You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

143 lines
5.9 KiB

-- raylib [text] example - Font selector
-- This example has been created using raylib 1.6 (
-- raylib is licensed under an unmodified zlib/libpng license (View raylib.h for details)
-- Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
-- Initialization
local screenWidth = 800
local screenHeight = 450
InitWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, "raylib [text] example - font selector")
-- NOTE: Textures MUST be loaded after Window initialization (OpenGL context is required)
local fonts = {} -- SpriteFont array
fonts[1] = LoadSpriteFont("resources/fonts/alagard.rbmf") -- SpriteFont loading
fonts[2] = LoadSpriteFont("resources/fonts/pixelplay.rbmf") -- SpriteFont loading
fonts[3] = LoadSpriteFont("resources/fonts/mecha.rbmf") -- SpriteFont loading
fonts[4] = LoadSpriteFont("resources/fonts/setback.rbmf") -- SpriteFont loading
fonts[5] = LoadSpriteFont("resources/fonts/romulus.rbmf") -- SpriteFont loading
fonts[6] = LoadSpriteFont("resources/fonts/pixantiqua.rbmf") -- SpriteFont loading
fonts[7] = LoadSpriteFont("resources/fonts/alpha_beta.rbmf") -- SpriteFont loading
fonts[8] = LoadSpriteFont("resources/fonts/jupiter_crash.rbmf") -- SpriteFont loading
local currentFont = 1 -- Selected font
local fontNames = { "[1] Alagard", "[2] PixelPlay", "[3] MECHA", "[4] Setback",
"[5] Romulus", "[6] PixAntiqua", "[7] Alpha Beta", "[8] Jupiter Crash" }
local text = "THIS is THE FONT you SELECTED!" -- Main text
local textSize = MeasureTextEx(fonts[currentFont], text, fonts[currentFont].size*3, 1)
local mousePoint
local btnNextOutColor = DARKBLUE -- Button color (outside line)
local btnNextInColor = SKYBLUE -- Button color (inside)
local framesCounter = 0 -- Useful to count frames button is 'active' = clicked
local positionY = 180 -- Text selector and button Y position
local btnNextRec = Rectangle(673, positionY, 109, 44) -- Button rectangle (useful for collision)
SetTargetFPS(60) -- Set our game to run at 60 frames-per-second
-- Main game loop
while not WindowShouldClose() do -- Detect window close button or ESC key
-- Update
-- Keyboard-based font selection (easy)
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY.RIGHT)) then
if (currentFont < 8) then currentFont = currentFont + 1 end
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY.LEFT)) then
if (currentFont > 1) then currentFont = currentFont - 1 end
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY.ZERO)) then currentFont = 0
elseif (IsKeyPressed(KEY.ONE)) then currentFont = 1
elseif (IsKeyPressed(KEY.TWO)) then currentFont = 2
elseif (IsKeyPressed(KEY.THREE)) then currentFont = 3
elseif (IsKeyPressed(KEY.FOUR)) then currentFont = 4
elseif (IsKeyPressed(KEY.FIVE)) then currentFont = 5
elseif (IsKeyPressed(KEY.SIX)) then currentFont = 6
elseif (IsKeyPressed(KEY.SEVEN)) then currentFont = 7
-- Mouse-based font selection (NEXT button logic)
mousePoint = GetMousePosition()
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, btnNextRec)) then
-- Mouse hover button logic
if (framesCounter == 0) then
btnNextOutColor = DARKPURPLE
btnNextInColor = PURPLE
if (IsMouseButtonDown(MOUSE.LEFT_BUTTON)) then
framesCounter = 20 -- Frames button is 'active'
btnNextOutColor = MAROON
btnNextInColor = RED
-- Mouse not hover button
btnNextOutColor = DARKBLUE
btnNextInColor = SKYBLUE
if (framesCounter > 0) then framesCounter = framesCounter - 1 end
if (framesCounter == 1) then -- We change font on frame 1
currentFont = currentFont + 1
if (currentFont > 7) then currentFont = 0 end
-- Text measurement for better positioning on screen
textSize = MeasureTextEx(fonts[currentFont], text, fonts[currentFont].size*3, 1)
-- Draw
DrawText("font selector - use arroys, button or numbers", 160, 80, 20, DARKGRAY)
DrawLine(120, 120, 680, 120, DARKGRAY)
DrawRectangle(18, positionY, 644, 44, DARKGRAY)
DrawRectangle(20, positionY + 2, 640, 40, LIGHTGRAY)
DrawText(fontNames[currentFont], 30, positionY + 13, 20, BLACK)
DrawText("< >", 610, positionY + 8, 30, BLACK)
DrawRectangleRec(btnNextRec, btnNextOutColor)
DrawRectangle(675, positionY + 2, 105, 40, btnNextInColor)
DrawText("NEXT", 700, positionY + 13, 20, btnNextOutColor)
DrawTextEx(fonts[currentFont], text, Vector2(screenWidth/2 - textSize.x/2,
260 + (70 - textSize.y)/2), fonts[currentFont].size*3,
1, colors[currentFont])
-- De-Initialization
for i = 1, 8 do UnloadSpriteFont(fonts[i]) end -- SpriteFont(s) unloading
CloseWindow() -- Close window and OpenGL context