
Improve gltf support (#1647)

* Implement a load values from accessor function.
Added some more value types for the different GLTF attributes.
Fixed crash when loading animated triangle.

* Split GLTF model loading into separate functions for readability.

* Fixed the already working models that I broke when introducing GLTFReadValue.
Improved the example for gltf models to be able to switch between a few models.

* Removed license from screen. It is pu inside a license file anyway.

* Small improvements on the naming of functions
Removed (*model). and replaced it with model->
Hristo Stamenov 4 年之前
committed by GitHub
沒有發現已知的金鑰在資料庫的簽署中 GPG 金鑰 ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
共有 4 個檔案被更改,包括 468 行新增307 行删除
  1. +36
  2. 二進制
  3. 二進制
  4. +432

+ 36
- 6
examples/models/models_gltf_model.c 查看文件

@ -39,7 +39,18 @@ int main(void)
camera.fovy = 45.0f; // Camera field-of-view Y
camera.type = CAMERA_PERSPECTIVE; // Camera mode type
Model model = LoadModel("resources/gltf/Avocado.glb"); // Load the animated model mesh and
Model model[7];
model[0] = LoadModel("resources/gltf/raylib_32x32.glb");
model[1] = LoadModel("resources/gltf/rigged_figure.glb");
model[2] = LoadModel("resources/gltf/Avocado.glb");
model[3] = LoadModel("resources/gltf/GearboxAssy.glb");
model[4] = LoadModel("resources/gltf/BoxAnimated.glb");
model[5] = LoadModel("resources/gltf/AnimatedTriangle.gltf");
model[6] = LoadModel("resources/gltf/AnimatedMorphCube.glb");
int currentModel = 0;
int modelCount = 7;
Vector3 position = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; // Set model position
@ -54,23 +65,39 @@ int main(void)
// Update
if(currentModel == modelCount)
currentModel = 0;
if(currentModel < 0)
currentModel = modelCount - 1;
// Draw
DrawModelEx(model, position, (Vector3){ 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f }, 180.0f, (Vector3){ 15.0f, 15.0f, 15.0f }, WHITE);
DrawModelEx(model[currentModel], position, (Vector3){ 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f }, 180.0f, (Vector3){ 2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f }, WHITE);
DrawGrid(10, 1.0f); // Draw a grid
DrawText("(cc0) Avocado by @Microsoft", screenWidth - 200, screenHeight - 20, 10, GRAY);
@ -78,7 +105,10 @@ int main(void)
// De-Initialization
UnloadModel(model); // Unload model
for(int i = 0; i < modelCount; i++)
UnloadModel(model[i]); // Unload model
CloseWindow(); // Close window and OpenGL context

examples/models/resources/gltf/Textures/raylib_32x32.png 查看文件

Before After
Width: 8  |  Height: 8  |  Size: 189 B

examples/models/resources/gltf/raylib_32x32.glb 查看文件

+ 432
- 301
src/models.c 查看文件

@ -117,6 +117,11 @@ static ModelAnimation *LoadIQMModelAnimations(const char *fileName, int *animCou
static Model LoadGLTF(const char *fileName); // Load GLTF mesh data
static ModelAnimation *LoadGLTFModelAnimations(const char *fileName, int *animCount); // Load GLTF animation data
static void LoadGLTFModelIndices(Model* model, cgltf_accessor* indexAccessor, int primitiveIndex);
static void BindGLTFPrimitiveToBones(Model* model, const cgltf_data* data, int primitiveIndex);
static void LoadGLTFBoneAttribute(Model* model, cgltf_accessor* jointsAccessor, const cgltf_data* data, int primitiveIndex);
static void LoadGLTFMaterial(Model* model, const char* fileName, const cgltf_data* data);
static void InitGLTFBones(Model* model, const cgltf_data* data);
@ -1087,13 +1092,16 @@ void UpdateModelAnimation(Model model, ModelAnimation anim, int frame)
// Normals processing
// NOTE: We use meshes.baseNormals (default normal) to calculate meshes.normals (animated normals)
animNormal = (Vector3){ model.meshes[m].normals[vCounter], model.meshes[m].normals[vCounter + 1], model.meshes[m].normals[vCounter + 2] };
animNormal = Vector3RotateByQuaternion(animNormal, QuaternionMultiply(outRotation, QuaternionInvert(inRotation)));
model.meshes[m].animNormals[vCounter] = animNormal.x;
model.meshes[m].animNormals[vCounter + 1] = animNormal.y;
model.meshes[m].animNormals[vCounter + 2] = animNormal.z;
if(model.meshes[m].normals != NULL)
animNormal = (Vector3){ model.meshes[m].normals[vCounter], model.meshes[m].normals[vCounter + 1], model.meshes[m].normals[vCounter + 2] };
animNormal = Vector3RotateByQuaternion(animNormal, QuaternionMultiply(outRotation, QuaternionInvert(inRotation)));
model.meshes[m].animNormals[vCounter] = animNormal.x;
model.meshes[m].animNormals[vCounter + 1] = animNormal.y;
model.meshes[m].animNormals[vCounter + 2] = animNormal.z;
vCounter += 3;
boneCounter += 4;
@ -3650,12 +3658,37 @@ static Image LoadImageFromCgltfImage(cgltf_image *image, const char *texPath, Co
return rimage;
static bool GLTFReadValue(cgltf_accessor* acc, unsigned int index, void* variable, unsigned int elements, unsigned int size)
if (acc->count == 2)
if (index > 1)
return false;
memcpy(variable, index == 0 ? acc->min : acc->max, elements * size);
return true;
unsigned int stride = size * elements;
memset(variable, 0, stride);
if(acc->buffer_view == NULL || acc->buffer_view->buffer == NULL || acc->buffer_view->buffer->data == NULL)
return false;
void* readPosition = ((char*)acc->buffer_view->buffer->data) + (index * stride) + acc->buffer_view->offset + acc->offset;
memcpy(variable, readPosition, stride);
return true;
// LoadGLTF loads in model data from given filename, supporting both .gltf and .glb
static Model LoadGLTF(const char *fileName)
Function implemented by Wilhem Barbier(@wbrbr), with modifications by Tyler Bezera(@gamerfiend)
Function implemented by Wilhem Barbier(@wbrbr), with modifications by Tyler Bezera(@gamerfiend) and Hristo Stamenov(@object71)
- Supports .gltf and .glb files
@ -3671,18 +3704,6 @@ static Model LoadGLTF(const char *fileName)
#define LOAD_ACCESSOR(type, nbcomp, acc, dst) \
{ \
int n = 0; \
type* buf = (type*)acc->buffer_view->buffer->data + acc->buffer_view->offset/sizeof(type) + acc->offset/sizeof(type); \
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < acc->count; k++) {\
for (int l = 0; l < nbcomp; l++) {\
dst[nbcomp*k + l] = buf[n + l];\
n += (int)(acc->stride/sizeof(type));\
Model model = { 0 };
// glTF file loading
@ -3719,131 +3740,10 @@ static Model LoadGLTF(const char *fileName)
model.boneCount = (int)data->nodes_count;
model.bones = RL_CALLOC(model.boneCount, sizeof(BoneInfo));
model.bindPose = RL_CALLOC(model.boneCount, sizeof(Transform));
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < data->nodes_count; j++)
strcpy(model.bones[j].name, data->nodes[j].name == 0 ? "ANIMJOINT" : data->nodes[j].name);
model.bones[j].parent = (data->nodes[j].parent != NULL) ? data->nodes[j].parent - data->nodes : -1;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < data->nodes_count; i++)
if (data->nodes[i].has_translation) memcpy(&model.bindPose[i].translation, data->nodes[i].translation, 3 * sizeof(float));
else model.bindPose[i].translation = Vector3Zero();
if (data->nodes[i].has_rotation) memcpy(&model.bindPose[i].rotation, data->nodes[i].rotation, 4 * sizeof(float));
else model.bindPose[i].rotation = QuaternionIdentity();
model.bindPose[i].rotation = QuaternionNormalize(model.bindPose[i].rotation);
if (data->nodes[i].has_scale) memcpy(&model.bindPose[i].scale, data->nodes[i].scale, 3 * sizeof(float));
else model.bindPose[i].scale = Vector3One();
bool* completedBones = RL_CALLOC(model.boneCount, sizeof(bool));
int numberCompletedBones = 0;
while (numberCompletedBones < model.boneCount) {
for (int i = 0; i < model.boneCount; i++)
if (completedBones[i]) continue;
if (model.bones[i].parent < 0) {
completedBones[i] = true;
if (!completedBones[model.bones[i].parent]) continue;
Transform* currentTransform = &model.bindPose[i];
BoneInfo* currentBone = &model.bones[i];
int root = currentBone->parent;
if (root >= model.boneCount)
root = 0;
Transform* parentTransform = &model.bindPose[root];
currentTransform->rotation = QuaternionMultiply(parentTransform->rotation, currentTransform->rotation);
currentTransform->translation = Vector3RotateByQuaternion(currentTransform->translation, parentTransform->rotation);
currentTransform->translation = Vector3Add(currentTransform->translation, parentTransform->translation);
currentTransform->scale = Vector3Multiply(parentTransform->scale, parentTransform->scale);
completedBones[i] = true;
for (int i = 0; i < model.materialCount - 1; i++)
model.materials[i] = LoadMaterialDefault();
Color tint = (Color){ 255, 255, 255, 255 };
const char *texPath = GetDirectoryPath(fileName);
// Ensure material follows raylib support for PBR (metallic/roughness flow)
if (data->materials[i].has_pbr_metallic_roughness)
tint.r = (unsigned char)(data->materials[i].pbr_metallic_roughness.base_color_factor[0] * 255);
tint.g = (unsigned char)(data->materials[i].pbr_metallic_roughness.base_color_factor[1] * 255);
tint.b = (unsigned char)(data->materials[i].pbr_metallic_roughness.base_color_factor[2] * 255);
tint.a = (unsigned char)(data->materials[i].pbr_metallic_roughness.base_color_factor[3] * 255);
model.materials[i].maps[MATERIAL_MAP_ALBEDO].color = tint;
if (data->materials[i].pbr_metallic_roughness.base_color_texture.texture)
Image albedo = LoadImageFromCgltfImage(data->materials[i].pbr_metallic_roughness.base_color_texture.texture->image, texPath, tint);
model.materials[i].maps[MATERIAL_MAP_ALBEDO].texture = LoadTextureFromImage(albedo);
tint = WHITE; // Set tint to white after it's been used by Albedo
if (data->materials[i].pbr_metallic_roughness.metallic_roughness_texture.texture)
Image metallicRoughness = LoadImageFromCgltfImage(data->materials[i].pbr_metallic_roughness.metallic_roughness_texture.texture->image, texPath, tint);
model.materials[i].maps[MATERIAL_MAP_ROUGHNESS].texture = LoadTextureFromImage(metallicRoughness);
float roughness = data->materials[i].pbr_metallic_roughness.roughness_factor;
model.materials[i].maps[MATERIAL_MAP_ROUGHNESS].value = roughness;
float metallic = data->materials[i].pbr_metallic_roughness.metallic_factor;
model.materials[i].maps[MATERIAL_MAP_METALNESS].value = metallic;
if (data->materials[i].normal_texture.texture)
Image normalImage = LoadImageFromCgltfImage(data->materials[i].normal_texture.texture->image, texPath, tint);
model.materials[i].maps[MATERIAL_MAP_NORMAL].texture = LoadTextureFromImage(normalImage);
if (data->materials[i].occlusion_texture.texture)
Image occulsionImage = LoadImageFromCgltfImage(data->materials[i].occlusion_texture.texture->image, texPath, tint);
model.materials[i].maps[MATERIAL_MAP_OCCLUSION].texture = LoadTextureFromImage(occulsionImage);
if (data->materials[i].emissive_texture.texture)
Image emissiveImage = LoadImageFromCgltfImage(data->materials[i].emissive_texture.texture->image, texPath, tint);
model.materials[i].maps[MATERIAL_MAP_EMISSION].texture = LoadTextureFromImage(emissiveImage);
tint.r = (unsigned char)(data->materials[i].emissive_factor[0]*255);
tint.g = (unsigned char)(data->materials[i].emissive_factor[1]*255);
tint.b = (unsigned char)(data->materials[i].emissive_factor[2]*255);
model.materials[i].maps[MATERIAL_MAP_EMISSION].color = tint;
model.materials[model.materialCount - 1] = LoadMaterialDefault();
InitGLTFBones(&model, data);
LoadGLTFMaterial(&model, fileName, data);
int primitiveIndex = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < data->meshes_count; i++)
@ -3859,18 +3759,65 @@ static Model LoadGLTF(const char *fileName)
int bufferSize = model.meshes[primitiveIndex].vertexCount * 3 * sizeof(float);
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].vertices = RL_MALLOC(bufferSize);
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].animVertices = RL_MALLOC(bufferSize);
LOAD_ACCESSOR(float, 3, acc, model.meshes[primitiveIndex].vertices);
if(acc->component_type == cgltf_component_type_r_32f)
for(int a = 0; a < acc->count; a++)
GLTFReadValue(acc, a, model.meshes[primitiveIndex].vertices + (a * 3), 3, sizeof(float));
else if (acc->component_type == cgltf_component_type_r_32u)
int readValue[3];
for(int a = 0; a < acc->count; a++)
GLTFReadValue(acc, a, readValue, 3, sizeof(int));
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].vertices[(a * 3) + 0] = readValue[0];
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].vertices[(a * 3) + 1] = readValue[1];
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].vertices[(a * 3) + 2] = readValue[2];
// TODO: Support normalized unsigned byte/unsigned short vertices
TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "MODEL: [%s] glTF vertices must be float or int", fileName);
memcpy(model.meshes[primitiveIndex].animVertices, model.meshes[primitiveIndex].vertices, bufferSize);
else if (data->meshes[i].primitives[p].attributes[j].type == cgltf_attribute_type_normal)
cgltf_accessor *acc = data->meshes[i].primitives[p].attributes[j].data;
int bufferSize = (int)(acc->count*3*sizeof(float));
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].normals = RL_MALLOC(bufferSize);
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].animNormals = RL_MALLOC(bufferSize);
LOAD_ACCESSOR(float, 3, acc, model.meshes[primitiveIndex].normals);
if(acc->component_type == cgltf_component_type_r_32f)
for(int a = 0; a < acc->count; a++)
GLTFReadValue(acc, a, model.meshes[primitiveIndex].normals + (a * 3), 3, sizeof(float));
else if (acc->component_type == cgltf_component_type_r_32u)
int readValue[3];
for(int a = 0; a < acc->count; a++)
GLTFReadValue(acc, a, readValue, 3, sizeof(int));
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].normals[(a * 3) + 0] = readValue[0];
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].normals[(a * 3) + 1] = readValue[1];
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].normals[(a * 3) + 2] = readValue[2];
// TODO: Support normalized unsigned byte/unsigned short normals
TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "MODEL: [%s] glTF normals must be float or int", fileName);
memcpy(model.meshes[primitiveIndex].animNormals, model.meshes[primitiveIndex].normals, bufferSize);
else if (data->meshes[i].primitives[p].attributes[j].type == cgltf_attribute_type_texcoord)
@ -3880,7 +3827,11 @@ static Model LoadGLTF(const char *fileName)
if (acc->component_type == cgltf_component_type_r_32f)
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].texcoords = RL_MALLOC(acc->count*2*sizeof(float));
LOAD_ACCESSOR(float, 2, acc, model.meshes[primitiveIndex].texcoords)
for(int a = 0; a < acc->count; a++)
GLTFReadValue(acc, a, model.meshes[primitiveIndex].texcoords + (a * 2), 2, sizeof(float));
@ -3889,89 +3840,46 @@ static Model LoadGLTF(const char *fileName)
else if (data->meshes[i].primitives[p].attributes[j].type == cgltf_attribute_type_joints)
cgltf_accessor *acc = data->meshes[i].primitives[p].attributes[j].data;
LoadGLTFBoneAttribute(&model, acc, data, primitiveIndex);
else if (data->meshes[i].primitives[p].attributes[j].type == cgltf_attribute_type_weights)
cgltf_accessor *acc = data->meshes[i].primitives[p].attributes[j].data;
if (acc->component_type == cgltf_component_type_r_16u)
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].boneWeights = RL_MALLOC(acc->count*4*sizeof(float));
if(acc->component_type == cgltf_component_type_r_32f)
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].boneIds = RL_MALLOC(sizeof(int) * acc->count * 4);
short* bones = RL_MALLOC(sizeof(short) * acc->count * 4);
LOAD_ACCESSOR(short, 4, acc, bones);
for (unsigned int a = 0; a < acc->count * 4; a++)
for(int a = 0; a < acc->count; a++)
cgltf_node* skinJoint = data->skins->joints[bones[a]];
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < data->nodes_count; k++)
if (&(data->nodes[k]) == skinJoint)
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].boneIds[a] = k;
GLTFReadValue(acc, a, model.meshes[primitiveIndex].boneWeights + (a * 4), 4, sizeof(float));
else if (acc->component_type == cgltf_component_type_r_8u)
else if (acc->component_type == cgltf_component_type_r_32u)
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].boneIds = RL_MALLOC(sizeof(int) * acc->count * 4);
unsigned char* bones = RL_MALLOC(sizeof(unsigned char) * acc->count * 4);
LOAD_ACCESSOR(unsigned char, 4, acc, bones);
for (unsigned int a = 0; a < acc->count * 4; a++)
unsigned int readValue[4];
for(int a = 0; a < acc->count; a++)
cgltf_node* skinJoint = data->skins->joints[bones[a]];
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < data->nodes_count; k++)
if (&(data->nodes[k]) == skinJoint)
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].boneIds[a] = k;
GLTFReadValue(acc, a, readValue, 4, sizeof(unsigned int));
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].normals[(a * 4) + 0] = readValue[0];
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].normals[(a * 4) + 1] = readValue[1];
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].normals[(a * 4) + 2] = readValue[2];
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].normals[(a * 4) + 3] = readValue[3];
// TODO: Support other size of bone index?
TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "MODEL: [%s] glTF bones in unexpected format", fileName);
// TODO: Support normalized unsigned byte/unsigned short weights
TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "MODEL: [%s] glTF normals must be float or int", fileName);
else if (data->meshes[i].primitives[p].attributes[j].type == cgltf_attribute_type_weights)
cgltf_accessor *acc = data->meshes[i].primitives[p].attributes[j].data;
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].boneWeights = RL_MALLOC(acc->count*4*sizeof(float));
LOAD_ACCESSOR(float, 4, acc, model.meshes[primitiveIndex].boneWeights)
cgltf_accessor *acc = data->meshes[i].primitives[p].indices;
if (acc)
if (acc->component_type == cgltf_component_type_r_16u)
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].triangleCount = (int)acc->count/3;
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].indices = RL_MALLOC(model.meshes[primitiveIndex].triangleCount*3*sizeof(unsigned short));
LOAD_ACCESSOR(unsigned short, 1, acc, model.meshes[primitiveIndex].indices)
// TODO: Support unsigned byte/unsigned int
TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "MODEL: [%s] glTF index data must be unsigned short", fileName);
// Unindexed mesh
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].triangleCount = model.meshes[primitiveIndex].vertexCount/3;
LoadGLTFModelIndices(&model, acc, primitiveIndex);
if (data->meshes[i].primitives[p].material)
// Compute the offset
@ -3981,79 +3889,14 @@ static Model LoadGLTF(const char *fileName)
model.meshMaterial[primitiveIndex] = model.materialCount - 1;
// if (data->meshes[i].)
if (model.meshes[primitiveIndex].boneIds == NULL && data->nodes_count > 0)
for (int nodeId = 0; nodeId < data->nodes_count; nodeId++)
if (data->nodes[nodeId].mesh == &(data->meshes[i]))
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].boneIds = RL_CALLOC(4 * model.meshes[primitiveIndex].vertexCount, sizeof(int));
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].boneWeights = RL_CALLOC(4 * model.meshes[primitiveIndex].vertexCount, sizeof(float));
for (int b = 0; b < 4 * model.meshes[primitiveIndex].vertexCount; b++)
if(b % 4 == 0)
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].boneIds[b] = nodeId;
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].boneWeights[b] = 1.0f;
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].boneIds[b] = 0;
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].boneWeights[b] = 0.0f;
Vector3 boundVertex = { 0 };
Vector3 boundNormal = { 0 };
BindGLTFPrimitiveToBones(&model, data, primitiveIndex);
Vector3 outTranslation = { 0 };
Quaternion outRotation = { 0 };
Vector3 outScale = { 0 };
int vCounter = 0;
int boneCounter = 0;
int boneId = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < model.meshes[primitiveIndex].vertexCount; i++)
boneId = model.meshes[primitiveIndex].boneIds[boneCounter];
outTranslation = model.bindPose[boneId].translation;
outRotation = model.bindPose[boneId].rotation;
outScale = model.bindPose[boneId].scale;
// Vertices processing
boundVertex = (Vector3){ model.meshes[primitiveIndex].vertices[vCounter], model.meshes[primitiveIndex].vertices[vCounter + 1], model.meshes[primitiveIndex].vertices[vCounter + 2] };
boundVertex = Vector3Multiply(boundVertex, outScale);
boundVertex = Vector3RotateByQuaternion(boundVertex, outRotation);
boundVertex = Vector3Add(boundVertex, outTranslation);
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].vertices[vCounter] = boundVertex.x;
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].vertices[vCounter + 1] = boundVertex.y;
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].vertices[vCounter + 2] = boundVertex.z;
// Normals processing
boundNormal = (Vector3){ model.meshes[primitiveIndex].normals[vCounter], model.meshes[primitiveIndex].normals[vCounter + 1], model.meshes[primitiveIndex].normals[vCounter + 2] };
boundNormal = Vector3RotateByQuaternion(boundNormal, outRotation);
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].normals[vCounter] = boundNormal.x;
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].normals[vCounter + 1] = boundNormal.y;
model.meshes[primitiveIndex].normals[vCounter + 2] = boundNormal.z;
vCounter += 3;
boneCounter += 4;
else TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "MODEL: [%s] Failed to load glTF data", fileName);
@ -4063,24 +3906,312 @@ static Model LoadGLTF(const char *fileName)
return model;
static bool GltfReadFloat(cgltf_accessor* acc, unsigned int index, float* variable, unsigned int elements)
static void InitGLTFBones(Model* model, const cgltf_data* data)
if (acc->count == 2)
for (kt">unsigned intan> class="n">j class="o">= 0; j < data->nodes_count; j++)
if (index > 1)
strcpy(model->bones[j].name, data->nodes[j].name == 0 ? "ANIMJOINT" : data->nodes[j].name);
model->bones[j].parent = (data->nodes[j].parent != NULL) ? data->nodes[j].parent - data->nodes : -1;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < data->nodes_count; i++)
if (data->nodes[i].has_translation) memcpy(&model->bindPose[i].translation, data->nodes[i].translation, 3 * sizeof(float));
else model->bindPose[i].translation = Vector3Zero();
if (data->nodes[i].has_rotation) memcpy(&model->bindPose[i].rotation, data->nodes[i].rotation, 4 * sizeof(float));
else model->bindPose[i].rotation = QuaternionIdentity();
model->bindPose[i].rotation = QuaternionNormalize(model->bindPose[i].rotation);
if (data->nodes[i].has_scale) memcpy(&model->bindPose[i].scale, data->nodes[i].scale, 3 * sizeof(float));
else model->bindPose[i].scale = Vector3One();
bool* completedBones = RL_CALLOC(model->boneCount, sizeof(bool));
int numberCompletedBones = 0;
while (numberCompletedBones < model->boneCount) {
for (int i = 0; i < model->boneCount; i++)
if (completedBones[i]) continue;
if (model->bones[i].parent < 0) {
completedBones[i] = true;
if (!completedBones[model->bones[i].parent]) continue;
Transform* currentTransform = &model->bindPose[i];
BoneInfo* currentBone = &model->bones[i];
int root = currentBone->parent;
if (root >= model->boneCount)
root = 0;
Transform* parentTransform = &model->bindPose[root];
currentTransform->rotation = QuaternionMultiply(parentTransform->rotation, currentTransform->rotation);
currentTransform->translation = Vector3RotateByQuaternion(currentTransform->translation, parentTransform->rotation);
currentTransform->translation = Vector3Add(currentTransform->translation, parentTransform->translation);
currentTransform->scale = Vector3Multiply(parentTransform->scale, parentTransform->scale);
completedBones[i] = true;
static void LoadGLTFMaterial(Model* model, const char* fileName, const cgltf_data* data)
for (int i = 0; i < model->materialCount - 1; i++)
model->materials[i] = LoadMaterialDefault();
Color tint = (Color){ 255, 255, 255, 255 };
const char *texPath = GetDirectoryPath(fileName);
// Ensure material follows raylib support for PBR (metallic/roughness flow)
if (data->materials[i].has_pbr_metallic_roughness)
return false;
tint.r = (unsigned char)(data->materials[i].pbr_metallic_roughness.base_color_factor[0] * 255);
tint.g = (unsigned char)(data->materials[i].pbr_metallic_roughness.base_color_factor[1] * 255);
tint.b = (unsigned char)(data->materials[i].pbr_metallic_roughness.base_color_factor[2] * 255);
tint.a = (unsigned char)(data->materials[i].pbr_metallic_roughness.base_color_factor[3] * 255);
model->materials[i].maps[MATERIAL_MAP_ALBEDO].color = tint;
if (data->materials[i].pbr_metallic_roughness.base_color_texture.texture)
Image albedo = LoadImageFromCgltfImage(data->materials[i].pbr_metallic_roughness.base_color_texture.texture->image, texPath, tint);
model->materials[i].maps[MATERIAL_MAP_ALBEDO].texture = LoadTextureFromImage(albedo);
tint = WHITE; // Set tint to white after it's been used by Albedo
if (data->materials[i].pbr_metallic_roughness.metallic_roughness_texture.texture)
Image metallicRoughness = LoadImageFromCgltfImage(data->materials[i].pbr_metallic_roughness.metallic_roughness_texture.texture->image, texPath, tint);
model->materials[i].maps[MATERIAL_MAP_ROUGHNESS].texture = LoadTextureFromImage(metallicRoughness);
float roughness = data->materials[i].pbr_metallic_roughness.roughness_factor;
model->materials[i].maps[MATERIAL_MAP_ROUGHNESS].value = roughness;
float metallic = data->materials[i].pbr_metallic_roughness.metallic_factor;
model->materials[i].maps[MATERIAL_MAP_METALNESS].value = metallic;
if (data->materials[i].normal_texture.texture)
Image normalImage = LoadImageFromCgltfImage(data->materials[i].normal_texture.texture->image, texPath, tint);
model->materials[i].maps[MATERIAL_MAP_NORMAL].texture = LoadTextureFromImage(normalImage);
if (data->materials[i].occlusion_texture.texture)
Image occulsionImage = LoadImageFromCgltfImage(data->materials[i].occlusion_texture.texture->image, texPath, tint);
model->materials[i].maps[MATERIAL_MAP_OCCLUSION].texture = LoadTextureFromImage(occulsionImage);
if (data->materials[i].emissive_texture.texture)
Image emissiveImage = LoadImageFromCgltfImage(data->materials[i].emissive_texture.texture->image, texPath, tint);
model->materials[i].maps[MATERIAL_MAP_EMISSION].texture = LoadTextureFromImage(emissiveImage);
tint.r = (unsigned char)(data->materials[i].emissive_factor[0]*255);
tint.g = (unsigned char)(data->materials[i].emissive_factor[1]*255);
tint.b = (unsigned char)(data->materials[i].emissive_factor[2]*255);
model->materials[i].maps[MATERIAL_MAP_EMISSION].color = tint;
model->materials[model->materialCount - 1] = LoadMaterialDefault();
static void LoadGLTFBoneAttribute(Model* model, cgltf_accessor* jointsAccessor, const cgltf_data* data, int primitiveIndex)
if (jointsAccessor->component_type == cgltf_component_type_r_16u)
model->meshes[primitiveIndex].boneIds = RL_MALLOC(sizeof(int) * jointsAccessor->count * 4);
short* bones = RL_MALLOC(sizeof(short) * jointsAccessor->count * 4);
for(int a = 0; a < jointsAccessor->count; a++)
GLTFReadValue(jointsAccessor, a, bones + (a * 4), 4, sizeof(short));
memcpy(variable, index == 0 ? acc->min : acc->max, elements * sizeof(float));
return true;
for (unsigned int a = 0; a < jointsAccessor->count * 4; a++)
cgltf_node* skinJoint = data->skins->joints[bones[a]];
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < data->nodes_count; k++)
if (&(data->nodes[k]) == skinJoint)
model->meshes[primitiveIndex].boneIds[a] = k;
else if (cgltf_accessor_read_float(acc, index, variable, elements))
else if (jointsAccessor->component_type == cgltf_component_type_r_8u)
return true;
model->meshes[primitiveIndex].boneIds = RL_MALLOC(sizeof(int) * jointsAccessor->count * 4);
unsigned char* bones = RL_MALLOC(sizeof(unsigned char) * jointsAccessor->count * 4);
for(int a = 0; a < jointsAccessor->count; a++)
GLTFReadValue(jointsAccessor, a, bones + (a * 4), 4, sizeof(unsigned char));
for (unsigned int a = 0; a < jointsAccessor->count * 4; a++)
cgltf_node* skinJoint = data->skins->joints[bones[a]];
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < data->nodes_count; k++)
if (&(data->nodes[k]) == skinJoint)
model->meshes[primitiveIndex].boneIds[a] = k;
// TODO: Support other size of bone index?
TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "MODEL: glTF bones in unexpected format");
static void BindGLTFPrimitiveToBones(Model* model, const cgltf_data* data, int primitiveIndex)
if (model->meshes[primitiveIndex].boneIds == NULL && data->nodes_count > 0)
for (int nodeId = 0; nodeId < data->nodes_count; nodeId++)
if (data->nodes[nodeId].mesh == &(data->meshes[primitiveIndex]))
model->meshes[primitiveIndex].boneIds = RL_CALLOC(4 * model->meshes[primitiveIndex].vertexCount, sizeof(int));
model->meshes[primitiveIndex].boneWeights = RL_CALLOC(4 * model->meshes[primitiveIndex].vertexCount, sizeof(float));
for (int b = 0; b < 4 * model->meshes[primitiveIndex].vertexCount; b++)
if(b % 4 == 0)
model->meshes[primitiveIndex].boneIds[b] = nodeId;
model->meshes[primitiveIndex].boneWeights[b] = 1.0f;
model->meshes[primitiveIndex].boneIds[b] = 0;
model->meshes[primitiveIndex].boneWeights[b] = 0.0f;
Vector3 boundVertex = { 0 };
Vector3 boundNormal = { 0 };
Vector3 outTranslation = { 0 };
Quaternion outRotation = { 0 };
Vector3 outScale = { 0 };
int vCounter = 0;
int boneCounter = 0;
int boneId = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < model->meshes[primitiveIndex].vertexCount; i++)
boneId = model->meshes[primitiveIndex].boneIds[boneCounter];
outTranslation = model->bindPose[boneId].translation;
outRotation = model->bindPose[boneId].rotation;
outScale = model->bindPose[boneId].scale;
// Vertices processing
boundVertex = (Vector3){ model->meshes[primitiveIndex].vertices[vCounter], model->meshes[primitiveIndex].vertices[vCounter + 1], model->meshes[primitiveIndex].vertices[vCounter + 2] };
boundVertex = Vector3Multiply(boundVertex, outScale);
boundVertex = Vector3RotateByQuaternion(boundVertex, outRotation);
boundVertex = Vector3Add(boundVertex, outTranslation);
model->meshes[primitiveIndex].vertices[vCounter] = boundVertex.x;
model->meshes[primitiveIndex].vertices[vCounter + 1] = boundVertex.y;
model->meshes[primitiveIndex].vertices[vCounter + 2] = boundVertex.z;
// Normals processing
if(model->meshes[primitiveIndex].normals != NULL)
boundNormal = (Vector3){ model->meshes[primitiveIndex].normals[vCounter], model->meshes[primitiveIndex].normals[vCounter + 1], model->meshes[primitiveIndex].normals[vCounter + 2] };
boundNormal = Vector3RotateByQuaternion(boundNormal, outRotation);
model->meshes[primitiveIndex].normals[vCounter] = boundNormal.x;
model->meshes[primitiveIndex].normals[vCounter + 1] = boundNormal.y;
model->meshes[primitiveIndex].normals[vCounter + 2] = boundNormal.z;
vCounter += 3;
boneCounter += 4;
static void LoadGLTFModelIndices(Model* model, cgltf_accessor* indexAccessor, int primitiveIndex)
if (indexAccessor)
if (indexAccessor->component_type == cgltf_component_type_r_16u || indexAccessor->component_type == cgltf_component_type_r_16)
model->meshes[primitiveIndex].triangleCount = (int)indexAccessor->count / 3;
model->meshes[primitiveIndex].indices = RL_MALLOC(model->meshes[primitiveIndex].triangleCount * 3 * sizeof(unsigned short));
unsigned short readValue = 0;
for(int a = 0; a < indexAccessor->count; a++)
GLTFReadValue(indexAccessor, a, &readValue, 1, sizeof(short));
model->meshes[primitiveIndex].indices[a] = readValue;
else if (indexAccessor->component_type == cgltf_component_type_r_8u || indexAccessor->component_type == cgltf_component_type_r_8)
model->meshes[primitiveIndex].triangleCount = (int)indexAccessor->count / 3;
model->meshes[primitiveIndex].indices = RL_MALLOC(model->meshes[primitiveIndex].triangleCount * 3 * sizeof(unsigned short));
unsigned char readValue = 0;
for(int a = 0; a < indexAccessor->count; a++)
GLTFReadValue(indexAccessor, a, &readValue, 1, sizeof(char));
model->meshes[primitiveIndex].indices[a] = (unsigned short)readValue;
else if (indexAccessor->component_type == cgltf_component_type_r_32u)
model->meshes[primitiveIndex].triangleCount = (int)indexAccessor->count / 3;
model->meshes[primitiveIndex].indices = RL_MALLOC(model->meshes[primitiveIndex].triangleCount * 3 * sizeof(unsigned short));
unsigned int readValue;
for(int a = 0; a < indexAccessor->count; a++)
GLTFReadValue(indexAccessor, a, &readValue, 1, sizeof(unsigned int));
model->meshes[primitiveIndex].indices[a] = (unsigned short)readValue;
// Unindexed mesh
model->meshes[primitiveIndex].triangleCount = model->meshes[primitiveIndex].vertexCount / 3;
return false;
// LoadGLTF loads in animation data from given filename
@ -4148,7 +4279,7 @@ static ModelAnimation *LoadGLTFModelAnimations(const char *fileName, int *animCo
int frameCounts = (int)channel->sampler->input->count;
float lastFrameTime = 0.0f;
if (GltfReadFloat(channel->sampler->input, frameCounts - 1, &lastFrameTime, 1))
if (GLTFReadValue(channel->sampler->input, frameCounts - 1, &lastFrameTime, 1, sizeof(float)))
animationDuration = fmaxf(lastFrameTime, animationDuration);
@ -4204,7 +4335,7 @@ static ModelAnimation *LoadGLTFModelAnimations(const char *fileName, int *animCo
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < sampler->input->count; j++)
float inputFrameTime;
if (GltfReadFloat(sampler->input, j, p">(float *)&inputFrameTime, 1))
if (GLTFReadValue(sampler->input, j, o">&inputFrameTime, 1, sizeof(float)))
if (frameTime < inputFrameTime)
@ -4213,7 +4344,7 @@ static ModelAnimation *LoadGLTFModelAnimations(const char *fileName, int *animCo
outputMax = j;
float previousInputTime = 0.0f;
if (GltfReadFloat(sampler->input, outputMin, p">(float *)&previousInputTime, 1))
if (GLTFReadValue(sampler->input, outputMin, o">&previousInputTime, 1, sizeof(float)))
if((inputFrameTime - previousInputTime) != 0)
@ -4235,8 +4366,8 @@ static ModelAnimation *LoadGLTFModelAnimations(const char *fileName, int *animCo
Vector3 translationStart;
Vector3 translationEnd;
bool success = GltfReadFloat(sampler->output, outputMin, p">(float *)&translationStart, 3);
success = GltfReadFloat(sampler->output, outputMax, p">(float *)&translationEnd, 3) || success;
bool success = GLTFReadValue(sampler->output, outputMin, o">&translationStart, 3, sizeof(float));
success = GLTFReadValue(sampler->output, outputMax, o">&translationEnd, 3, sizeof(float)) || success;
if (success) output->framePoses[frame][boneId].translation = Vector3Lerp(translationStart, translationEnd, lerpPercent);
@ -4245,8 +4376,8 @@ static ModelAnimation *LoadGLTFModelAnimations(const char *fileName, int *animCo
Quaternion rotationStart;
Quaternion rotationEnd;
bool success = GltfReadFloat(sampler->output, outputMin, p">(float *)&rotationStart, 4);
success = GltfReadFloat(sampler->output, outputMax, p">(float *)&rotationEnd, 4) || success;
bool success = GLTFReadValue(sampler->output, outputMin, o">&rotationStart, 4, sizeof(float));
success = GLTFReadValue(sampler->output, outputMax, o">&rotationEnd, 4, sizeof(float)) || success;
if (success)
@ -4259,8 +4390,8 @@ static ModelAnimation *LoadGLTFModelAnimations(const char *fileName, int *animCo
Vector3 scaleStart;
Vector3 scaleEnd;
bool success = GltfReadFloat(sampler->output, outputMin, p">(float *)&scaleStart, 3);
success = GltfReadFloat(sampler->output, outputMax, p">(float *)&scaleEnd, 3) || success;
bool success = GLTFReadValue(sampler->output, outputMin, o">&scaleStart, 3, sizeof(float));
success = GLTFReadValue(sampler->output, outputMax, o">&scaleEnd, 3, sizeof(float)) || success;
if (success) output->framePoses[frame][boneId].scale = Vector3Lerp(scaleStart, scaleEnd, lerpPercent);
