- ;;;; -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
- ;;;
- ;;; swank-loader.lisp --- Compile and load the Slime backend.
- ;;;
- ;;; Created 2003, James Bielman <jamesjb@jamesjb.com>
- ;;;
- ;;; This code has been placed in the Public Domain. All warranties
- ;;; are disclaimed.
- ;;;
- ;; If you want customize the source- or fasl-directory you can set
- ;; swank-loader:*source-directory* resp. swank-loader:*fasl-directory*
- ;; before loading this files.
- ;; E.g.:
- ;;
- ;; (load ".../swank-loader.lisp")
- ;; (setq swank-loader::*fasl-directory* "/tmp/fasl/")
- ;; (swank-loader:init)
- (cl:defpackage :swank-loader
- (:use :cl)
- (:export :init
- :dump-image
- :list-fasls
- :*source-directory*
- :*fasl-directory*
- :*started-from-emacs*))
- (cl:in-package :swank-loader)
- (defvar *started-from-emacs* nil)
- (defvar *source-directory*
- (make-pathname :name nil :type nil
- :defaults (or *load-pathname* *default-pathname-defaults*))
- "The directory where to look for the source.")
- (defparameter *sysdep-files*
- #+cmu '((swank source-path-parser) (swank source-file-cache) (swank cmucl)
- (swank gray))
- #+scl '((swank source-path-parser) (swank source-file-cache) (swank scl)
- (swank gray))
- #+sbcl '((swank source-path-parser) (swank source-file-cache) (swank sbcl)
- (swank gray))
- #+clozure '(metering (swank ccl) (swank gray))
- #+lispworks '((swank lispworks) (swank gray))
- #+allegro '((swank allegro) (swank gray))
- #+clisp '(xref metering (swank clisp) (swank gray))
- #+armedbear '((swank abcl))
- #+cormanlisp '((swank corman) (swank gray))
- #+ecl '((swank ecl) (swank gray))
- #+clasp '((swank clasp) (swank gray))
- #+mkcl '((swank mkcl) (swank gray))
- #+mezzano '((swank mezzano) (swank gray))
- )
- (defparameter *implementation-features*
- '(:allegro :lispworks :sbcl :clozure :cmu :clisp :ccl :corman :cormanlisp
- :armedbear :gcl :ecl :scl :mkcl :clasp :mezzano))
- (defparameter *os-features*
- '(:macosx :linux :windows :mswindows :win32 :solaris :darwin :sunos :hpux
- :unix :mezzano))
- (defparameter *architecture-features*
- '(:powerpc :ppc :x86 :x86-64 :x86_64 :amd64 :i686 :i586 :i486 :pc386 :iapx386
- :sparc64 :sparc :hppa64 :hppa :arm :armv5l :armv6l :armv7l :arm64 :aarch64
- :pentium3 :pentium4
- :mips :mipsel
- :java-1.4 :java-1.5 :java-1.6 :java-1.7))
- (defun q (s) (read-from-string s))
- #+ecl
- (defun ecl-version-string ()
- (format nil "~A~@[-~A~]"
- (lisp-implementation-version)
- (when (find-symbol "LISP-IMPLEMENTATION-VCS-ID" :ext)
- (let ((vcs-id (funcall (q "ext:lisp-implementation-vcs-id"))))
- (when (>= (length vcs-id) 8)
- (subseq vcs-id 0 8))))))
- #+clasp
- (defun clasp-version-string ()
- (format nil "~A~@[-~A~]"
- (lisp-implementation-version)
- (core:lisp-implementation-id)))
- (defun lisp-version-string ()
- #+(or clozure cmu) (substitute-if #\_ (lambda (x) (find x " /"))
- (lisp-implementation-version))
- #+(or cormanlisp scl mkcl) (lisp-implementation-version)
- #+sbcl (format nil "~a~:[~;-no-threads~]"
- (lisp-implementation-version)
- #+sb-thread nil
- #-sb-thread t)
- #+lispworks (lisp-implementation-version)
- #+allegro (format nil "~@{~a~}"
- excl::*common-lisp-version-number*
- (if (eq 'h 'H) "A" "M") ; ANSI vs MoDeRn
- (if (member :smp *features*) "s" "")
- (if (member :64bit *features*) "-64bit" "")
- (excl:ics-target-case
- (:-ics "")
- (:+ics "-ics")))
- #+clisp (let ((s (lisp-implementation-version)))
- (subseq s 0 (position #\space s)))
- #+armedbear (lisp-implementation-version)
- #+ecl (ecl-version-string)
- #+clasp (clasp-version-string)
- #+mezzano (let ((s (lisp-implementation-version)))
- (subseq s 0 (position #\space s))))
- (defun unique-dir-name ()
- "Return a name that can be used as a directory name that is
- unique to a Lisp implementation, Lisp implementation version,
- operating system, and hardware architecture."
- (flet ((first-of (features)
- (loop for f in features
- when (find f *features*) return it))
- (maybe-warn (value fstring &rest args)
- (cond (value)
- (t (apply #'warn fstring args)
- "unknown"))))
- (let ((lisp (maybe-warn (first-of *implementation-features*)
- "No implementation feature found in ~a."
- *implementation-features*))
- (os (maybe-warn (first-of *os-features*)
- "No os feature found in ~a." *os-features*))
- (arch (maybe-warn (first-of *architecture-features*)
- "No architecture feature found in ~a."
- *architecture-features*))
- (version (maybe-warn (lisp-version-string)
- "Don't know how to get Lisp ~
- implementation version.")))
- (format nil "~(~@{~a~^-~}~)" lisp version os arch))))
- (defun file-newer-p (new-file old-file)
- "Returns true if NEW-FILE is newer than OLD-FILE."
- (> (file-write-date new-file) (file-write-date old-file)))
- (defun string-starts-with (string prefix)
- (string-equal string prefix :end1 (min (length string) (length prefix))))
- (defun slime-version-string ()
- "Return a string identifying the SLIME version.
- Return nil if nothing appropriate is available."
- (with-open-file (s (merge-pathnames "slime.el" *source-directory*)
- :if-does-not-exist nil)
- (when s
- (loop with prefix = ";; Version: "
- for line = (read-line s nil :eof)
- until (eq line :eof)
- when (string-starts-with line prefix)
- return (subseq line (length prefix))))))
- (defun default-fasl-dir ()
- (merge-pathnames
- (make-pathname
- :directory `(:relative ".slime" "fasl"
- ,@(if (slime-version-string) (list (slime-version-string)))
- ,(unique-dir-name)))
- (user-homedir-pathname)))
- (defvar *fasl-directory* (default-fasl-dir)
- "The directory where fasl files should be placed.")
- (defun binary-pathname (src-pathname binary-dir)
- "Return the pathname where SRC-PATHNAME's binary should be compiled."
- (let ((cfp (compile-file-pathname src-pathname)))
- (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :name (pathname-name cfp)
- :type (pathname-type cfp))
- binary-dir)))
- (defun handle-swank-load-error (condition context pathname)
- (fresh-line *error-output*)
- (pprint-logical-block (*error-output* () :per-line-prefix ";; ")
- (format *error-output*
- "~%Error ~A ~A:~% ~A~%"
- context pathname condition)))
- (defun compile-files (files fasl-dir load quiet)
- "Compile each file in FILES if the source is newer than its
- corresponding binary, or the file preceding it was recompiled.
- If LOAD is true, load the fasl file."
- (let ((needs-recompile nil)
- (state :unknown))
- (dolist (src files)
- (let ((dest (binary-pathname src fasl-dir)))
- (handler-bind
- ((error (lambda (c)
- (ecase state
- (:compile (handle-swank-load-error c "compiling" src))
- (:load (handle-swank-load-error c "loading" dest))
- (:unknown (handle-swank-load-error c "???ing" src))))))
- (when (or needs-recompile
- (not (probe-file dest))
- (file-newer-p src dest))
- (ensure-directories-exist dest)
- ;; need to recompile SRC, so we'll need to recompile
- ;; everything after this too.
- (setf needs-recompile t
- state :compile)
- (or (compile-file src :output-file dest :print nil
- :verbose (not quiet))
- ;; An implementation may not necessarily signal a
- ;; condition itself when COMPILE-FILE fails (e.g. ECL)
- (error "COMPILE-FILE returned NIL.")))
- (when load
- (setf state :load)
- (load dest :verbose (not quiet))))))))
- #+cormanlisp
- (defun compile-files (files fasl-dir load quiet)
- "Corman Lisp has trouble with compiled files."
- (declare (ignore fasl-dir))
- (when load
- (dolist (file files)
- (load file :verbose (not quiet)
- (force-output)))))
- (defun load-user-init-file ()
- "Load the user init file, return NIL if it does not exist."
- (load (merge-pathnames (user-homedir-pathname)
- (make-pathname :name ".swank" :type "lisp"))
- :if-does-not-exist nil))
- (defun load-site-init-file (dir)
- (load (make-pathname :name "site-init" :type "lisp"
- :defaults dir)
- :if-does-not-exist nil))
- (defun src-files (names src-dir)
- (mapcar (lambda (name)
- (multiple-value-bind (dirs name)
- (etypecase name
- (symbol (values '() name))
- (cons (values (butlast name) (car (last name)))))
- (make-pathname
- :directory (append (or (pathname-directory src-dir)
- '(:relative))
- (mapcar #'string-downcase dirs))
- :name (string-downcase name)
- :type "lisp"
- :defaults src-dir)))
- names))
- (defvar *swank-files*
- `(packages
- (swank backend) ,@*sysdep-files* (swank match) (swank rpc)
- swank))
- (defvar *contribs*
- '(swank-util swank-repl
- swank-c-p-c swank-arglists swank-fuzzy
- swank-fancy-inspector
- swank-presentations swank-presentation-streams
- #+(or asdf2 asdf3 sbcl ecl) swank-asdf
- swank-package-fu
- swank-hyperdoc
- #+sbcl swank-sbcl-exts
- swank-mrepl
- swank-trace-dialog
- swank-macrostep
- swank-quicklisp)
- "List of names for contrib modules.")
- (defun append-dir (absolute name)
- (merge-pathnames
- (make-pathname :directory `(:relative ,name) :defaults absolute)
- absolute))
- (defun contrib-dir (base-dir)
- (append-dir base-dir "contrib"))
- (defun load-swank (&key (src-dir *source-directory*)
- (fasl-dir *fasl-directory*)
- quiet)
- (with-compilation-unit ()
- (compile-files (src-files *swank-files* src-dir) fasl-dir t quiet))
- (funcall (q "swank::before-init")
- (slime-version-string)
- (list (contrib-dir fasl-dir)
- (contrib-dir src-dir))))
- (defun delete-stale-contrib-fasl-files (swank-files contrib-files fasl-dir)
- (let ((newest (reduce #'max (mapcar #'file-write-date swank-files))))
- (dolist (src contrib-files)
- (let ((fasl (binary-pathname src fasl-dir)))
- (when (and (probe-file fasl)
- (<= (file-write-date fasl) newest))
- (delete-file fasl))))))
- (defun compile-contribs (&key (src-dir (contrib-dir *source-directory*))
- (fasl-dir (contrib-dir *fasl-directory*))
- (swank-src-dir *source-directory*)
- load quiet)
- (let* ((swank-src-files (src-files *swank-files* swank-src-dir))
- (contrib-src-files (src-files *contribs* src-dir)))
- (delete-stale-contrib-fasl-files swank-src-files contrib-src-files
- fasl-dir)
- (compile-files contrib-src-files fasl-dir load quiet)))
- (defun loadup ()
- (load-swank)
- (compile-contribs :load t))
- (defun setup ()
- (load-site-init-file *source-directory*)
- (load-user-init-file)
- (when (#-clisp probe-file
- #+clisp ext:probe-directory
- (contrib-dir *source-directory*))
- (eval `(pushnew 'compile-contribs ,(q "swank::*after-init-hook*"))))
- (funcall (q "swank::init")))
- (defun list-swank-packages ()
- (remove-if-not (lambda (package)
- (let ((name (package-name package)))
- (and (string-not-equal name "swank-loader")
- (string-starts-with name "swank"))))
- (list-all-packages)))
- (defun delete-packages (packages)
- (dolist (package packages)
- (flet ((handle-package-error (c)
- (let ((pkgs (set-difference (package-used-by-list package)
- packages)))
- (when pkgs
- (warn "deleting ~a which is used by ~{~a~^, ~}."
- package pkgs))
- (continue c))))
- (handler-bind ((package-error #'handle-package-error))
- (delete-package package)))))
- (defun init (&key delete reload load-contribs (setup t)
- (quiet (not *load-verbose*))
- from-emacs)
- "Load SWANK and initialize some global variables.
- If DELETE is true, delete any existing SWANK packages.
- If RELOAD is true, reload SWANK, even if the SWANK package already exists.
- If LOAD-CONTRIBS is true, load all contribs
- If SETUP is true, load user init files and initialize some
- global variabes in SWANK."
- (when from-emacs
- (setf *started-from-emacs* t))
- (when (and delete (find-package :swank))
- (delete-packages (list-swank-packages)))
- (cond ((or (not (find-package :swank)) reload)
- (load-swank :quiet quiet))
- (t
- (warn "Not reloading SWANK. Package already exists.")))
- (when load-contribs
- (compile-contribs :load t :quiet quiet))
- (when setup
- (setup)))
- (defun dump-image (filename)
- (init :setup nil)
- (funcall (q "swank/backend:save-image") filename))
- (defun list-fasls (&key (include-contribs t) (compile t)
- (quiet (not *compile-verbose*)))
- "List up SWANK's fasls along with their dependencies."
- (flet ((collect-fasls (files fasl-dir)
- (when compile
- (compile-files files fasl-dir nil quiet))
- (loop for src in files
- when (probe-file (binary-pathname src fasl-dir))
- collect it)))
- (append (collect-fasls (src-files *swank-files* *source-directory*)
- *fasl-directory*)
- (when include-contribs
- (collect-fasls (src-files *contribs*
- (contrib-dir *source-directory*))
- (contrib-dir *fasl-directory*))))))