Klimi's new dotfiles with stow.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

70 lines
392 B

5 years ago
  1. addr
  2. and
  3. as
  4. asm
  5. atomic
  6. bind
  7. block
  8. break
  9. case
  10. cast
  11. concept
  12. const
  13. continue
  14. converter
  15. defer
  16. discard
  17. distinct
  18. div
  19. do
  20. elif
  21. else
  22. end
  23. enum
  24. except
  25. export
  26. finally
  27. for
  28. from
  29. func
  30. generic
  31. if
  32. import
  33. in
  34. include
  35. interface
  36. is
  37. isnot
  38. iterator
  39. let
  40. macro
  41. method
  42. mixin
  43. mod
  44. nil
  45. not
  46. notin
  47. object
  48. of
  49. or
  50. out
  51. proc
  52. ptr
  53. raise
  54. ref
  55. return
  56. shl
  57. shr
  58. static
  59. template
  60. try
  61. tuple
  62. type
  63. using
  64. var
  65. when
  66. while
  67. with
  68. without
  69. xor
  70. yield