- ;;; -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; outline-regexp: ";;;;;*" -*-
- ;;;
- ;;; slime-backend.lisp --- SLIME backend interface.
- ;;;
- ;;; Created by James Bielman in 2003. Released into the public domain.
- ;;;
- ;;;; Frontmatter
- ;;;
- ;;; This file defines the functions that must be implemented
- ;;; separately for each Lisp. Each is declared as a generic function
- ;;; for which swank-<implementation>.lisp provides methods.
- (in-package swank/backend)
- ;;;; Metacode
- (defparameter *debug-swank-backend* nil
- "If this is true, backends should not catch errors but enter the
- debugger where appropriate. Also, they should not perform backtrace
- magic but really show every frame including SWANK related ones.")
- (defparameter *interface-functions* '()
- "The names of all interface functions.")
- (defparameter *unimplemented-interfaces* '()
- "List of interface functions that are not implemented.
- DEFINTERFACE adds to this list and DEFIMPLEMENTATION removes.")
- (defvar *log-output* nil) ; should be nil for image dumpers
- (defmacro definterface (name args documentation &rest default-body)
- "Define an interface function for the backend to implement.
- A function is defined with NAME, ARGS, and DOCUMENTATION. This
- function first looks for a function to call in NAME's property list
- that is indicated by 'IMPLEMENTATION; failing that, it looks for a
- function indicated by 'DEFAULT. If neither is present, an error is
- signaled.
- If a DEFAULT-BODY is supplied, then a function with the same body and
- ARGS will be added to NAME's property list as the property indicated
- by 'DEFAULT.
- Backends implement these functions using DEFIMPLEMENTATION."
- (check-type documentation string "a documentation string")
- (assert (every #'symbolp args) ()
- "Complex lambda-list not supported: ~S ~S" name args)
- (labels ((gen-default-impl ()
- `(setf (get ',name 'default) (lambda ,args ,@default-body)))
- (args-as-list (args)
- (destructuring-bind (req opt key rest) (parse-lambda-list args)
- `(,@req ,@opt
- ,@(loop for k in key append `(,(kw k) ,k))
- ,@(or rest '(())))))
- (parse-lambda-list (args)
- (parse args '(&optional &key &rest)
- (make-array 4 :initial-element nil)))
- (parse (args keywords vars)
- (cond ((null args)
- (reverse (map 'list #'reverse vars)))
- ((member (car args) keywords)
- (parse (cdr args) (cdr (member (car args) keywords)) vars))
- (t (push (car args) (aref vars (length keywords)))
- (parse (cdr args) keywords vars))))
- (kw (s) (intern (string s) :keyword)))
- `(progn
- (defun ,name ,args
- ,documentation
- (let ((f (or (get ',name 'implementation)
- (get ',name 'default))))
- (cond (f (apply f ,@(args-as-list args)))
- (t (error "~S not implemented" ',name)))))
- (pushnew ',name *interface-functions*)
- ,(if (null default-body)
- `(pushnew ',name *unimplemented-interfaces*)
- (gen-default-impl))
- (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
- (export ',name :swank/backend))
- ',name)))
- (defmacro defimplementation (name args &body body)
- (assert (every #'symbolp args) ()
- "Complex lambda-list not supported: ~S ~S" name args)
- `(progn
- (setf (get ',name 'implementation)
- ;; For implicit BLOCK. FLET because of interplay w/ decls.
- (flet ((,name ,args ,@body)) #',name))
- (if (member ',name *interface-functions*)
- (setq *unimplemented-interfaces*
- (remove ',name *unimplemented-interfaces*))
- (warn "DEFIMPLEMENTATION of undefined interface (~S)" ',name))
- ',name))
- (defun warn-unimplemented-interfaces ()
- "Warn the user about unimplemented backend features.
- The portable code calls this function at startup."
- (let ((*print-pretty* t))
- (warn "These Swank interfaces are unimplemented:~% ~:<~{~A~^ ~:_~}~:>"
- (list (sort (copy-list *unimplemented-interfaces*) #'string<)))))
- (defun import-to-swank-mop (symbol-list)
- (dolist (sym symbol-list)
- (let* ((swank-mop-sym (find-symbol (symbol-name sym) :swank-mop)))
- (when swank-mop-sym
- (unintern swank-mop-sym :swank-mop))
- (import sym :swank-mop)
- (export sym :swank-mop))))
- (defun import-swank-mop-symbols (package except)
- "Import the mop symbols from PACKAGE to SWANK-MOP.
- EXCEPT is a list of symbol names which should be ignored."
- (do-symbols (s :swank-mop)
- (unless (member s except :test #'string=)
- (let ((real-symbol (find-symbol (string s) package)))
- (assert real-symbol () "Symbol ~A not found in package ~A" s package)
- (unintern s :swank-mop)
- (import real-symbol :swank-mop)
- (export real-symbol :swank-mop)))))
- (definterface gray-package-name ()
- "Return a package-name that contains the Gray stream symbols.
- This will be used like so:
- (defpackage foo
- (:import-from #.(gray-package-name) . #.*gray-stream-symbols*)")
- ;;;; Utilities
- (defmacro with-struct ((conc-name &rest names) obj &body body)
- "Like with-slots but works only for structs."
- (check-type conc-name symbol)
- (flet ((reader (slot)
- (intern (concatenate 'string
- (symbol-name conc-name)
- (symbol-name slot))
- (symbol-package conc-name))))
- (let ((tmp (gensym "OO-")))
- ` (let ((,tmp ,obj))
- (symbol-macrolet
- ,(loop for name in names collect
- (typecase name
- (symbol `(,name (,(reader name) ,tmp)))
- (cons `(,(first name) (,(reader (second name)) ,tmp)))
- (t (error "Malformed syntax in WITH-STRUCT: ~A" name))))
- ,@body)))))
- (defmacro when-let ((var value) &body body)
- `(let ((,var ,value))
- (when ,var ,@body)))
- (defun boolean-to-feature-expression (value)
- "Converts a boolean VALUE to a form suitable for testing with #+."
- (if value
- '(:and)
- '(:or)))
- (defun with-symbol (name package)
- "Check if a symbol with a given NAME exists in PACKAGE and returns a
- form suitable for testing with #+."
- (boolean-to-feature-expression
- (and (find-package package)
- (find-symbol (string name) package))))
- (defun choose-symbol (package name alt-package alt-name)
- "If symbol package:name exists return that symbol, otherwise alt-package:alt-name.
- Suitable for use with #."
- (or (and (find-package package)
- (find-symbol (string name) package))
- (find-symbol (string alt-name) alt-package)))
- ;;;; UFT8
- (deftype octet () '(unsigned-byte 8))
- (deftype octets () '(simple-array octet (*)))
- ;; Helper function. Decode the next N bytes starting from INDEX.
- ;; Return the decoded char and the new index.
- (defun utf8-decode-aux (buffer index limit byte0 n)
- (declare (type octets buffer) (fixnum index limit byte0 n))
- (if (< (- limit index) n)
- (values nil index)
- (do ((i 0 (1+ i))
- (code byte0 (let ((byte (aref buffer (+ index i))))
- (cond ((= (ldb (byte 2 6) byte) #b10)
- (+ (ash code 6) (ldb (byte 6 0) byte)))
- (t
- (error "Invalid encoding"))))))
- ((= i n)
- (values (cond ((<= code #xff) (code-char code))
- ((<= #xd800 code #xdfff)
- (error "Invalid Unicode code point: #x~x" code))
- ((and (< code char-code-limit)
- (code-char code)))
- (t
- (error
- "Can't represent code point: #x~x ~
- (char-code-limit is #x~x)"
- code char-code-limit)))
- (+ index n))))))
- ;; Decode one character in BUFFER starting at INDEX.
- ;; Return 2 values: the character and the new index.
- ;; If there aren't enough bytes between INDEX and LIMIT return nil.
- (defun utf8-decode (buffer index limit)
- (declare (type octets buffer) (fixnum index limit))
- (if (= index limit)
- (values nil index)
- (let ((b (aref buffer index)))
- (if (<= b #x7f)
- (values (code-char b) (1+ index))
- (macrolet ((try (marker else)
- (let* ((l (integer-length marker))
- (n (- l 2)))
- `(if (= (ldb (byte ,l ,(- 8 l)) b) ,marker)
- (utf8-decode-aux buffer (1+ index) limit
- (ldb (byte ,(- 8 l) 0) b)
- ,n)
- ,else))))
- (try #b110
- (try #b1110
- (try #b11110
- (try #b111110
- (try #b1111110
- (error "Invalid encoding")))))))))))
- ;; Decode characters from BUFFER and write them to STRING.
- ;; Return 2 values: LASTINDEX and LASTSTART where
- ;; LASTINDEX is the last index in BUFFER that was not decoded
- ;; and LASTSTART is the last index in STRING not written.
- (defun utf8-decode-into (buffer index limit string start end)
- (declare (string string) (fixnum index limit start end) (type octets buffer))
- (loop
- (cond ((= start end)
- (return (values index start)))
- (t
- (multiple-value-bind (c i) (utf8-decode buffer index limit)
- (cond (c
- (setf (aref string start) c)
- (setq index i)
- (setq start (1+ start)))
- (t
- (return (values index start)))))))))
- (defun default-utf8-to-string (octets)
- (let* ((limit (length octets))
- (str (make-string limit)))
- (multiple-value-bind (i s) (utf8-decode-into octets 0 limit str 0 limit)
- (if (= i limit)
- (if (= limit s)
- str
- (adjust-array str s))
- (loop
- (let ((end (+ (length str) (- limit i))))
- (setq str (adjust-array str end))
- (multiple-value-bind (i2 s2)
- (utf8-decode-into octets i limit str s end)
- (cond ((= i2 limit)
- (return (adjust-array str s2)))
- (t
- (setq i i2)
- (setq s s2))))))))))
- (defmacro utf8-encode-aux (code buffer start end n)
- `(cond ((< (- ,end ,start) ,n)
- ,start)
- (t
- (setf (aref ,buffer ,start)
- (dpb (ldb (byte ,(- 7 n) ,(* 6 (1- n))) ,code)
- (byte ,(- 7 n) 0)
- ,(dpb 0 (byte 1 (- 7 n)) #xff)))
- ,@(loop for i from 0 upto (- n 2) collect
- `(setf (aref ,buffer (+ ,start ,(- n 1 i)))
- (dpb (ldb (byte 6 ,(* 6 i)) ,code)
- (byte 6 0)
- #b10111111)))
- (+ ,start ,n))))
- (defun %utf8-encode (code buffer start end)
- (declare (type (unsigned-byte 31) code) (type octets buffer)
- (type (and fixnum unsigned-byte) start end))
- (cond ((<= code #x7f)
- (cond ((< start end)
- (setf (aref buffer start) code)
- (1+ start))
- (t start)))
- ((<= code #x7ff) (utf8-encode-aux code buffer start end 2))
- ((<= #xd800 code #xdfff)
- (error "Invalid Unicode code point (surrogate): #x~x" code))
- ((<= code #xffff) (utf8-encode-aux code buffer start end 3))
- ((<= code #x1fffff) (utf8-encode-aux code buffer start end 4))
- ((<= code #x3ffffff) (utf8-encode-aux code buffer start end 5))
- (t (utf8-encode-aux code buffer start end 6))))
- (defun utf8-encode (char buffer start end)
- (declare (type character char) (type octets buffer)
- (type (and fixnum unsigned-byte) start end))
- (%utf8-encode (char-code char) buffer start end))
- (defun utf8-encode-into (string start end buffer index limit)
- (declare (string string) (type octets buffer) (fixnum start end index limit))
- (loop
- (cond ((= start end)
- (return (values start index)))
- ((= index limit)
- (return (values start index)))
- (t
- (let ((i2 (utf8-encode (char string start) buffer index limit)))
- (cond ((= i2 index)
- (return (values start index)))
- (t
- (setq index i2)
- (incf start))))))))
- (defun default-string-to-utf8 (string)
- (let* ((len (length string))
- (b (make-array len :element-type 'octet)))
- (multiple-value-bind (s i) (utf8-encode-into string 0 len b 0 len)
- (if (= s len)
- b
- (loop
- (let ((limit (+ (length b) (- len s))))
- (setq b (coerce (adjust-array b limit) 'octets))
- (multiple-value-bind (s2 i2)
- (utf8-encode-into string s len b i limit)
- (cond ((= s2 len)
- (return (coerce (adjust-array b i2) 'octets)))
- (t
- (setq i i2)
- (setq s s2))))))))))
- (definterface string-to-utf8 (string)
- "Convert the string STRING to a (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8))"
- (default-string-to-utf8 string))
- (definterface utf8-to-string (octets)
- "Convert the (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8)) OCTETS to a string."
- (default-utf8-to-string octets))
- ;;;; TCP server
- (definterface create-socket (host port &key backlog)
- "Create a listening TCP socket on interface HOST and port PORT.
- BACKLOG queue length for incoming connections.")
- (definterface local-port (socket)
- "Return the local port number of SOCKET.")
- (definterface close-socket (socket)
- "Close the socket SOCKET.")
- (definterface accept-connection (socket &key external-format
- buffering timeout)
- "Accept a client connection on the listening socket SOCKET.
- Return a stream for the new connection.
- If EXTERNAL-FORMAT is nil return a binary stream
- otherwise create a character stream.
- BUFFERING can be one of:
- nil ... no buffering
- t ... enable buffering
- :line ... enable buffering with automatic flushing on eol.")
- (definterface add-sigio-handler (socket fn)
- "Call FN whenever SOCKET is readable.")
- (definterface remove-sigio-handlers (socket)
- "Remove all sigio handlers for SOCKET.")
- (definterface add-fd-handler (socket fn)
- "Call FN when Lisp is waiting for input and SOCKET is readable.")
- (definterface remove-fd-handlers (socket)
- "Remove all fd-handlers for SOCKET.")
- (definterface preferred-communication-style ()
- "Return one of the symbols :spawn, :sigio, :fd-handler, or NIL."
- nil)
- (definterface set-stream-timeout (stream timeout)
- "Set the 'stream 'timeout. The timeout is either the real number
- specifying the timeout in seconds or 'nil for no timeout."
- (declare (ignore stream timeout))
- nil)
- ;;; Base condition for networking errors.
- (define-condition network-error (simple-error) ())
- (definterface emacs-connected ()
- "Hook called when the first connection from Emacs is established.
- Called from the INIT-FN of the socket server that accepts the
- connection.
- This is intended for setting up extra context, e.g. to discover
- that the calling thread is the one that interacts with Emacs."
- nil)
- ;;;; Unix signals
- (defconstant +sigint+ 2)
- (definterface getpid ()
- "Return the (Unix) process ID of this superior Lisp.")
- (definterface install-sigint-handler (function)
- "Call FUNCTION on SIGINT (instead of invoking the debugger).
- Return old signal handler."
- (declare (ignore function))
- nil)
- (definterface call-with-user-break-handler (handler function)
- "Install the break handler HANDLER while executing FUNCTION."
- (let ((old-handler (install-sigint-handler handler)))
- (unwind-protect (funcall function)
- (install-sigint-handler old-handler))))
- (definterface quit-lisp ()
- "Exit the current lisp image.")
- (definterface lisp-implementation-type-name ()
- "Return a short name for the Lisp implementation."
- (lisp-implementation-type))
- (definterface lisp-implementation-program ()
- "Return the argv[0] of the running Lisp process, or NIL."
- (let ((file (car (command-line-args))))
- (when (and file (probe-file file))
- (namestring (truename file)))))
- (definterface socket-fd (socket-stream)
- "Return the file descriptor for SOCKET-STREAM.")
- (definterface make-fd-stream (fd external-format)
- "Create a character stream for the file descriptor FD.")
- (definterface dup (fd)
- "Duplicate a file descriptor.
- If the syscall fails, signal a condition.
- See dup(2).")
- (definterface exec-image (image-file args)
- "Replace the current process with a new process image.
- The new image is created by loading the previously dumped
- core file IMAGE-FILE.
- ARGS is a list of strings passed as arguments to
- the new image.
- This is thin wrapper around exec(3).")
- (definterface command-line-args ()
- "Return a list of strings as passed by the OS."
- nil)
- ;; pathnames are sooo useless
- (definterface filename-to-pathname (filename)
- "Return a pathname for FILENAME.
- A filename in Emacs may for example contain asterisks which should not
- be translated to wildcards."
- (parse-namestring filename))
- (definterface pathname-to-filename (pathname)
- "Return the filename for PATHNAME."
- (namestring pathname))
- (definterface default-directory ()
- "Return the default directory."
- (directory-namestring (truename *default-pathname-defaults*)))
- (definterface set-default-directory (directory)
- "Set the default directory.
- This is used to resolve filenames without directory component."
- (setf *default-pathname-defaults* (truename (merge-pathnames directory)))
- (default-directory))
- (definterface call-with-syntax-hooks (fn)
- "Call FN with hooks to handle special syntax."
- (funcall fn))
- (definterface default-readtable-alist ()
- "Return a suitable initial value for SWANK:*READTABLE-ALIST*."
- '())
- ;;;; Packages
- (definterface package-local-nicknames (package)
- "Returns an alist of (local-nickname . actual-package) describing the
- nicknames local to the designated package."
- (declare (ignore package))
- nil)
- (definterface find-locally-nicknamed-package (name base-package)
- "Return the package whose local nickname in BASE-PACKAGE matches NAME.
- Return NIL if local nicknames are not implemented or if there is no
- such package."
- (cdr (assoc name (package-local-nicknames base-package) :test #'string-equal)))
- ;;;; Compilation
- (definterface call-with-compilation-hooks (func)
- "Call FUNC with hooks to record compiler conditions.")
- (defmacro with-compilation-hooks ((&rest ignore) &body body)
- (declare (ignore ignore))
- `(call-with-compilation-hooks (lambda () (progn ,@body))))
- (definterface swank-compile-string (string &key buffer position filename
- policy)
- "Compile source from STRING.
- During compilation, compiler conditions must be trapped and
- resignalled as COMPILER-CONDITIONs.
- If supplied, BUFFER and POSITION specify the source location in Emacs.
- Additionally, if POSITION is supplied, it must be added to source
- positions reported in compiler conditions.
- If FILENAME is specified it may be used by certain implementations to
- rebind *DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS* which may improve the recording of
- source information.
- If POLICY is supplied, and non-NIL, it may be used by certain
- implementations to compile with optimization qualities of its
- value.
- Should return T on successful compilation, NIL otherwise.
- ")
- (definterface swank-compile-file (input-file output-file load-p
- external-format
- &key policy)
- "Compile INPUT-FILE signalling COMPILE-CONDITIONs.
- If LOAD-P is true, load the file after compilation.
- EXTERNAL-FORMAT is a value returned by find-external-format or
- :default.
- If POLICY is supplied, and non-NIL, it may be used by certain
- implementations to compile with optimization qualities of its
- value.
- like `compile-file'")
- (deftype severity ()
- '(member :error :read-error :warning :style-warning :note :redefinition))
- ;; Base condition type for compiler errors, warnings and notes.
- (define-condition compiler-condition (condition)
- ((original-condition
- ;; The original condition thrown by the compiler if appropriate.
- ;; May be NIL if a compiler does not report using conditions.
- :type (or null condition)
- :initarg :original-condition
- :accessor original-condition)
- (severity :type severity
- :initarg :severity
- :accessor severity)
- (message :initarg :message
- :accessor message)
- ;; Macro expansion history etc. which may be helpful in some cases
- ;; but is often very verbose.
- (source-context :initarg :source-context
- :type (or null string)
- :initform nil
- :accessor source-context)
- (references :initarg :references
- :initform nil
- :accessor references)
- (location :initarg :location
- :accessor location)))
- (definterface find-external-format (coding-system)
- "Return a \"external file format designator\" for CODING-SYSTEM.
- CODING-SYSTEM is Emacs-style coding system name (a string),
- e.g. \"latin-1-unix\"."
- (if (equal coding-system "iso-latin-1-unix")
- :default
- nil))
- (definterface guess-external-format (pathname)
- "Detect the external format for the file with name pathname.
- Return nil if the file contains no special markers."
- ;; Look for a Emacs-style -*- coding: ... -*- or Local Variable: section.
- (with-open-file (s pathname :if-does-not-exist nil
- :external-format (or (find-external-format "latin-1-unix")
- :default))
- (if s
- (or (let* ((line (read-line s nil))
- (p (search "-*-" line)))
- (when p
- (let* ((start (+ p (length "-*-")))
- (end (search "-*-" line :start2 start)))
- (when end
- (%search-coding line start end)))))
- (let* ((len (file-length s))
- (buf (make-string (min len 3000))))
- (file-position s (- len (length buf)))
- (read-sequence buf s)
- (let ((start (search "Local Variables:" buf :from-end t))
- (end (search "End:" buf :from-end t)))
- (and start end (< start end)
- (%search-coding buf start end))))))))
- (defun %search-coding (str start end)
- (let ((p (search "coding:" str :start2 start :end2 end)))
- (when p
- (incf p (length "coding:"))
- (loop while (and (< p end)
- (member (aref str p) '(#\space #\tab)))
- do (incf p))
- (let ((end (position-if (lambda (c) (find c '(#\space #\tab #\newline #\;)))
- str :start p)))
- (find-external-format (subseq str p end))))))
- ;;;; Streams
- (definterface make-output-stream (write-string)
- "Return a new character output stream.
- The stream calls WRITE-STRING when output is ready.")
- (definterface make-input-stream (read-string)
- "Return a new character input stream.
- The stream calls READ-STRING when input is needed.")
- (defvar *auto-flush-interval* 0.2)
- (defun auto-flush-loop (stream interval &optional receive)
- (loop
- (when (not (and (open-stream-p stream)
- (output-stream-p stream)))
- (return nil))
- (force-output stream)
- (when receive
- (receive-if #'identity))
- (sleep interval)))
- (definterface make-auto-flush-thread (stream)
- "Make an auto-flush thread"
- (spawn (lambda () (auto-flush-loop stream *auto-flush-interval* nil))
- :name "auto-flush-thread"))
- ;;;; Documentation
- (definterface arglist (name)
- "Return the lambda list for the symbol NAME. NAME can also be
- a lisp function object, on lisps which support this.
- The result can be a list or the :not-available keyword if the
- arglist cannot be determined."
- (declare (ignore name))
- :not-available)
- (defgeneric declaration-arglist (decl-identifier)
- (:documentation
- "Return the argument list of the declaration specifier belonging to the
- declaration identifier DECL-IDENTIFIER. If the arglist cannot be determined,
- the keyword :NOT-AVAILABLE is returned.
- The different SWANK backends can specialize this generic function to
- include implementation-dependend declaration specifiers, or to provide
- additional information on the specifiers defined in ANSI Common Lisp.")
- (:method (decl-identifier)
- (case decl-identifier
- (dynamic-extent '(&rest variables))
- (ignore '(&rest variables))
- (ignorable '(&rest variables))
- (special '(&rest variables))
- (inline '(&rest function-names))
- (notinline '(&rest function-names))
- (declaration '(&rest names))
- (optimize '(&any compilation-speed debug safety space speed))
- (type '(type-specifier &rest args))
- (ftype '(type-specifier &rest function-names))
- (otherwise
- (flet ((typespec-p (symbol)
- (member :type (describe-symbol-for-emacs symbol))))
- (cond ((and (symbolp decl-identifier) (typespec-p decl-identifier))
- '(&rest variables))
- ((and (listp decl-identifier)
- (typespec-p (first decl-identifier)))
- '(&rest variables))
- (t :not-available)))))))
- (defgeneric type-specifier-arglist (typespec-operator)
- (:documentation
- "Return the argument list of the type specifier belonging to
- TYPESPEC-OPERATOR.. If the arglist cannot be determined, the keyword
- :NOT-AVAILABLE is returned.
- The different SWANK backends can specialize this generic function to
- include implementation-dependend declaration specifiers, or to provide
- additional information on the specifiers defined in ANSI Common Lisp.")
- (:method (typespec-operator)
- (declare (special *type-specifier-arglists*)) ; defined at end of file.
- (typecase typespec-operator
- (symbol (or (cdr (assoc typespec-operator *type-specifier-arglists*))
- :not-available))
- (t :not-available))))
- (definterface type-specifier-p (symbol)
- "Determine if SYMBOL is a type-specifier."
- (or (documentation symbol 'type)
- (not (eq (type-specifier-arglist symbol) :not-available))))
- (definterface function-name (function)
- "Return the name of the function object FUNCTION.
- The result is either a symbol, a list, or NIL if no function name is
- available."
- (declare (ignore function))
- nil)
- (definterface valid-function-name-p (form)
- "Is FORM syntactically valid to name a function?
- If true, FBOUNDP should not signal a type-error for FORM."
- (flet ((length=2 (list)
- (and (not (null (cdr list))) (null (cddr list)))))
- (or (symbolp form)
- (and (consp form) (length=2 form)
- (eq (first form) 'setf) (symbolp (second form))))))
- (definterface macroexpand-all (form &optional env)
- "Recursively expand all macros in FORM.
- Return the resulting form.")
- (definterface compiler-macroexpand-1 (form &optional env)
- "Call the compiler-macro for form.
- If FORM is a function call for which a compiler-macro has been
- defined, invoke the expander function using *macroexpand-hook* and
- return the results and T. Otherwise, return the original form and
- NIL."
- (let ((fun (and (consp form)
- (valid-function-name-p (car form))
- (compiler-macro-function (car form) env))))
- (if fun
- (let ((result (funcall *macroexpand-hook* fun form env)))
- (values result (not (eq result form))))
- (values form nil))))
- (definterface compiler-macroexpand (form &optional env)
- "Repetitively call `compiler-macroexpand-1'."
- (labels ((frob (form expanded)
- (multiple-value-bind (new-form newly-expanded)
- (compiler-macroexpand-1 form env)
- (if newly-expanded
- (frob new-form t)
- (values new-form expanded)))))
- (frob form env)))
- (defmacro with-collected-macro-forms
- ((forms &optional result) instrumented-form &body body)
- "Collect macro forms by locally binding *MACROEXPAND-HOOK*.
- Evaluates INSTRUMENTED-FORM and collects any forms which undergo
- macro-expansion into a list. Then evaluates BODY with FORMS bound to
- the list of forms, and RESULT (optionally) bound to the value of
- (assert (and (symbolp forms) (not (null forms))))
- (assert (symbolp result))
- (let ((result-symbol (or result (gensym))))
- `(call-with-collected-macro-forms
- (lambda (,forms ,result-symbol)
- (declare (ignore ,@(and (not result)
- `(,result-symbol))))
- ,@body)
- (lambda () ,instrumented-form))))
- (defun call-with-collected-macro-forms (body-fn instrumented-fn)
- (let ((return-value nil)
- (collected-forms '()))
- (let* ((real-macroexpand-hook *macroexpand-hook*)
- (*macroexpand-hook*
- (lambda (macro-function form environment)
- (let ((result (funcall real-macroexpand-hook
- macro-function form environment)))
- (unless (eq result form)
- (push form collected-forms))
- result))))
- (setf return-value (funcall instrumented-fn)))
- (funcall body-fn collected-forms return-value)))
- (definterface collect-macro-forms (form &optional env)
- "Collect subforms of FORM which undergo (compiler-)macro expansion.
- Returns two values: a list of macro forms and a list of compiler macro
- forms."
- (with-collected-macro-forms (macro-forms expansion)
- (ignore-errors (macroexpand-all form env))
- (with-collected-macro-forms (compiler-macro-forms)
- (handler-bind ((warning #'muffle-warning))
- (ignore-errors
- (compile nil `(lambda () ,expansion))))
- (values macro-forms compiler-macro-forms))))
- (definterface format-string-expand (control-string)
- "Expand the format string CONTROL-STRING."
- (macroexpand `(formatter ,control-string)))
- (definterface describe-symbol-for-emacs (symbol)
- "Return a property list describing SYMBOL.
- The property list has an entry for each interesting aspect of the
- symbol. The recognised keys are:
- The value of each property is the corresponding documentation string,
- or NIL (or the obsolete :NOT-DOCUMENTED). It is legal to include keys
- not listed here (but slime-print-apropos in Emacs must know about
- them).
- Properties should be included if and only if they are applicable to
- the symbol. For example, only (and all) fbound symbols should include
- the :FUNCTION property.
- Example:
- \(describe-symbol-for-emacs 'vector)
- :FUNCTION \"Constructs a simple-vector from the given objects.\")")
- (definterface describe-definition (name type)
- "Describe the definition NAME of TYPE.
- TYPE can be any value returned by DESCRIBE-SYMBOL-FOR-EMACS.
- Return a documentation string, or NIL if none is available.")
- ;;;; Debugging
- (definterface install-debugger-globally (function)
- "Install FUNCTION as the debugger for all threads/processes. This
- usually involves setting *DEBUGGER-HOOK* and, if the implementation
- permits, hooking into BREAK as well."
- (setq *debugger-hook* function))
- (definterface call-with-debugging-environment (debugger-loop-fn)
- "Call DEBUGGER-LOOP-FN in a suitable debugging environment.
- This function is called recursively at each debug level to invoke the
- debugger loop. The purpose is to setup any necessary environment for
- other debugger callbacks that will be called within the debugger loop.
- For example, this is a reasonable place to compute a backtrace, switch
- to safe reader/printer settings, and so on.")
- (definterface call-with-debugger-hook (hook fun)
- "Call FUN and use HOOK as debugger hook. HOOK can be NIL.
- HOOK should be called for both BREAK and INVOKE-DEBUGGER."
- (let ((*debugger-hook* hook))
- (funcall fun)))
- (define-condition sldb-condition (condition)
- ((original-condition
- :initarg :original-condition
- :accessor original-condition))
- (:report (lambda (condition stream)
- (format stream "Condition in debugger code~@[: ~A~]"
- (original-condition condition))))
- (:documentation
- "Wrapper for conditions that should not be debugged.
- When a condition arises from the internals of the debugger, it is not
- desirable to debug it -- we'd risk entering an endless loop trying to
- debug the debugger! Instead, such conditions can be reported to the
- user without (re)entering the debugger by wrapping them as
- `sldb-condition's."))
- ;;; The following functions in this section are supposed to be called
- ;;; within the dynamic contour of CALL-WITH-DEBUGGING-ENVIRONMENT only.
- (definterface compute-backtrace (start end)
- "Returns a backtrace of the condition currently being debugged,
- that is an ordered list consisting of frames. ``Ordered list''
- means that an integer I can be mapped back to the i-th frame of this
- backtrace.
- START and END are zero-based indices constraining the number of frames
- returned. Frame zero is defined as the frame which invoked the
- debugger. If END is nil, return the frames from START to the end of
- the stack.")
- (definterface print-frame (frame stream)
- "Print frame to stream.")
- (definterface frame-restartable-p (frame)
- "Is the frame FRAME restartable?.
- Return T if `restart-frame' can safely be called on the frame."
- (declare (ignore frame))
- nil)
- (definterface frame-source-location (frame-number)
- "Return the source location for the frame associated to FRAME-NUMBER.")
- (definterface frame-catch-tags (frame-number)
- "Return a list of catch tags for being printed in a debugger stack
- frame."
- (declare (ignore frame-number))
- '())
- (definterface frame-locals (frame-number)
- "Return a list of ((&key NAME ID VALUE) ...) where each element of
- the list represents a local variable in the stack frame associated to
- NAME, a symbol; the name of the local variable.
- ID, an integer; used as primary key for the local variable, unique
- relatively to the frame under operation.
- value, an object; the value of the local variable.")
- (definterface frame-var-value (frame-number var-id)
- "Return the value of the local variable associated to VAR-ID
- relatively to the frame associated to FRAME-NUMBER.")
- (definterface disassemble-frame (frame-number)
- "Disassemble the code for the FRAME-NUMBER.
- The output should be written to standard output.
- FRAME-NUMBER is a non-negative integer.")
- (definterface eval-in-frame (form frame-number)
- "Evaluate a Lisp form in the lexical context of a stack frame
- in the debugger.
- FRAME-NUMBER must be a positive integer with 0 indicating the
- frame which invoked the debugger.
- The return value is the result of evaulating FORM in the
- appropriate context.")
- (definterface frame-package (frame-number)
- "Return the package corresponding to the frame at FRAME-NUMBER.
- Return nil if the backend can't figure it out."
- (declare (ignore frame-number))
- nil)
- (definterface frame-call (frame-number)
- "Return a string representing a call to the entry point of a frame.")
- (definterface return-from-frame (frame-number form)
- "Unwind the stack to the frame FRAME-NUMBER and return the value(s)
- produced by evaluating FORM in the frame context to its caller.
- Execute any clean-up code from unwind-protect forms above the frame
- during unwinding.
- Return a string describing the error if it's not possible to return
- from the frame.")
- (definterface restart-frame (frame-number)
- "Restart execution of the frame FRAME-NUMBER with the same arguments
- as it was called originally.")
- (definterface print-condition (condition stream)
- "Print a condition for display in SLDB."
- (princ condition stream))
- (definterface condition-extras (condition)
- "Return a list of extra for the debugger.
- The allowed elements are of the form:
- (:SHOW-FRAME-SOURCE frame-number)
- (:REFERENCES &rest refs)
- "
- (declare (ignore condition))
- '())
- (definterface gdb-initial-commands ()
- "List of gdb commands supposed to be executed first for the
- ATTACH-GDB restart."
- nil)
- (definterface activate-stepping (frame-number)
- "Prepare the frame FRAME-NUMBER for stepping.")
- (definterface sldb-break-on-return (frame-number)
- "Set a breakpoint in the frame FRAME-NUMBER.")
- (definterface sldb-break-at-start (symbol)
- "Set a breakpoint on the beginning of the function for SYMBOL.")
- (definterface sldb-stepper-condition-p (condition)
- "Return true if SLDB was invoked due to a single-stepping condition,
- false otherwise. "
- (declare (ignore condition))
- nil)
- (definterface sldb-step-into ()
- "Step into the current single-stepper form.")
- (definterface sldb-step-next ()
- "Step to the next form in the current function.")
- (definterface sldb-step-out ()
- "Stop single-stepping temporarily, but resume it once the current function
- returns.")
- ;;;; Definition finding
- (defstruct (location (:type list)
- (:constructor make-location
- (buffer position &optional hints)))
- (type :location)
- buffer position
- ;; Hints is a property list optionally containing:
- ;; :snippet SOURCE-TEXT
- ;; This is a snippet of the actual source text at the start of
- ;; the definition, which could be used in a text search.
- hints)
- (defmacro converting-errors-to-error-location (&body body)
- "Catches errors during BODY and converts them to an error location."
- (let ((gblock (gensym "CONVERTING-ERRORS+")))
- `(block ,gblock
- (handler-bind ((error
- #'(lambda (e)
- (if *debug-swank-backend*
- nil ;decline
- (return-from ,gblock
- (make-error-location e))))))
- ,@body))))
- (defun make-error-location (datum &rest args)
- (cond ((typep datum 'condition)
- `(:error ,(format nil "Error: ~A" datum)))
- ((symbolp datum)
- `(:error ,(format nil "Error: ~A"
- (apply #'make-condition datum args))))
- (t
- (assert (stringp datum))
- `(:error ,(apply #'format nil datum args)))))
- (definterface find-definitions (name)
- "Return a list ((DSPEC LOCATION) ...) for NAME's definitions.
- NAME is a \"definition specifier\".
- DSPEC is a \"definition specifier\" describing the
- definition, e.g., FOO or (METHOD FOO (STRING NUMBER)) or
- LOCATION is the source location for the definition.")
- (definterface find-source-location (object)
- "Returns the source location of OBJECT, or NIL.
- That is the source location of the underlying datastructure of
- OBJECT. E.g. on a STANDARD-OBJECT, the source location of the
- respective DEFCLASS definition is returned, on a STRUCTURE-CLASS the
- respective DEFSTRUCT definition, and so on."
- ;; This returns one source location and not a list of locations. It's
- ;; supposed to return the location of the DEFGENERIC definition on
- (declare (ignore object))
- (make-error-location "FIND-SOURCE-LOCATION is not yet implemented on ~
- this implementation."))
- (definterface buffer-first-change (filename)
- "Called for effect the first time FILENAME's buffer is modified.
- CMUCL/SBCL use this to cache the unmodified file and use the
- unmodified text to improve the precision of source locations."
- (declare (ignore filename))
- nil)
- ;;;; XREF
- (definterface who-calls (function-name)
- "Return the call sites of FUNCTION-NAME (a symbol).
- The results is a list ((DSPEC LOCATION) ...)."
- (declare (ignore function-name))
- :not-implemented)
- (definterface calls-who (function-name)
- "Return the call sites of FUNCTION-NAME (a symbol).
- The results is a list ((DSPEC LOCATION) ...)."
- (declare (ignore function-name))
- :not-implemented)
- (definterface who-references (variable-name)
- "Return the locations where VARIABLE-NAME (a symbol) is referenced.
- See WHO-CALLS for a description of the return value."
- (declare (ignore variable-name))
- :not-implemented)
- (definterface who-binds (variable-name)
- "Return the locations where VARIABLE-NAME (a symbol) is bound.
- See WHO-CALLS for a description of the return value."
- (declare (ignore variable-name))
- :not-implemented)
- (definterface who-sets (variable-name)
- "Return the locations where VARIABLE-NAME (a symbol) is set.
- See WHO-CALLS for a description of the return value."
- (declare (ignore variable-name))
- :not-implemented)
- (definterface who-macroexpands (macro-name)
- "Return the locations where MACRO-NAME (a symbol) is expanded.
- See WHO-CALLS for a description of the return value."
- (declare (ignore macro-name))
- :not-implemented)
- (definterface who-specializes (class-name)
- "Return the locations where CLASS-NAME (a symbol) is specialized.
- See WHO-CALLS for a description of the return value."
- (declare (ignore class-name))
- :not-implemented)
- ;;; Simpler variants.
- (definterface list-callers (function-name)
- "List the callers of FUNCTION-NAME.
- This function is like WHO-CALLS except that it is expected to use
- lower-level means. Whereas WHO-CALLS is usually implemented with
- special compiler support, LIST-CALLERS is usually implemented by
- groveling for constants in function objects throughout the heap.
- The return value is as for WHO-CALLS.")
- (definterface list-callees (function-name)
- "List the functions called by FUNCTION-NAME.
- See LIST-CALLERS for a description of the return value.")
- ;;;; Profiling
- ;;; The following functions define a minimal profiling interface.
- (definterface profile (fname)
- "Marks symbol FNAME for profiling.")
- (definterface profiled-functions ()
- "Returns a list of profiled functions.")
- (definterface unprofile (fname)
- "Marks symbol FNAME as not profiled.")
- (definterface unprofile-all ()
- "Marks all currently profiled functions as not profiled."
- (dolist (f (profiled-functions))
- (unprofile f)))
- (definterface profile-report ()
- "Prints profile report.")
- (definterface profile-reset ()
- "Resets profile counters.")
- (definterface profile-package (package callers-p methods)
- "Wrap profiling code around all functions in PACKAGE. If a function
- is already profiled, then unprofile and reprofile (useful to notice
- function redefinition.)
- If CALLERS-P is T names have counts of the most common calling
- functions recorded.
- When called with arguments :METHODS T, profile all methods of all
- generic functions having names in the given package. Generic functions
- themselves, that is, their dispatch functions, are left alone.")
- ;;;; Trace
- (definterface toggle-trace (spec)
- "Toggle tracing of the function(s) given with SPEC.
- SPEC can be:
- (setf NAME) ; a setf function
- (:defmethod NAME QUALIFIER... (SPECIALIZER...)) ; a specific method
- (:defgeneric NAME) ; a generic function with all methods
- (:call CALLER CALLEE) ; trace calls from CALLER to CALLEE.
- (:labels TOPLEVEL LOCAL)
- (:flet TOPLEVEL LOCAL) ")
- ;;;; Inspector
- (defgeneric emacs-inspect (object)
- (:documentation
- "Explain to Emacs how to inspect OBJECT.
- Returns a list specifying how to render the object for inspection.
- Every element of the list must be either a string, which will be
- inserted into the buffer as is, or a list of the form:
- (:value object &optional format) - Render an inspectable
- object. If format is provided it must be a string and will be
- rendered in place of the value, otherwise use princ-to-string.
- (:newline) - Render a \\n
- (:action label lambda &key (refresh t)) - Render LABEL (a text
- string) which when clicked will call LAMBDA. If REFRESH is
- non-NIL the currently inspected object will be re-inspected
- after calling the lambda.
- "))
- (defmethod emacs-inspect ((object t))
- "Generic method for inspecting any kind of object.
- Since we don't know how to deal with OBJECT we simply dump the
- output of CL:DESCRIBE."
- `("Type: " (:value ,(type-of object)) (:newline)
- "Don't know how to inspect the object, dumping output of CL:DESCRIBE:"
- (:newline) (:newline)
- ,(with-output-to-string (desc) (describe object desc))))
- (definterface eval-context (object)
- "Return a list of bindings corresponding to OBJECT's slots."
- (declare (ignore object))
- '())
- ;;; Utilities for inspector methods.
- ;;;
- (defun label-value-line (label value &key (newline t))
- "Create a control list which prints \"LABEL: VALUE\" in the inspector.
- If NEWLINE is non-NIL a `(:newline)' is added to the result."
- (list* (princ-to-string label) ": " `(:value ,value)
- (if newline '((:newline)) nil)))
- (defmacro label-value-line* (&rest label-values)
- ` (append ,@(loop for (label value) in label-values
- collect `(label-value-line ,label ,value))))
- (definterface describe-primitive-type (object)
- "Return a string describing the primitive type of object."
- (declare (ignore object))
- "N/A")
- ;;;; Multithreading
- ;;;
- ;;; The default implementations are sufficient for non-multiprocessing
- ;;; implementations.
- (definterface initialize-multiprocessing (continuation)
- "Initialize multiprocessing, if necessary and then invoke CONTINUATION.
- Depending on the impleimentaion, this function may never return."
- (funcall continuation))
- (definterface spawn (fn &key name)
- "Create a new thread to call FN.")
- (definterface thread-id (thread)
- "Return an Emacs-parsable object to identify THREAD.
- Ids should be comparable with equal, i.e.:
- (equal (thread-id <t1>) (thread-id <t2>)) <==> (eq <t1> <t2>)"
- thread)
- (definterface find-thread (id)
- "Return the thread for ID.
- ID should be an id previously obtained with THREAD-ID.
- Can return nil if the thread no longer exists."
- (declare (ignore id))
- (current-thread))
- (definterface thread-name (thread)
- "Return the name of THREAD.
- Thread names are short strings meaningful to the user. They do not
- have to be unique."
- (declare (ignore thread))
- "The One True Thread")
- (definterface thread-status (thread)
- "Return a string describing THREAD's state."
- (declare (ignore thread))
- "")
- (definterface thread-attributes (thread)
- "Return a plist of implementation-dependent attributes for THREAD"
- (declare (ignore thread))
- '())
- (definterface current-thread ()
- "Return the currently executing thread."
- 0)
- (definterface all-threads ()
- "Return a fresh list of all threads."
- '())
- (definterface thread-alive-p (thread)
- "Test if THREAD is termintated."
- (member thread (all-threads)))
- (definterface interrupt-thread (thread fn)
- "Cause THREAD to execute FN.")
- (definterface kill-thread (thread)
- "Terminate THREAD immediately.
- Don't execute unwind-protected sections, don't raise conditions.
- (Do not pass go, do not collect $200.)"
- (declare (ignore thread))
- nil)
- (definterface send (thread object)
- "Send OBJECT to thread THREAD."
- (declare (ignore thread))
- object)
- (definterface receive (&optional timeout)
- "Return the next message from current thread's mailbox."
- (receive-if (constantly t) timeout))
- (definterface receive-if (predicate &optional timeout)
- "Return the first message satisfiying PREDICATE.")
- (definterface wake-thread (thread)
- "Trigger a call to CHECK-SLIME-INTERRUPTS in THREAD without using
- asynchronous interrupts."
- (declare (ignore thread))
- ;; Doesn't have to implement this if RECEIVE-IF periodically calls
- ;; CHECK-SLIME-INTERRUPTS, but that's energy inefficient
- nil)
- (definterface register-thread (name thread)
- "Associate the thread THREAD with the symbol NAME.
- The thread can then be retrieved with `find-registered'.
- If THREAD is nil delete the association."
- (declare (ignore name thread))
- nil)
- (definterface find-registered (name)
- "Find the thread that was registered for the symbol NAME.
- Return nil if the no thread was registred or if the tread is dead."
- (declare (ignore name))
- nil)
- (definterface set-default-initial-binding (var form)
- "Initialize special variable VAR by default with FORM.
- Some implementations initialize certain variables in each newly
- created thread. This function sets the form which is used to produce
- the initial value."
- (set var (eval form)))
- ;; List of delayed interrupts.
- ;; This should only have thread-local bindings, so no init form.
- (defvar *pending-slime-interrupts*)
- (defun check-slime-interrupts ()
- "Execute pending interrupts if any.
- This should be called periodically in operations which
- can take a long time to complete.
- Return a boolean indicating whether any interrupts was processed."
- (when (and (boundp '*pending-slime-interrupts*)
- *pending-slime-interrupts*)
- (funcall (pop *pending-slime-interrupts*))
- t))
- (defvar *interrupt-queued-handler* nil
- "Function to call on queued interrupts.
- Interrupts get queued when an interrupt occurs while interrupt
- handling is disabled.
- Backends can use this function to abort slow operations.")
- (definterface wait-for-input (streams &optional timeout)
- "Wait for input on a list of streams. Return those that are ready.
- STREAMS is a list of streams
- TIMEOUT nil, t, or real number. If TIMEOUT is t, return those streams
- which are ready (or have reached end-of-file) without waiting.
- If TIMEOUT is a number and no streams is ready after TIMEOUT seconds,
- return nil.
- Return :interrupt if an interrupt occurs while waiting."
- (declare (ignore streams timeout))
- ;; Invoking the slime debugger will just endlessly loop.
- (call-with-debugger-hook
- nil
- (lambda ()
- (error "~s not implemented. Check if ~s = ~s is supported by the implementation."
- 'wait-for-input 'swank:*communication-style* swank:*communication-style*))))
- ;;;; Locks
- ;; Please use locks only in swank-gray.lisp. Locks are too low-level
- ;; for our taste.
- (definterface make-lock (&key name)
- "Make a lock for thread synchronization.
- Only one thread may hold the lock (via CALL-WITH-LOCK-HELD) at a time
- but that thread may hold it more than once."
- (declare (ignore name))
- :null-lock)
- (definterface call-with-lock-held (lock function)
- "Call FUNCTION with LOCK held, queueing if necessary."
- (declare (ignore lock)
- (type function function))
- (funcall function))
- ;;;; Weak datastructures
- (definterface make-weak-key-hash-table (&rest args)
- "Like MAKE-HASH-TABLE, but weak w.r.t. the keys."
- (apply #'make-hash-table args))
- (definterface make-weak-value-hash-table (&rest args)
- "Like MAKE-HASH-TABLE, but weak w.r.t. the values."
- (apply #'make-hash-table args))
- (definterface hash-table-weakness (hashtable)
- "Return nil or one of :key :value :key-or-value :key-and-value"
- (declare (ignore hashtable))
- nil)
- ;;;; Floating point
- (definterface float-nan-p (float)
- "Return true if FLOAT is a NaN value (Not a Number)."
- ;; When the float type implements IEEE-754 floats, two NaN values
- ;; are never equal; when the implementation does not support NaN,
- ;; the predicate should return false. An implementation can
- ;; implement comparison with "unordered-signaling predicates", which
- ;; emit floating point exceptions.
- (handler-case (not (= float float))
- ;; Comparisons never signal an exception other than the invalid
- ;; operation exception (5.11 Details of comparison predicates).
- (floating-point-invalid-operation () t)))
- (definterface float-infinity-p (float)
- "Return true if FLOAT is positive or negative infinity."
- (not (< most-negative-long-float
- float
- most-positive-long-float)))
- ;;;; Character names
- (definterface character-completion-set (prefix matchp)
- "Return a list of names of characters that match PREFIX."
- ;; Handle the standard and semi-standard characters.
- (loop for name in '("Newline" "Space" "Tab" "Page" "Rubout"
- "Linefeed" "Return" "Backspace")
- when (funcall matchp prefix name)
- collect name))
- (defparameter *type-specifier-arglists*
- '((and . (&rest type-specifiers))
- (array . (&optional element-type dimension-spec))
- (base-string . (&optional size))
- (bit-vector . (&optional size))
- (complex . (&optional type-specifier))
- (cons . (&optional car-typespec cdr-typespec))
- (double-float . (&optional lower-limit upper-limit))
- (eql . (object))
- (float . (&optional lower-limit upper-limit))
- (function . (&optional arg-typespec value-typespec))
- (integer . (&optional lower-limit upper-limit))
- (long-float . (&optional lower-limit upper-limit))
- (member . (&rest eql-objects))
- (mod . (n))
- (not . (type-specifier))
- (or . (&rest type-specifiers))
- (rational . (&optional lower-limit upper-limit))
- (real . (&optional lower-limit upper-limit))
- (satisfies . (predicate-symbol))
- (short-float . (&optional lower-limit upper-limit))
- (signed-byte . (&optional size))
- (simple-array . (&optional element-type dimension-spec))
- (simple-base-string . (&optional size))
- (simple-bit-vector . (&optional size))
- (simple-string . (&optional size))
- (single-float . (&optional lower-limit upper-limit))
- (simple-vector . (&optional size))
- (string . (&optional size))
- (unsigned-byte . (&optional size))
- (values . (&rest typespecs))
- (vector . (&optional element-type size))
- ))
- ;;; Heap dumps
- (definterface save-image (filename &optional restart-function)
- "Save a heap image to the file FILENAME.
- RESTART-FUNCTION, if non-nil, should be called when the image is loaded.")
- (definterface background-save-image (filename &key restart-function
- completion-function)
- "Request saving a heap image to the file FILENAME.
- RESTART-FUNCTION, if non-nil, should be called when the image is loaded.
- COMPLETION-FUNCTION, if non-nil, should be called after saving the image.")
- (defun deinit-log-output ()
- ;; Can't hang on to an fd-stream from a previous session.
- (setf *log-output* nil))
- ;;;; Wrapping
- (definterface wrap (spec indicator &key before after replace)
- "Intercept future calls to SPEC and surround them in callbacks.
- INDICATOR is a symbol identifying a particular wrapping, and is used
- to differentiate between multiple wrappings.
- Implementations intercept calls to SPEC and call, in this order:
- * the BEFORE callback, if it's provided, with a single argument set to
- the list of arguments passed to the intercepted call;
- * the original definition of SPEC recursively honouring any wrappings
- previously established under different values of INDICATOR. If the
- compatible function REPLACE is provided, call that instead.
- * the AFTER callback, if it's provided, with a single set to the list
- of values returned by the previous call, or, if that call exited
- non-locally, a single descriptive symbol, like :EXITED-NON-LOCALLY."
- (declare (ignore indicator))
- (assert (symbolp spec) nil
- "The default implementation for WRAP allows only simple names")
- (assert (null (get spec 'slime-wrap)) nil
- "The default implementation for WRAP allows a single wrapping")
- (let* ((saved (symbol-function spec))
- (replacement (lambda (&rest args)
- (let (retlist completed)
- (unwind-protect
- (progn
- (when before
- (funcall before args))
- (setq retlist (multiple-value-list
- (apply (or replace
- saved) args)))
- (setq completed t)
- (values-list retlist))
- (when after
- (funcall after (if completed
- retlist
- :exited-non-locally))))))))
- (setf (get spec 'slime-wrap) (list saved replacement))
- (setf (symbol-function spec) replacement))
- spec)
- (definterface unwrap (spec indicator)
- "Remove from SPEC any wrappings tagged with INDICATOR."
- (if (wrapped-p spec indicator)
- (setf (symbol-function spec) (first (get spec 'slime-wrap)))
- (cerror "All right, so I did"
- "Hmmm, ~a is not correctly wrapped, you probably redefined it"
- spec))
- (setf (get spec 'slime-wrap) nil)
- spec)
- (definterface wrapped-p (spec indicator)
- "Returns true if SPEC is wrapped with INDICATOR."
- (declare (ignore indicator))
- (and (symbolp spec)
- (let ((prop-value (get spec 'slime-wrap)))
- (cond ((and prop-value
- (not (eq (second prop-value)
- (symbol-function spec))))
- (warn "~a appears to be incorrectly wrapped" spec)
- nil)
- (prop-value t)
- (t nil)))))