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  1. # encoding: UTF-8
  2. #
  3. # We use ISO 639-1 (language) and ISO 3166 alpha-2 (region - if appliccable):
  4. # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes
  5. # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1
  6. #
  7. # If you want several aliases for a keyword, just separate them
  8. # with a | character. Make sure there are no ambiguities in the
  9. # keywords.
  10. #
  11. # If you do *not* want a trailing space after a keyword, end it with a < character.
  12. # (See Chinese for examples).
  13. #
  14. "en":
  15. name: English
  16. native: English
  17. feature: Feature
  18. background: Background
  19. scenario: Scenario
  20. scenario_outline: Scenario Outline
  21. examples: Examples|Scenarios
  22. given: "*|Given"
  23. when: "*|When"
  24. then: "*|Then"
  25. and: "*|And"
  26. but: "*|But"
  27. # Please keep the grammars in alphabetical order by name from here and down.
  28. "ar":
  29. name: Arabic
  30. native: العربية
  31. feature: خاصية
  32. background: الخلفية
  33. scenario: سيناريو
  34. scenario_outline: سيناريو مخطط
  35. examples: امثلة
  36. given: "*|بفرض"
  37. when: "*|متى|عندما"
  38. then: "*|اذاً|ثم"
  39. and: "*|و"
  40. but: "*|لكن"
  41. "bg":
  42. name: Bulgarian
  43. native: български
  44. feature: Функционалност
  45. background: Предистория
  46. scenario: Сценарий
  47. scenario_outline: Рамка на сценарий
  48. examples: Примери
  49. given: "*|Дадено"
  50. when: "*|Когато"
  51. then: "*|То"
  52. and: "*|И"
  53. but: "*|Но"
  54. "ca":
  55. name: Catalan
  56. native: català
  57. background: Rerefons|Antecedents
  58. feature: Característica|Funcionalitat
  59. scenario: Escenari
  60. scenario_outline: Esquema de l'escenari
  61. examples: Exemples
  62. given: "*|Donat|Donada|Atès|Atesa"
  63. when: "*|Quan"
  64. then: "*|Aleshores|Cal"
  65. and: "*|I"
  66. but: "*|Però"
  67. "cy-GB":
  68. name: Welsh
  69. native: Cymraeg
  70. background: Cefndir
  71. feature: Arwedd
  72. scenario: Scenario
  73. scenario_outline: Scenario Amlinellol
  74. examples: Enghreifftiau
  75. given: "*|Anrhegedig a"
  76. when: "*|Pryd"
  77. then: "*|Yna"
  78. and: "*|A"
  79. but: "*|Ond"
  80. "cs":
  81. name: Czech
  82. native: Česky
  83. feature: Požadavek
  84. background: Pozadí|Kontext
  85. scenario: Scénář
  86. scenario_outline: Náčrt Scénáře|Osnova scénáře
  87. examples: Příklady
  88. given: "*|Pokud"
  89. when: "*|Když"
  90. then: "*|Pak"
  91. and: "*|A|A také"
  92. but: "*|Ale"
  93. "da":
  94. name: Danish
  95. native: dansk
  96. feature: Egenskab
  97. background: Baggrund
  98. scenario: Scenarie
  99. scenario_outline: Abstrakt Scenario
  100. examples: Eksempler
  101. given: "*|Givet"
  102. when: "*|Når"
  103. then: "*|Så"
  104. and: "*|Og"
  105. but: "*|Men"
  106. "de":
  107. name: German
  108. native: Deutsch
  109. feature: Funktionalität
  110. background: Grundlage
  111. scenario: Szenario
  112. scenario_outline: Szenariogrundriss
  113. examples: Beispiele
  114. given: "*|Angenommen|Gegeben sei"
  115. when: "*|Wenn"
  116. then: "*|Dann"
  117. and: "*|Und"
  118. but: "*|Aber"
  119. "en-au":
  120. name: Australian
  121. native: Australian
  122. feature: Crikey
  123. background: Background
  124. scenario: Mate
  125. scenario_outline: Blokes
  126. examples: Cobber
  127. given: "*|Ya know how"
  128. when: "*|When"
  129. then: "*|Ya gotta"
  130. and: "*|N"
  131. but: "*|Cept"
  132. "en-lol":
  133. name: LOLCAT
  134. native: LOLCAT
  135. feature: OH HAI
  136. background: B4
  137. scenario: MISHUN
  138. scenario_outline: MISHUN SRSLY
  139. examples: EXAMPLZ
  140. given: "*|I CAN HAZ"
  141. when: "*|WEN"
  142. then: "*|DEN"
  143. and: "*|AN"
  144. but: "*|BUT"
  145. "en-Scouse":
  146. name: Scouse
  147. native: Scouse
  148. feature: Feature
  149. background: "Dis is what went down"
  150. scenario: "The thing of it is"
  151. scenario_outline: "Wharrimean is"
  152. examples: Examples
  153. given: "*|Givun|Youse know when youse got"
  154. when: "*|Wun|Youse know like when"
  155. then: "*|Dun|Den youse gotta"
  156. and: "*|An"
  157. but: "*|Buh"
  158. "en-tx":
  159. name: Texan
  160. native: Texan
  161. feature: Feature
  162. background: Background
  163. scenario: Scenario
  164. scenario_outline: All y'all
  165. examples: Examples
  166. given: "*|Given y'all"
  167. when: "*|When y'all"
  168. then: "*|Then y'all"
  169. and: "*|And y'all"
  170. but: "*|But y'all"
  171. "eo":
  172. name: Esperanto
  173. native: Esperanto
  174. feature: Trajto
  175. background: Fono
  176. scenario: Scenaro
  177. scenario_outline: Konturo de la scenaro
  178. examples: Ekzemploj
  179. given: "*|Donitaĵo"
  180. when: "*|Se"
  181. then: "*|Do"
  182. and: "*|Kaj"
  183. but: "*|Sed"
  184. "es":
  185. name: Spanish
  186. native: español
  187. background: Antecedentes
  188. feature: Característica
  189. scenario: Escenario
  190. scenario_outline: Esquema del escenario
  191. examples: Ejemplos
  192. given: "*|Dado"
  193. when: "*|Cuando"
  194. then: "*|Entonces"
  195. and: "*|Y"
  196. but: "*|Pero"
  197. "et":
  198. name: Estonian
  199. native: eesti keel
  200. feature: Omadus
  201. background: Taust
  202. scenario: Stsenaarium
  203. scenario_outline: Raamstsenaarium
  204. examples: Juhtumid
  205. given: "*|Eeldades"
  206. when: "*|Kui"
  207. then: "*|Siis"
  208. and: "*|Ja"
  209. but: "*|Kuid"
  210. "fi":
  211. name: Finnish
  212. native: suomi
  213. feature: Ominaisuus
  214. background: Tausta
  215. scenario: Tapaus
  216. scenario_outline: Tapausaihio
  217. examples: Tapaukset
  218. given: "*|Oletetaan"
  219. when: "*|Kun"
  220. then: "*|Niin"
  221. and: "*|Ja"
  222. but: "*|Mutta"
  223. "fr":
  224. name: French
  225. native: français
  226. feature: Fonctionnalité
  227. background: Contexte
  228. scenario: Scénario
  229. scenario_outline: Plan du scénario|Plan du Scénario
  230. examples: Exemples
  231. given: "*|Soit|Etant donné"
  232. when: "*|Quand|Lorsque|Lorsqu'<"
  233. then: "*|Alors"
  234. and: "*|Et"
  235. but: "*|Mais"
  236. "he":
  237. name: Hebrew
  238. native: עברית
  239. feature: תכונה
  240. background: רקע
  241. scenario: תרחיש
  242. scenario_outline: תבנית תרחיש
  243. examples: דוגמאות
  244. given: "*|בהינתן"
  245. when: "*|כאשר"
  246. then: "*|אז|אזי"
  247. and: "*|וגם"
  248. but: "*|אבל"
  249. "hr":
  250. name: Croatian
  251. native: hrvatski
  252. feature: Osobina|Mogućnost|Mogucnost
  253. background: Pozadina
  254. scenario: Scenarij
  255. scenario_outline: Skica|Koncept
  256. examples: Primjeri|Scenariji
  257. given: "*|Zadan|Zadani|Zadano"
  258. when: "*|Kada|Kad"
  259. then: "*|Onda"
  260. and: "*|I"
  261. but: "*|Ali"
  262. "hu":
  263. name: Hungarian
  264. native: magyar
  265. feature: Jellemző
  266. background: Háttér
  267. scenario: Forgatókönyv
  268. scenario_outline: Forgatókönyv vázlat
  269. examples: Példák
  270. given: "*|Ha"
  271. when: "*|Majd"
  272. then: "*|Akkor"
  273. and: "*|És"
  274. but: "*|De"
  275. "id":
  276. name: Indonesian
  277. native: Bahasa Indonesia
  278. feature: Fitur
  279. background: Dasar
  280. scenario: Skenario
  281. scenario_outline: Skenario konsep
  282. examples: Contoh
  283. given: "*|Dengan"
  284. when: "*|Ketika"
  285. then: "*|Maka"
  286. and: "*|Dan"
  287. but: "*|Tapi"
  288. "it":
  289. name: Italian
  290. native: italiano
  291. feature: Funzionalità
  292. background: Contesto
  293. scenario: Scenario
  294. scenario_outline: Schema dello scenario
  295. examples: Esempi
  296. given: "*|Dato"
  297. when: "*|Quando"
  298. then: "*|Allora"
  299. and: "*|E"
  300. but: "*|Ma"
  301. "ja":
  302. name: Japanese
  303. native: 日本語
  304. feature: フィーチャ|機能
  305. background: 背景
  306. scenario: シナリオ
  307. scenario_outline: シナリオアウトライン|シナリオテンプレート|テンプレ|シナリオテンプレ
  308. examples: 例|サンプル
  309. given: "*|前提<"
  310. when: "*|もし<"
  311. then: "*|ならば<"
  312. and: "*|かつ<"
  313. but: "*|しかし<|但し<|ただし<"
  314. "ko":
  315. name: Korean
  316. native: 한국어
  317. background: 배경
  318. feature: 기능
  319. scenario: 시나리오
  320. scenario_outline: 시나리오 개요
  321. examples:
  322. given: "*|조건<|먼저<"
  323. when: "*|만일<|만약<"
  324. then: "*|그러면<"
  325. and: "*|그리고<"
  326. but: "*|하지만<|단<"
  327. "lt":
  328. name: Lithuanian
  329. native: lietuvių kalba
  330. feature: Savybė
  331. background: Kontekstas
  332. scenario: Scenarijus
  333. scenario_outline: Scenarijaus šablonas
  334. examples: Pavyzdžiai|Scenarijai|Variantai
  335. given: "*|Duota"
  336. when: "*|Kai"
  337. then: "*|Tada"
  338. and: "*|Ir"
  339. but: "*|Bet"
  340. "lv":
  341. name: Latvian
  342. native: latviešu
  343. feature: Funkcionalitāte|Fīča
  344. background: Konteksts|Situācija
  345. scenario: Scenārijs
  346. scenario_outline: Scenārijs pēc parauga
  347. examples: Piemēri|Paraugs
  348. given: "*|Kad"
  349. when: "*|Ja"
  350. then: "*|Tad"
  351. and: "*|Un"
  352. but: "*|Bet"
  353. "nl":
  354. name: Dutch
  355. native: Nederlands
  356. feature: Functionaliteit
  357. background: Achtergrond
  358. scenario: Scenario
  359. scenario_outline: Abstract Scenario
  360. examples: Voorbeelden
  361. given: "*|Gegeven|Stel"
  362. when: "*|Als"
  363. then: "*|Dan"
  364. and: "*|En"
  365. but: "*|Maar"
  366. "no":
  367. name: Norwegian
  368. native: norsk
  369. feature: Egenskap
  370. background: Bakgrunn
  371. scenario: Scenario
  372. scenario_outline: Abstrakt Scenario
  373. examples: Eksempler
  374. given: "*|Gitt"
  375. when: "*|Når"
  376. then: "*|Så"
  377. and: "*|Og"
  378. but: "*|Men"
  379. "pl":
  380. name: Polish
  381. native: polski
  382. feature: Właściwość
  383. background: Założenia
  384. scenario: Scenariusz
  385. scenario_outline: Szablon scenariusza
  386. examples: Przykłady
  387. given: "*|Zakładając"
  388. when: "*|Jeżeli"
  389. then: "*|Wtedy"
  390. and: "*|Oraz"
  391. but: "*|Ale"
  392. "pt":
  393. name: Portuguese
  394. native: português
  395. background: Contexto
  396. feature: Funcionalidade
  397. scenario: Cenário|Cenario
  398. scenario_outline: Esquema do Cenário|Esquema do Cenario
  399. examples: Exemplos
  400. given: "*|Dado"
  401. when: "*|Quando"
  402. then: "*|Então|Entao"
  403. and: "*|E"
  404. but: "*|Mas"
  405. "ro":
  406. name: Romanian
  407. native: română
  408. background: Conditii
  409. feature: Functionalitate
  410. scenario: Scenariu
  411. scenario_outline: Scenariul de sablon
  412. examples: Exemplele
  413. given: "*|Daca"
  414. when: "*|Cand"
  415. then: "*|Atunci"
  416. and: "*|Si"
  417. but: "*|Dar"
  418. "ro-RO":
  419. name: Romanian (diacritical)
  420. native: română (diacritical)
  421. background: Condiţii
  422. feature: Funcționalitate
  423. scenario: Scenariu
  424. scenario_outline: Scenariul de şablon
  425. examples: Exemplele
  426. given: "*|Dacă"
  427. when: "*|Când"
  428. then: "*|Atunci"
  429. and: "*|Și"
  430. but: "*|Dar"
  431. "ru":
  432. name: Russian
  433. native: русский
  434. feature: Функционал|Фича
  435. background: Предыстория
  436. scenario: Сценарий
  437. scenario_outline: Структура сценария
  438. examples: Значения
  439. given: "*|Допустим"
  440. when: "*|Если"
  441. then: "*|То"
  442. and: "*|И|К тому же"
  443. but: "*|Но|А"
  444. "sv":
  445. name: Swedish
  446. native: Svenska
  447. feature: Egenskap
  448. background: Bakgrund
  449. scenario: Scenario
  450. scenario_outline: Abstrakt Scenario
  451. examples: Exempel
  452. given: "*|Givet"
  453. when: "*|När"
  454. then: "*|Så"
  455. and: "*|Och"
  456. but: "*|Men"
  457. "sk":
  458. name: Slovak
  459. native: Slovensky
  460. feature: Požiadavka
  461. background: Pozadie
  462. scenario: Scenár
  463. scenario_outline: Náčrt Scenáru
  464. examples: Príklady
  465. given: "*|Pokiaľ"
  466. when: "*|Keď"
  467. then: "*|Tak"
  468. and: "*|A"
  469. but: "*|Ale"
  470. "sr-Latn":
  471. name: Serbian (Latin)
  472. native: Srpski (Latinica)
  473. feature: Funkcionalnost|Mogućnost|Mogucnost|Osobina
  474. background: Kontekst|Osnova|Pozadina
  475. scenario: Scenario|Primer
  476. scenario_outline: Struktura scenarija|Skica|Koncept
  477. examples: Primeri|Scenariji
  478. given: "*|Zadato|Zadate|Zatati"
  479. when: "*|Kada|Kad"
  480. then: "*|Onda"
  481. and: "*|I"
  482. but: "*|Ali"
  483. "sr-Cyrl":
  484. name: Serbian
  485. native: Српски
  486. feature: Функционалност|Могућност|Особина
  487. background: Контекст|Основа|Позадина
  488. scenario: Сценарио|Пример
  489. scenario_outline: Структура сценарија|Скица|Концепт
  490. examples: Примери|Сценарији
  491. given: "*|Задато|Задате|Задати"
  492. when: "*|Када|Кад"
  493. then: "*|Онда"
  494. and: "*|И"
  495. but: "*|Али"
  496. "tr":
  497. name: Turkish
  498. native: Türkçe
  499. feature: Özellik
  500. background: Geçmiş
  501. scenario: Senaryo
  502. scenario_outline: Senaryo taslağı
  503. examples: Örnekler
  504. given: "*|Diyelim ki"
  505. when: "*|Eğer ki"
  506. then: "*|O zaman"
  507. and: "*|Ve"
  508. but: "*|Fakat|Ama"
  509. "uk":
  510. name: Ukrainian
  511. native: Українська
  512. feature: Функціонал
  513. background: Передумова
  514. scenario: Сценарій
  515. scenario_outline: Структура сценарію
  516. examples: Приклади
  517. given: "*|Припустимо|Припустимо, що|Нехай"
  518. when: "*|Якщо"
  519. then: "*|То"
  520. and: "*|І"
  521. but: "*|Але"
  522. "uz":
  523. name: Uzbek
  524. native: Узбекча
  525. feature: Функционал
  526. background: Тарих
  527. scenario: Сценарий
  528. scenario_outline: Сценарий структураси
  529. examples: Мисоллар
  530. given: "*|Агар"
  531. when: "*|Агар"
  532. then: "*|Унда"
  533. and: "*|Ва"
  534. but: "*|Лекин|Бирок|Аммо"
  535. "vi":
  536. name: Vietnamese
  537. native: Tiếng Việt
  538. feature: Tính năng
  539. background: Bối cảnh
  540. scenario: Tình huống|Kịch bản
  541. scenario_outline: Khung tình huống|Khung kịch bản
  542. examples: Dữ liệu
  543. given: "*|Biết|Cho"
  544. when: "*|Khi"
  545. then: "*|Thì"
  546. and: "*|Và"
  547. but: "*|Nhưng"
  548. "zh-CN":
  549. name: Chinese simplified
  550. native: 简体中文
  551. feature: 功能
  552. background: 背景
  553. scenario: 场景
  554. scenario_outline: 场景大纲
  555. examples: 例子
  556. given: "*|假如<"
  557. when: "*|当<"
  558. then: "*|那么<"
  559. and: "*|而且<"
  560. but: "*|但是<"
  561. "zh-TW":
  562. name: Chinese traditional
  563. native: 繁體中文
  564. feature: 功能
  565. background: 背景
  566. scenario: 場景|劇本
  567. scenario_outline: 場景大綱|劇本大綱
  568. examples: 例子
  569. given: "*|假設<"
  570. when: "*|當<"
  571. then: "*|那麼<"
  572. and: "*|而且<|並且<"
  573. but: "*|但是<"
  574. "th_TH":
  575. name: Thai
  576. native: ภาษาไทย
  577. feature: ลักษณะ
  578. background: พื้นหลัง
  579. scenario: สถานการณ์
  580. scenario_outline: ร่างสถานการณ์
  581. examples: ตัวอย่าง
  582. given: "*|ที่ได้รับ<"
  583. when: "*|เวลาไหน<"
  584. then: "*|หลังจากนั้น<"
  585. and: "*|และ<"
  586. but: "*|แต่<"