@ -430,17 +430,16 @@ void DrawCircleSectorLines(Vector2 center, float radius, float startAngle, float
/ / Draw a gradient - filled circle
/ / NOTE : Gradient goes from center ( color1 ) to border ( color2 )
void DrawCircleGradient ( int centerX , int centerY , float radius , Color color1 , Color color2 )
void DrawCircleGradient ( int centerX , int centerY , float radius , Color inner , Color outer )
rlBegin ( RL_TRIANGLES ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 360 ; i + = 10 )
rlColor4ub ( color1 . r , color1 . g , color1 . b , color1 . a ) ;
rlColor4ub ( inner . r , inner . g , inner . b , inner . a ) ;
rlVertex2f ( ( float ) centerX , ( float ) centerY ) ;
rlColor4ub ( color2 . r , color2 . g , color2 . b , color2 . a ) ;
rlColor4ub ( outer . r , outer . g , outer . b , outer . a ) ;
rlVertex2f ( ( float ) centerX + cosf ( DEG2RAD * ( i + 10 ) ) * radius , ( float ) centerY + sinf ( DEG2RAD * ( i + 10 ) ) * radius ) ;
rlColor4ub ( color2 . r , color2 . g , color2 . b , color2 . a ) ;
rlColor4ub ( outer . r , outer . g , outer . b , outer . a ) ;
rlVertex2f ( ( float ) centerX + cosf ( DEG2RAD * i ) * radius , ( float ) centerY + sinf ( DEG2RAD * i ) * radius ) ;
rlEnd ( ) ;
@ -761,22 +760,19 @@ void DrawRectanglePro(Rectangle rec, Vector2 origin, float rotation, Color color
/ / Draw a vertical - gradient - filled rectangle
/ / NOTE : Gradient goes from bottom ( color1 ) to top ( color2 )
void DrawRectangleGradientV ( int posX , int posY , int width , int height , Color color1 , Color color2 )
void DrawRectangleGradientV ( int posX , int posY , int width , int height , Color top , Color bottom )
DrawRectangleGradientEx ( ( Rectangle ) { ( float ) posX , ( float ) posY , ( float ) width , ( float ) height } , color1 , color2 , color2 , color1 ) ;
DrawRectangleGradientEx ( ( Rectangle ) { ( float ) posX , ( float ) posY , ( float ) width , ( float ) height } , top , bottom , bottom , top ) ;
/ / Draw a horizontal - gradient - filled rectangle
/ / NOTE : Gradient goes from bottom ( color1 ) to top ( color2 )
void DrawRectangleGradientH ( int posX , int posY , int width , int height , Color color1 , Color color2 )
void DrawRectangleGradientH ( int posX , int posY , int width , int height , Color left , Color right )
DrawRectangleGradientEx ( ( Rectangle ) { ( float ) posX , ( float ) posY , ( float ) width , ( float ) height } , color1 , color1 , color2 , color2 ) ;
DrawRectangleGradientEx ( ( Rectangle ) { ( float ) posX , ( float ) posY , ( float ) width , ( float ) height } , left , left , right , right ) ;
/ / Draw a gradient - filled rectangle
/ / NOTE : Colors refer to corners , starting at top - lef corner and counter - clockwise
void DrawRectangleGradientEx ( Rectangle rec , Color col1 , Color col2 , Color col3 , Color col4 )
void DrawRectangleGradientEx ( Rectangle rec , Color topLeft , Color bottomLeft , Color topRight , Color bottomRight )
rlSetTexture ( GetShapesTexture ( ) . id ) ;
Rectangle shapeRect = GetShapesTextureRectangle ( ) ;
@ -785,19 +781,19 @@ void DrawRectangleGradientEx(Rectangle rec, Color col1, Color col2, Color col3,
rlNormal3f ( 0.0f , 0.0f , 1.0f ) ;
/ / NOTE : Default raylib font character 95 is a white square
rlColor4ub ( col1 . r , col1 . g , col1 . b , col1 . a ) ;
rlColor4ub ( topLeft . r , topLeft . g , topLeft . b , topLeft . a ) ;
rlTexCoord2f ( shapeRect . x / texShapes . width , shapeRect . y / texShapes . height ) ;
rlVertex2f ( rec . x , rec . y ) ;
rlColor4ub ( col2 . r , col2 . g , col2 . b , col2 . a ) ;
rlColor4ub ( bottomLeft . r , bottomLeft . g , bottomLeft . b , bottomLeft . a ) ;
rlTexCoord2f ( shapeRect . x / texShapes . width , ( shapeRect . y + shapeRect . height ) / texShapes . height ) ;
rlVertex2f ( rec . x , rec . y + rec . height ) ;
rlColor4ub ( col3 . r , col3 . g , col3 . b , col3 . a ) ;
rlColor4ub ( topRight . r , topRight . g , topRight . b , topRight . a ) ;
rlTexCoord2f ( ( shapeRect . x + shapeRect . width ) / texShapes . width , ( shapeRect . y + shapeRect . height ) / texShapes . height ) ;
rlVertex2f ( rec . x + rec . width , rec . y + rec . height ) ;
rlColor4ub ( col4 . r , col4 . g , col4 . b , col4 . a ) ;
rlColor4ub ( bottomRight . r , bottomRight . g , bottomRight . b , bottomRight . a ) ;
rlTexCoord2f ( ( shapeRect . x + shapeRect . width ) / texShapes . width , shapeRect . y / texShapes . height ) ;
rlVertex2f ( rec . x + rec . width , rec . y ) ;
rlEnd ( ) ;