Platformer in OpenGL
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var searchData=
['opengl_20mathematics_20_28glm_29',['OpenGL Mathematics (GLM)',['../index.html',1,'']]],
['orientate3',['orientate3',['../a00736.html#ga7ca98668a5786f19c7b38299ebbc9b4c',1,'glm::orientate3(T const &angle)'],['../a00736.html#ga7238c8e15c7720e3ca6a45ab151eeabb',1,'glm::orientate3(vec< 3, T, Q > const &angles)']]],
['orientedangle',['orientedAngle',['../a00784.html#ga9556a803dce87fe0f42fdabe4ebba1d5',1,'glm::orientedAngle(vec< 2, T, Q > const &x, vec< 2, T, Q > const &y)'],['../a00784.html#ga706fce3d111f485839756a64f5a48553',1,'glm::orientedAngle(vec< 3, T, Q > const &x, vec< 3, T, Q > const &y, vec< 3, T, Q > const &ref)']]],
['ortho',['ortho',['../a00665.html#gae5b6b40ed882cd56cd7cb97701909c06',1,'glm::ortho(T left, T right, T bottom, T top)'],['../a00665.html#ga6615d8a9d39432e279c4575313ecb456',1,'glm::ortho(T left, T right, T bottom, T top, T zNear, T zFar)']]],
['orthonormalize',['orthonormalize',['../a00765.html#ga4cab5d698e6e2eccea30c8e81c74371f',1,'glm::orthonormalize(mat< 3, 3, T, Q > const &m)'],['../a00765.html#gac3bc7ef498815026bc3d361ae0b7138e',1,'glm::orthonormalize(vec< 3, T, Q > const &x, vec< 3, T, Q > const &y)']]],