Klimi's new dotfiles with stow.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

216 lines
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4 years ago
  1. case-lambda
  2. call/cc
  3. class
  4. define-class
  5. exit-handler
  6. field
  7. import
  8. inherit
  9. init-field
  10. interface
  11. let*-values
  12. let-values
  13. let/ec
  14. mixin
  15. opt-lambda
  16. override
  17. protect
  18. provide
  19. public
  20. rename
  21. require
  22. require-for-syntax
  23. syntax
  24. syntax-case
  25. syntax-error
  26. unit/sig
  27. unless
  28. when
  29. with-syntax
  30. and
  31. begin
  32. call-with-current-continuation
  33. call-with-input-file
  34. call-with-output-file
  35. case
  36. cond
  37. define
  38. define-syntax
  39. delay
  40. do
  41. dynamic-wind
  42. else
  43. for-each
  44. if
  45. lambda
  46. let
  47. let*
  48. let-syntax
  49. letrec
  50. letrec-syntax
  51. map
  52. or
  53. syntax-rules
  54. abs
  55. acos
  56. angle
  57. append
  58. apply
  59. asin
  60. assoc
  61. assq
  62. assv
  63. atan
  64. boolean?
  65. caar
  66. cadr
  67. call-with-input-file
  68. call-with-output-file
  69. call-with-values
  70. car
  71. cdddar
  72. cddddr
  73. cdr
  74. ceiling
  75. char->integer
  76. char-alphabetic?
  77. char-ci<=?
  78. char-ci<?
  79. char-ci=?
  80. char-ci>=?
  81. char-ci>?
  82. char-downcase
  83. char-lower-case?
  84. char-numeric?
  85. char-ready?
  86. char-upcase
  87. char-upper-case?
  88. char-whitespace?
  89. char<=?
  90. char<?
  91. char=?
  92. char>=?
  93. char>?
  94. char?
  95. close-input-port
  96. close-output-port
  97. complex?
  98. cons
  99. cos
  100. current-input-port
  101. current-output-port
  102. denominator
  103. display
  104. eof-object?
  105. eq?
  106. equal?
  107. eqv?
  108. eval
  109. even?
  110. exact->inexact
  111. exact?
  112. exp
  113. expt
  114. #f
  115. floor
  116. force
  117. gcd
  118. imag-part
  119. inexact->exact
  120. inexact?
  121. input-port?
  122. integer->char
  123. integer?
  124. interaction-environment
  125. lcm
  126. length
  127. list
  128. list->string
  129. list->vector
  130. list-ref
  131. list-tail
  132. list?
  133. load
  134. log
  135. magnitude
  136. make-polar
  137. make-rectangular
  138. make-string
  139. make-vector
  140. max
  141. member
  142. memq
  143. memv
  144. min
  145. modulo
  146. negative?
  147. newline
  148. not
  149. null-environment
  150. null?
  151. number->string
  152. number?
  153. numerator
  154. odd?
  155. open-input-file
  156. open-output-file
  157. output-port?
  158. pair?
  159. peek-char
  160. port?
  161. positive?
  162. procedure?
  163. quasiquote
  164. quote
  165. quotient
  166. rational?
  167. rationalize
  168. read
  169. read-char
  170. real-part
  171. real?
  172. remainder
  173. reverse
  174. round
  175. scheme-report-environment
  176. set!
  177. set-car!
  178. set-cdr!
  179. sin
  180. sqrt
  181. string
  182. string->list
  183. string->number
  184. string->symbol
  185. string-append
  186. string-ci<=?
  187. string-ci<?
  188. string-ci=?
  189. string-ci>=?
  190. string-ci>?
  191. string-copy
  192. string-fill!
  193. string-length
  194. string-ref
  195. string-set!
  196. string<=?
  197. string<?
  198. string=?
  199. string>=?
  200. string>?
  201. string?
  202. substring
  203. symbol->string
  204. symbol?
  205. #t
  206. tan
  207. transcript-off
  208. transcript-on
  209. truncate
  210. values
  211. vector
  212. vector->list
  213. vector-fill!
  214. vector-length
  215. vector-ref
  216. vector-set!