Klimi's new dotfiles with stow.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

797 lines
9.3 KiB

5 years ago
  1. absRefPrefix
  2. accessibility
  3. accessibilityWrap
  4. accessKey
  5. ACT
  8. ACTRO
  9. addAttributes
  10. addExtUrlsAndShortCuts
  11. additionalHeaders
  12. additionalParams
  13. addParams
  14. addQueryString
  15. addQueryString
  16. adjustItemsH
  17. adjustSubItemsH
  18. adminPanelStyles
  19. after
  20. age
  21. align
  22. align.field
  23. all
  24. allowedAttribs
  25. allowedGroups
  26. allowEdit
  27. allowNew
  28. allowTags
  29. allStdWrap
  30. allWrap
  31. alternativeSortingField
  32. alternativeTempPath
  33. altImgResource
  34. altTarget
  35. altText
  36. alwaysActivePIDlist
  37. alwaysLink
  38. andWhere
  39. angle
  40. antiAlias
  41. append
  42. applyTotalH
  43. applyTotalW
  44. arrayReturnMode
  45. arrowACT
  46. arrowImgParams
  47. arrowNO
  48. ATagBeforeWrap
  49. ATagParams
  50. ATagTitle
  51. atLeast
  52. atMost
  53. authcodeFields
  54. autoInsertPID
  55. autostart
  56. backColor
  57. badMess
  58. base64
  59. baseURL
  60. beforeImg
  61. beforeImgLink
  62. beforeImgTagParams
  63. beforeROImg
  64. beforeWrap
  65. begin
  66. begin
  67. beginAtLevel
  68. beLoginLinkIPList
  69. beLoginLinkIPList_login
  70. beLoginLinkIPList_logout
  71. beUserLogin
  72. bgImg
  73. blankStrEqFalse
  74. blur
  75. bm
  76. bodyTag
  77. bodyTag
  78. bodyTagAdd
  79. bodyTagCObject
  80. bodyTagMargins
  81. border
  82. border
  83. borderCol
  84. bordersWithin
  85. borderThick
  86. bottomContent
  87. bottomHeight
  88. br
  89. breakSpace
  90. breakWidth
  91. brTag
  92. bytes
  93. c
  94. cache_clearAtMidnight
  95. cached
  96. cache_period
  97. caption
  98. captionAlign
  99. captionSplit
  100. case
  101. case
  102. CASE
  103. casesensitiveComp
  104. cellpadding
  105. cellspacing
  106. char
  107. charcoal
  108. clearCacheOfPages
  109. cMargins
  110. COA
  111. COA_INT
  112. cObject
  113. cObjNum
  114. code
  115. collapse
  116. color
  117. color1
  118. color2
  119. color3
  120. color.default
  121. color.field
  122. colRelations
  123. cols
  124. cols
  125. colSpace
  126. COLUMNS
  127. COMMENT
  128. commentWrap
  129. compensateFieldWidth
  130. compX
  131. compY
  132. concatenateJsAndCss
  133. conf
  134. config
  135. config
  136. CONFIG
  137. constants
  138. CONTENT
  139. content_fallback
  140. content_from_pid_allowOutsideDomain
  141. controllerActionName
  142. controllerExtensionName
  143. controllerName
  144. crop
  145. cropHTML
  146. csConv
  147. cssInline
  148. CSS_inlineStyle
  149. CTABLE
  150. CUR
  153. current
  154. CURRO
  155. cWidth
  156. data
  157. dataArray
  158. dataWrap
  159. date
  160. debug
  161. debugData
  162. debugFunc
  163. debugItemConf
  164. debugRenumberedObject
  165. decimals
  166. dec_point
  167. default
  168. defaultAlign
  169. defaultCmd
  170. defaultCode
  171. defaultGetVars
  172. delete
  173. denyTags
  174. depth
  175. dimensions
  176. directImageLink
  177. directionLeft
  178. directionUp
  179. directReturn
  180. disableAllHeaderCode
  181. disableAltText
  182. disableCharsetHeader
  183. disableImgBorderAttr
  184. disablePageExternalUrl
  185. disablePrefixComment
  186. disablePreviewNotification
  187. displayActiveOnLoad
  188. displayActiveOnLoad
  189. displayrecord
  190. distributeX
  191. distributeY
  192. doctype
  193. doctypeSwitch
  194. doNotLinkIt
  195. doNotShowLink
  196. doNotStripHTML
  197. dontCheckPid
  198. dontFollowMouse
  199. dontHideOnMouseUp
  200. dontLinkIfSubmenu
  201. dontMd5FieldNames
  202. dontWrapInTable
  203. doubleBrTag
  204. doublePostCheck
  205. dWorkArea
  206. edge
  207. edit
  208. editIcons
  209. editIcons
  210. editPanel
  213. effects
  214. email
  215. emailMess
  216. emboss
  217. emptyTitleHandling
  218. emptyTitleHandling
  219. emptyTitleHandling
  220. enable
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  222. encapsLines
  223. encapsLinesStdWrap
  224. encapsTagList
  225. entryLevel
  226. equalH
  227. equals
  228. evalErrors
  229. evalFunc
  230. excludeDoktypes
  231. excludeNoSearchPages
  232. excludeUidList
  233. expAll
  234. explode
  235. ext
  236. extbase
  237. externalBlocks
  238. extOnReady
  239. extTarget
  240. face.default
  241. face.field
  242. FEData
  243. fe_userEditSelf
  244. fe_userOwnSelf
  245. field
  246. fieldPrefix
  247. fieldRequired
  248. fieldWrap
  249. file
  250. FILE
  251. filelink
  252. fileList
  253. fileTarget
  254. firstLabel
  255. firstLabelGeneral
  256. flip
  257. flop
  258. foldSpeed
  259. foldTimer
  260. fontFile
  261. fontSize
  262. fontSizeMultiplicator
  263. fontTag
  264. footerData
  265. forceAbsoluteUrl
  266. forceTypeValue
  267. FORM
  268. format
  269. formName
  270. formurl
  271. frame
  272. frameReloadIfNotInFrameset
  273. frameSet
  274. freezeMouseover
  275. ftu
  276. gamma
  277. gapBgCol
  278. gapLineCol
  279. gapLineThickness
  280. gapWidth
  281. gif
  283. globalNesting
  284. GMENU
  285. goodMess
  286. gray
  287. gr_list
  288. groupBy
  289. headerComment
  290. headerData
  291. headTag
  292. height
  293. hiddenFields
  294. hide
  295. hideButCreateMap
  296. hideMenuTimer
  297. hideMenuWhenNotOver
  298. hideNonTranslated
  299. highColor
  300. HMENU
  301. hover
  302. hoverStyle
  303. HRULER
  304. HTML
  305. html5
  306. htmlmail
  307. HTMLparser
  308. htmlSpecialChars
  309. htmlTag_dir
  310. htmlTag_langKey
  311. htmlTag_setParams
  312. http
  313. icon
  314. iconCObject
  315. icon_image_ext_list
  316. icon_link
  317. icon_thumbSize
  318. if
  319. ifBlank
  320. ifEmpty
  321. IFSUB
  322. IFSUBRO
  323. ignore
  324. IMAGE
  325. image_compression
  326. image_effects
  327. image_frames
  328. imgList
  329. imgMap
  330. imgMapExtras
  331. imgMax
  332. imgNameNotRandom
  333. imgNamePrefix
  334. imgObjNum
  335. imgParams
  336. imgPath
  337. imgStart
  338. IMGTEXT
  339. import
  340. inBranch
  341. includeCSS
  342. includeJS
  343. includeJSFooter
  344. includeJSFooterlibs
  345. includeJSlibs
  346. includeLibrary
  347. includeLibs
  348. includeNotInMenu
  349. incT3Lib_htmlmail
  350. index_descrLgd
  351. index_enable
  352. index_externals
  353. index_metatags
  354. infomail
  355. inlineJS
  356. inlineLanguageLabel
  357. inlineSettings
  358. inlineStyle2TempFile
  359. innerStdWrap_all
  360. innerWrap
  361. innerWrap2
  362. inputLevels
  363. insertClassesFromRTE
  364. insertData
  365. intensity
  366. intTarget
  367. intval
  368. invert
  369. IProcFunc
  370. isFalse
  371. isGreaterThan
  372. isInList
  373. isLessThan
  374. isPositive
  375. isTrue
  376. itemArrayProcFunc
  377. items
  378. iterations
  379. javascriptLibs
  380. join
  381. jpg
  382. jsFooterInline
  383. jsInline
  384. JSMENU
  385. JSwindow
  386. JSwindow.altUrl
  387. JSwindow.altUrl_noDefaultParams
  388. JSwindow.expand
  389. JSwindow.newWindow
  390. JSwindow_params
  391. jumpurl
  392. jumpurl_enable
  393. jumpurl_mailto_disable
  394. keep
  395. keepNonMatchedTags
  396. keywords
  397. keywordsField
  398. labelStdWrap
  399. labelWrap
  400. lang
  401. language
  402. language_alt
  403. languageField
  404. layer_menu_id
  405. layerStyle
  406. layout
  407. layoutRootPath
  408. leftjoin
  409. leftOffset
  410. levels
  411. limit
  412. lineColor
  413. lineThickness
  414. linkAccessRestrictedPages
  415. linkParams
  416. linkVars
  417. linkWrap
  418. list
  419. listNum
  420. lm
  422. locale_all
  423. localNesting
  424. locationData
  425. lockFilePath
  426. lockPosition
  427. lockPosition_addSelf
  428. lockPosition_adjust
  429. loginUser
  430. longdescURL
  431. loop
  432. lowColor
  433. lower
  434. mailto
  435. main
  436. mainScript
  437. makelinks
  438. markers
  439. markerWrap
  440. mask
  441. max
  442. maxAge
  443. maxH
  444. maxHeight
  445. maxItems
  446. maxW
  447. maxWidth
  448. maxWInText
  449. m.bgImg
  450. m.bottomImg
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  453. meaningfulTempFilePrefix
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  468. minItems
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  471. moveJsFromHeaderToFooter
  472. MP_defaults
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  474. MP_mapRootPoints
  476. name
  477. namespaces
  478. negate
  479. newRecordFromTable
  480. newRecordInPid
  481. next
  482. niceText
  483. NO
  484. noAttrib
  485. noBlur
  486. no_cache
  487. noCols
  488. noLink
  489. noLinkUnderline
  490. nonCachedSubst
  491. none
  492. nonTypoTagStdWrap
  493. nonTypoTagUserFunc
  494. nonWrappedTag
  495. noOrderBy
  496. noPageTitle
  497. noResultObj
  498. normalWhenNoLanguage
  499. noRows
  500. noScale
  501. noScaleUp
  502. noscript
  503. noStretchAndMarginCells
  504. notification_email_charset
  505. notification_email_encoding
  506. notification_email_urlmode
  507. noTrimWrap
  508. noValueInsert
  509. noWrapAttr
  510. numberFormat
  511. numRows
  512. obj
  513. offset
  514. offset
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  517. onlyCurrentPid
  518. opacity
  519. options
  520. orderBy
  521. OTABLE
  522. outerWrap
  523. outline
  524. output
  525. outputLevels
  526. override
  527. overrideAttribs
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  530. PAGE
  531. pageGenScript
  532. pageRendererTemplateFile
  533. pageTitleFirst
  534. parameter
  535. params
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  537. parseFunc
  538. parseValues
  539. partialRootPath
  540. path
  541. pidInList
  542. pixelSpaceFontSizeRef
  543. plainTextStdWrap
  544. pluginNames
  545. png
  546. postCObject
  547. postUserFunc
  548. postUserFunkInt
  549. preCObject
  550. prefixComment
  551. prefixLocalAnchors
  552. prefixLocalAnchors
  553. prefixRelPathWith
  554. preIfEmptyListNum
  555. prepend
  556. preUserFunc
  557. prev
  558. previewBorder
  559. printBeforeContent
  560. prioriCalc
  561. processScript
  562. properties
  563. protect
  564. protectLvar
  565. quality
  566. quality
  567. radioInputWrap
  568. radioWrap
  569. range
  570. range
  571. rawUrlEncode
  572. recipient
  573. RECORDS
  574. recursive
  575. redirect
  576. reduceColors
  577. relativeToParentLayer
  578. relativeToTriggerItem
  579. relPathPrefix
  580. remap
  581. remapTag
  582. removeBadHTML
  583. removeDefaultJS
  584. removeIfEquals
  585. removeIfFalse
  586. removeObjectsOfDummy
  587. removePrependedNumbers
  588. removeTags
  589. removeWrapping
  590. renderCharset
  591. renderObj
  592. renderWrap
  593. REQ
  594. required
  595. required
  596. resources
  597. resultObj
  598. returnKey
  599. returnLast
  600. reverseOrder
  601. rightjoin
  602. rm
  603. rmTagIfNoAttrib
  604. RO_chBgColor
  605. rootline
  606. rotate
  607. rows
  608. rowSpace
  609. sample
  610. sample
  611. section
  612. sectionIndex
  613. select
  614. sendCacheHeaders
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  616. separator
  617. setContentToCurrent
  618. setCurrent
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  624. setKeywords
  625. shadow
  626. sharpen
  627. shear
  628. short
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  630. showAccessRestrictedPages
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  633. simulateStaticDocuments
  634. simulateStaticDocuments_addTitle
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  637. simulateStaticDocuments_pEnc
  638. simulateStaticDocuments_pEnc_onlyP
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  640. sitetitle
  641. size
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  654. spacing
  655. spamProtectEmailAddresses
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  657. spamProtectEmailAddresses_lastDotSubst
  658. SPC
  659. special
  660. split
  661. splitRendering
  662. src
  663. stat
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  677. stayFolded
  678. stdWrap
  679. stdWrap2
  680. strftime
  681. stripHtml
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  683. stylesheet
  684. submenuObjSuffixes
  685. subMenuOffset
  686. subparts
  687. subst_elementUid
  688. subst_elementUid
  689. substMarksSeparately
  690. substring
  691. swirl
  692. sword
  693. sword_noMixedCase
  694. sword_standAlone
  695. sys_language_mode
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  699. sys_language_uid
  700. sys_page
  701. table
  702. tableParams
  703. tables
  704. tableStdWrap
  705. tableStyle
  706. tags
  707. target
  708. TCAselectItem
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  710. template
  712. templateFile
  713. text
  714. TEXT
  715. textMargin
  716. textMargin_outOfText
  717. textMaxLength
  718. textObjNum
  719. textPos
  720. textStyle
  721. thickness
  722. thousands_sep
  723. title
  724. titleTagFunction
  725. titleText
  726. titleText
  727. tm
  728. TMENU
  729. token
  730. topOffset
  731. totalWidth
  732. transparentBackground
  733. transparentColor
  734. trim
  735. twice
  736. typeNum
  737. types
  738. typolink
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  740. typolinkEnableLinksAcrossDomains
  741. typolinkLinkAccessRestrictedPages
  742. typolinkLinkAccessRestrictedPages_addParams
  743. uid
  744. uidInList
  745. uniqueGlobal
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  750. upper
  751. url
  752. useCacheHash
  753. useLargestItemX
  754. useLargestItemY
  755. USER
  756. USERDEF1
  759. USERFEF2
  760. userFunc
  761. userFunc_updateArray
  762. userIdColumn
  763. USER_INT
  764. USERNAME_substToken
  765. USERUID_substToken
  766. USR
  767. USRRO
  768. value
  769. variables
  770. wave
  771. where
  772. width
  773. wordSpacing
  774. workArea
  775. workOnSubpart
  776. wrap
  777. wrap2
  778. wrap3
  779. wrapAlign
  780. wrapFieldName
  781. wrapItemAndSub
  782. wrapNoWrappedLines
  783. wraps
  784. xhtml_11
  785. xhtml_2
  786. xhtml_basic
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  788. xhtmlDoctype
  789. xhtml_frames
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  793. xml_10
  794. xml_11
  795. xmlprologue
  796. xPosOffset
  797. yPosOffset