Klimi's new dotfiles with stow.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

161 lines
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5 years ago
  1. auto
  2. break
  3. case
  4. char
  5. const
  6. continue
  7. default
  8. do
  9. double
  10. else
  11. enum
  12. extern
  13. float
  14. for
  15. goto
  16. if
  17. inline
  18. int
  19. long
  20. register
  21. restrict
  22. return
  23. short
  24. signed
  25. sizeof
  26. static
  27. struct
  28. switch
  29. typedef
  30. union
  31. unsigned
  32. void
  33. volatile
  34. while
  35. _Alignas
  36. _Alignof
  37. _Atomic
  38. _Bool
  39. _Complex
  40. _Generic
  41. _Imaginary
  42. _Noreturn
  43. _Static_assert
  44. _Thread_local
  45. alignas
  46. alignof
  47. atomic_
  48. bool
  49. complex
  50. imaginary
  51. noreturn
  52. static_assert
  53. thread_local
  54. #if
  55. #elif
  56. #else
  57. #endif
  58. defined
  59. #ifdef
  60. #ifndef
  61. #define
  62. #undef
  63. #include
  64. #line
  65. #error
  66. #pragma
  67. _Pragma
  68. asm
  69. fortran
  70. #import
  71. self
  72. _cmd
  73. instancetype
  74. __bridge
  75. __bridge_transfer
  76. __bridge_retained
  77. __bridge_retain
  78. @not_keyword
  79. @class
  80. @compatibility_alias
  81. @defs
  82. @encode
  83. @end
  84. @implementation
  85. @interface
  86. @private
  87. @protected
  88. @protocol
  89. @public
  90. @selector
  91. @throw
  92. @try
  93. @catch
  94. @finally
  95. @synchronized
  96. @autoreleasepool
  97. @property
  98. @package
  99. @required
  100. @optional
  101. @synthesize
  102. @dynamic
  103. @import
  104. @available
  105. __attribute__((visibility("default")))
  106. __attribute__((visibility("hidden")))
  107. __attribute__((deprecated))
  108. __attribute__((unavailable))
  109. __attribute__((objc_exception))
  110. __attribute__((objc_root_class))
  111. __covariant
  112. __contravariant
  113. __kindof
  114. getter=
  115. setter=
  116. readonly
  117. readwrite
  118. assign
  119. retain
  120. copy
  121. nonatomic
  122. atomic
  123. strong
  124. weak
  125. unsafe_unretained
  126. nonnull
  127. nullable
  128. null_unspecified
  129. null_resettable
  130. class
  131. __attribute__((deprecated))
  132. in
  133. out
  134. inout
  135. oneway
  136. bycopy
  137. byref
  138. nonnull
  139. nullable
  140. null_unspecified
  141. __attribute__((unused))
  142. super
  143. true
  144. false
  145. __objc_yes
  146. __objc_no
  147. Class
  148. id
  149. SEL
  150. IMP
  151. BOOL
  152. STR
  153. NSInteger
  154. NSUInteger
  155. YES
  156. NO
  157. Nil
  158. nil
  159. __strong
  160. __unsafe_unretained
  161. __autoreleasing