- ## This file is sourced when R starts and `load.ESSR` is called. See
- ## inferior-ess-r-load-ESSR--local.
- ## Do not use _ in names, nor :: as they cannot be parsed in old R versions
- ## load .base.R and all other files into ESSR environment; then attach ESSR
- .ess.load.ESSR <- function(dir) {
- .source <-
- if(any("keep.source" == names(formals(sys.source))))
- sys.source
- else
- function(..., keep.source) sys.source(...)
- Rver <- if(exists("getRversion", mode="function")) getRversion()
- else paste(R.version$major, R.version$minor, sep=".")
- oldR <- Rver <= "1.3.0"
- ESSR <-
- if(oldR) ## really old library() revert order a bit
- attach(NULL, name = "ESSR")
- else if(length(nn <- names(formals(new.env))) && any(nn == "parent"))
- new.env(parent =
- if(Rver >= "1.9.0") getNamespace("utils")
- else .BaseNamespaceEnv)
- else
- new.env()
- assign(".ess.Rversion", Rver, envir = ESSR)
- ## updated by make !!
- VERSION <- "1.5"
- assign(".ess.ESSRversion", VERSION, envir = ESSR)
- ## .basic.R:
- try(.source(paste(dir,'/.basic.R', sep = ""), envir = ESSR, keep.source = FALSE))
- ## all others try(*) as it will fail in old R
- if(!oldR) # no sense if(oldR)
- for( f in dir(dir, pattern='\\.R$', full.names=TRUE) )
- try(.source(f, envir = ESSR, keep.source = FALSE))
- if(Rver >= "2.4.0")
- attach(ESSR)
- else if(!oldR) { ## borrow from older library()
- e <- attach(NULL, name = "ESSR")
- .Internal(lib.fixup(ESSR, e))
- } else { ## if(oldR), use as in that old library():
- .Internal(lib.fixup(ESSR, .GlobalEnv))
- }
- ## BUILDESSR needs this:
- invisible(ESSR)
- }