Klimi's new dotfiles with stow.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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4 years ago
  1. Anchor
  2. Area
  3. Array
  4. Boolean
  5. Button
  6. Checkbox
  7. Date
  8. Document
  9. Element
  10. FileUpload
  11. Form
  12. Frame
  13. Function
  14. Hidden
  15. History
  16. Image
  17. Infinity
  18. JavaArray
  19. JavaClass
  20. JavaObject
  21. JavaPackage
  22. Link
  23. Location
  24. Math
  25. MimeType
  26. NaN
  27. Navigator
  28. Number
  29. Object
  30. Option
  31. Packages
  32. Password
  33. Plugin
  34. Radio
  35. RegExp
  36. Reset
  37. Select
  38. String
  39. Submit
  40. Text
  41. Textarea
  42. Window
  43. alert
  44. arguments
  45. assign
  46. blur
  47. break
  48. callee
  49. caller
  50. captureEvents
  51. case
  52. clearInterval
  53. clearTimeout
  54. close
  55. closed
  56. comment
  57. confirm
  58. constructor
  59. continue
  60. default
  61. defaultStatus
  62. delete
  63. do
  64. document
  65. else
  66. escape
  67. eval
  68. export
  69. find
  70. focus
  71. for
  72. frames
  73. function
  74. getClass
  75. history
  76. home
  77. if
  78. import
  79. in
  80. innerHeight
  81. innerWidth
  82. isFinite
  83. isNan
  84. java
  85. label
  86. length
  87. location
  88. locationbar
  89. menubar
  90. moveBy
  91. moveTo
  92. name
  93. navigate
  94. navigator
  95. netscape
  96. new
  97. onBlur
  98. onError
  99. onFocus
  100. onLoad
  101. onUnload
  102. open
  103. opener
  104. outerHeight
  105. outerWidth
  106. pageXoffset
  107. pageYoffset
  108. parent
  109. parseFloat
  110. parseInt
  111. personalbar
  112. print
  113. prompt
  114. prototype
  115. ref
  116. releaseEvents
  117. resizeBy
  118. resizeTo
  119. return
  120. routeEvent
  121. scroll
  122. scrollBy
  123. scrollTo
  124. scrollbars
  125. self
  126. setInterval
  127. setTimeout
  128. status
  129. statusbar
  130. stop
  131. sun
  132. switch
  133. taint
  134. this
  135. toString
  136. toolbar
  137. top
  138. typeof
  139. unescape
  140. untaint
  141. unwatch
  142. valueOf
  143. var
  144. void
  145. watch
  146. while
  147. window
  148. with