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* raylib - Advance Game template
* Gameplay Screen Functions Definitions (Init, Update, Draw, Unload)
* Copyright (c) 2014 Ramon Santamaria (Ray San -
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
* will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial
* applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you
* wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
* in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented
* as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#include "raylib.h"
#include "screens.h"
#include "../player.h"
#include "../monster.h"
#include <string.h>
// Global Variables Definition (local to this module)
// Gameplay screen global variables
static int framesCounter;
static int finishScreen;
static Texture2D background;
// Declare doors
static Door doorRight;
// Decalre monsters
static Monster lamp;
static Monster arc;
static bool monsterHover;
static int monsterCheck; // Identify checking monster
static const char message[256] = "YOUR PARENTS ARE GONE! TIME TO ESCAPE!\nTHE DOOR IS LOCKED... TURN ON THE LIGHTS! ;)";
static int msgPosX = 100;
static int msgState = 0; // 0-writting, 1-wait, 2-choose
static int lettersCounter = 0;
static char msgBuffer[256] = { '\0' };
static int msgCounter = 0;
static bool searching = false;
// Gameplay Screen Functions Definition
// Gameplay Screen Initialization logic
void InitAtticScreen(void)
// Reset Screen variables
monsterHover = false;
monsterCheck = -1;
msgState = 0;
msgCounter = 0;
lettersCounter = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) msgBuffer[i] = '\0';
framesCounter = 0;
finishScreen = 0;
background = LoadTexture("resources/textures/background_attic.png");
// Initialize doors
doorRight.position = (Vector2) { 1074, 140 };
doorRight.facing = 2;
doorRight.locked = true;
doorRight.frameRec =(Rectangle) {((doors.width/3)*doorRight.facing), doors.height/2, doors.width/3, doors.height/2};
doorRight.bound = (Rectangle) { doorRight.position.x, doorRight.position.y, doors.width/3, doors.height/2};
doorRight.selected = false;
// Monster init: lamp
lamp.position = (Vector2){ 50, 316 };
lamp.texture = LoadTexture("resources/textures/monster_lamp_left.png");
lamp.currentFrame = 0;
lamp.framesCounter = 0;
lamp.numFrames = 4;
lamp.bounds = (Rectangle){ lamp.position.x + 20, lamp.position.y, 90, 380 };
lamp.frameRec = (Rectangle) { 0, 0, lamp.texture.width/lamp.numFrames, lamp.texture.height };
lamp.selected = false; = false;
lamp.spooky = false;
// Monster init: arc
arc.position = (Vector2){ 760, 430 };
arc.texture = LoadTexture("resources/textures/monster_arc.png");
arc.currentFrame = 0;
arc.framesCounter = 0;
arc.numFrames = 4;
arc.bounds = (Rectangle){ arc.position.x + 44, arc.position.y + 70, 220, 120 };
arc.frameRec = (Rectangle) { 0, 0, arc.texture.width/arc.numFrames, arc.texture.height };
arc.selected = false; = false;
arc.spooky = true;
// Gameplay Screen Update logic
void UpdateAtticScreen(void)
if (player.key)
// Door: right
if ((CheckCollisionPointRec(GetMousePosition(), doorRight.bound)) ||
(CheckCollisionRecs(player.bounds, doorRight.bound))) doorRight.selected = true;
else doorRight.selected = false;
if ((doorRight.selected) && (CheckCollisionRecs(player.bounds, doorRight.bound)))
if (((IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON)) && CheckCollisionPointRec(GetMousePosition(), doorRight.bound)) || (IsKeyPressed(KEY_SPACE)))
if (doorRight.locked)
doorRight.frameRec.y = 0;
doorRight.locked = false;
else finishScreen = 1;
if (msgState > 2)
// Monsters logic
// Check player hover monsters to interact
if (((CheckCollisionRecs(player.bounds, lamp.bounds)) && ! ||
((CheckCollisionRecs(player.bounds, arc.bounds)) && ! monsterHover = true;
else monsterHover = false;
// Monters logic: lamp
if ((CheckCollisionRecs(player.bounds, lamp.bounds)) && !
lamp.selected = true;
if ((IsKeyPressed(KEY_SPACE)) ||
((IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON)) && (CheckCollisionPointRec(GetMousePosition(), lamp.bounds))))
searching = true;
framesCounter = 0;
monsterCheck = 1;
else lamp.selected = false;
// Monters logic: arc
if ((CheckCollisionRecs(player.bounds, arc.bounds)) && !
arc.selected = true;
if ((IsKeyPressed(KEY_SPACE)) ||
((IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON)) && (CheckCollisionPointRec(GetMousePosition(), arc.bounds))))
searching = true;
framesCounter = 0;
monsterCheck = 2;
else arc.selected = false;
if (searching)
if (framesCounter > 180)
if (monsterCheck == 1)
if (lamp.spooky)
else FindKeyPlayer(); = true;
lamp.selected = false;
else if (monsterCheck == 2)
if (arc.spooky)
else FindKeyPlayer(); = true;
arc.selected = false;
searching = false;
framesCounter = 0;
// Text animation
if ((framesCounter%2) == 0) lettersCounter++;
if (msgState == 0)
if (lettersCounter <= (int)strlen(message)) strncpy(msgBuffer, message, lettersCounter);
for (int i = 0; i < (int)strlen(msgBuffer); i++) msgBuffer[i] = '\0';
lettersCounter = 0;
msgState = 1;
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_ENTER)) msgState = 1;
else if (msgState == 1)
if ((IsKeyPressed(KEY_ENTER)) || (IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON)))
msgState = 2;
msgCounter = 0;
else if (msgState == 2)
if (msgCounter > 180) msgState = 3;
else msgCounter++;
if (IsKeyPressed('M'))
finishScreen = 1;
// Gameplay Screen Draw logic
void DrawAtticScreen(void)
DrawTexture(background, 0, 0, WHITE);
// Draw monsters
DrawMonster(lamp, 0);
DrawMonster(arc, 0);
// Draw door
if (doorRight.selected) DrawTextureRec(doors, doorRight.frameRec, doorRight.position, GREEN);
else DrawTextureRec(doors, doorRight.frameRec, doorRight.position, WHITE);
// Draw messsages
if (msgState < 2) DrawRectangle(0, 40, GetScreenWidth(), 200, Fade(LIGHTGRAY, 0.5f));
else if (msgState == 2) DrawRectangle(0, 80, GetScreenWidth(), 100, Fade(LIGHTGRAY, 0.5f));
if (msgState == 0)
DrawTextEx(font, msgBuffer, (Vector2){ msgPosX, 80 }, font.size, 2, WHITE);
else if (msgState == 1)
DrawTextEx(font, message, (Vector2){ msgPosX, 80 }, font.size, 2, WHITE);
if ((msgCounter/30)%2) DrawText("PRESS ENTER or CLICK", GetScreenWidth() - 280, 200, 20, BLACK);
else if (msgState == 2)
if ((msgCounter/30)%2)
DrawTextEx(font, "CHOOSE WISELY!", (Vector2){ 300, 95 }, font.size*2, 2, WHITE);
DrawRectangleRec(lamp.bounds, Fade(RED, 0.6f));
DrawRectangleRec(arc.bounds, Fade(RED, 0.6f));
if ((monsterHover) && ((msgCounter/30)%2))
DrawRectangle(0, 0, GetScreenWidth(), 50, Fade(LIGHTGRAY, 0.5f));
DrawText("PRESS SPACE or CLICK to INTERACT", 420, 15, 20, BLACK);
DrawPlayer(); // NOTE: Also draws mouse pointer!
// Gameplay Screen Unload logic
void UnloadAtticScreen(void)
// TODO: Unload GAMEPLAY screen variables here!
// Gameplay Screen should finish?
int FinishAtticScreen(void)
return finishScreen;