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Renamed CalculateBoundingBox() to MeshBoundingBox()

Renamed function for consistency with a possible Mesh manipulation functions (maybe added in a future). Naming follows Image*() manipulation functions.
Ray 7 anni fa
3 ha cambiato i file con 12 aggiunte e 8 eliminazioni
  1. +1
  2. +6
  3. +5

+ 1
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examples/models/models_mesh_picking.c Vedi File

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ int main()
tower.material.maps[MAP_DIFFUSE].texture = texture; // Set model diffuse texture
Vector3 towerPos = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; // Set model position
BoundingBox towerBBox = CalculateBoundingBox(tower.mesh);
BoundingBox towerBBox = MeshBoundingBox(tower.mesh); // Get mesh bounding box
bool hitMeshBBox = false;
bool hitTriangle = false;

+ 6
- 6
src/models.c Vedi File

@ -2055,9 +2055,9 @@ RayHitInfo GetCollisionRayGround(Ray ray, float groundHeight)
return result;
// Calculate mesh bounding box limits
// Compute mesh bounding box limits
// NOTE: minVertex and maxVertex should be transformed by model transform matrix
BoundingBox CalculateBoundingBox(Mesh mesh)
BoundingBox MeshBoundingBox(Mesh mesh)
// Get min and max vertex to construct bounds (AABB)
Vector3 minVertex = { 0 };
@ -2083,16 +2083,16 @@ BoundingBox CalculateBoundingBox(Mesh mesh)
return box;
// Compute provided mesh tangents
// Compute mesh tangents
void MeshTangents(Mesh *mesh)
// TODO: Calculate mesh tangents
// TODO: Compute mesh tangents
// Compute provided mesh binormals
// Compute mesh binormals
void MeshBinormals(Mesh *mesh)
// TODO: Calculate mesh binormals
// TODO: Compute mesh binormals

+ 5
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src/raylib.h Vedi File

@ -1006,6 +1006,11 @@ RLAPI void UnloadModel(Model model);
RLAPI Mesh LoadMesh(const char *fileName); // Load mesh from file
RLAPI void UnloadMesh(Mesh *mesh); // Unload mesh from memory (RAM and/or VRAM)
// Mesh manipulation functions
RLAPI BoundingBox MeshBoundingBox(Mesh mesh); // Compute mesh bounding box limits
RLAPI void MeshTangents(Mesh *mesh); // Compute mesh tangents
RLAPI void MeshBinormals(Mesh *mesh); // Compute mesh binormals
// Mesh generation functions
RLAPI Mesh GenMeshPlane(float width, float length, int resX, int resZ); // Generate plane mesh (with subdivisions)
RLAPI Mesh GenMeshCube(float width, float height, float length); // Generate cuboid mesh
@ -1035,7 +1040,6 @@ RLAPI void DrawBillboardRec(Camera camera, Texture2D texture, Rectangle sourceRe
Vector3 center, float size, Color tint); // Draw a billboard texture defined by sourceRec
// Collision detection functions
RLAPI BoundingBox CalculateBoundingBox(Mesh mesh); // Calculate mesh bounding box limits
RLAPI bool CheckCollisionSpheres(Vector3 centerA, float radiusA, Vector3 centerB, float radiusB); // Detect collision between two spheres
RLAPI bool CheckCollisionBoxes(BoundingBox box1, BoundingBox box2); // Detect collision between two bounding boxes
RLAPI bool CheckCollisionBoxSphere(BoundingBox box, Vector3 centerSphere, float radiusSphere); // Detect collision between box and sphere
