Klimi's new dotfiles with stow.
選択できるのは25トピックまでです。 トピックは、先頭が英数字で、英数字とダッシュ('-')を使用した35文字以内のものにしてください。

379 行
3.0 KiB

  1. ArithmeticError
  2. AssertionError
  3. AttributeError
  4. BaseException
  5. BufferError
  6. BytesWarning
  7. DeprecationWarning
  8. EOFError
  9. Ellipsis
  10. EnvironmentError
  11. Exception
  12. False
  13. FloatingPointError
  14. FutureWarning
  15. GeneratorExit
  16. IOError
  17. ImportError
  18. ImportWarning
  19. IndentationError
  20. IndexError
  21. KeyError
  22. KeyboardInterrupt
  23. LookupError
  24. MemoryError
  25. NameError
  26. None
  27. NotImplemented
  28. NotImplementedError
  29. OSError
  30. OverflowError
  31. PendingDeprecationWarning
  32. ReferenceError
  33. RuntimeError
  34. RuntimeWarning
  35. StandardError
  36. StopIteration
  37. SyntaxError
  38. SyntaxWarning
  39. SystemError
  40. SystemExit
  41. TabError
  42. True
  43. TypeError
  44. UnboundLocalError
  45. UnicodeDecodeError
  46. UnicodeEncodeError
  47. UnicodeError
  48. UnicodeTranslateError
  49. UnicodeWarning
  50. UserWarning
  51. ValueError
  52. Warning
  53. ZeroDivisionError
  54. __builtins__
  55. __debug__
  56. __doc__
  57. __file__
  58. __future__
  59. __import__
  60. __init__
  61. __main__
  62. __name__
  63. __package__
  64. _dummy_thread
  65. _thread
  66. abc
  67. abs
  68. aifc
  69. all
  70. and
  71. any
  72. apply
  73. argparse
  74. array
  75. as
  76. assert
  77. ast
  78. asynchat
  79. asyncio
  80. asyncore
  81. atexit
  82. audioop
  83. base64
  84. basestring
  85. bdb
  86. bin
  87. binascii
  88. binhex
  89. bisect
  90. bool
  91. break
  92. buffer
  93. builtins
  94. bytearray
  95. bytes
  96. bz2
  97. calendar
  98. callable
  99. cgi
  100. cgitb
  101. chr
  102. chuck
  103. class
  104. classmethod
  105. cmath
  106. cmd
  107. cmp
  108. code
  109. codecs
  110. codeop
  111. coerce
  112. collections
  113. colorsys
  114. compile
  115. compileall
  116. complex
  117. concurrent
  118. configparser
  119. contextlib
  120. continue
  121. copy
  122. copyreg
  123. copyright
  124. credits
  125. crypt
  126. csv
  127. ctypes
  128. curses
  129. datetime
  130. dbm
  131. decimal
  132. def
  133. del
  134. delattr
  135. dict
  136. difflib
  137. dir
  138. dis
  139. distutils
  140. divmod
  141. doctest
  142. dummy_threading
  143. elif
  144. else
  145. email
  146. enumerate
  147. ensurepip
  148. enum
  149. errno
  150. eval
  151. except
  152. exec
  153. execfile
  154. exit
  155. faulthandler
  156. fcntl
  157. file
  158. filecmp
  159. fileinput
  160. filter
  161. finally
  162. float
  163. fnmatch
  164. for
  165. format
  166. formatter
  167. fpectl
  168. fractions
  169. from
  170. frozenset
  171. ftplib
  172. functools
  173. gc
  174. getattr
  175. getopt
  176. getpass
  177. gettext
  178. glob
  179. global
  180. globals
  181. grp
  182. gzip
  183. hasattr
  184. hash
  185. hashlib
  186. heapq
  187. help
  188. hex
  189. hmac
  190. html
  191. http
  192. id
  193. if
  194. imghdr
  195. imp
  196. impalib
  197. import
  198. importlib
  199. in
  200. input
  201. inspect
  202. int
  203. intern
  204. io
  205. ipaddress
  206. is
  207. isinstance
  208. issubclass
  209. iter
  210. itertools
  211. json
  212. keyword
  213. lambda
  214. len
  215. license
  216. linecache
  217. list
  218. locale
  219. locals
  220. logging
  221. long
  222. lzma
  223. macpath
  224. mailbox
  225. mailcap
  226. map
  227. marshal
  228. math
  229. max
  230. memoryview
  231. mimetypes
  232. min
  233. mmap
  234. modulefinder
  235. msilib
  236. msvcrt
  237. multiprocessing
  238. netrc
  239. next
  240. nis
  241. nntplib
  242. not
  243. numbers
  244. object
  245. oct
  246. open
  247. operator
  248. optparse
  249. or
  250. ord
  251. os
  252. ossaudiodev
  253. parser
  254. pass
  255. pathlib
  256. pdb
  257. pickle
  258. pickletools
  259. pipes
  260. pkgutil
  261. platform
  262. plistlib
  263. poplib
  264. posix
  265. pow
  266. pprint
  267. print
  268. profile
  269. property
  270. pty
  271. pwd
  272. py_compiler
  273. pyclbr
  274. pydoc
  275. queue
  276. quit
  277. quopri
  278. raise
  279. random
  280. range
  281. raw_input
  282. re
  283. readline
  284. reduce
  285. reload
  286. repr
  287. reprlib
  288. resource
  289. return
  290. reversed
  291. rlcompleter
  292. round
  293. runpy
  294. sched
  295. select
  296. selectors
  297. self
  298. set
  299. setattr
  300. shelve
  301. shlex
  302. shutil
  303. signal
  304. site
  305. slice
  306. smtpd
  307. smtplib
  308. sndhdr
  309. socket
  310. socketserver
  311. sorted
  312. spwd
  313. sqlite3
  314. ssl
  315. stat
  316. staticmethod
  317. statistics
  318. str
  319. string
  320. stringprep
  321. struct
  322. subprocess
  323. sum
  324. sunau
  325. super
  326. symbol
  327. symtable
  328. sys
  329. sysconfig
  330. syslog
  331. tabnanny
  332. tarfile
  333. telnetlib
  334. tempfile
  335. termios
  336. test
  337. textwrap
  338. threading
  339. time
  340. timeit
  341. tkinter
  342. token
  343. tokenize
  344. trace
  345. traceback
  346. tracemalloc
  347. try
  348. tty
  349. tuple
  350. turtle
  351. type
  352. types
  353. unichr
  354. unicode
  355. unicodedata
  356. unittest
  357. urllib
  358. uu
  359. uuid
  360. vars
  361. venv
  362. warnings
  363. wave
  364. weakref
  365. webbrowser
  366. while
  367. winsound
  368. winreg
  369. with
  370. wsgiref
  371. xdrlib
  372. xml
  373. xmlrpc
  374. xrange
  375. yield
  376. zip
  377. zipfile
  378. zipimport
  379. zlib