@echo off REM Change your executable name here set GAME_NAME=game.exe REM Set your sources here (relative to the builds\windows directory) REM Example with two source folders: REM set SOURCES=..\..\src\*.c ..\..\src\submodule\*.c set SOURCES=..\..\core_basic_window.c REM Set your raylib/src location here, relative to the ./temp/x directory set RAYLIB_SRC=..\..\..\..\src REM About this build script: it does many things, but in essence, it's REM very simple. It has 3 compiler invocations: building raylib (which REM is not done always, see logic by searching "Build raylib"), building REM src/*.c files, and linking together those two. Each invocation is REM wrapped in an if statement to make the -qq flag work, it's pretty REM verbose, sorry. REM To skip to the actual building part of the script, search for ":BUILD" REM For the ! variable notation setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion REM For shifting, which the command line argument parsing needs setlocal EnableExtensions :ARG_LOOP set ARG=%1 if "!ARG!" == "" ( goto PREPARE ) IF NOT "x!ARG!" == "x!ARG:h=!" ( goto HELP ) IF NOT "x!ARG!" == "x!ARG:d=!" ( set BUILD_DEBUG=1 ) IF NOT "x!ARG!" == "x!ARG:u=!" ( set UPX_IT=1 ) IF NOT "x!ARG!" == "x!ARG:r=!" ( set RUN_AFTER_BUILD=1 ) IF NOT "x!ARG!" == "x!ARG:c=!" ( set BUILD_ALL=1 ) IF NOT "x!ARG!" == "x!ARG:qq=!" ( set QUIET=1 set REALLY_QUIET=1 ) ELSE IF NOT "x!ARG!" == "x!ARG:q=!" ( IF DEFINED QUIET ( set REALLY_QUIET=1 ) ELSE ( set QUIET=1 ) ) IF NOT "x!ARG!" == "x!ARG:v=!" ( set VERBOSE=1 ) IF NOT "%1" == "" ( shift /1 goto ARG_LOOP ) :HELP echo Usage: windows-build.bat [-hdurcqqv] echo -h Show this information echo -d Faster builds that have debug symbols, and enable warnings echo -u Run upx* on the executable after compilation (before -r) echo -r Run the executable after compilation echo -c Remove the temp\{debug,release} directory, ie. full recompile echo -q Suppress this script's informational prints echo -qq Suppress all prints, complete silence echo -v cl.exe normally prints out a lot of superficial information, as echo well as the MSVC build environment activation scripts, but these are echo mostly suppressed by default. If you do want to see everything, use echo this flag. echo. echo * This is mostly here to make building simple "shipping" versions echo easier, and it's a very small bit in the build scripts. The option echo requires that you have upx installed and on your path, of course. echo. echo Examples: echo Build a release build: windows-build.bat echo Build a release build, full recompile: windows-build.bat -c echo Build a debug build and run: windows-build.bat -d -r echo Build in debug, run, don't print at all: windows-build.bat -drqq exit /B :PREPARE REM Activate the msvc build environment IF EXIST "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" ( set VC_INIT="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" ) ELSE IF EXIST "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\BuildTools\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" ( set VC_INIT="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\BuildTools\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" ) ELSE IF EXIST "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools\vcbuildtools.bat" ( set VC_INIT="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools\vcbuildtools.bat" ) ELSE ( REM Initialize your vc environment here if the defaults don't work REM set VC_INIT="C:\your\path\here\vcvarsall.bat" REM And then remove/comment out the following two lines echo "Couldn't find vcvarsall.bat or vcbuildtools.bat, please set it manually." exit /B ) IF DEFINED VERBOSE ( call !VC_INIT! x86 ) ELSE ( call !VC_INIT! x86 > NUL 2>&1 ) :BUILD REM Flags set OUTPUT_FLAG=/Fe: "!GAME_NAME!" set COMPILATION_FLAGS=/O1 /GL set WARNING_FLAGS= set SUBSYSTEM_FLAGS=/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /ENTRY:mainCRTStartup set LINK_FLAGS=/link /LTCG kernel32.lib user32.lib shell32.lib winmm.lib gdi32.lib opengl32.lib set OUTPUT_DIR=builds\windows REM Debug changes to flags IF DEFINED BUILD_DEBUG ( set OUTPUT_FLAG=/Fe: "!GAME_NAME!" set COMPILATION_FLAGS=/Od /Zi set WARNING_FLAGS=/Wall set SUBSYSTEM_FLAGS= set LINK_FLAGS=/link kernel32.lib user32.lib shell32.lib winmm.lib gdi32.lib opengl32.lib set OUTPUT_DIR=builds-debug\windows ) IF NOT DEFINED VERBOSE ( set VERBOSITY_FLAG=/nologo ) REM Display what we're doing IF DEFINED BUILD_DEBUG ( IF NOT DEFINED QUIET echo COMPILE-INFO: Compiling in debug mode, flags: !COMPILATION_FLAGS! !WARNING_FLAGS! ) ELSE ( IF NOT DEFINED QUIET echo COMPILE-INFO: Compiling in release mode, flags: !COMPILATION_FLAGS! /link /LTCG ) REM Create the temp directory for raylib set "ROOT_DIR=%CD%" set "TEMP_DIR=temp\release" IF DEFINED BUILD_DEBUG ( set "TEMP_DIR=temp\debug" ) IF DEFINED BUILD_ALL ( IF EXIST !TEMP_DIR!\ ( IF NOT DEFINED QUIET echo COMPILE-INFO: Found cached raylib, rebuilding. del /Q !TEMP_DIR! rmdir !TEMP_DIR! ) ) REM Build raylib if it hasn't been cached in TEMP_DIR IF NOT EXIST !TEMP_DIR!\ ( mkdir !TEMP_DIR! cd !TEMP_DIR! REM Raylib's src folder set "RAYLIB_DEFINES=/D_DEFAULT_SOURCE /DPLATFORM_DESKTOP /DGRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_33" set RAYLIB_C_FILES="!RAYLIB_SRC!\core.c" "!RAYLIB_SRC!\shapes.c" "!RAYLIB_SRC!\textures.c" "!RAYLIB_SRC!\text.c" "!RAYLIB_SRC!\models.c" "!RAYLIB_SRC!\utils.c" "!RAYLIB_SRC!\raudio.c" "!RAYLIB_SRC!\rglfw.c" set RAYLIB_INCLUDE_FLAGS=/I"!RAYLIB_SRC!" /I"!RAYLIB_SRC!\external\glfw\include" IF DEFINED REALLY_QUIET ( cl.exe /w /c !RAYLIB_DEFINES! !RAYLIB_INCLUDE_FLAGS! !COMPILATION_FLAGS! !RAYLIB_C_FILES! > NUL 2>&1 ) ELSE ( cl.exe /w /c !VERBOSITY_FLAG! !RAYLIB_DEFINES! !RAYLIB_INCLUDE_FLAGS! !COMPILATION_FLAGS! !RAYLIB_C_FILES! ) IF NOT DEFINED QUIET echo COMPILE-INFO: Raylib compiled into object files in: !TEMP_DIR!\ REM Out of the temp directory cd !ROOT_DIR! ) REM Move to the build directory IF NOT EXIST !OUTPUT_DIR! mkdir !OUTPUT_DIR! cd !OUTPUT_DIR! REM Build the actual game IF NOT DEFINED QUIET echo COMPILE-INFO: Compiling game code. IF DEFINED REALLY_QUIET ( cl.exe !VERBOSITY_FLAG! /Fo"main.obj" !COMPILATION_FLAGS! !WARNING_FLAGS! /c /I"!RAYLIB_SRC!" !SOURCES! > NUL 2>&1 cl.exe !VERBOSITY_FLAG! !OUTPUT_FLAG! "!ROOT_DIR!\!TEMP_DIR!\*.obj" main.obj !LINK_FLAGS! !SUBSYSTEM_FLAGS! > NUL 2>&1 ) ELSE ( cl.exe !VERBOSITY_FLAG! /Fo"main.obj" !COMPILATION_FLAGS! !WARNING_FLAGS! /c /I"!RAYLIB_SRC!" !SOURCES! cl.exe !VERBOSITY_FLAG! !OUTPUT_FLAG! "!ROOT_DIR!\!TEMP_DIR!\*.obj" main.obj !LINK_FLAGS! !SUBSYSTEM_FLAGS! ) del main.obj IF NOT DEFINED QUIET echo COMPILE-INFO: Game compiled into an executable in: !OUTPUT_DIR!\ REM Run upx IF DEFINED UPX_IT ( IF NOT DEFINED QUIET echo COMPILE-INFO: Packing !GAME_NAME! with upx. upx !GAME_NAME! > NUL 2>&1 ) REM Finally, run the produced executable IF DEFINED RUN_AFTER_BUILD ( IF NOT DEFINED QUIET echo COMPILE-INFO: Running. IF DEFINED REALLY_QUIET ( !GAME_NAME! > NUL 2>&1 ) ELSE ( !GAME_NAME! ) ) REM Back to development directory cd !ROOT_DIR! IF NOT DEFINED QUIET echo COMPILE-INFO: All done.