Here are dependency-less build scripts for raylib projects. ## Dependencies The scripts, as mentioned above, do not have dependencies. There's one exception to this however, and that is Windows, because Windows doesn't have a built-in C compiler. On Windows, you'll need to install [Visual Studio][visual-studio] or the [build tools][vs-tools]. If you didn't install them in the default location, write your changes around line 101 of [`build-windows.bat`](build-windows.bat). ## Script customization First of all, the scripts have a few variables at the very top, which are supposed to be configured for each project separately: - `GAME_NAME` variable is used for the executable name. - `SOURCES` is a list of .c source files, divided by spaces, which are going to be compiled and linked with raylib to create the final executable. You can use wildcards, so if you have all your .c files in a directory called `src`, you can just set `SOURCES` to `../../src/*.c`. Note: the paths should be either absolute, or relative to `builds/platform`, hence `../../`. - `RAYLIB_SRC` should point to the raylib/src directory. In this case, it's `../../src`, but as with the `SOURCES`, if the path is relative, it should be relative to `temp/debug`, so it's actually `../../../../src`. ## Compilation flags - `-Os` (`/O1` with MSVC, `-O2` with clang\*) is used for release builds, to save space. Since it's a good practice to make your games run on the slowest possible systems, only a few games would benefit from additional runtime performance on almost all systems. Other flags: `-flto` (`/GL` and `/LTCG` for MSVC) in release builds, `-O0 -g` (`/Od /Zi` for MSVC) in debug builds. - `-Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic` (`/Wall` for MSVC) are used for warnings. \* Clang 7.0.1 seems to have problems compiling with `-flto` and `-Os` enabled at the same time, so `-Os` is replaced with `-O2` for clang. ## Command line arguments The build scripts accept some flags, which can be given either one at a time (`-d -c -r`) or in bunches (`-dcr`). Here's a description of all of the flags. - `-h` Describes all the flags, and a few example commands - `-d` Faster builds that have debug symbols, and enable warnings - `-u` Run upx\* on the executable after compilation (before -r) - `-r` Run the executable after compilation - `-c` Remove the temp/(debug|release) directory, ie. full recompile - `-q` Suppress this script's informational prints - `-qq` Suppress all prints, complete silence - `-v` cl.exe normally prints out a lot of superficial information, as well as the MSVC build environment activation scripts, but these are mostly suppressed by default. If you do want to see everything, use this flag. \* This is mostly here to make building simple "shipping" versions easier, and it's a very small bit in the build scripts. The option requires that you have upx installed and on your path, of course. #### Examples | What the command does | Command | |-------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------| | Build a release build, on Windows | `build-windows.bat` | | Build a release build, full recompile, on Linux | `./ -c` | | Build a debug build and run, on macOS | `./ -d -r` | | Build in debug, run, don't print at all, on Linux with `sh` | `sh -drqq` | [visual-studio]: [vs-tools]: