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* raylib [shaders] example - Simple shader mask
* This example has been created using raylib 2.5 (www.raylib.com)
* raylib is licensed under an unmodified zlib/libpng license (View raylib.h for details)
* Example contributed by Chris Camacho (@chriscamacho) and reviewed by Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
* Copyright (c) 2019 Chris Camacho (@chriscamacho) and Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
* After a model is loaded it has a default material, this material can be
* modified in place rather than creating one from scratch...
* While all of the maps have particular names, they can be used for any purpose
* except for three maps that are applied as cubic maps (see below)
#include "raylib.h"
#include "raymath.h"
#define GLSL_VERSION 330
#define GLSL_VERSION 100
int main(void)
// Initialization
const int screenWidth = 800;
const int screenHeight = 450;
InitWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, "raylib - simple shader mask");
// Define the camera to look into our 3d world
Camera camera = { 0 };
camera.position = (Vector3){ 0.0f, 1.0f, 2.0f };
camera.target = (Vector3){ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
camera.up = (Vector3){ 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f };
camera.fovy = 45.0f;
// Define our three models to show the shader on
Mesh torus = GenMeshTorus(.3, 1, 16, 32);
Model model1 = LoadModelFromMesh(torus);
Mesh cube = GenMeshCube(.8,.8,.8);
Model model2 = LoadModelFromMesh(cube);
// Generate model to be shaded just to see the gaps in the other two
Mesh sphere = GenMeshSphere(1, 16, 16);
Model model3 = LoadModelFromMesh(sphere);
// Load the shader
Shader shader = LoadShader(0, TextFormat("resources/shaders/glsl%i/mask.fs", GLSL_VERSION));
// Load and apply the diffuse texture (colour map)
Texture texDiffuse = LoadTexture("resources/plasma.png");
model1.materials[0].maps[MAP_DIFFUSE].texture = texDiffuse;
model2.materials[0].maps[MAP_DIFFUSE].texture = texDiffuse;
// Using MAP_EMISSION as a spare slot to use for 2nd texture
// NOTE: Don't use MAP_IRRADIANCE, MAP_PREFILTER or MAP_CUBEMAP as they are bound as cube maps
Texture texMask = LoadTexture("resources/mask.png");
model1.materials[0].maps[MAP_EMISSION].texture = texMask;
model2.materials[0].maps[MAP_EMISSION].texture = texMask;
shader.locs[LOC_MAP_EMISSION] = GetShaderLocation(shader, "mask");
// Frame is incremented each frame to animate the shader
int shaderFrame = GetShaderLocation(shader, "frame");
// Apply the shader to the two models
model1.materials[0].shader = shader;
model2.materials[0].shader = shader;
int framesCounter = 0;
Vector3 rotation = { 0 }; // Model rotation angles
SetTargetFPS(60); // Set to run at 60 frames-per-second
// Main game loop
while (!WindowShouldClose()) // Detect window close button or ESC key
// Update
rotation.x += 0.01f;
rotation.y += 0.005f;
rotation.z -= 0.0025f;
// Send frames counter to shader for animation
SetShaderValue(shader, shaderFrame, &framesCounter, UNIFORM_INT);
// Rotate one of the models
model1.transform = MatrixRotateXYZ(rotation);
// Draw
DrawModel(model1, (Vector3){0.5,0,0}, 1, WHITE);
DrawModelEx(model2, (Vector3){-.5,0,0}, (Vector3){1,1,0}, 50, (Vector3){1,1,1}, WHITE);
DrawModel(model3,(Vector3){0,0,-1.5}, 1, WHITE);
DrawGrid(10, 1.0f); // Draw a grid
DrawRectangle(16, 698, MeasureText(TextFormat("Frame: %i", framesCounter), 20) + 8, 42, BLUE);
DrawText(TextFormat("Frame: %i", framesCounter), 20, 700, 20, WHITE);
DrawFPS(10, 10);
// De-Initialization
UnloadTexture(texDiffuse); // Unload default diffuse texture
UnloadTexture(texMask); // Unload texture mask
UnloadShader(shader); // Unload shader
CloseWindow(); // Close window and OpenGL context
return 0;