
Updated (

Ray 7 年之前
committed by GitHub
共有 1 個檔案被更改,包括 84 行新增3 行删除
  1. +84

+ 84
- 3

@ -1,7 +1,88 @@
Current Release: raylib 1.7.0 (20 May 2017)
Current Release: raylib 1.8.0 (Oct 2017)
Release: raylib 1.8.0 (Oct 2017)
In this release, multiple parts of the library have been reviewed again for consistency and simplification.
It exposes more than 20 new functions in comparison with previous version and it improves overall programming experience.
- Image generation functions: Gradient, Checked, Noise, Cellular...
- Mesh generation functions: Cube, Sphere, Cylinder, Torus, Knot...
- New Shaders and Materials systems to support PBR materials
- Custom Android toolchain for APK building with simple Makefile
- Complete review of raymath functionality (Matrix, Quaternion)
- Complete review of rlgl layer functionality
detailed changes:
[rlgl] RENAMED: rlglLoadTexture() to rlLoadTexture()
[rlgl] RENAMED: rlglLoadRenderTexture() to rlLoadRenderTexture()
[rlgl] RENAMED: rlglUpdateTexture() to rlUpdateTexture()
[rlgl] RENAMED: rlglGenerateMipmaps() to rlGenerateMipmaps()
[rlgl] RENAMED: rlglReadScreenPixels() to rlReadScreenPixels()
[rlgl] RENAMED: rlglReadTexturePixels() to rlReadTexturePixels()
[rlgl] RENAMED: rlglLoadMesh() to rlLoadMesh()
[rlgl] RENAMED: rlglUpdateMesh() to rlUpdateMesh()
[rlgl] RENAMED: rlglDrawMesh() to rlDrawMesh()
[rlgl] RENAMED: rlglUnloadMesh() to rlUnloadMesh()
[rlgl] RENAMED: rlglUnproject() to rlUnproject()
[rlgl] RENAMED: LoadCompressedTexture() to LoadTextureCompressed()
[rlgl] RENAMED: GetDefaultTexture() to GetTextureDefault()
[rlgl] RENAMED: LoadDefaultShader() to LoadShaderDefault()
[rlgl] RENAMED: LoadDefaultShaderLocations() to SetShaderDefaultLocations()
[rlgl] RENAMED: UnloadDefaultShader() to UnLoadShaderDefault()
// Texture maps generation (PBR)
[rlgl] ADDED: rlGenMapCubemap(Texture2D skyHDR, int size); // Generate cubemap texture map from HDR texture
[rlgl] ADDED: rlGenMapIrradiance(Texture2D cubemap, int size); // Generate irradiance texture map
[rlgl] ADDED: rlGenMapPrefilter(Texture2D cubemap, int size); // Generate prefilter texture map
[rlgl] ADDED: rlGenMapBRDF(Texture2D cubemap, int size); // Generate BRDF texture map
[core] ADDED: SetWindowTitle()
[core] ADDED: GetExtension()
[textures] ADDED: SaveImageAs()
? [textures] ADDED: DrawRectangleGradientEx(Rectangle rec, Color col1, Color col2, Color col3, Color col4); // Draw a gradient-filled rectangle with custom vertex colors
? [textures] ADDED: DrawRectangleT(int posX, int posY, int width, int height, Color color); // Draw rectangle using text character
// Image generation functions
[textures] ADDED: GenImageGradientV(int width, int height, Color top, Color bottom); // Generate image: vertical gradient
[textures] ADDED: GenImageGradientH(int width, int height, Color left, Color right); // Generate image: horizontal gradient
[textures] ADDED: GenImageGradientRadial(int width, int height, float density, Color inner, Color outer); // Generate image: radial gradient
[textures] ADDED: GenImageChecked(int width, int height, int checksX, int checksY, Color col1, Color col2); // Generate image: checked
[textures] ADDED: GenImageWhiteNoise(int width, int height, float factor); // Generate image: white noise
[textures] ADDED: GenImagePerlinNoise(int width, int height, float scale); // Generate image: perlin noise
[textures] ADDED: GenImageCellular(int width, int height, int tileSize); // Generate image: cellular algorithm. Bigger tileSize means bigger cells
// Texture maps generation (PBR)
[textures] ADDED: GenTextureCubemap(Shader shader, Texture2D skyHDR, int size); // Generate cubemap texture from HDR texture
[textures] ADDED: GenTextureIrradiance(Shader shader, Texture2D cubemap, int size); // Generate irradiance texture using cubemap data
[textures] ADDED: GenTexturePrefilter(Shader shader, Texture2D cubemap, int size); // Generate prefilter texture using cubemap data
[textures] ADDED: GenTextureBRDF(Shader shader, Texture2D cubemap, int size); // Generate BRDF texture using cubemap data
[models] REMOVED: LoadMeshEx()
[models] REMOVED: UpdateMesh()
[models] REMOVED: LoadHeightmap()
[models] REMOVED: LoadCubicmap()
[models] RENAMED: LoadDefaultMaterial() to LoadMaterialDefault()
// Mesh generation functions
[models] ADDED: GenMeshPlane()
[models] ADDED: GenMeshCube()
[models] ADDED: GenMeshSphere()
[models] ADDED: GenMeshHemiSphere(float radius, int rings, int slices); // Generate half-sphere mesh (no bottom cap)
[models] ADDED: GenMeshCylinder(float radius, float height, int slices); // Generate cylinder mesh
[models] ADDED: GenMeshTorus(float radius, float size, int radSeg, int sides); // Generate torus mesh
[models] ADDED: GenMeshKnot(float radius, float size, int radSeg, int sides); // Generate trefoil knot mesh
[models] ADDED: GenMeshHeightmap(Image heightmap, Vector3 size); // Generate heightmap mesh from image data
[models] ADDED: GenMeshCubicmap(Image cubicmap, Vector3 cubeSize); // Generate cubes-based map mesh from image data
[raymath] Reviewed full Matrix functionality
[raymath] Renamed Vector3 functions for consistency
[build] Integrate Android APK building into examples Makefile
[example] ADDED:
[example] ADDED:
[example] ADDED:
[github] Moved raylib webpage to own repo: github.com/raysan5/raylib.com
[games] Reviewed game: Koala Seasons
[*] Updated STB libraries to latest version
Release: raylib 1.7.0 (20 May 2017)
@ -36,14 +117,14 @@ other changes:
[rlgl] Removed function: CreateLight(), removed internal lighting system
[rlgl] Removed function: DestroyLight(), removed internal lighting system
[rlgl] Removed function: InitVrDevice(), removed VR device render, using simulator
[rlgl] Removed function: CloseVrDevice(), removed VR device render, using simulator
[rlgl] Removed function: CloseVrDevice(), removed VR device render, using simulator
[rlgl] Removed function: IsVrDeviceReady(), removed VR device render, using simulator
[rlgl] Removed function: IsVrSimulator(), removed VR device render, using simulator
[rlgl] Added function: InitVrSimulator(), init VR simulator for selected device
[rlgl] Added function: CloseVrSimulator(), close VR simulator for current device
[rlgl] Added function: IsVrSimulatorReady(), detect if VR device is ready
[rlgl] Added function: BeginVrDrawing(), begin VR simulator stereo rendering
[rlgl] Added function: EndVrDrawing(), end VR simulator stereo rendering
[rlgl] Added function: EndVrDrawing(), end VR simulator stereo rendering
[rlgl] Renamed function: ReadTextFile() to LoadText() and exposed to API
[rlgl] Removed internal lighting system and standard shader, moved to example
[rlgl] Removed Oculus Rift support, moved to oculus_rift example
