@ -92,9 +92,7 @@
/ / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
/ / Defines and Macros
/ / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# define DEFAULT_MESH_VERTEX_BUFFERS 7 / / Number of vertex buffers (VBO) per mesh
# endif
/ / . . .
/ / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
/ / Types and Structures Definition
@ -860,8 +858,21 @@ void UploadMesh(Mesh *mesh)
/ / Unload mesh from memory ( RAM and / or VRAM )
void UnloadMesh ( Mesh mesh )
/ / Unload rlgl mesh vboId data
rlUnloadMesh ( mesh ) ;
RL_FREE ( mesh . vboId ) ;
RL_FREE ( mesh . vertices ) ;
RL_FREE ( mesh . texcoords ) ;
RL_FREE ( mesh . normals ) ;
RL_FREE ( mesh . colors ) ;
RL_FREE ( mesh . tangents ) ;
RL_FREE ( mesh . texcoords2 ) ;
RL_FREE ( mesh . indices ) ;
RL_FREE ( mesh . animVertices ) ;
RL_FREE ( mesh . animNormals ) ;
RL_FREE ( mesh . boneWeights ) ;
RL_FREE ( mesh . boneIds ) ;
/ / Export mesh data to file
@ -1128,8 +1139,6 @@ Mesh GenMeshPoly(int sides, float radius)
if ( sides < 3 ) return mesh ;
mesh . vboId = ( unsigned int * ) RL_CALLOC ( DEFAULT_MESH_VERTEX_BUFFERS , sizeof ( unsigned int ) ) ;
int vertexCount = sides * 3 ;
/ / Vertices definition
@ -1186,6 +1195,7 @@ Mesh GenMeshPoly(int sides, float radius)
RL_FREE ( texcoords ) ;
/ / Upload vertex data to GPU ( static mesh )
/ / NOTE : mesh . vboId array is allocated inside rlLoadMesh ( )
rlLoadMesh ( & mesh , false ) ;
return mesh ;
@ -1195,7 +1205,6 @@ Mesh GenMeshPoly(int sides, float radius)
Mesh GenMeshPlane ( float width , float length , int resX , int resZ )
Mesh mesh = { 0 } ;
mesh . vboId = ( unsigned int * ) RL_CALLOC ( DEFAULT_MESH_VERTEX_BUFFERS , sizeof ( unsigned int ) ) ;
@ -1329,7 +1338,6 @@ Mesh GenMeshPlane(float width, float length, int resX, int resZ)
Mesh GenMeshCube ( float width , float height , float length )
Mesh mesh = { 0 } ;
mesh . vboId = ( unsigned int * ) RL_CALLOC ( DEFAULT_MESH_VERTEX_BUFFERS , sizeof ( unsigned int ) ) ;
# if defined(CUSTOM_MESH_GEN_CUBE)
@ -1498,8 +1506,6 @@ RLAPI Mesh GenMeshSphere(float radius, int rings, int slices)
if ( ( rings > = 3 ) & & ( slices > = 3 ) )
mesh . vboId = ( unsigned int * ) RL_CALLOC ( DEFAULT_MESH_VERTEX_BUFFERS , sizeof ( unsigned int ) ) ;
par_shapes_mesh * sphere = par_shapes_create_parametric_sphere ( slices , rings ) ;
par_shapes_scale ( sphere , radius , radius , radius ) ;
/ / NOTE : Soft normals are computed internally
@ -1544,8 +1550,6 @@ RLAPI Mesh GenMeshHemiSphere(float radius, int rings, int slices)
if ( radius < 0.0f ) radius = 0.0f ;
mesh . vboId = ( unsigned int * ) RL_CALLOC ( DEFAULT_MESH_VERTEX_BUFFERS , sizeof ( unsigned int ) ) ;
par_shapes_mesh * sphere = par_shapes_create_hemisphere ( slices , rings ) ;
par_shapes_scale ( sphere , radius , radius , radius ) ;
/ / NOTE : Soft normals are computed internally
@ -1588,8 +1592,6 @@ Mesh GenMeshCylinder(float radius, float height, int slices)
if ( slices > = 3 )
mesh . vboId = ( unsigned int * ) RL_CALLOC ( DEFAULT_MESH_VERTEX_BUFFERS , sizeof ( unsigned int ) ) ;
/ / Instance a cylinder that sits on the Z = 0 plane using the given tessellation
/ / levels across the UV domain . Think of " slices " like a number of pizza
/ / slices , and " stacks " like a number of stacked rings .
@ -1653,8 +1655,6 @@ Mesh GenMeshTorus(float radius, float size, int radSeg, int sides)
if ( ( sides > = 3 ) & & ( radSeg > = 3 ) )
mesh . vboId = ( unsigned int * ) RL_CALLOC ( DEFAULT_MESH_VERTEX_BUFFERS , sizeof ( unsigned int ) ) ;
if ( radius > 1.0f ) radius = 1.0f ;
else if ( radius < 0.1f ) radius = 0.1f ;
@ -1701,8 +1701,6 @@ Mesh GenMeshKnot(float radius, float size, int radSeg, int sides)
if ( ( sides > = 3 ) & & ( radSeg > = 3 ) )
mesh . vboId = ( unsigned int * ) RL_CALLOC ( DEFAULT_MESH_VERTEX_BUFFERS , sizeof ( unsigned int ) ) ;
if ( radius > 3.0f ) radius = 3.0f ;
else if ( radius < 0.5f ) radius = 0.5f ;
@ -1747,7 +1745,6 @@ Mesh GenMeshHeightmap(Image heightmap, Vector3 size)
# define GRAY_VALUE(c) ((c.r+c.g+c.b) / 3)
Mesh mesh = { 0 } ;
mesh . vboId = ( unsigned int * ) RL_CALLOC ( DEFAULT_MESH_VERTEX_BUFFERS , sizeof ( unsigned int ) ) ;
int mapX = heightmap . width ;
int mapZ = heightmap . height ;
@ -1883,7 +1880,6 @@ Mesh GenMeshCubicmap(Image cubicmap, Vector3 cubeSize)
# define COLOR_EQUAL(col1, col2) ((col1.r == col2.r)&&(col1.g == col2.g)&&(col1.b == col2.b)&&(col1.a == col2.a))
Mesh mesh = { 0 } ;
mesh . vboId = ( unsigned int * ) RL_CALLOC ( DEFAULT_MESH_VERTEX_BUFFERS , sizeof ( unsigned int ) ) ;
Color * pixels = LoadImageColors ( cubicmap ) ;
@ -2842,7 +2838,6 @@ static Model LoadOBJ(const char *fileName)
model . meshes [ mi ] . vertices = ( float * ) RL_CALLOC ( model . meshes [ mi ] . vertexCount * 3 , sizeof ( float ) ) ;
model . meshes [ mi ] . texcoords = ( float * ) RL_CALLOC ( model . meshes [ mi ] . vertexCount * 2 , sizeof ( float ) ) ;
model . meshes [ mi ] . normals = ( float * ) RL_CALLOC ( model . meshes [ mi ] . vertexCount * 3 , sizeof ( float ) ) ;
model . meshes [ mi ] . vboId = ( unsigned int * ) RL_CALLOC ( DEFAULT_MESH_VERTEX_BUFFERS , sizeof ( unsigned int ) ) ;
model . meshMaterial [ mi ] = mi ;
@ -3108,8 +3103,6 @@ static Model LoadIQM(const char *fileName)
/ / NOTE : Animated vertex should be re - uploaded to GPU ( if not using GPU skinning )
model . meshes [ i ] . animVertices = RL_CALLOC ( model . meshes [ i ] . vertexCount * 3 , sizeof ( float ) ) ;
model . meshes [ i ] . animNormals = RL_CALLOC ( model . meshes [ i ] . vertexCount * 3 , sizeof ( float ) ) ;
model . meshes [ i ] . vboId = ( unsigned int * ) RL_CALLOC ( DEFAULT_MESH_VERTEX_BUFFERS , sizeof ( unsigned int ) ) ;
/ / Triangles data processing
@ -3726,10 +3719,7 @@ static Model LoadGLTF(const char *fileName)
model . boneCount = ( int ) data - > nodes_count ;
model . bones = RL_CALLOC ( model . boneCount , sizeof ( BoneInfo ) ) ;
model . bindPose = RL_CALLOC ( model . boneCount , sizeof ( Transform ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < model . meshCount ; i + + )
model . meshes [ i ] . vboId = ( unsigned int * ) RL_CALLOC ( DEFAULT_MESH_VERTEX_BUFFERS , sizeof ( unsigned int ) ) ;
for ( unsigned int j = 0 ; j < data - > nodes_count ; j + + )
strcpy ( model . bones [ j ] . name , data - > nodes [ j ] . name = = 0 ? " ANIMJOINT " : data - > nodes [ j ] . name ) ;
@ -3738,43 +3728,25 @@ static Model LoadGLTF(const char *fileName)
for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < data - > nodes_count ; i + + )
if ( data - > nodes [ i ] . has_translation )
memcpy ( & model . bindPose [ i ] . translation , data - > nodes [ i ] . translation , 3 * sizeof ( float ) ) ;
model . bindPose [ i ] . translation = Vector3Zero ( ) ;
if ( data - > nodes [ i ] . has_rotation )
memcpy ( & model . bindPose [ i ] . rotation , data - > nodes [ i ] . rotation , 4 * sizeof ( float ) ) ;
model . bindPose [ i ] . rotation = QuaternionIdentity ( ) ;
if ( data - > nodes [ i ] . has_translation ) memcpy ( & model . bindPose [ i ] . translation , data - > nodes [ i ] . translation , 3 * sizeof ( float ) ) ;
else model . bindPose [ i ] . translation = Vector3Zero ( ) ;
if ( data - > nodes [ i ] . has_rotation ) memcpy ( & model . bindPose [ i ] . rotation , data - > nodes [ i ] . rotation , 4 * sizeof ( float ) ) ;
else model . bindPose [ i ] . rotation = QuaternionIdentity ( ) ;
model . bindPose [ i ] . rotation = QuaternionNormalize ( model . bindPose [ i ] . rotation ) ;
if ( data - > nodes [ i ] . has_scale )
memcpy ( & model . bindPose [ i ] . scale , data - > nodes [ i ] . scale , 3 * sizeof ( float ) ) ;
model . bindPose [ i ] . scale = Vector3One ( ) ;
if ( data - > nodes [ i ] . has_scale ) memcpy ( & model . bindPose [ i ] . scale , data - > nodes [ i ] . scale , 3 * sizeof ( float ) ) ;
else model . bindPose [ i ] . scale = Vector3One ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < model . boneCount ; i + + )
Transform * currentTransform = model . bindPose + i ;
BoneInfo * currentBone = model . bones + i ;
Transform * currentTransform = model . bindPose + i ;
BoneInfo * currentBone = model . bones + i ;
int root = currentBone - > parent ;
if ( root > = model . boneCount )
root = 0 ;
Transform * parentTransform = model . bindPose + root ;
if ( root > = model . boneCount ) root = 0 ;
Transform * parentTransform = model . bindPose + root ;
if ( currentBone - > parent > = 0 )
@ -3791,7 +3763,7 @@ static Model LoadGLTF(const char *fileName)
Color tint = ( Color ) { 255 , 255 , 255 , 255 } ;
const char * texPath = GetDirectoryPath ( fileName ) ;
/ / Ensure material follows raylib support for PBR ( metallic / roughness flow )
/ / Ensure material follows raylib support for PBR ( metallic / roughness flow )
if ( data - > materials [ i ] . has_pbr_metallic_roughness )
tint . r = ( unsigned char ) ( data - > materials [ i ] . pbr_metallic_roughness . base_color_factor [ 0 ] * 255 ) ;