- ;;; helm-source.el --- Helm source creation. -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
- ;; Copyright (C) 2015 ~ 2019 Thierry Volpiatto <thierry.volpiatto@gmail.com>
- ;; Author: Thierry Volpiatto <thierry.volpiatto@gmail.com>
- ;; URL: http://github.com/emacs-helm/helm
- ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- ;; (at your option) any later version.
- ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
- ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- ;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- ;;; Commentary:
- ;; Interface to create helm sources easily.
- ;; Actually the eieo objects are transformed in alist for compatibility.
- ;; In the future this package should allow creating source as eieo objects
- ;; without conversion to alist, teaching helm to read such a structure.
- ;; The compatibility with alists would be kept.
- ;;; Code:
- (require 'cl-lib)
- (require 'eieio)
- (require 'helm-lib)
- (defvar helm-fuzzy-sort-fn)
- (defvar helm-fuzzy-match-fn)
- (defvar helm-fuzzy-search-fn)
- (declare-function helm-init-candidates-in-buffer "helm.el")
- (declare-function helm-interpret-value "helm.el")
- (declare-function helm-fuzzy-highlight-matches "helm.el")
- ;;; Advice Emacs fn
- ;; Make Classes's docstrings more readable by removing al the
- ;; unnecessary crap.
- (defun helm-source--cl--print-table (_header rows)
- "Advice for `cl--print-table' to make readable class slots docstrings."
- (let ((format "%s\n\n Initform=%s\n\n%s"))
- (dolist (row rows)
- (setcar row (propertize (car row) 'face 'italic))
- (setcdr row (nthcdr 1 (cdr row)))
- (insert "\n* " (apply #'format format row) "\n"))))
- (defgeneric helm--setup-source (source)
- "Prepare slots and handle slot errors before creating a helm source.")
- (defgeneric helm-setup-user-source (source)
- "Allow users modifying slots in SOURCE just before creation.")
- ;;; Classes for sources
- ;;
- ;;
- (defclass helm-source ()
- ((name
- :initarg :name
- :initform nil
- :custom string
- :documentation
- " The name of the source.
- A string which is also the heading which appears
- above the list of matches from the source. Must be unique.")
- (header-name
- :initarg :header-name
- :initform nil
- :custom function
- :documentation
- " A function returning the display string of the header.
- Its argument is the name of the source. This attribute is useful to
- add an additional information with the source name.
- It doesn't modify the name of the source.")
- (init
- :initarg :init
- :initform nil
- :custom function
- :documentation
- " Function called with no parameters when helm is started.
- It is useful for collecting current state information which can be
- used to create the list of candidates later.
- Initialization of `candidates-in-buffer' is done here
- with `helm-init-candidates-in-buffer'.")
- (candidates
- :initarg :candidates
- :initform nil
- :custom (choice function list)
- :documentation
- " Specifies how to retrieve candidates from the source.
- It can either be a variable name, a function called with no parameters
- or the actual list of candidates.
- Do NOT use this for asynchronous sources, use `candidates-process'
- instead.
- The list must be a list whose members are strings, symbols
- or (DISPLAY . REAL) pairs.
- In case of (DISPLAY . REAL) pairs, the DISPLAY string is shown
- in the Helm buffer, but the REAL one is used as action
- argument when the candidate is selected. This allows a more
- readable presentation for candidates which would otherwise be,
- for example, too long or have a common part shared with other
- candidates which can be safely replaced with an abbreviated
- string for display purposes.
- Note that if the (DISPLAY . REAL) form is used then pattern
- matching is done on the displayed string, not on the real
- value.
- This function, generally should not compute candidates according to
- `helm-pattern' which defeat all the Helm's matching mechanism
- i.e. multiple pattern matching and/or fuzzy matching.
- If you want to do so, use :match-dynamic slot to be sure matching
- occur only in :candidates function and there is no conflict with
- other match functions.")
- (update
- :initarg :update
- :initform nil
- :custom function
- :documentation
- " Function called with no parameters at before \"init\" function
- when `helm-force-update' is called.")
- (cleanup
- :initarg :cleanup
- :initform nil
- :custom function
- :documentation
- " Function called with no parameters when *helm* buffer is
- closed. It is useful for killing unneeded candidates buffer.
- Note that the function is executed BEFORE performing action.")
- (keymap
- :initarg :keymap
- :initform helm-map
- :custom sexp
- :documentation
- " Specific keymap for this source.
- default value is `helm-map'.")
- (action
- :initarg :action
- :initform 'identity
- :custom (alist :key-type string
- :value-type function)
- :documentation
- " An alist of (DISPLAY . FUNCTION) pairs, a variable name or a function.
- FUNCTION is called with one parameter: the selected candidate.
- An action other than the default can be chosen from this list
- of actions for the currently selected candidate (by default
- with TAB). The DISPLAY string is shown in the completions
- buffer and the FUNCTION is invoked when an action is
- selected. The first action of the list is the default.
- You should use `helm-make-actions' to build this alist easily.")
- (persistent-action
- :initarg :persistent-action
- :initform nil
- :custom function
- :documentation
- " Can be a either a Function called with one parameter (the
- selected candidate) or a cons cell where first element is this
- same function and second element a symbol (e.g never-split)
- that inform `helm-execute-persistent-action' to not split his
- window to execute this persistent action.
- Example:
- (defun foo-persistent-action (candidate)
- (do-something candidate))
- :persistent-action '(foo-persistent-action . never-split) ; Don't split
- or
- :persistent-action 'foo-persistent-action ; Split
- When specifying :persistent-action by slot directly, foo-persistent-action
- will be executed without quitting helm when hitting `C-j'.
- Note that other persistent actions can be defined using other
- bindings than `C-j' by simply defining an interactive function bound
- to a key in the keymap source.
- The function should create a new attribute in source before calling
- `helm-execute-persistent-action' on this attribute.
- Example:
- (defun helm-ff-persistent-delete ()
- \"Delete current candidate without quitting.\"
- (interactive)
- (with-helm-alive-p
- (helm-attrset 'quick-delete '(helm-ff-quick-delete . never-split))
- (helm-execute-persistent-action 'quick-delete)))
- This function is then bound in `helm-find-files-map'.")
- (persistent-action-if
- :initarg :persistent-action-if
- :initform nil
- :custom function
- :documentation
- " Similar from persistent action but it is a function that should
- return an object suitable for persistent action when called , i.e. a
- function or a cons cell.
- Example:
- (defun foo-persistent-action (candidate)
- (cond (something
- ;; Don't split helm-window.
- (cons (lambda (_ignore)
- (do-something candidate))
- 'no-split))
- ;; Split helm-window.
- (something-else
- (lambda (_ignore)
- (do-something-else candidate)))))
- :persistent-action-if 'foo-persistent-action
- Here when hitting `C-j' one of the lambda's will be executed
- depending on something or something-else condition, splitting or not
- splitting as needed.
- See `helm-find-files-persistent-action-if' definition as another example.")
- (persistent-help
- :initarg :persistent-help
- :initform nil
- :custom string
- :documentation
- " A string to explain persistent-action of this source. It also
- accepts a function or a variable name.
- It will be displayed in `header-line' or in `minibuffer' depending
- of value of `helm-echo-input-in-header-line' and `helm-display-header-line'.")
- (help-message
- :initarg :help-message
- :initform nil
- :custom (choice string function)
- :documentation
- " Help message for this source.
- If not present, `helm-help-message' value will be used.")
- (multiline
- :initarg :multiline
- :initform nil
- :custom (choice boolean integer)
- :documentation
- " Allow multiline candidates.
- When non-nil candidates will be separated by `helm-candidate-separator'.
- You can customize the color of this separator with `helm-separator' face.
- Value of multiline can be an integer which specify the maximum size of the
- multiline string to display, if multiline string is longer than this value
- it will be truncated.")
- (requires-pattern
- :initarg :requires-pattern
- :initform nil
- :custom integer
- :documentation
- " If present matches from the source are shown only if the
- pattern is not empty. Optionally, it can have an integer
- parameter specifying the required length of input which is
- useful in case of sources with lots of candidates.")
- (candidate-transformer
- :initarg :candidate-transformer
- :initform nil
- :custom (choice function list)
- :documentation
- " It's a function or a list of functions called with one argument
- when the completion list from the source is built. The argument
- is the list of candidates retrieved from the source. The
- function should return a transformed list of candidates which
- will be used for the actual completion. If it is a list of
- functions, it calls each function sequentially.
- This can be used to transform or remove items from the list of
- candidates.
- Note that `candidates' is run already, so the given transformer
- function should also be able to handle candidates with (DISPLAY
- . REAL) format.")
- (filtered-candidate-transformer
- :initarg :filtered-candidate-transformer
- :initform nil
- :custom (choice function list)
- :documentation
- " It has the same format as `candidate-transformer', except the
- function is called with two parameters: the candidate list and
- the source.
- This transformer is run on the candidate list which is already
- filtered by the current pattern. While `candidate-transformer'
- is run only once, it is run every time the input pattern is
- changed.
- It can be used to transform the candidate list dynamically, for
- example, based on the current pattern.
- In some cases it may also be more efficent to perform candidate
- transformation here, instead of with `candidate-transformer'
- even if this transformation is done every time the pattern is
- changed. For example, if a candidate set is very large then
- `candidate-transformer' transforms every candidate while only
- some of them will actually be displayed due to the limit
- imposed by `helm-candidate-number-limit'.
- Note that `candidates' and `candidate-transformer' is run
- already, so the given transformer function should also be able
- to handle candidates with (DISPLAY . REAL) format.")
- (filter-one-by-one
- :initarg :filter-one-by-one
- :initform nil
- :custom (choice function list)
- :documentation
- " A transformer function that treat candidates one by one.
- It is called with one arg the candidate.
- It is faster than `filtered-candidate-transformer' or
- `candidate-transformer', but should be used only in sources
- that recompute constantly their candidates, e.g `helm-source-find-files'.
- Filtering happen early and candidates are treated
- one by one instead of re-looping on the whole list.
- If used with `filtered-candidate-transformer' or `candidate-transformer'
- these functions should treat the candidates transformed by the
- `filter-one-by-one' function in consequence.")
- (display-to-real
- :initarg :display-to-real
- :initform nil
- :custom function
- :documentation
- " Transform the selected candidate when passing it to action.
- Function called with one parameter, the selected candidate.
- Avoid recomputing all candidates with candidate-transformer
- or filtered-candidate-transformer to give a new value to REAL,
- instead the selected candidate is transformed only when passing it
- to action.
- Note that this is NOT a transformer,
- so the display will not be modified by this function.")
- (real-to-display
- :initarg :real-to-display
- :initform nil
- :custom function
- :documentation
- " Recompute all candidates computed previously with other transformers.
- Function called with one parameter, the selected candidate.
- The real value of candidates will be shown in display.
- Note: This have nothing to do with display-to-real.
- It is unuseful as the same can be performed by using more than
- one function in transformers, it is kept only for backward compatibility.")
- (marked-with-props
- :initarg :marked-with-props
- :initform nil
- :custom (choice boolean symbol)
- :documentation
- " Get candidates with their properties in `helm-marked-candidates'.
- Allow using the FORCE-DISPLAY-PART of `helm-get-selection' in marked
- candidates, use t or 'withprop to pass it to `helm-get-selection'.")
- (action-transformer
- :initarg :action-transformer
- :initform nil
- :custom (choice function list)
- :documentation
- " It's a function or a list of functions called with two
- arguments when the action list from the source is
- assembled. The first argument is the list of actions, the
- second is the current selection. If it is a list of functions,
- it calls each function sequentially.
- The function should return a transformed action list.
- This can be used to customize the list of actions based on the
- currently selected candidate.")
- (pattern-transformer
- :initarg :pattern-transformer
- :initform nil
- :custom (choice function list)
- :documentation
- " It's a function or a list of functions called with one argument
- before computing matches. Its argument is `helm-pattern'.
- Functions should return transformed `helm-pattern'.
- It is useful to change interpretation of `helm-pattern'.")
- (candidate-number-limit
- :initarg :candidate-number-limit
- :initform nil
- :custom integer
- :documentation
- " Override `helm-candidate-number-limit' only for this source.")
- (volatile
- :initarg :volatile
- :initform nil
- :custom boolean
- :documentation
- " Indicates the source assembles the candidate list dynamically,
- so it shouldn't be cached within a single Helm
- invocation. It is only applicable to synchronous sources,
- because asynchronous sources are not cached.")
- (match
- :initarg :match
- :initform nil
- :custom (choice function list)
- :documentation
- " List of functions called with one parameter: a candidate. The
- function should return non-nil if the candidate matches the
- current pattern (see variable `helm-pattern').
- When using `candidates-in-buffer' its default value is `identity' and
- don't have to be changed, use the `search' slot instead.
- This attribute allows the source to override the default
- pattern matching based on `string-match'. It can be used, for
- example, to implement a source for file names and do the
- pattern matching on the basename of files, since it's more
- likely one is typing part of the basename when searching for a
- file, instead of some string anywhere else in its path.
- If the list contains more than one function then the list of
- matching candidates from the source is constructed by appending
- the results after invoking the first function on all the
- potential candidates, then the next function, and so on. The
- matching candidates supplied by the first function appear first
- in the list of results and then results from the other
- functions, respectively.
- This attribute has no effect for asynchronous sources (see
- attribute `candidates'), and sources using `match-dynamic'
- since they perform pattern matching themselves.
- Note that FUZZY-MATCH slot will overhide value of this slot.")
- (fuzzy-match
- :initarg :fuzzy-match
- :initform nil
- :custom boolean
- :documentation
- " Enable fuzzy matching in this source.
- This will overwrite settings in MATCH slot, and for
- sources built with child class `helm-source-in-buffer' the SEARCH slot.
- This is an easy way of enabling fuzzy matching, but you can use the MATCH
- or SEARCH slots yourself if you want something more elaborated, mixing
- different type of match (See `helm-source-buffers' class for example).
- This attribute is not supported for asynchronous sources
- since they perform pattern matching themselves.")
- (redisplay
- :initarg :redisplay
- :initform 'identity
- :custom (choice list function)
- :documentation
- " A function or a list of functions to apply to current list
- of candidates when redisplaying buffer with `helm-redisplay-buffer'.
- This is only interesting for modifying and redisplaying the whole list
- of candidates in async sources.
- It uses `identity' by default for when async sources are mixed with
- normal sources, in this case these normal sources are not modified and
- redisplayed as they are.")
- (nomark
- :initarg :nomark
- :initform nil
- :custom boolean
- :documentation
- " Don't allow marking candidates when this attribute is present.")
- (nohighlight
- :initarg :nohighlight
- :initform nil
- :custom boolean
- :documentation
- " Disable highlighting matches in this source.
- This will disable generic highlighting of matches,
- but some specialized highlighting can be done from elsewhere,
- i.e from `filtered-candidate-transformer' or `filter-one-by-one' slots.
- So use this to either disable completely highlighting in your source,
- or to disable highlighting and use a specialized highlighting matches
- function for this source.
- Remember that this function should run AFTER all filter functions if those
- filter functions are modifying face properties, though it is possible to
- avoid this by using new `add-face-text-property' in your filter functions.")
- (allow-dups
- :initarg :allow-dups
- :initform nil
- :custom boolean
- :documentation
- " Allow helm collecting duplicates candidates.")
- (history
- :initarg :history
- :initform nil
- :custom symbol
- :documentation
- " Allow passing history variable to helm from source.
- It should be a quoted symbol.
- Passing the history variable here have no effect
- so add it also in the `helm' call with the :history keyword.
- The main point of adding the variable here
- is to make it available when resuming.")
- (coerce
- :initarg :coerce
- :initform nil
- :custom function
- :documentation
- " It's a function called with one argument: the selected candidate.
- This function is intended for type convertion. In normal case,
- the selected candidate (string) is passed to action
- function. If coerce function is specified, it is called just
- before action function.
- Example: converting string to symbol
- (coerce . intern)")
- (mode-line
- :initarg :mode-line
- :initform nil
- :custom (choice string sexp)
- :documentation
- " Source local `helm-mode-line-string' (included in
- `mode-line-format'). It accepts also variable/function name.")
- (header-line
- :initarg :header-line
- :initform nil
- :custom (choice string function)
- :documentation
- " Source local `header-line-format'.
- It will be displayed in `header-line' or in `minibuffer' depending
- of value of `helm-echo-input-in-header-line' and `helm-display-header-line'.
- It accepts also variable/function name.")
- (resume
- :initarg :resume
- :initform nil
- :custom function
- :documentation
- " Function called with no parameters at end of initialization
- when `helm-resume' is started.
- If this function try to do something against `helm-buffer', \(e.g updating,
- searching etc...\) probably you should run it in a timer to ensure
- `helm-buffer' is ready.")
- (follow
- :initarg :follow
- :initform nil
- :custom integer
- :documentation
- " Enable `helm-follow-mode' for this source only.
- With a value of 1 enable, a value of -1 or nil disable the mode.
- See `helm-follow-mode' for more infos.")
- (follow-delay
- :initarg :follow-delay
- :initform nil
- :custom integer
- :documentation
- " `helm-follow-mode' will execute persistent-action after this delay.
- Otherwise value of `helm-follow-input-idle-delay' is used if non--nil,
- If none of these are found fallback to `helm-input-idle-delay'.")
- (multimatch
- :initarg :multimatch
- :initform t
- :custom boolean
- :documentation
- " Use the multi-match algorithm when non-nil.
- I.e Allow specifying multiple patterns separated by spaces.
- When a pattern is prefixed by \"!\" the negation of this pattern is used,
- i.e match anything but this pattern.
- It is the standard way of matching in helm and is enabled by default.
- It can be used with fuzzy-matching enabled, but as soon helm detect a space,
- each pattern will match by regexp and will not be fuzzy.")
- (match-part
- :initarg :match-part
- :initform nil
- :custom function
- :documentation
- " Allow matching only one part of candidate.
- If source contain match-part attribute, match is computed only
- on part of candidate returned by the call of function provided
- by this attribute. The function should have one arg, candidate,
- and return only a specific part of candidate.
- On async sources, as matching is done by the backend, this have
- no effect apart for highlighting matches.")
- (before-init-hook
- :initarg :before-init-hook
- :initform nil
- :custom symbol
- :documentation
- " A local hook that run at beginning of initilization of this source.
- i.e Before the creation of `helm-buffer'.
- Should be a variable (defined with defvar).
- Can be also an anonymous function or a list of functions
- directly added to slot, this is not recommended though.")
- (after-init-hook
- :initarg :after-init-hook
- :initform nil
- :custom symbol
- :documentation
- " A local hook that run at end of initilization of this source.
- i.e After the creation of `helm-buffer'.
- Should be a variable.
- Can be also an anonymous function or a list of functions
- directly added to slot, this is not recommended though.")
- (delayed
- :initarg :delayed
- :initform nil
- :custom (choice null integer)
- :documentation
- " This slot have no more effect and is just kept for backward compatibility.
- Please don't use it.")
- (must-match
- :initarg :must-match
- :initform nil
- :custom symbol
- :documentation
- " Prevent exiting with empty helm buffer.
- For this to work `minibuffer-completion-confirm' must be let-bounded
- around the helm call.
- Same as `completing-read' require-match arg, possible values are `t'
- or `confirm'.")
- (group
- :initarg :group
- :initform helm
- :custom symbol
- :documentation
- " The current source group, default to `helm' when not specified."))
- "Main interface to define helm sources."
- :abstract t)
- (defclass helm-source-sync (helm-source)
- ((candidates
- :initform '("ERROR: You must specify the `candidates' slot, either with a list or a function"))
- (migemo
- :initarg :migemo
- :initform nil
- :custom boolean
- :documentation
- " Enable migemo.
- When multimatch is disabled, you can give the symbol 'nomultimatch as value
- to force not using generic migemo matching function.
- In this case you have to provide your own migemo matching funtion
- that kick in when `helm-migemo-mode' is enabled.
- Otherwise it will be available for this source once `helm-migemo-mode'
- is enabled when non-nil.")
- (match-strict
- :initarg :match-strict
- :initform nil
- :custom function
- :documentation
- " When specifying a match function within a source and
- helm-multi-match is enabled, the result of all matching
- functions will be concatened, which in some cases is not what
- is wanted. When using `match-strict' only this or these
- functions will be used. You can specify those functions as a
- list of functions or a single symbol function.
- NOTE: This have the same effect as using :MULTIMATCH nil.")
- (match-dynamic
- :initarg :match-dynamic
- :initform nil
- :custom boolean
- :documentation
- " Disable all helm matching functions when non nil.
- The :candidates function in this case is in charge of fetching
- candidates dynamically according to `helm-pattern'.
- Note that :volatile is automatically enabled when using this, so no
- need to specify it."))
- "Use this class to make helm sources using a list of candidates.
- This list should be given as a normal list, a variable handling a list
- or a function returning a list.
- Matching is done basically with `string-match' against each candidate.")
- (defclass helm-source-async (helm-source)
- ((candidates-process
- :initarg :candidates-process
- :initform nil
- :custom function
- :documentation
- " This attribute is used to define a process as candidate.
- The function called with no arguments must return a process
- i.e. `processp', it use typically `start-process' or `make-process',
- see (info \"(elisp) Asynchronous Processes\").
- When building the source at runtime you can give directly a process
- as value, otherwise wrap the process call into a function.
- The process buffer should be nil, otherwise, if you use
- `helm-buffer' give to the process a sentinel.")
- (multimatch :initform nil))
- "Use this class to define a helm source calling an external process.
- The external process is called typically in a `start-process' call to be
- asynchronous.
- Note that using multiples asynchronous sources is not fully working,
- expect weird behavior if you try this.
- The :candidates slot is not allowed even if described because this class
- inherit from `helm-source'.")
- (defclass helm-source-in-buffer (helm-source)
- ((init
- :initform 'helm-default-init-source-in-buffer-function)
- (data
- :initarg :data
- :initform nil
- :custom (choice list string)
- :documentation
- " A string, a list or a buffer that will be used to feed the `helm-candidates-buffer'.
- This data will be passed in a function added to the init slot and
- the buffer will be build with `helm-init-candidates-in-buffer' or directly
- with `helm-candidates-buffer' if data is a buffer.
- This is an easy and fast method to build a `candidates-in-buffer' source.")
- (migemo
- :initarg :migemo
- :initform nil
- :custom boolean
- :documentation
- " Enable migemo.
- When multimatch is disabled, you can give the symbol 'nomultimatch as value
- to force not using generic migemo matching function.
- In this case you have to provide your own migemo matching funtion
- that kick in when `helm-migemo-mode' is enabled.
- Otherwise it will be available for this source once `helm-migemo-mode'
- is enabled when non-nil.")
- (candidates
- :initform 'helm-candidates-in-buffer)
- (volatile
- :initform t)
- (match
- :initform '(identity))
- (get-line
- :initarg :get-line
- :initform 'buffer-substring-no-properties
- :custom function
- :documentation
- " A function like `buffer-substring-no-properties' or `buffer-substring'.
- This function converts region from point at line-beginning and point
- at line-end in the `helm-candidate-buffer' to a string which will be displayed
- in the `helm-buffer', it takes two args BEG and END.
- By default, `helm-candidates-in-buffer' uses
- `buffer-substring-no-properties' which does no conversion and doesn't carry
- text properties.")
- (search
- :initarg :search
- :initform '(helm-candidates-in-buffer-search-default-fn)
- :custom (choice function list)
- :documentation
- " List of functions like `re-search-forward' or `search-forward'.
- Buffer search function used by `helm-candidates-in-buffer'.
- By default, `helm-candidates-in-buffer' uses `re-search-forward'.
- The function should take one arg PATTERN.
- If your search function needs to handle negation like multimatch,
- this function should returns in such case a cons cell of two integers defining
- the beg and end positions to match in the line previously matched by
- `re-search-forward' or similar, and move point to next line
- (See how the `helm-mm-3-search-base' and `helm-fuzzy-search' functions are working).
- NOTE: FUZZY-MATCH slot will overhide value of this slot.")
- (search-strict
- :initarg :search-strict
- :initform nil
- :custom function
- :documentation
- " When specifying a search function within a source and
- helm-multi-match is enabled, the result of all searching
- functions will be concatened, which in some cases is not what
- is wanted. When using `search-strict' only this or these
- functions will be used. You can specify those functions as a
- list of functions or a single symbol function.
- NOTE: This have the same effect as using a nil value for
- :MULTIMATCH slot."))
- "Use this source to make helm sources storing candidates inside a buffer.
- The buffer storing candidates is generated by `helm-candidate-buffer' function
- and all search are done in this buffer, results are transfered to the `helm-buffer'
- when done.
- Contrarily to `helm-source-sync' candidates are matched using a function
- like `re-search-forward' (see below documentation of `:search' slot) which makes
- the search much faster than matching candidates one by one.
- If you want to add search functions to your sources, don't use `:match' which
- will raise an error, but `:search'.
- See `helm-candidates-in-buffer' for more infos.")
- (defclass helm-source-dummy (helm-source)
- ((candidates
- :initform '("dummy"))
- (filtered-candidate-transformer
- :initform (lambda (_candidates _source) (list helm-pattern)))
- (multimatch
- :initform nil)
- (accept-empty
- :initarg :accept-empty
- :initform t
- :custom boolean
- :documentation
- " Allow exiting with an empty string.
- You should keep the default value.")
- (match
- :initform 'identity)
- (volatile
- :initform t)))
- (defclass helm-source-in-file (helm-source-in-buffer)
- ((init :initform (lambda ()
- (let ((file (helm-attr 'candidates-file))
- (count 1))
- (with-current-buffer (helm-candidate-buffer 'global)
- (insert-file-contents file)
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (while (not (eobp))
- (add-text-properties
- (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol)
- `(helm-linum ,count))
- (cl-incf count)
- (forward-line 1))))))
- (get-line :initform #'buffer-substring)
- (candidates-file
- :initarg :candidates-file
- :initform nil
- :custom string
- :documentation
- " A filename.
- Each line number of FILE is accessible with helm-linum property
- from candidate display part."))
- "The contents of the FILE will be used as candidates in buffer.")
- ;;; Error functions
- ;;
- ;;
- (defun helm-default-init-source-in-buffer-function ()
- (helm-init-candidates-in-buffer 'global
- '("ERROR: No buffer handling your data, use either the `init' slot or the `data' slot.")))
- ;;; Internal Builder functions.
- ;;
- ;;
- (defun helm--create-source (object)
- "[INTERNAL] Build a helm source from OBJECT.
- Where OBJECT is an instance of an eieio class."
- (cl-loop for sd in (eieio-class-slots (eieio-object-class object))
- for s = (eieio-slot-descriptor-name sd)
- for slot-val = (slot-value object s)
- when slot-val
- collect (cons s (unless (eq t slot-val) slot-val))))
- (defun helm-make-source (name class &rest args)
- "Build a `helm' source named NAME with ARGS for CLASS.
- Argument NAME is a string which define the source name, so no need to use
- the keyword :name in your source, NAME will be used instead.
- Argument CLASS is an eieio class object.
- Arguments ARGS are keyword value pairs as defined in CLASS."
- (declare (indent 2))
- (let ((source (apply #'make-instance class name args)))
- (setf (slot-value source 'name) name)
- (helm--setup-source source)
- (helm-setup-user-source source)
- (helm--create-source source)))
- (defun helm-make-type (class &rest args)
- (let ((source (apply #'make-instance class args)))
- (setf (slot-value source 'name) nil)
- (helm--setup-source source)
- (helm--create-source source)))
- (defvar helm-mm-default-search-functions)
- (defvar helm-mm-default-match-functions)
- (defun helm-source-mm-get-search-or-match-fns (source method)
- (let ((defmatch (helm-aif (slot-value source 'match)
- (helm-mklist it)))
- (defmatch-strict (helm-aif (and (eq method 'match)
- (slot-value source 'match-strict))
- (helm-mklist it)))
- (defsearch (helm-aif (and (eq method 'search)
- (slot-value source 'search))
- (helm-mklist it)))
- (defsearch-strict (helm-aif (and (eq method 'search-strict)
- (slot-value source 'search-strict))
- (helm-mklist it)))
- (migemo (slot-value source 'migemo)))
- (cl-case method
- (match (cond (defmatch-strict)
- (migemo
- (append helm-mm-default-match-functions
- defmatch '(helm-mm-3-migemo-match)))
- (defmatch
- (append helm-mm-default-match-functions defmatch))
- (t helm-mm-default-match-functions)))
- (search (cond (defsearch-strict)
- (migemo
- (append helm-mm-default-search-functions
- defsearch '(helm-mm-3-migemo-search)))
- (defsearch
- (append helm-mm-default-search-functions defsearch))
- (t helm-mm-default-search-functions))))))
- ;;; Modifiers
- ;;
- (cl-defun helm-source-add-action-to-source-if (name fn source predicate
- &optional (index 4))
- "Same as `helm-add-action-to-source-if' but for SOURCE defined as eieio object.
- You can use this inside a `helm--setup-source' method for a SOURCE defined as
- an eieio class."
- (let* ((actions (slot-value source 'action))
- (action-transformers (slot-value source 'action-transformer))
- (new-action (list (cons name fn)))
- (transformer (lambda (actions candidate)
- (cond ((funcall predicate candidate)
- (helm-append-at-nth
- actions new-action index))
- (t actions)))))
- (cond ((functionp actions)
- (setf (slot-value source 'action) (list (cons "Default action" actions))))
- ((listp actions)
- (setf (slot-value source 'action) (helm-interpret-value actions source))))
- (when (or (symbolp action-transformers) (functionp action-transformers))
- (setq action-transformers (list action-transformers)))
- (setf (slot-value source 'action-transformer)
- (delq nil (append (list transformer) action-transformers)))))
- ;;; Methods to build sources.
- ;;
- ;;
- (defun helm-source--persistent-help-string (string source)
- (substitute-command-keys
- (concat "\\<helm-map>\\[helm-execute-persistent-action]: "
- (or (format "%s (keeping session)" string)
- (slot-value source 'header-line)))))
- (defun helm-source--header-line (source)
- (substitute-command-keys
- (concat "\\<helm-map>\\[helm-execute-persistent-action]: "
- (helm-aif (or (slot-value source 'persistent-action)
- (slot-value source 'action))
- (cond ((and (symbolp it)
- (functionp it)
- (eq it 'identity))
- "Do Nothing")
- ((and (symbolp it)
- (boundp it)
- (listp (symbol-value it))
- (stringp (caar (symbol-value it))))
- (caar (symbol-value it)))
- ((or (symbolp it) (functionp it))
- (helm-symbol-name it))
- ((listp it)
- (let ((action (car it)))
- ;; It comes from :action ("foo" . function).
- (if (stringp (car action))
- (car action)
- ;; It comes from :persistent-action
- ;; (function . 'nosplit) Fix Issue #788.
- (if (or (symbolp action)
- (functionp action))
- (helm-symbol-name action)))))
- (t ""))
- "")
- " (keeping session)")))
- (defmethod helm--setup-source :primary ((_source helm-source)))
- (defmethod helm--setup-source :before ((source helm-source))
- (unless (slot-value source 'group)
- (setf (slot-value source 'group) 'helm))
- (when (slot-value source 'delayed)
- (warn "Deprecated usage of helm `delayed' slot in `%s'"
- (slot-value source 'name)))
- (helm-aif (slot-value source 'keymap)
- (let* ((map (if (symbolp it)
- (symbol-value it)
- it))
- (must-match-map (when (slot-value source 'must-match)
- (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
- (define-key map (kbd "RET")
- 'helm-confirm-and-exit-minibuffer)
- map)))
- (loc-map (if must-match-map
- (make-composed-keymap
- must-match-map map)
- map)))
- (setf (slot-value source 'keymap) loc-map)))
- (helm-aif (slot-value source 'persistent-help)
- (setf (slot-value source 'header-line)
- (helm-source--persistent-help-string it source))
- (setf (slot-value source 'header-line) (helm-source--header-line source)))
- (when (and (slot-value source 'fuzzy-match) helm-fuzzy-sort-fn)
- (setf (slot-value source 'filtered-candidate-transformer)
- (helm-aif (slot-value source 'filtered-candidate-transformer)
- (append (helm-mklist it)
- (list helm-fuzzy-sort-fn))
- (list helm-fuzzy-sort-fn))))
- (unless (slot-value source 'nohighlight)
- (setf (slot-value source 'filtered-candidate-transformer)
- (helm-aif (slot-value source 'filtered-candidate-transformer)
- (append (helm-mklist it)
- (list #'helm-fuzzy-highlight-matches))
- (list #'helm-fuzzy-highlight-matches))))
- (when (numberp (helm-interpret-value (slot-value source 'multiline)))
- (setf (slot-value source 'filtered-candidate-transformer)
- (helm-aif (slot-value source 'filtered-candidate-transformer)
- (append (helm-mklist it)
- (list #'helm-multiline-transformer))
- (list #'helm-multiline-transformer)))))
- (defmethod helm-setup-user-source ((_source helm-source)))
- (defmethod helm--setup-source ((source helm-source-sync))
- (when (slot-value source 'fuzzy-match)
- (helm-aif (slot-value source 'match)
- (setf (slot-value source 'match)
- (append (helm-mklist it)
- (list helm-fuzzy-match-fn)))
- (setf (slot-value source 'match) helm-fuzzy-match-fn)))
- (when (slot-value source 'multimatch)
- (setf (slot-value source 'match)
- (helm-source-mm-get-search-or-match-fns source 'match)))
- (helm-aif (and (null (slot-value source 'multimatch))
- (slot-value source 'migemo))
- (unless (eq it 'nomultimatch) ; Use own migemo fn.
- (setf (slot-value source 'match)
- (append (helm-mklist (slot-value source 'match))
- '(helm-mm-3-migemo-match)))))
- (when (slot-value source 'match-dynamic)
- (setf (slot-value source 'match) 'identity)
- (setf (slot-value source 'match-part) nil)
- (setf (slot-value source 'multimatch) nil)
- (setf (slot-value source 'fuzzy-match) nil)
- (setf (slot-value source 'volatile) t)))
- (defmethod helm--setup-source ((source helm-source-in-buffer))
- (cl-assert (eq (slot-value source 'candidates) 'helm-candidates-in-buffer)
- nil
- (format "Wrong usage of `candidates' attr in `%s' use `data' or `init' instead"
- (slot-value source 'name)))
- (let ((cur-init (slot-value source 'init)))
- (helm-aif (slot-value source 'data)
- (setf (slot-value source 'init)
- (delq
- nil
- (list
- (and (null (eq 'helm-default-init-source-in-buffer-function
- cur-init))
- cur-init)
- (lambda ()
- (helm-init-candidates-in-buffer
- 'global
- (cond ((functionp it) (funcall it))
- ((and (bufferp it) (buffer-live-p it))
- (with-current-buffer it (buffer-string)))
- (t it)))))))))
- (when (slot-value source 'fuzzy-match)
- (helm-aif (slot-value source 'search)
- (setf (slot-value source 'search)
- (append (helm-mklist it)
- (list helm-fuzzy-search-fn)))
- (setf (slot-value source 'search) (list helm-fuzzy-search-fn))))
- (when (slot-value source 'multimatch)
- (setf (slot-value source 'search)
- (helm-source-mm-get-search-or-match-fns source 'search)))
- (helm-aif (and (null (slot-value source 'multimatch))
- (slot-value source 'migemo))
- (unless (eq it 'nomultimatch)
- (setf (slot-value source 'search)
- (append (helm-mklist (slot-value source 'search))
- '(helm-mm-3-migemo-search)))))
- (let ((mtc (slot-value source 'match)))
- (cl-assert (or (equal '(identity) mtc)
- (eq 'identity mtc))
- nil "Invalid slot value for `match'")
- (cl-assert (eq (slot-value source 'volatile) t)
- nil "Invalid slot value for `volatile'")))
- (defmethod helm--setup-source ((source helm-source-async))
- (cl-assert (null (slot-value source 'candidates))
- nil "Incorrect use of `candidates' use `candidates-process' instead")
- (cl-assert (null (slot-value source 'multimatch))
- nil "`multimatch' not allowed in async sources.")
- (cl-assert (null (slot-value source 'fuzzy-match))
- nil "`fuzzy-match' not supported in async sources."))
- (defmethod helm--setup-source ((source helm-source-dummy))
- (let ((mtc (slot-value source 'match)))
- (cl-assert (or (equal '(identity) mtc)
- (eq 'identity mtc))
- nil "Invalid slot value for `match'")
- (cl-assert (eq (slot-value source 'volatile) t)
- nil "Invalid slot value for `volatile'")
- (cl-assert (equal (slot-value source 'candidates) '("dummy"))
- nil "Invalid slot value for `candidates'")
- (cl-assert (eq (slot-value source 'accept-empty) t)
- nil "Invalid slot value for `accept-empty'")))
- ;;; User functions
- ;;
- ;; Sources
- (defmacro helm-build-sync-source (name &rest args)
- "Build a synchronous helm source with name NAME.
- Args ARGS are keywords provided by `helm-source-sync'."
- (declare (indent 1))
- `(helm-make-source ,name 'helm-source-sync ,@args))
- (defmacro helm-build-async-source (name &rest args)
- "Build a asynchronous helm source with name NAME.
- Args ARGS are keywords provided by `helm-source-async'."
- (declare (indent 1))
- `(helm-make-source ,name 'helm-source-async ,@args))
- (defmacro helm-build-in-buffer-source (name &rest args)
- "Build a helm source with name NAME using `candidates-in-buffer' method.
- Args ARGS are keywords provided by `helm-source-in-buffer'."
- (declare (indent 1))
- `(helm-make-source ,name 'helm-source-in-buffer ,@args))
- (defmacro helm-build-dummy-source (name &rest args)
- "Build a helm source with name NAME using `dummy' method.
- Args ARGS are keywords provided by `helm-source-dummy'."
- (declare (indent 1))
- `(helm-make-source ,name 'helm-source-dummy ,@args))
- (defmacro helm-build-in-file-source (name file &rest args)
- "Build a helm source with NAME name using `candidates-in-files' method.
- Arg FILE is a filename, the contents of this file will be
- used as candidates in buffer.
- Args ARGS are keywords provided by `helm-source-in-file'."
- (declare (indent 2))
- `(helm-make-source ,name 'helm-source-in-file
- :candidates-file ,file ,@args))
- (provide 'helm-source)
- ;; Local Variables:
- ;; byte-compile-warnings: (not obsolete)
- ;; coding: utf-8
- ;; indent-tabs-mode: nil
- ;; End:
- ;;; helm-source ends here