFile, "\n"); |
fclose(objFile); |
else if (IsFileExtension(fileName, ".raw")) { } // TODO: Support additional file formats to export mesh vertex data |
TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "Mesh saved: %s", fileName); |
if (success) TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "Mesh exported successfully: %s", fileName); |
else TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Mesh could not be exported."); |
} |