- /*
- Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, 2010 , 2011 jerome DOT laurens AT u-bourgogne DOT fr
- This file is part of the SyncTeX package.
- Latest Revision: Tue Jun 14 08:23:30 UTC 2011
- Version: 1.18
- See synctex_parser_readme.txt for more details
- License:
- --------
- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
- obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
- files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
- restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
- copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
- Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
- conditions:
- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
- included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- Except as contained in this notice, the name of the copyright holder
- shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale,
- use or other dealings in this Software without prior written
- authorization from the copyright holder.
- Acknowledgments:
- ----------------
- The author received useful remarks from the pdfTeX developers, especially Hahn The Thanh,
- and significant help from XeTeX developer Jonathan Kew
- Nota Bene:
- ----------
- If you include or use a significant part of the synctex package into a software,
- I would appreciate to be listed as contributor and see "SyncTeX" highlighted.
- Version 1
- Thu Jun 19 09:39:21 UTC 2008
- */
- #ifndef __SYNCTEX_PARSER__
- # define __SYNCTEX_PARSER__
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- # define SYNCTEX_VERSION_STRING "1.18"
- /* synctex_node_t is the type for all synctex nodes.
- * The synctex file is parsed into a tree of nodes, either sheet, boxes, math nodes... */
- typedef struct _synctex_node * synctex_node_t;
- /* The main synctex object is a scanner
- * Its implementation is considered private.
- * The basic workflow is
- * - create a "synctex scanner" with the contents of a file
- * - perform actions on that scanner like display or edit queries
- * - free the scanner when the work is done
- */
- typedef struct __synctex_scanner_t _synctex_scanner_t;
- typedef _synctex_scanner_t * synctex_scanner_t;
- /* This is the designated method to create a new synctex scanner object.
- * output is the pdf/dvi/xdv file associated to the synctex file.
- * If necessary, it can be the tex file that originated the synctex file
- * but this might cause problems if the \jobname has a custom value.
- * Despite this method can accept a relative path in practice,
- * you should only pass a full path name.
- * The path should be encoded by the underlying file system,
- * assuming that it is based on 8 bits characters, including UTF8,
- * not 16 bits nor 32 bits.
- * The last file extension is removed and replaced by the proper extension.
- * Then the private method _synctex_scanner_new_with_contents_of_file is called.
- * NULL is returned in case of an error or non existent file.
- * Once you have a scanner, use the synctex_display_query and synctex_edit_query below.
- * The new "build_directory" argument is available since version 1.5.
- * It is the directory where all the auxiliary stuff is created.
- * Sometimes, the synctex output file and the pdf, dvi or xdv files are not created in the same directory.
- * This is the case in MikTeX (I will include this into TeX Live).
- * This directory path can be nil, it will be ignored then.
- * It can be either absolute or relative to the directory of the output pdf (dvi or xdv) file.
- * If no synctex file is found in the same directory as the output file, then we try to find one in the build directory.
- * Please note that this new "build_directory" is provided as a convenient argument but should not be used.
- * In fact, this is implempented as a work around of a bug in MikTeX where the synctex file does not follow the pdf file.
- * The new "parse" argument is available since version 1.5. In general, use 1.
- * Use 0 only if you do not want to parse the content but just check the existence.
- */
- synctex_scanner_t synctex_scanner_new_with_output_file(const char * output, const char * build_directory, int parse);
- /* This is the designated method to delete a synctex scanner object.
- * Frees all the memory, you must call it when you are finished with the scanner.
- */
- void synctex_scanner_free(synctex_scanner_t scanner);
- /* Send this message to force the scanner to parse the contents of the synctex output file.
- * Nothing is performed if the file was already parsed.
- * In each query below, this message is sent, but if you need to access information more directly,
- * you must be sure that the parsing did occur.
- * Usage:
- * if((my_scanner = synctex_scanner_parse(my_scanner))) {
- * continue with my_scanner...
- * } else {
- * there was a problem
- * }
- */
- synctex_scanner_t synctex_scanner_parse(synctex_scanner_t scanner);
- /* The main entry points.
- * Given the file name, a line and a column number, synctex_display_query returns the number of nodes
- * satisfying the contrain. Use code like
- *
- * if(synctex_display_query(scanner,name,line,column)>0) {
- * synctex_node_t node;
- * while((node = synctex_next_result(scanner))) {
- * // do something with node
- * ...
- * }
- * }
- *
- * For example, one can
- * - highlight each resulting node in the output, using synctex_node_h and synctex_node_v
- * - highlight all the rectangles enclosing those nodes, using synctex_box_... functions
- * - highlight just the character using that information
- *
- * Given the page and the position in the page, synctex_edit_query returns the number of nodes
- * satisfying the contrain. Use code like
- *
- * if(synctex_edit_query(scanner,page,h,v)>0) {
- * synctex_node_t node;
- * while(node = synctex_next_result(scanner)) {
- * // do something with node
- * ...
- * }
- * }
- *
- * For example, one can
- * - highlight each resulting line in the input,
- * - highlight just the character using that information
- *
- * page is 1 based
- * h and v are coordinates in 72 dpi unit, relative to the top left corner of the page.
- * If you make a new query, the result of the previous one is discarded.
- * If one of this function returns a non positive integer,
- * it means that an error occurred.
- *
- * Both methods are conservative, in the sense that matching is weak.
- * If the exact column number is not found, there will be an answer with the whole line.
- *
- * Sumatra-PDF, Skim, iTeXMac2 and Texworks are examples of open source software that use this library.
- * You can browse their code for a concrete implementation.
- */
- typedef long synctex_status_t;
- synctex_status_t synctex_display_query(synctex_scanner_t scanner,const char * name,int line,int column);
- synctex_status_t synctex_edit_query(synctex_scanner_t scanner,int page,float h,float v);
- synctex_node_t synctex_next_result(synctex_scanner_t scanner);
- /* Display all the information contained in the scanner object.
- * If the records are too numerous, only the first ones are displayed.
- * This is mainly for informatinal purpose to help developers.
- */
- void synctex_scanner_display(synctex_scanner_t scanner);
- /* The x and y offset of the origin in TeX coordinates. The magnification
- These are used by pdf viewers that want to display the real box size.
- For example, getting the horizontal coordinates of a node would require
- synctex_node_box_h(node)*synctex_scanner_magnification(scanner)+synctex_scanner_x_offset(scanner)
- Getting its TeX width would simply require
- synctex_node_box_width(node)*synctex_scanner_magnification(scanner)
- but direct methods are available for that below.
- */
- int synctex_scanner_x_offset(synctex_scanner_t scanner);
- int synctex_scanner_y_offset(synctex_scanner_t scanner);
- float synctex_scanner_magnification(synctex_scanner_t scanner);
- /* Managing the input file names.
- * Given a tag, synctex_scanner_get_name will return the corresponding file name.
- * Conversely, given a file name, synctex_scanner_get_tag will return, the corresponding tag.
- * The file name must be the very same as understood by TeX.
- * For example, if you \input myDir/foo.tex, the file name is myDir/foo.tex.
- * No automatic path expansion is performed.
- * Finally, synctex_scanner_input is the first input node of the scanner.
- * To browse all the input node, use a loop like
- *
- * if((input_node = synctex_scanner_input(scanner))){
- * do {
- * blah
- * } while((input_node=synctex_node_sibling(input_node)));
- * }
- *
- * The output is the name that was used to create the scanner.
- * The synctex is the real name of the synctex file,
- * it was obtained from output by setting the proper file extension.
- */
- const char * synctex_scanner_get_name(synctex_scanner_t scanner,int tag);
- int synctex_scanner_get_tag(synctex_scanner_t scanner,const char * name);
- synctex_node_t synctex_scanner_input(synctex_scanner_t scanner);
- const char * synctex_scanner_get_output(synctex_scanner_t scanner);
- const char * synctex_scanner_get_synctex(synctex_scanner_t scanner);
- /* Browsing the nodes
- * parent, child and sibling are standard names for tree nodes.
- * The parent is one level higher, the child is one level deeper,
- * and the sibling is at the same level.
- * The sheet of a node is the first ancestor, it is of type sheet.
- * A node and its sibling have the same parent.
- * A node is the parent of its child.
- * A node is either the child of its parent,
- * or belongs to the sibling chain of its parent's child.
- * The next node is either the child, the sibling or the parent's sibling,
- * unless the parent is a sheet.
- * This allows to navigate through all the nodes of a given sheet node:
- *
- * synctex_node_t node = sheet;
- * while((node = synctex_node_next(node))) {
- * // do something with node
- * }
- *
- * With synctex_sheet_content, you can retrieve the sheet node given the page.
- * The page is 1 based, according to TeX standards.
- * Conversely synctex_node_sheet allows to retrieve the sheet containing a given node.
- */
- synctex_node_t synctex_node_parent(synctex_node_t node);
- synctex_node_t synctex_node_sheet(synctex_node_t node);
- synctex_node_t synctex_node_child(synctex_node_t node);
- synctex_node_t synctex_node_sibling(synctex_node_t node);
- synctex_node_t synctex_node_next(synctex_node_t node);
- synctex_node_t synctex_sheet(synctex_scanner_t scanner,int page);
- synctex_node_t synctex_sheet_content(synctex_scanner_t scanner,int page);
- /* These are the types of the synctex nodes */
- typedef enum {
- synctex_node_type_error = 0,
- synctex_node_type_input,
- synctex_node_type_sheet,
- synctex_node_type_vbox,
- synctex_node_type_void_vbox,
- synctex_node_type_hbox,
- synctex_node_type_void_hbox,
- synctex_node_type_kern,
- synctex_node_type_glue,
- synctex_node_type_math,
- synctex_node_type_boundary,
- synctex_node_number_of_types
- } synctex_node_type_t;
- /* synctex_node_type gives the type of a given node,
- * synctex_node_isa gives the same information as a human readable text. */
- synctex_node_type_t synctex_node_type(synctex_node_t node);
- const char * synctex_node_isa(synctex_node_t node);
- /* This is primarily used for debugging purpose.
- * The second one logs information for the node and recursively displays information for its next node */
- void synctex_node_log(synctex_node_t node);
- void synctex_node_display(synctex_node_t node);
- /* Given a node, access to the location in the synctex file where it is defined.
- */
- typedef unsigned int synctex_charindex_t;
- synctex_charindex_t synctex_node_charindex(synctex_node_t node);
- /* Given a node, access to its tag, line and column.
- * The line and column numbers are 1 based.
- * The latter is not yet fully supported in TeX, the default implementation returns 0 which means the whole line.
- * When the tag is known, the scanner of the node will give the corresponding file name.
- * When the tag is known, the scanner of the node will give the name.
- */
- int synctex_node_tag(synctex_node_t node);
- int synctex_node_line(synctex_node_t node);
- int synctex_node_column(synctex_node_t node);
- /* In order to enhance forward synchronization,
- * non void horizontal boxes have supplemental cached information.
- * The mean line is the average of the line numbers of the included nodes.
- * The child count is the number of chidren.
- */
- int synctex_node_mean_line(synctex_node_t node);
- int synctex_node_child_count(synctex_node_t node);
- /* This is the page where the node appears.
- * This is a 1 based index as given by TeX.
- */
- int synctex_node_page(synctex_node_t node);
- /* For quite all nodes, horizontal, vertical coordinates, and width.
- * These are expressed in TeX small points coordinates, with origin at the top left corner.
- */
- int synctex_node_h(synctex_node_t node);
- int synctex_node_v(synctex_node_t node);
- int synctex_node_width(synctex_node_t node);
- /* For all nodes, dimensions of the enclosing box.
- * These are expressed in TeX small points coordinates, with origin at the top left corner.
- * A box is enclosing itself.
- */
- int synctex_node_box_h(synctex_node_t node);
- int synctex_node_box_v(synctex_node_t node);
- int synctex_node_box_width(synctex_node_t node);
- int synctex_node_box_height(synctex_node_t node);
- int synctex_node_box_depth(synctex_node_t node);
- /* For quite all nodes, horizontal, vertical coordinates, and width.
- * The visible dimensions are bigger than real ones to compensate 0 width boxes
- * that do contain nodes.
- * These are expressed in page coordinates, with origin at the top left corner.
- * A box is enclosing itself.
- */
- float synctex_node_visible_h(synctex_node_t node);
- float synctex_node_visible_v(synctex_node_t node);
- float synctex_node_visible_width(synctex_node_t node);
- /* For all nodes, visible dimensions of the enclosing box.
- * A box is enclosing itself.
- * The visible dimensions are bigger than real ones to compensate 0 width boxes
- * that do contain nodes.
- */
- float synctex_node_box_visible_h(synctex_node_t node);
- float synctex_node_box_visible_v(synctex_node_t node);
- float synctex_node_box_visible_width(synctex_node_t node);
- float synctex_node_box_visible_height(synctex_node_t node);
- float synctex_node_box_visible_depth(synctex_node_t node);
- /* The main synctex updater object.
- * This object is used to append information to the synctex file.
- * Its implementation is considered private.
- * It is used by the synctex command line tool to take into account modifications
- * that could occur while postprocessing files by dvipdf like filters.
- */
- typedef struct __synctex_updater_t _synctex_updater_t;
- typedef _synctex_updater_t * synctex_updater_t;
- /* Designated initializer.
- * Once you are done with your whole job,
- * free the updater */
- synctex_updater_t synctex_updater_new_with_output_file(const char * output, const char * directory);
- /* Use the next functions to append records to the synctex file,
- * no consistency tests made on the arguments */
- void synctex_updater_append_magnification(synctex_updater_t updater, char * magnification);
- void synctex_updater_append_x_offset(synctex_updater_t updater, char * x_offset);
- void synctex_updater_append_y_offset(synctex_updater_t updater, char * y_offset);
- /* You MUST free the updater, once everything is properly appended */
- void synctex_updater_free(synctex_updater_t updater);
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif