- ;;; swank-presentation-streams.lisp --- Streams that allow attaching object identities
- ;;; to portions of output
- ;;;
- ;;; Authors: Alan Ruttenberg <alanr-l@mumble.net>
- ;;; Matthias Koeppe <mkoeppe@mail.math.uni-magdeburg.de>
- ;;; Helmut Eller <heller@common-lisp.net>
- ;;;
- ;;; License: This code has been placed in the Public Domain. All warranties
- ;;; are disclaimed.
- (in-package :swank)
- (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
- (swank-require :swank-presentations))
- ;; This file contains a mechanism for printing to the slime repl so
- ;; that the printed result remembers what object it is associated
- ;; with. This extends the recording of REPL results.
- ;;
- ;; There are two methods:
- ;;
- ;; 1. Depends on the ilisp bridge code being installed and ready to
- ;; intercept messages in the printed stream. We encode the
- ;; information with a message saying that we are starting to print
- ;; an object corresponding to a given id and another when we are
- ;; done. The process filter notices these and adds the necessary
- ;; text properties to the output.
- ;;
- ;; 2. Use separate protocol messages :presentation-start and
- ;; :presentation-end for sending presentations.
- ;;
- ;; We only do this if we know we are printing to a slime stream,
- ;; checked with the method slime-stream-p. Initially this checks for
- ;; the knows slime streams looking at *connections*. In cmucl, sbcl, and
- ;; openmcl it also checks if it is a pretty-printing stream which
- ;; ultimately prints to a slime stream.
- ;;
- ;; Method 1 seems to be faster, but the printed escape sequences can
- ;; disturb the column counting, and thus the layout in pretty-printing.
- ;; We use method 1 when a dedicated output stream is used.
- ;;
- ;; Method 2 is cleaner and works with pretty printing if the pretty
- ;; printers support "annotations". We use method 2 when no dedicated
- ;; output stream is used.
- ;; Control
- (defvar *enable-presenting-readable-objects* t
- "set this to enable automatically printing presentations for some
- subset of readable objects, such as pathnames." )
- ;; doing it
- (defmacro presenting-object (object stream &body body)
- "What you use in your code. Wrap this around some printing and that text will
- be sensitive and remember what object it is in the repl"
- `(presenting-object-1 ,object ,stream #'(lambda () ,@body)))
- (defmacro presenting-object-if (predicate object stream &body body)
- "What you use in your code. Wrap this around some printing and that text will
- be sensitive and remember what object it is in the repl if predicate is true"
- (let ((continue (gensym)))
- `(let ((,continue #'(lambda () ,@body)))
- (if ,predicate
- (presenting-object-1 ,object ,stream ,continue)
- (funcall ,continue)))))
- ;;; Get pretty printer patches for SBCL at load (not compile) time.
- #+#:disable-dangerous-patching ; #+sbcl
- (eval-when (:load-toplevel)
- (handler-bind ((simple-error
- (lambda (c)
- (declare (ignore c))
- (let ((clobber-it (find-restart 'sb-kernel::clobber-it)))
- (when clobber-it (invoke-restart clobber-it))))))
- (sb-ext:without-package-locks
- (swank/sbcl::with-debootstrapping
- (load (make-pathname
- :name "sbcl-pprint-patch"
- :type "lisp"
- :directory (pathname-directory
- swank-loader:*source-directory*)))))))
- (let ((last-stream nil)
- (last-answer nil))
- (defun slime-stream-p (stream)
- "Check if stream is one of the slime streams, since if it isn't we
- don't want to present anything.
- Two special return values:
- :DEDICATED -- Output ends up on a dedicated output stream
- :REPL-RESULT -- Output ends up on the :repl-results target.
- "
- (if (eq last-stream stream)
- last-answer
- (progn
- (setq last-stream stream)
- (if (eq stream t)
- (setq stream *standard-output*))
- (setq last-answer
- (or #+openmcl
- (and (typep stream 'ccl::xp-stream)
- ;(slime-stream-p (ccl::xp-base-stream (slot-value stream 'ccl::xp-structure)))
- (slime-stream-p (ccl::%svref (slot-value stream 'ccl::xp-structure) 1)))
- #+cmu
- (or (and (typep stream 'lisp::indenting-stream)
- (slime-stream-p (lisp::indenting-stream-stream stream)))
- (and (typep stream 'pretty-print::pretty-stream)
- (fboundp 'pretty-print::enqueue-annotation)
- (let ((slime-stream-p
- (slime-stream-p (pretty-print::pretty-stream-target stream))))
- (and ;; Printing through CMUCL pretty
- ;; streams is only cleanly
- ;; possible if we are using the
- ;; bridge-less protocol with
- ;; annotations, because the bridge
- ;; escape sequences disturb the
- ;; pretty printer layout.
- (not (eql slime-stream-p :dedicated-output))
- ;; If OK, return the return value
- ;; we got from slime-stream-p on
- ;; the target stream (could be
- ;; :repl-result):
- slime-stream-p))))
- #+sbcl
- (let ()
- (declare (notinline sb-pretty::pretty-stream-target))
- (and (typep stream (find-symbol "PRETTY-STREAM" 'sb-pretty))
- (find-symbol "ENQUEUE-ANNOTATION" 'sb-pretty)
- (not *use-dedicated-output-stream*)
- (slime-stream-p (sb-pretty::pretty-stream-target stream))))
- #+allegro
- (and (typep stream 'excl:xp-simple-stream)
- (slime-stream-p (excl::stream-output-handle stream)))
- (loop for connection in *connections*
- thereis (or (and (eq stream (connection.dedicated-output connection))
- :dedicated)
- (eq stream (connection.socket-io connection))
- (eq stream (connection.user-output connection))
- (eq stream (connection.user-io connection))
- (and (eq stream (connection.repl-results connection))
- :repl-result)))))))))
- (defun can-present-readable-objects (&optional stream)
- (declare (ignore stream))
- *enable-presenting-readable-objects*)
- ;; If we are printing to an XP (pretty printing) stream, printing the
- ;; escape sequences directly would mess up the layout because column
- ;; counting is disturbed. Use "annotations" instead.
- #+allegro
- (defun write-annotation (stream function arg)
- (if (typep stream 'excl:xp-simple-stream)
- (excl::schedule-annotation stream function arg)
- (funcall function arg stream nil)))
- #+cmu
- (defun write-annotation (stream function arg)
- (if (and (typep stream 'pp:pretty-stream)
- (fboundp 'pp::enqueue-annotation))
- (pp::enqueue-annotation stream function arg)
- (funcall function arg stream nil)))
- #+sbcl
- (defun write-annotation (stream function arg)
- (let ((enqueue-annotation
- (find-symbol "ENQUEUE-ANNOTATION" 'sb-pretty)))
- (if (and enqueue-annotation
- (typep stream (find-symbol "PRETTY-STREAM" 'sb-pretty)))
- (funcall enqueue-annotation stream function arg)
- (funcall function arg stream nil))))
- #-(or allegro cmu sbcl)
- (defun write-annotation (stream function arg)
- (funcall function arg stream nil))
- (defstruct presentation-record
- (id)
- (printed-p)
- (target))
- (defun presentation-start (record stream truncatep)
- (unless truncatep
- ;; Don't start new presentations when nothing is going to be
- ;; printed due to *print-lines*.
- (let ((pid (presentation-record-id record))
- (target (presentation-record-target record)))
- (case target
- (:dedicated
- ;; Use bridge protocol
- (write-string "<" stream)
- (prin1 pid stream)
- (write-string "" stream))
- (t
- (finish-output stream)
- (send-to-emacs `(:presentation-start ,pid ,target)))))
- (setf (presentation-record-printed-p record) t)))
- (defun presentation-end (record stream truncatep)
- (declare (ignore truncatep))
- ;; Always end old presentations that were started.
- (when (presentation-record-printed-p record)
- (let ((pid (presentation-record-id record))
- (target (presentation-record-target record)))
- (case target
- (:dedicated
- ;; Use bridge protocol
- (write-string ">" stream)
- (prin1 pid stream)
- (write-string "" stream))
- (t
- (finish-output stream)
- (send-to-emacs `(:presentation-end ,pid ,target)))))))
- (defun presenting-object-1 (object stream continue)
- "Uses the bridge mechanism with two messages >id and <id. The first one
- says that I am starting to print an object with this id. The second says I am finished"
- ;; this declare special is to let the compiler know that *record-repl-results* will eventually be
- ;; a global special, even if it isn't when this file is compiled/loaded.
- (declare (special *record-repl-results*))
- (let ((slime-stream-p
- (and *record-repl-results* (slime-stream-p stream))))
- (if slime-stream-p
- (let* ((pid (swank::save-presented-object object))
- (record (make-presentation-record :id pid :printed-p nil
- :target (if (eq slime-stream-p :repl-result)
- :repl-result
- nil))))
- (write-annotation stream #'presentation-start record)
- (multiple-value-prog1
- (funcall continue)
- (write-annotation stream #'presentation-end record)))
- (funcall continue))))
- (defun present-repl-results-via-presentation-streams (values)
- ;; Override a function in swank.lisp, so that
- ;; nested presentations work in the REPL result.
- (let ((repl-results (connection.repl-results *emacs-connection*)))
- (flet ((send (value)
- (presenting-object value repl-results
- (prin1 value repl-results))
- (terpri repl-results)))
- (if (null values)
- (progn
- (princ "; No value" repl-results)
- (terpri repl-results))
- (mapc #'send values)))
- (finish-output repl-results)))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- #+openmcl
- (in-package :ccl)
- #+openmcl
- (defun monkey-patch-stream-printing ()
- (let ((*warn-if-redefine-kernel* nil)
- (*warn-if-redefine* nil))
- (defun %print-unreadable-object (object stream type id thunk)
- (cond ((null stream) (setq stream *standard-output*))
- ((eq stream t) (setq stream *terminal-io*)))
- (swank::presenting-object object stream
- (write-unreadable-start object stream)
- (when type
- (princ (type-of object) stream)
- (stream-write-char stream #\space))
- (when thunk
- (funcall thunk))
- (if id
- (%write-address object stream #\>)
- (pp-end-block stream ">"))
- nil))
- (defmethod print-object :around ((pathname pathname) stream)
- (swank::presenting-object-if
- (swank::can-present-readable-objects stream)
- pathname stream (call-next-method))))
- (ccl::def-load-pointers clear-presentations ()
- (swank::clear-presentation-tables)))
- (in-package :swank)
- #+cmu
- (progn
- (fwrappers:define-fwrapper presenting-unreadable-wrapper (object stream type identity body)
- (presenting-object object stream
- (fwrappers:call-next-function)))
- (fwrappers:define-fwrapper presenting-pathname-wrapper (pathname stream depth)
- (presenting-object-if (can-present-readable-objects stream) pathname stream
- (fwrappers:call-next-function)))
- (defun monkey-patch-stream-printing ()
- (fwrappers::fwrap 'lisp::%print-pathname #'presenting-pathname-wrapper)
- (fwrappers::fwrap 'lisp::%print-unreadable-object #'presenting-unreadable-wrapper)))
- #+sbcl
- (progn
- (defvar *saved-%print-unreadable-object*
- (fdefinition 'sb-impl::%print-unreadable-object))
- (defun monkey-patch-stream-printing ()
- (sb-ext:without-package-locks
- (when (eq (fdefinition 'sb-impl::%print-unreadable-object)
- *saved-%print-unreadable-object*)
- (setf (fdefinition 'sb-impl::%print-unreadable-object)
- (lambda (object stream &rest args)
- (presenting-object object stream
- (apply *saved-%print-unreadable-object*
- object stream args)))))
- (defmethod print-object :around ((object pathname) stream)
- (presenting-object object stream
- (call-next-method))))))
- #+allegro
- (progn
- (excl:def-fwrapper presenting-unreadable-wrapper (object stream type identity continuation)
- (swank::presenting-object object stream (excl:call-next-fwrapper)))
- (excl:def-fwrapper presenting-pathname-wrapper (pathname stream depth)
- (presenting-object-if (can-present-readable-objects stream) pathname stream
- (excl:call-next-fwrapper)))
- (defun monkey-patch-stream-printing ()
- (excl:fwrap 'excl::print-unreadable-object-1
- 'print-unreadable-present 'presenting-unreadable-wrapper)
- (excl:fwrap 'excl::pathname-printer
- 'print-pathname-present 'presenting-pathname-wrapper)))
- #-(or allegro sbcl cmu openmcl)
- (defun monkey-patch-stream-printing ()
- (values))
- ;; Hook into SWANK.
- (defslimefun init-presentation-streams ()
- (monkey-patch-stream-printing)
- ;; FIXME: import/use swank-repl to avoid package qualifier.
- (setq swank-repl:*send-repl-results-function*
- 'present-repl-results-via-presentation-streams))
- (provide :swank-presentation-streams)