- ;;; slime-tests.el --- Automated tests for slime.el
- ;;
- ;;;; License
- ;; Copyright (C) 2003 Eric Marsden, Luke Gorrie, Helmut Eller
- ;; Copyright (C) 2004,2005,2006 Luke Gorrie, Helmut Eller
- ;; Copyright (C) 2007,2008,2009 Helmut Eller, Tobias C. Rittweiler
- ;; Copyright (C) 2013
- ;;
- ;; For a detailed list of contributors, see the manual.
- ;;
- ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- ;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
- ;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- ;;
- ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
- ;;
- ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
- ;; License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
- ;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
- ;; MA 02111-1307, USA.
- ;;;; Tests
- (require 'slime)
- (require 'ert nil t)
- (require 'ert "lib/ert" t) ;; look for bundled version for Emacs 23
- (require 'cl-lib)
- (require 'bytecomp) ; byte-compile-current-file
- (eval-when-compile
- (require 'cl)) ; lexical-let
- (defun slime-shuffle-list (list)
- (let* ((len (length list))
- (taken (make-vector len nil))
- (result (make-vector len nil)))
- (dolist (e list)
- (while (let ((i (random len)))
- (cond ((aref taken i))
- (t (aset taken i t)
- (aset result i e)
- nil)))))
- (append result '())))
- (defun slime-batch-test (&optional test-name randomize)
- "Run the test suite in batch-mode.
- Exits Emacs when finished. The exit code is the number of failed tests."
- (interactive)
- (let ((ert-debug-on-error nil)
- (timeout 30)
- (slime-background-message-function #'ignore))
- (slime)
- ;; Block until we are up and running.
- (lexical-let (timed-out)
- (run-with-timer timeout nil
- (lambda () (setq timed-out t)))
- (while (not (slime-connected-p))
- (sit-for 1)
- (when timed-out
- (when noninteractive
- (kill-emacs 252)))))
- (slime-sync-to-top-level 5)
- (let* ((selector (if randomize
- `(member ,@(slime-shuffle-list
- (ert-select-tests (or test-name t) t)))
- (or test-name t)))
- (ert-fun (if noninteractive
- 'ert-run-tests-batch
- 'ert)))
- (let ((stats (funcall ert-fun selector)))
- (if noninteractive
- (kill-emacs (ert-stats-completed-unexpected stats)))))))
- (defun slime-skip-test (message)
- ;; ERT for Emacs 23 and earlier doesn't have `ert-skip'
- (if (fboundp 'ert-skip)
- (ert-skip message)
- (message (concat "SKIPPING: " message))
- (ert-pass)))
- (defun slime-tests--undefine-all ()
- (dolist (test (ert-select-tests t t))
- (let* ((sym (ert-test-name test)))
- (cl-assert (eq (get sym 'ert--test) test))
- (cl-remprop sym 'ert--test))))
- (slime-tests--undefine-all)
- (eval-and-compile
- (defun slime-tests-auto-tags ()
- (append '(slime)
- (let ((file-name (or load-file-name
- byte-compile-current-file)))
- (if (and file-name
- (string-match "contrib/test/slime-\\(.*\\)\.elc?$"
- file-name))
- (list 'contrib (intern (match-string 1 file-name)))
- '(core)))))
- (defmacro define-slime-ert-test (name &rest args)
- "Like `ert-deftest', but set tags automatically.
- Also don't error if `ert.el' is missing."
- (if (not (featurep 'ert))
- (warn "No ert.el found: not defining test %s"
- name)
- (let* ((docstring (and (stringp (second args))
- (second args)))
- (args (if docstring
- (cddr args)
- (cdr args)))
- (tags (slime-tests-auto-tags)))
- `(ert-deftest ,name () ,(or docstring "No docstring for this test.")
- :tags ',tags
- ,@args))))
- (defun slime-test-ert-test-for (name input i doc body fails-for style fname)
- `(define-slime-ert-test
- ,(intern (format "%s-%d" name i)) ()
- ,(format "For input %s, %s" (truncate-string-to-width
- (format "%s" input)
- 15 nil nil 'ellipsis)
- (replace-regexp-in-string "^.??\\(\\w+\\)"
- (lambda (s) (downcase s))
- doc
- t))
- ,@(if fails-for
- `(:expected-result '(satisfies
- (lambda (result)
- (ert-test-result-type-p
- result
- (if (member
- (slime-lisp-implementation-name)
- ',fails-for)
- :failed
- :passed))))))
- ,@(when style
- `((let ((style (slime-communication-style)))
- (when (not (member style ',style))
- (slime-skip-test (format "test not applicable for style %s"
- style))))))
- (apply #',fname ',input))))
- (defmacro def-slime-test (name args doc inputs &rest body)
- "Define a test case.
- NAME ::= SYMBOL | (SYMBOL OPTION*) is a symbol naming the test.
- ARGS is a lambda-list.
- DOC is a docstring.
- INPUTS is a list of argument lists, each tested separately.
- BODY is the test case. The body can use `slime-check' to test
- conditions (assertions)."
- (declare (debug (&define name sexp sexp sexp &rest def-form)))
- (if (not (featurep 'ert))
- (warn "No ert.el found: not defining test %s"
- name)
- `(progn
- ,@(cl-destructuring-bind (name &rest options)
- (if (listp name) name (list name))
- (let ((fname (intern (format "slime-test-%s" name))))
- (cons `(defun ,fname ,args
- (slime-sync-to-top-level 0.3)
- ,@body
- (slime-sync-to-top-level 0.3))
- (cl-loop for input in (eval inputs)
- for i from 1
- with fails-for = (cdr (assoc :fails-for options))
- with style = (cdr (assoc :style options))
- collect (slime-test-ert-test-for name
- input
- i
- doc
- body
- fails-for
- style
- fname))))))))
- (put 'def-slime-test 'lisp-indent-function 4)
- (defmacro slime-check (check &rest body)
- (declare (indent defun))
- `(unless (progn ,@body)
- (ert-fail ,(cl-etypecase check
- (cons `(concat "Ooops, " ,(cons 'format check)))
- (string `(concat "Check failed: " ,check))
- (symbol `(concat "Check failed: " ,(symbol-name check)))))))
- ;;;;; Test case definitions
- (defun slime-check-top-level () ;(&optional _test-name)
- (accept-process-output nil 0.001)
- (slime-check "At the top level (no debugging or pending RPCs)"
- (slime-at-top-level-p)))
- (defun slime-at-top-level-p ()
- (and (not (sldb-get-default-buffer))
- (null (slime-rex-continuations))))
- (defun slime-wait-condition (name predicate timeout)
- (let ((end (time-add (current-time) (seconds-to-time timeout))))
- (while (not (funcall predicate))
- (let ((now (current-time)))
- (message "waiting for condition: %s [%s.%06d]" name
- (format-time-string "%H:%M:%S" now) (third now)))
- (cond ((time-less-p end (current-time))
- (error "Timeout waiting for condition: %S" name))
- (t
- ;; XXX if a process-filter enters a recursive-edit, we
- ;; hang forever
- (accept-process-output nil 0.1))))))
- (defun slime-sync-to-top-level (timeout)
- (slime-wait-condition "top-level" #'slime-at-top-level-p timeout))
- ;; XXX: unused function
- (defun slime-check-sldb-level (expected)
- (let ((sldb-level (let ((sldb (sldb-get-default-buffer)))
- (if sldb
- (with-current-buffer sldb
- sldb-level)))))
- (slime-check ("SLDB level (%S) is %S" expected sldb-level)
- (equal expected sldb-level))))
- (defun slime-test-expect (_name expected actual &optional test)
- (when (stringp expected) (setq expected (substring-no-properties expected)))
- (when (stringp actual) (setq actual (substring-no-properties actual)))
- (if test
- (should (funcall test expected actual))
- (should (equal expected actual))))
- (defun sldb-level ()
- (let ((sldb (sldb-get-default-buffer)))
- (if sldb
- (with-current-buffer sldb
- sldb-level))))
- (defun slime-sldb-level= (level)
- (equal level (sldb-level)))
- (eval-when-compile
- (defvar slime-test-symbols
- '(("foobar") ("foo@bar") ("@foobar") ("foobar@") ("\\@foobar")
- ("|asdf||foo||bar|")
- ("\\#<Foo@Bar>")
- ("\\(setf\\ car\\)"))))
- (defun slime-check-symbol-at-point (prefix symbol suffix)
- ;; We test that `slime-symbol-at-point' works at every
- ;; character of the symbol name.
- (with-temp-buffer
- (lisp-mode)
- (insert prefix)
- (let ((start (point)))
- (insert symbol suffix)
- (dotimes (i (length symbol))
- (goto-char (+ start i))
- (slime-test-expect (format "Check `%s' (at %d)..."
- (buffer-string) (point))
- symbol
- (slime-symbol-at-point)
- #'equal)))))
- (def-slime-test symbol-at-point.2 (sym)
- "fancy symbol-name _not_ at BOB/EOB"
- slime-test-symbols
- (slime-check-symbol-at-point "(foo " sym " bar)"))
- (def-slime-test symbol-at-point.3 (sym)
- "fancy symbol-name with leading ,"
- (remove-if (lambda (s) (eq (aref (car s) 0) ?@)) slime-test-symbols)
- (slime-check-symbol-at-point "," sym ""))
- (def-slime-test symbol-at-point.4 (sym)
- "fancy symbol-name with leading ,@"
- slime-test-symbols
- (slime-check-symbol-at-point ",@" sym ""))
- (def-slime-test symbol-at-point.5 (sym)
- "fancy symbol-name with leading `"
- slime-test-symbols
- (slime-check-symbol-at-point "`" sym ""))
- (def-slime-test symbol-at-point.6 (sym)
- "fancy symbol-name wrapped in ()"
- slime-test-symbols
- (slime-check-symbol-at-point "(" sym ")"))
- (def-slime-test symbol-at-point.7 (sym)
- "fancy symbol-name wrapped in #< {DEADBEEF}>"
- slime-test-symbols
- (slime-check-symbol-at-point "#<" sym " {DEADBEEF}>"))
- ;;(def-slime-test symbol-at-point.8 (sym)
- ;; "fancy symbol-name wrapped in #<>"
- ;; slime-test-symbols
- ;; (slime-check-symbol-at-point "#<" sym ">"))
- (def-slime-test symbol-at-point.9 (sym)
- "fancy symbol-name wrapped in #| ... |#"
- slime-test-symbols
- (slime-check-symbol-at-point "#|\n" sym "\n|#"))
- (def-slime-test symbol-at-point.10 (sym)
- "fancy symbol-name after #| )))(( |# (1)"
- slime-test-symbols
- (slime-check-symbol-at-point "#| )))(( #|\n" sym ""))
- (def-slime-test symbol-at-point.11 (sym)
- "fancy symbol-name after #| )))(( |# (2)"
- slime-test-symbols
- (slime-check-symbol-at-point "#| )))(( #|" sym ""))
- (def-slime-test symbol-at-point.12 (sym)
- "fancy symbol-name wrapped in \"...\""
- slime-test-symbols
- (slime-check-symbol-at-point "\"\n" sym "\"\n"))
- (def-slime-test symbol-at-point.13 (sym)
- "fancy symbol-name wrapped in \" )))(( \" (1)"
- slime-test-symbols
- (slime-check-symbol-at-point "\" )))(( \"\n" sym ""))
- (def-slime-test symbol-at-point.14 (sym)
- "fancy symbol-name wrapped in \" )))(( \" (1)"
- slime-test-symbols
- (slime-check-symbol-at-point "\" )))(( \"" sym ""))
- (def-slime-test symbol-at-point.15 (sym)
- "symbol-at-point after #."
- slime-test-symbols
- (slime-check-symbol-at-point "#." sym ""))
- (def-slime-test symbol-at-point.16 (sym)
- "symbol-at-point after #+"
- slime-test-symbols
- (slime-check-symbol-at-point "#+" sym ""))
- (def-slime-test sexp-at-point.1 (string)
- "symbol-at-point after #'"
- '(("foo")
- ("#:foo")
- ("#'foo")
- ("#'(lambda (x) x)")
- ("()"))
- (with-temp-buffer
- (lisp-mode)
- (insert string)
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (slime-test-expect (format "Check sexp `%s' (at %d)..."
- (buffer-string) (point))
- string
- (slime-sexp-at-point)
- #'equal)))
- (def-slime-test narrowing ()
- "Check that narrowing is properly sustained."
- '()
- (slime-check-top-level)
- (let ((random-buffer-name (symbol-name (cl-gensym)))
- (defun-pos) (tmpbuffer))
- (with-temp-buffer
- (dotimes (i 100) (insert (format ";;; %d. line\n" i)))
- (setq tmpbuffer (current-buffer))
- (setq defun-pos (point))
- (insert (concat "(defun __foo__ (x y)" "\n"
- " 'nothing)" "\n"))
- (dotimes (i 100) (insert (format ";;; %d. line\n" (+ 100 i))))
- (slime-check "Checking that newly created buffer is not narrowed."
- (not (slime-buffer-narrowed-p)))
- (goto-char defun-pos)
- (narrow-to-defun)
- (slime-check "Checking that narrowing succeeded."
- (slime-buffer-narrowed-p))
- (slime-with-popup-buffer (random-buffer-name)
- (slime-check ("Checking that we're in Slime's temp buffer `%s'"
- random-buffer-name)
- (equal (buffer-name (current-buffer)) random-buffer-name)))
- (with-current-buffer random-buffer-name
- ;; Notice that we cannot quit the buffer within the extent
- ;; of slime-with-output-to-temp-buffer.
- (quit-window t))
- (slime-check ("Checking that we've got back from `%s'"
- random-buffer-name)
- (and (eq (current-buffer) tmpbuffer)
- (= (point) defun-pos)))
- (slime-check "Checking that narrowing sustained \
- after quitting Slime's temp buffer."
- (slime-buffer-narrowed-p))
- (let ((slime-buffer-package "SWANK")
- (symbol '*buffer-package*))
- (slime-edit-definition (symbol-name symbol))
- (slime-check ("Checking that we've got M-. into swank.lisp. %S" symbol)
- (string= (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name))
- "swank.lisp"))
- (slime-pop-find-definition-stack)
- (slime-check ("Checking that we've got back.")
- (and (eq (current-buffer) tmpbuffer)
- (= (point) defun-pos)))
- (slime-check "Checking that narrowing sustained after M-,"
- (slime-buffer-narrowed-p)))
- ))
- (slime-check-top-level))
- (defun slime-test--display-region-eval-arg (line window-height)
- (cl-etypecase line
- (number line)
- (cons (slime-dcase line
- ((+h line)
- (+ (slime-test--display-region-eval-arg line window-height)
- window-height))
- ((-h line)
- (- (slime-test--display-region-eval-arg line window-height)
- window-height))))))
- (defun slime-test--display-region-line-to-position (line window-height)
- (let ((line (slime-test--display-region-eval-arg line window-height)))
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (forward-line (1- line))
- (line-beginning-position))))
- (def-slime-test display-region
- (start end pos window-start expected-window-start expected-point)
- "Test `slime-display-region'."
- ;; numbers are actually lines numbers
- '(;; region visible, point in region
- (2 4 3 1 1 3)
- ;; region visible, point visible but ouside region
- (2 4 5 1 1 5)
- ;; end not visible, point at start
- (2 (+h 2) 2 1 2 2)
- ;; start not visible, point at start
- ((+h 2) (+h 500) (+h 2) 1 (+h 2) (+h 2))
- ;; start not visible, point after end
- ((+h 2) (+h 500) (+h 6) 1 (+h 2) (+h 6))
- ;; end - start should be visible, point after end
- ((+h 2) (+h 7) (+h 10) 1 (-h (+h 7)) (+h 6))
- ;; region is window-height + 1 and ends with newline
- ((+h -2) (+h (+h -3)) (+h -2) 1 (+h -3) (+h -2))
- (2 (+h 1) 3 1 1 3)
- (2 (+h 0) 3 1 1 3)
- (2 (+h -1) 3 1 1 3)
- ;; start and end are the beginning
- (1 1 1 1 1 1)
- ;;
- (1 (+h 1) (+h 22) (+h 20) 1 (+h 0))
- )
- (when noninteractive
- (slime-skip-test "Can't test slime-display-region in batch mode"))
- (with-temp-buffer
- (dotimes (i 1000)
- (insert (format "%09d\n" i)))
- (let* ((win (display-buffer (current-buffer) t))
- (wh (window-text-height win)))
- (cl-macrolet ((l2p (l)
- `(slime-test--display-region-line-to-position ,l wh)))
- (select-window win)
- (set-window-start win (l2p window-start))
- (redisplay)
- (goto-char (l2p pos))
- (cl-assert (= (l2p window-start) (window-start win)))
- (cl-assert (= (point) (l2p pos)))
- (slime--display-region (l2p start) (l2p end))
- (redisplay)
- (cl-assert (= (l2p expected-window-start) (window-start)))
- (cl-assert (= (l2p expected-point) (point)))
- ))))
- (def-slime-test find-definition
- (name buffer-package snippet)
- "Find the definition of a function or macro in swank.lisp."
- '(("start-server" "SWANK" "(defun start-server ")
- ("swank::start-server" "CL-USER" "(defun start-server ")
- ("swank:start-server" "CL-USER" "(defun start-server ")
- ("swank::connection" "CL-USER" "(defstruct (connection")
- ("swank::*emacs-connection*" "CL-USER" "(defvar \\*emacs-connection\\*")
- )
- (switch-to-buffer "*scratch*") ; not buffer of definition
- (slime-check-top-level)
- (let ((orig-buffer (current-buffer))
- (orig-pos (point))
- (enable-local-variables nil) ; don't get stuck on -*- eval: -*-
- (slime-buffer-package buffer-package))
- (slime-edit-definition name)
- ;; Postconditions
- (slime-check ("Definition of `%S' is in swank.lisp." name)
- (string= (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)) "swank.lisp"))
- (slime-check ("Looking at '%s'." snippet) (looking-at snippet))
- (slime-pop-find-definition-stack)
- (slime-check "Returning from definition restores original buffer/position."
- (and (eq orig-buffer (current-buffer))
- (= orig-pos (point)))))
- (slime-check-top-level))
- (def-slime-test (find-definition.2 (:fails-for "allegro" "lispworks"))
- (buffer-content buffer-package snippet)
- "Check that we're able to find definitions even when
- confronted with nasty #.-fu."
- '(("#.(prog1 nil (defvar *foobar* 42))
- (defun .foo. (x)
- (+ x #.*foobar*))
- #.(prog1 nil (makunbound '*foobar*))
- "
- "[ \t]*(defun .foo. "
- )
- ("#.(prog1 nil (defvar *foobar* 42))
- ;; some comment
- (defun .foo. (x)
- (+ x #.*foobar*))
- #.(prog1 nil (makunbound '*foobar*))
- "
- "[ \t]*(defun .foo. "
- )
- ("(in-package swank)
- (eval-when (:compile-toplevel) (defparameter *bar* 456))
- (eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute) (makunbound '*bar*))
- (defun bar () #.*bar*)
- (defun .foo. () 123)"
- "[ \t]*(defun .foo. () 123)"))
- (let ((slime-buffer-package buffer-package))
- (with-temp-buffer
- (insert buffer-content)
- (slime-check-top-level)
- (slime-eval
- `(swank:compile-string-for-emacs
- ,buffer-content
- ,(buffer-name)
- '((:position 0) (:line 1 1))
- ,nil
- ,nil))
- (let ((bufname (buffer-name)))
- (slime-edit-definition ".foo.")
- (slime-check ("Definition of `.foo.' is in buffer `%s'." bufname)
- (string= (buffer-name) bufname))
- (slime-check "Definition now at point." (looking-at snippet))))))
- (def-slime-test (find-definition.3
- (:fails-for "abcl" "allegro" "clisp" "lispworks" "sbcl"
- "ecl"))
- (name source regexp)
- "Extra tests for defstruct."
- '(("swank::foo-struct"
- "(progn
- (defun foo-fun ())
- (defstruct (foo-struct (:constructor nil) (:predicate nil)))
- )"
- "(defstruct (foo-struct"))
- (switch-to-buffer "*scratch*")
- (with-temp-buffer
- (insert source)
- (let ((slime-buffer-package "SWANK"))
- (slime-eval
- `(swank:compile-string-for-emacs
- ,source
- ,(buffer-name)
- '((:position 0) (:line 1 1))
- ,nil
- ,nil)))
- (let ((temp-buffer (current-buffer)))
- (with-current-buffer "*scratch*"
- (slime-edit-definition name)
- (slime-check ("Definition of %S is in buffer `%s'."
- name temp-buffer)
- (eq (current-buffer) temp-buffer))
- (slime-check "Definition now at point." (looking-at regexp)))
- )))
- (def-slime-test complete-symbol
- (prefix expected-completions)
- "Find the completions of a symbol-name prefix."
- '(("cl:compile" ("cl:compile" "cl:compile-file" "cl:compile-file-pathname"
- "cl:compiled-function" "cl:compiled-function-p"
- "cl:compiler-macro" "cl:compiler-macro-function"))
- ("cl:foobar" ())
- ("swank::compile-file" ("swank::compile-file"
- "swank::compile-file-for-emacs"
- "swank::compile-file-if-needed"
- "swank::compile-file-output"
- "swank::compile-file-pathname"))
- ("cl:m-v-l" ()))
- (let ((completions (slime-simple-completions prefix)))
- (slime-test-expect "Completion set" expected-completions completions)))
- (def-slime-test read-from-minibuffer
- (input-keys expected-result)
- "Test `slime-read-from-minibuffer' with INPUT-KEYS as events."
- '(("( r e v e TAB SPC ' ( 1 SPC 2 SPC 3 ) ) RET"
- "(reverse '(1 2 3))")
- ("( c l : c o n TAB s t a n t l TAB SPC 4 2 ) RET"
- "(cl:constantly 42)"))
- (when noninteractive
- (slime-skip-test "Can't use unread-command-events in batch mode"))
- (let ((keys (eval `(kbd ,input-keys)))) ; kbd is a macro in Emacs 23
- (setq unread-command-events (listify-key-sequence keys)))
- (let ((actual-result (slime-read-from-minibuffer "Test: ")))
- (accept-process-output) ; run idle timers
- (slime-test-expect "Completed string" expected-result actual-result)))
- (def-slime-test arglist
- ;; N.B. Allegro apparently doesn't return the default values of
- ;; optional parameters. Thus the regexp in the start-server
- ;; expected value. In a perfect world we'd find a way to smooth
- ;; over this difference between implementations--perhaps by
- ;; convincing Franz to provide a function that does what we want.
- (function-name expected-arglist)
- "Lookup the argument list for FUNCTION-NAME.
- Confirm that EXPECTED-ARGLIST is displayed."
- '(("swank::operator-arglist" "(swank::operator-arglist name package)")
- ("swank::compute-backtrace" "(swank::compute-backtrace start end)")
- ("swank::emacs-connected" "(swank::emacs-connected)")
- ("swank::compile-string-for-emacs"
- "(swank::compile-string-for-emacs \
- string buffer position filename policy)")
- ("swank::connection.socket-io"
- "(swank::connection.socket-io \
- \\(struct\\(ure\\)?\\|object\\|instance\\|x\\|connection\\))")
- ("cl:lisp-implementation-type" "(cl:lisp-implementation-type)")
- ("cl:class-name"
- "(cl:class-name \\(class\\|object\\|instance\\|structure\\))"))
- (let ((arglist (slime-eval `(swank:operator-arglist ,function-name
- "swank"))))
- (slime-test-expect "Argument list is as expected"
- expected-arglist (and arglist (downcase arglist))
- (lambda (pattern arglist)
- (and arglist (string-match pattern arglist))))))
- (defun slime-test--compile-defun (program subform)
- (slime-check-top-level)
- (with-temp-buffer
- (lisp-mode)
- (insert program)
- (let ((font-lock-verbose nil))
- (setq slime-buffer-package ":swank")
- (slime-compile-string (buffer-string) 1)
- (setq slime-buffer-package ":cl-user")
- (slime-sync-to-top-level 5)
- (goto-char (point-max))
- (slime-previous-note)
- (slime-check error-location-correct
- (equal (read (current-buffer)) subform))))
- (slime-check-top-level))
- (def-slime-test (compile-defun (:fails-for "allegro" "lispworks" "clisp"))
- (program subform)
- "Compile PROGRAM containing errors.
- Confirm that SUBFORM is correctly located."
- '(("(defun cl-user::foo () (cl-user::bar))" (cl-user::bar))
- ("(defun cl-user::foo ()
- #\\space
- ;;Sdf
- (cl-user::bar))"
- (cl-user::bar))
- ("(defun cl-user::foo ()
- #+(or)skipped
- #| #||#
- #||# |#
- (cl-user::bar))"
- (cl-user::bar))
- ("(defun cl-user::foo ()
- \"\\\" bla bla \\\"\"
- (cl-user::bar))"
- (cl-user::bar))
- ("(defun cl-user::foo ()
- #.*log-events*
- (cl-user::bar))"
- (cl-user::bar))
- ("#.'(defun x () (/ 1 0))
- (defun foo ()
- (cl-user::bar))
- "
- (cl-user::bar)))
- (slime-test--compile-defun program subform))
- ;; This test ideally would be collapsed into the previous
- ;; compile-defun test, but only 1 case fails for ccl--and that's here
- (def-slime-test (compile-defun-with-reader-conditionals
- (:fails-for "allegro" "lispworks" "clisp" "ccl"))
- (program subform)
- "Compile PROGRAM containing errors.
- Confirm that SUBFORM is correctly located."
- '(("(defun foo ()
- #+#.'(:and) (/ 1 0))"
- (/ 1 0)))
- (slime-test--compile-defun program subform))
- ;; SBCL used to pass this one but since they changed the
- ;; backquote/unquote reader it fails.
- (def-slime-test (compile-defun-with-backquote
- (:fails-for "allegro" "lispworks" "clisp" "sbcl"))
- (program subform)
- "Compile PROGRAM containing errors.
- Confirm that SUBFORM is correctly located."
- '(("(defun cl-user::foo ()
- (list `(1 ,(random 10) 2 ,@(make-list (random 10)) 3
- ,(cl-user::bar))))"
- (cl-user::bar)))
- (slime-test--compile-defun program subform))
- (def-slime-test (compile-file (:fails-for "allegro" "clisp"))
- (string)
- "Insert STRING in a file, and compile it."
- `((,(pp-to-string '(defun foo () nil))))
- (let ((filename "/tmp/slime-tmp-file.lisp"))
- (with-temp-file filename
- (insert string))
- (let ((cell (cons nil nil)))
- (slime-eval-async
- `(swank:compile-file-for-emacs ,filename nil)
- (slime-rcurry (lambda (result cell)
- (setcar cell t)
- (setcdr cell result))
- cell))
- (slime-wait-condition "Compilation finished" (lambda () (car cell))
- 0.5)
- (let ((result (cdr cell)))
- (slime-check "Compilation successfull"
- (eq (slime-compilation-result.successp result) t))))))
- (def-slime-test utf-8-source
- (input output)
- "Source code containing utf-8 should work"
- (list (let* ((bytes "\343\201\212\343\201\257\343\202\210\343\201\206")
- ;;(encode-coding-string (string #x304a #x306f #x3088 #x3046)
- ;; 'utf-8)
- (string (decode-coding-string bytes 'utf-8-unix)))
- (assert (equal bytes (encode-coding-string string 'utf-8-unix)))
- (list (concat "(defun cl-user::foo () \"" string "\")")
- string)))
- (slime-eval `(cl:eval (cl:read-from-string ,input)))
- (slime-test-expect "Eval result correct"
- output (slime-eval '(cl-user::foo)))
- (let ((cell (cons nil nil)))
- (let ((hook (slime-curry (lambda (cell &rest _) (setcar cell t)) cell)))
- (add-hook 'slime-compilation-finished-hook hook)
- (unwind-protect
- (progn
- (slime-compile-string input 0)
- (slime-wait-condition "Compilation finished"
- (lambda () (car cell))
- 0.5)
- (slime-test-expect "Compile-string result correct"
- output (slime-eval '(cl-user::foo))))
- (remove-hook 'slime-compilation-finished-hook hook))
- (let ((filename "/tmp/slime-tmp-file.lisp"))
- (setcar cell nil)
- (add-hook 'slime-compilation-finished-hook hook)
- (unwind-protect
- (with-temp-buffer
- (when (fboundp 'set-buffer-multibyte)
- (set-buffer-multibyte t))
- (setq buffer-file-coding-system 'utf-8-unix)
- (setq buffer-file-name filename)
- (insert ";; -*- coding: utf-8-unix -*- \n")
- (insert input)
- (let ((coding-system-for-write 'utf-8-unix))
- (write-region nil nil filename nil t))
- (let ((slime-load-failed-fasl 'always))
- (slime-compile-and-load-file)
- (slime-wait-condition "Compilation finished"
- (lambda () (car cell))
- 0.5))
- (slime-test-expect "Compile-file result correct"
- output (slime-eval '(cl-user::foo))))
- (remove-hook 'slime-compilation-finished-hook hook)
- (ignore-errors (delete-file filename)))))))
- (def-slime-test async-eval-debugging (depth)
- "Test recursive debugging of asynchronous evaluation requests."
- '((1) (2) (3))
- (lexical-let ((depth depth)
- (debug-hook-max-depth 0))
- (let ((debug-hook
- (lambda ()
- (with-current-buffer (sldb-get-default-buffer)
- (when (> sldb-level debug-hook-max-depth)
- (setq debug-hook-max-depth sldb-level)
- (if (= sldb-level depth)
- ;; We're at maximum recursion - time to unwind
- (sldb-quit)
- ;; Going down - enter another recursive debug
- ;; Recursively debug.
- (slime-eval-async '(error))))))))
- (let ((sldb-hook (cons debug-hook sldb-hook)))
- (slime-eval-async '(error))
- (slime-sync-to-top-level 5)
- (slime-check ("Maximum depth reached (%S) is %S."
- debug-hook-max-depth depth)
- (= debug-hook-max-depth depth))))))
- (def-slime-test unwind-to-previous-sldb-level (level2 level1)
- "Test recursive debugging and returning to lower SLDB levels."
- '((2 1) (4 2))
- (slime-check-top-level)
- (lexical-let ((level2 level2)
- (level1 level1)
- (state 'enter)
- (max-depth 0))
- (let ((debug-hook
- (lambda ()
- (with-current-buffer (sldb-get-default-buffer)
- (setq max-depth (max sldb-level max-depth))
- (ecase state
- (enter
- (cond ((= sldb-level level2)
- (setq state 'leave)
- (sldb-invoke-restart (sldb-first-abort-restart)))
- (t
- (slime-eval-async `(cl:aref cl:nil ,sldb-level)))))
- (leave
- (cond ((= sldb-level level1)
- (setq state 'ok)
- (sldb-quit))
- (t
- (sldb-invoke-restart (sldb-first-abort-restart))
- ))))))))
- (let ((sldb-hook (cons debug-hook sldb-hook)))
- (slime-eval-async `(cl:aref cl:nil 0))
- (slime-sync-to-top-level 15)
- (slime-check-top-level)
- (slime-check ("Maximum depth reached (%S) is %S." max-depth level2)
- (= max-depth level2))
- (slime-check ("Final state reached.")
- (eq state 'ok))))))
- (defun sldb-first-abort-restart ()
- (let ((case-fold-search t))
- (cl-position-if (lambda (x) (string-match "abort" (car x)))
- sldb-restarts)))
- (def-slime-test loop-interrupt-quit
- ()
- "Test interrupting a loop."
- '(())
- (slime-check-top-level)
- (slime-eval-async '(cl:loop) (lambda (_) ) "CL-USER")
- (accept-process-output nil 1)
- (slime-check "In eval state." (slime-busy-p))
- (slime-interrupt)
- (slime-wait-condition "First interrupt" (lambda () (slime-sldb-level= 1)) 5)
- (with-current-buffer (sldb-get-default-buffer)
- (sldb-quit))
- (slime-sync-to-top-level 5)
- (slime-check-top-level))
- (def-slime-test loop-interrupt-continue-interrupt-quit
- ()
- "Test interrupting a previously interrupted but continued loop."
- '(())
- (slime-check-top-level)
- (slime-eval-async '(cl:loop) (lambda (_) ) "CL-USER")
- (sleep-for 1)
- (slime-wait-condition "running" #'slime-busy-p 5)
- (slime-interrupt)
- (slime-wait-condition "First interrupt" (lambda () (slime-sldb-level= 1)) 5)
- (with-current-buffer (sldb-get-default-buffer)
- (sldb-continue))
- (slime-wait-condition "running" (lambda ()
- (and (slime-busy-p)
- (not (sldb-get-default-buffer)))) 5)
- (slime-interrupt)
- (slime-wait-condition "Second interrupt" (lambda () (slime-sldb-level= 1)) 5)
- (with-current-buffer (sldb-get-default-buffer)
- (sldb-quit))
- (slime-sync-to-top-level 5)
- (slime-check-top-level))
- (def-slime-test interactive-eval
- ()
- "Test interactive eval and continuing from the debugger."
- '(())
- (slime-check-top-level)
- (lexical-let ((done nil))
- (let ((sldb-hook (lambda () (sldb-continue) (setq done t))))
- (slime-interactive-eval
- "(progn\
- (cerror \"foo\" \"restart\")\
- (cerror \"bar\" \"restart\")\
- (+ 1 2))")
- (while (not done) (accept-process-output))
- (slime-sync-to-top-level 5)
- (slime-check-top-level)
- (unless noninteractive
- (let ((message (current-message)))
- (slime-check "Minibuffer contains: \"3\""
- (equal "=> 3 (2 bits, #x3, #o3, #b11)" message)))))))
- (def-slime-test report-condition-with-circular-list
- (format-control format-argument)
- "Test conditions involving circular lists."
- '(("~a" "(let ((x (cons nil nil))) (setf (cdr x) x))")
- ("~a" "(let ((x (cons nil nil))) (setf (car x) x))")
- ("~a" "(let ((x (cons (make-string 100000 :initial-element #\\X) nil)))\
- (setf (cdr x) x))"))
- (slime-check-top-level)
- (lexical-let ((done nil))
- (let ((sldb-hook (lambda () (sldb-continue) (setq done t))))
- (slime-interactive-eval
- (format "(with-standard-io-syntax (cerror \"foo\" \"%s\" %s) (+ 1 2))"
- format-control format-argument))
- (while (not done) (accept-process-output))
- (slime-sync-to-top-level 5)
- (slime-check-top-level)
- (unless noninteractive
- (let ((message (current-message)))
- (slime-check "Minibuffer contains: \"3\""
- (equal "=> 3 (2 bits, #x3, #o3, #b11)" message)))))))
- (def-slime-test interrupt-bubbling-idiot
- ()
- "Test interrupting a loop that sends a lot of output to Emacs."
- '(())
- (accept-process-output nil 1)
- (slime-check-top-level)
- (slime-eval-async '(cl:loop :for i :from 0 :do (cl:progn (cl:print i)
- (cl:finish-output)))
- (lambda (_) )
- "CL-USER")
- (sleep-for 1)
- (slime-interrupt)
- (slime-wait-condition "Debugger visible"
- (lambda ()
- (and (slime-sldb-level= 1)
- (get-buffer-window (sldb-get-default-buffer))))
- 30)
- (with-current-buffer (sldb-get-default-buffer)
- (sldb-quit))
- (slime-sync-to-top-level 5))
- (def-slime-test (interrupt-encode-message (:style :sigio))
- ()
- "Test interrupt processing during swank::encode-message"
- '(())
- (slime-eval-async '(cl:loop :for i :from 0
- :do (swank::background-message "foo ~d" i)))
- (sleep-for 1)
- (slime-eval-async '(cl:/ 1 0))
- (slime-wait-condition "Debugger visible"
- (lambda ()
- (and (slime-sldb-level= 1)
- (get-buffer-window (sldb-get-default-buffer))))
- 30)
- (with-current-buffer (sldb-get-default-buffer)
- (sldb-quit))
- (slime-sync-to-top-level 5))
- (def-slime-test inspector
- (exp)
- "Test basic inspector workingness."
- '(((let ((h (make-hash-table)))
- (loop for i below 10 do (setf (gethash i h) i))
- h))
- ((make-array 10))
- ((make-list 10))
- ('cons)
- (#'cons))
- (slime-inspect (prin1-to-string exp))
- (cl-assert (not (slime-inspector-visible-p)))
- (slime-wait-condition "Inspector visible" #'slime-inspector-visible-p 5)
- (with-current-buffer (window-buffer (selected-window))
- (slime-inspector-quit))
- (slime-wait-condition "Inspector closed"
- (lambda () (not (slime-inspector-visible-p)))
- 5)
- (slime-sync-to-top-level 1))
- (defun slime-buffer-visible-p (name)
- (let ((buffer (window-buffer (selected-window))))
- (string-match name (buffer-name buffer))))
- (defun slime-inspector-visible-p ()
- (slime-buffer-visible-p (slime-buffer-name :inspector)))
- (defun slime-execute-as-command (name)
- "Execute `name' as if it was done by the user through the
- Command Loop. Similiar to `call-interactively' but also pushes on
- the buffer's undo-list."
- (undo-boundary)
- (call-interactively name))
- (def-slime-test macroexpand
- (macro-defs bufcontent expansion1 search-str expansion2)
- "foo"
- '((("(defmacro qwertz (&body body) `(list :qwertz ',body))"
- "(defmacro yxcv (&body body) `(list :yxcv (qwertz ,@body)))")
- "(yxcv :A :B :C)"
- "(list :yxcv (qwertz :a :b :c))"
- "(qwertz"
- "(list :yxcv (list :qwertz '(:a :b :c)))"))
- (slime-check-top-level)
- (setq slime-buffer-package ":swank")
- (with-temp-buffer
- (lisp-mode)
- (dolist (def macro-defs)
- (slime-compile-string def 0)
- (slime-sync-to-top-level 5))
- (insert bufcontent)
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (slime-execute-as-command 'slime-macroexpand-1)
- (slime-wait-condition "Macroexpansion buffer visible"
- (lambda ()
- (slime-buffer-visible-p
- (slime-buffer-name :macroexpansion)))
- 5)
- (with-current-buffer (get-buffer (slime-buffer-name :macroexpansion))
- (slime-test-expect "Initial macroexpansion is correct"
- expansion1
- (downcase (buffer-string))
- #'slime-test-macroexpansion=)
- (search-forward search-str)
- (backward-up-list)
- (slime-execute-as-command 'slime-macroexpand-1-inplace)
- (slime-sync-to-top-level 3)
- (slime-test-expect "In-place macroexpansion is correct"
- expansion2
- (downcase (buffer-string))
- #'slime-test-macroexpansion=)
- (slime-execute-as-command 'slime-macroexpand-undo)
- (slime-test-expect "Expansion after undo is correct"
- expansion1
- (downcase (buffer-string))
- #'slime-test-macroexpansion=)))
- (setq slime-buffer-package ":cl-user"))
- (defun slime-test-macroexpansion= (string1 string2)
- (let ((string1 (replace-regexp-in-string " *\n *" " " string1))
- (string2 (replace-regexp-in-string " *\n *" " " string2)))
- (equal string1 string2)))
- (def-slime-test indentation (buffer-content point-markers)
- "Check indentation update to work correctly."
- '(("
- \(in-package :swank)
- \(defmacro with-lolipop (&body body)
- `(progn ,@body))
- \(defmacro lolipop (&body body)
- `(progn ,@body))
- \(with-lolipop
- 1
- 2
- 42)
- \(lolipop
- 1
- 2
- 23)
- "
- ("23" "42")))
- (with-temp-buffer
- (lisp-mode)
- (slime-lisp-mode-hook)
- (insert buffer-content)
- (slime-compile-region (point-min) (point-max))
- (slime-sync-to-top-level 3)
- (slime-update-indentation)
- (slime-sync-to-top-level 3)
- (dolist (marker point-markers)
- (search-backward marker)
- (beginning-of-defun)
- (indent-sexp))
- (slime-test-expect "Correct buffer content"
- buffer-content
- (substring-no-properties (buffer-string)))))
- (def-slime-test break
- (times exp)
- "Test whether BREAK invokes SLDB."
- (let ((exp1 '(break)))
- `((1 ,exp1) (2 ,exp1) (3 ,exp1)))
- (accept-process-output nil 0.2)
- (slime-check-top-level)
- (slime-eval-async
- `(cl:eval (cl:read-from-string
- ,(prin1-to-string `(dotimes (i ,times)
- (unless (= i 0)
- (swank::sleep-for 1))
- ,exp)))))
- (dotimes (_i times)
- (slime-wait-condition "Debugger visible"
- (lambda ()
- (and (slime-sldb-level= 1)
- (get-buffer-window
- (sldb-get-default-buffer))))
- 3)
- (with-current-buffer (sldb-get-default-buffer)
- (sldb-continue))
- (slime-wait-condition "sldb closed"
- (lambda () (not (sldb-get-default-buffer)))
- 0.5))
- (slime-sync-to-top-level 1))
- (def-slime-test (break2 (:fails-for "cmucl" "allegro"))
- (times exp)
- "Backends should arguably make sure that BREAK does not depend
- (let ((exp2
- '(block outta
- (let ((*debugger-hook* (lambda (c h) (return-from outta 42))))
- (break)))))
- `((1 ,exp2) (2 ,exp2) (3 ,exp2)))
- (slime-test-break times exp))
- (def-slime-test locally-bound-debugger-hook
- ()
- "Test that binding *DEBUGGER-HOOK* locally works properly."
- '(())
- (accept-process-output nil 1)
- (slime-check-top-level)
- (slime-compile-string
- (prin1-to-string `(defun cl-user::quux ()
- (block outta
- (let ((*debugger-hook*
- (lambda (c hook)
- (declare (ignore c hook))
- (return-from outta 42))))
- (error "FOO")))))
- 0)
- (slime-sync-to-top-level 2)
- (slime-eval-async '(cl-user::quux))
- ;; FIXME: slime-wait-condition returns immediately if the test returns true
- (slime-wait-condition "Checking that Debugger does not popup"
- (lambda ()
- (not (sldb-get-default-buffer)))
- 3)
- (slime-sync-to-top-level 5))
- (def-slime-test end-of-file
- (expr)
- "Signalling END-OF-FILE should invoke the debugger."
- '(((cl:error 'cl:end-of-file))
- ((cl:read-from-string "")))
- (let ((value (slime-eval
- `(cl:let ((condition nil))
- (cl:with-simple-restart
- (cl:continue "continue")
- (cl:let ((cl:*debugger-hook*
- (cl:lambda (c h)
- (cl:setq condition c)
- (cl:continue))))
- ,expr))
- (cl:if (cl:typep condition 'cl:end-of-file) t)))))
- (slime-test-expect "Debugger invoked" t value)))
- (def-slime-test interrupt-at-toplevel
- ()
- "Let's see what happens if we send a user interrupt at toplevel."
- '(())
- (slime-check-top-level)
- (unless (and (eq (slime-communication-style) :spawn)
- (not (featurep 'slime-repl)))
- (slime-interrupt)
- (slime-wait-condition
- "Debugger visible"
- (lambda ()
- (and (slime-sldb-level= 1)
- (get-buffer-window (sldb-get-default-buffer))))
- 5)
- (with-current-buffer (sldb-get-default-buffer)
- (sldb-quit))
- (slime-sync-to-top-level 5)))
- (def-slime-test interrupt-in-debugger (interrupts continues)
- "Let's see what happens if we interrupt the debugger.
- INTERRUPTS ... number of nested interrupts
- CONTINUES ... how often the continue restart should be invoked"
- '((1 0) (2 1) (4 2))
- (slime-check "No debugger" (not (sldb-get-default-buffer)))
- (when (and (eq (slime-communication-style) :spawn)
- (not (featurep 'slime-repl)))
- (slime-eval-async '(swank::without-slime-interrupts
- (swank::receive)))
- (sit-for 0.2))
- (dotimes (i interrupts)
- (slime-interrupt)
- (let ((level (1+ i)))
- (slime-wait-condition (format "Debug level %d reachend" level)
- (lambda () (equal (sldb-level) level))
- 2)))
- (dotimes (i continues)
- (with-current-buffer (sldb-get-default-buffer)
- (sldb-continue))
- (let ((level (- interrupts (1+ i))))
- (slime-wait-condition (format "Return to debug level %d" level)
- (lambda () (equal (sldb-level) level))
- 2)))
- (with-current-buffer (sldb-get-default-buffer)
- (sldb-quit))
- (slime-sync-to-top-level 1))
- (def-slime-test flow-control
- (n delay interrupts)
- "Let Lisp produce output faster than Emacs can consume it."
- `((400 0.03 3))
- (when noninteractive
- (slime-skip-test "test is currently unstable"))
- (slime-check "No debugger" (not (sldb-get-default-buffer)))
- (slime-eval-async `(swank:flow-control-test ,n ,delay))
- (sleep-for 0.2)
- (dotimes (_i interrupts)
- (slime-interrupt)
- (slime-wait-condition "In debugger" (lambda () (slime-sldb-level= 1)) 5)
- (slime-check "In debugger" (slime-sldb-level= 1))
- (with-current-buffer (sldb-get-default-buffer)
- (sldb-continue))
- (slime-wait-condition "No debugger" (lambda () (slime-sldb-level= nil)) 3)
- (slime-check "Debugger closed" (slime-sldb-level= nil)))
- (slime-sync-to-top-level 8))
- (def-slime-test sbcl-world-lock
- (n delay)
- "Print something from *MACROEXPAND-HOOK*.
- In SBCL, the compiler grabs a lock which can be problematic because
- no method dispatch code can be generated for other threads.
- This test will fail more likely before dispatch caches are warmed up."
- '((10 0.03)
- ;;((cl:+ swank::send-counter-limit 10) 0.03)
- )
- (slime-test-expect "no error"
- 123
- (slime-eval
- `(cl:let ((cl:*macroexpand-hook*
- (cl:lambda (fun form env)
- (swank:flow-control-test ,n ,delay)
- (cl:funcall fun form env))))
- (cl:eval '(cl:macrolet ((foo () 123))
- (foo)))))))
- (def-slime-test (disconnect-one-connection (:style :spawn)) ()
- "`slime-disconnect' should disconnect only the current connection"
- '(())
- (let ((connection-count (length slime-net-processes))
- (old-connection slime-default-connection)
- (slime-connected-hook nil))
- (unwind-protect
- (let ((slime-dispatching-connection
- (slime-connect "localhost"
- ;; Here we assume that the request will
- ;; be evaluated in its own thread.
- (slime-eval `(swank:create-server
- :port 0 ; use random port
- :style :spawn
- :dont-close nil)))))
- (slime-sync-to-top-level 3)
- (slime-disconnect)
- (slime-test-expect "Number of connections must remane the same"
- connection-count
- (length slime-net-processes)))
- (slime-select-connection old-connection))))
- (def-slime-test disconnect-and-reconnect
- ()
- "Close the connetion.
- Confirm that the subprocess continues gracefully.
- Reconnect afterwards."
- '(())
- (slime-check-top-level)
- (let* ((c (slime-connection))
- (p (slime-inferior-process c)))
- (with-current-buffer (process-buffer p)
- (erase-buffer))
- (delete-process c)
- (assert (equal (process-status c) 'closed) nil "Connection not closed")
- (accept-process-output nil 0.1)
- (assert (equal (process-status p) 'run) nil "Subprocess not running")
- (with-current-buffer (process-buffer p)
- (assert (< (buffer-size) 500) nil "Unusual output"))
- (slime-inferior-connect p (slime-inferior-lisp-args p))
- (lexical-let ((hook nil) (p p))
- (setq hook (lambda ()
- (slime-test-expect
- "We are connected again" p (slime-inferior-process))
- (remove-hook 'slime-connected-hook hook)))
- (add-hook 'slime-connected-hook hook)
- (slime-wait-condition "Lisp restarted"
- (lambda ()
- (not (member hook slime-connected-hook)))
- 5))))
- ;;;; SLIME-loading tests that launch separate Emacsen
- ;;;;
- (cl-defun slime-test-recipe-test-for (&key preflight
- takeoff
- landing)
- (let ((success nil)
- (test-file (make-temp-file "slime-recipe-" nil ".el"))
- (test-forms
- `((require 'cl)
- (labels
- ((die
- (reason &optional more)
- (princ reason)
- (terpri)
- (and more (pp more))
- (kill-emacs 254)))
- (condition-case err
- (progn ,@preflight)
- (error
- (die "Unexpected error running preflight forms"
- err)))
- (add-hook
- 'slime-connected-hook
- #'(lambda ()
- (condition-case err
- (progn
- ,@landing
- (kill-emacs 0))
- (error
- (die "Unexpected error running landing forms"
- err))))
- t)
- (condition-case err
- (progn
- ,@takeoff
- ,(when (null landing) '(kill-emacs 0)))
- (error
- (die "Unexpected error running takeoff forms"
- err)))
- (with-timeout
- (20
- (die "Timeout waiting for recipe test to finish."
- takeoff))
- (while t (sit-for 1)))))))
- (unwind-protect
- (progn
- (with-temp-buffer
- (mapc #'insert (mapcar #'pp-to-string test-forms))
- (write-file test-file))
- (with-temp-buffer
- (let ((retval
- (call-process (concat invocation-directory invocation-name)
- nil (list t nil) nil
- "-Q" "--batch"
- "-l" test-file)))
- (unless (= 0 retval)
- (ert-fail (buffer-substring
- (+ (goto-char (point-min))
- (skip-chars-forward " \t\n"))
- (+ (goto-char (point-max))
- (skip-chars-backward " \t\n")))))))
- (setq success t))
- (if success (delete-file test-file)
- (message "Test failed: keeping %s for inspection" test-file)))))
- (define-slime-ert-test readme-recipe ()
- "Test the README.md's autoload recipe."
- (slime-test-recipe-test-for
- :preflight `((add-to-list 'load-path ,slime-path)
- (require 'slime-autoloads)
- (setq inferior-lisp-program ,inferior-lisp-program)
- (setq slime-contribs '(slime-fancy)))
- :takeoff `((call-interactively 'slime))
- :landing `((unless (and (featurep 'slime-repl)
- (find 'swank-repl slime-required-modules))
- (die "slime-repl not loaded properly"))
- (with-current-buffer (slime-repl-buffer)
- (unless (and (string-match "^; +SLIME" (buffer-string))
- (string-match "CL-USER> *$" (buffer-string)))
- (die "REPL prompt not properly setup"
- (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min)
- (point-max))))))))
- (define-slime-ert-test traditional-recipe ()
- "Test the README.md's traditional recipe."
- (slime-test-recipe-test-for
- :preflight `((add-to-list 'load-path ,slime-path)
- (require 'slime)
- (setq inferior-lisp-program ,inferior-lisp-program)
- (slime-setup '(slime-fancy)))
- :takeoff `((call-interactively 'slime))
- :landing `((unless (and (featurep 'slime-repl)
- (find 'swank-repl slime-required-modules))
- (die "slime-repl not loaded properly"))
- (with-current-buffer (slime-repl-buffer)
- (unless (and (string-match "^; +SLIME" (buffer-string))
- (string-match "CL-USER> *$" (buffer-string)))
- (die "REPL prompt not properly setup"
- (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min)
- (point-max))))))))
- (define-slime-ert-test readme-recipe-autoload-on-lisp-visit ()
- "Test more autoload bits in README.md's installation recipe."
- (slime-test-recipe-test-for
- :preflight `((add-to-list 'load-path ,slime-path)
- (require 'slime-autoloads))
- :takeoff `((if (featurep 'slime)
- (die "Didn't expect SLIME to be loaded so early!"))
- (find-file ,(make-temp-file "slime-lisp-source-file" nil
- ".lisp"))
- (unless (featurep 'slime)
- (die "Expected SLIME to be fully loaded by now")))))
- (defun slime-test-eval-now (string)
- (second (slime-eval `(swank:eval-and-grab-output ,string))))
- (def-slime-test (slime-recompile-all-xrefs (:fails-for "cmucl")) ()
- "Test recompilation of all references within an xref buffer."
- '(())
- (let* ((cell (cons nil nil))
- (hook (slime-curry (lambda (cell &rest _) (setcar cell t)) cell))
- (filename (make-temp-file "slime-recompile-all-xrefs" nil ".lisp")))
- (add-hook 'slime-compilation-finished-hook hook)
- (unwind-protect
- (with-temp-file filename
- (set-visited-file-name filename)
- (slime-test-eval-now "(defparameter swank::*.var.* nil)")
- (insert "(in-package :swank)
- (defun .fn1. ())
- (defun .fn2. () (.fn1.) #.*.var.*)
- (defun .fn3. () (.fn1.) #.*.var.*)")
- (save-buffer)
- (slime-compile-and-load-file)
- (slime-wait-condition "Compilation finished"
- (lambda () (car cell))
- 0.5)
- (slime-test-eval-now "(setq *.var.* t)")
- (setcar cell nil)
- (slime-xref :calls ".fn1."
- (lambda (&rest args)
- (apply #'slime-show-xrefs args)
- (setcar cell t)))
- (slime-wait-condition "Xrefs computed and displayed"
- (lambda () (car cell))
- 0.5)
- (setcar cell nil)
- (with-current-buffer slime-xref-last-buffer
- (slime-recompile-all-xrefs)
- (slime-wait-condition "Compilation finished"
- (lambda () (car cell))
- 0.5))
- (should (cl-equalp (list (slime-test-eval-now "(.fn2.)")
- (slime-test-eval-now "(.fn3.)"))
- '("T" "T"))))
- (remove-hook 'slime-compilation-finished-hook hook)
- (when slime-xref-last-buffer
- (kill-buffer slime-xref-last-buffer)))))
- (provide 'slime-tests)