- @Comment{Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Jens Lechtenbörger}
- @Comment{GPL-3.0-or-later}
- @article{Roc01,
- title={{The Impact of Single Sourcing and Technology}},
- author={Rockley, Ann},
- journal={Technical Communication},
- volume={48},
- number={2},
- pages={189--193},
- year={2001},
- publisher={Society for Technical Communication}
- }
- @article{HWS+10,
- title={{The four ‘R’s of openness and ALMS analysis: frameworks for open educational resources}},
- author={Hilton, John III and Wiley, David and Stein, Jared and Johnson, Aaron},
- journal={Open Learning},
- volume={25},
- number={1},
- pages={37--44},
- year={2010},
- publisher={Taylor \& Francis}
- }
- @article{SD11,
- author={Schulte, E. and Davison, D.},
- journal={Computing in Science Engineering},
- title={{Active Documents with Org-Mode}},
- year={2011},
- month={may-june},
- volume={13},
- number={3},
- pages={66-73},
- keywords={Org-mode language;active documents;code intermingling;data intermingling;hierarchical documents;plain-text markup language;prose intermingling;document handling;specification languages;},
- doi={10.1109/MCSE.2011.41},
- ISSN={1521-9615}
- }
- @article{Lec19,
- title={{Erstellung und Weiterentwicklung von Open Educational Ressources im Selbstversuch}},
- author={Lechtenbörger, Jens},
- journal={MedienPädagogik},
- volume={34},
- pages={101-117},
- year={2019},
- doi={10.21240/mpaed/34/2019.03.02.X},
- url={https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/34/2019.03.02.X}
- }
- @InProceedings{Lec19b,
- author={Lechtenbörger, Jens},
- title={{Simplifying license attribution for OER with emacs-reveal}},
- booktitle={{17. Fachtagung Bildungstechnologien (DELFI 2019)}},
- editor={Pinkwart, Niels AND Konert, Johannes} ,
- pages={205--216},
- publisher={Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.},
- address={Bonn},
- url={https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/24399},
- doi={10.18420/delfi2019_280},
- year=2019}
- @article{Lec19c,
- title={{Emacs-reveal: A software bundle to create OER presentations}},
- author={Lechtenbörger, Jens},
- journal={Journal of Open Source Education (JOSE)},
- volume={2},
- number={18},
- doi={10.21105/jose.00050},
- url={https://doi.org/10.21105/jose.00050},
- year={2019}
- }