Klimi's new dotfiles with stow.
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4 vuotta sitten
  1. *agent*
  2. *clojure-version*
  3. *command-line-args*
  4. *compile-files*
  5. *compile-path*
  6. *err*
  7. *file*
  8. *flush-on-newline*
  9. *in*
  10. *ns*
  11. *out*
  12. *print-dup*
  13. *print-length*
  14. *print-level*
  15. *print-meta*
  16. *print-readably*
  17. *read-eval*
  18. *warn-on-reflection*
  19. accessor
  20. aclone
  21. add-classpath
  22. add-watch
  23. agent
  24. agent-error
  25. agent-errors
  26. aget
  27. alength
  28. alias
  29. all-ns
  30. alter
  31. alter-meta!
  32. alter-var-root
  33. amap
  34. ancestors
  35. and
  36. apply
  37. areduce
  38. array-map
  39. aset
  40. aset-boolean
  41. aset-byte
  42. aset-char
  43. aset-double
  44. aset-float
  45. aset-int
  46. aset-long
  47. aset-short
  48. assert
  49. assoc
  50. assoc!
  51. assoc-in
  52. associative?
  53. atom
  54. await
  55. await-for
  56. bases
  57. bean
  58. bigdec
  59. bigint
  60. binding
  61. bit-and
  62. bit-and-not
  63. bit-clear
  64. bit-flip
  65. bit-not
  66. bit-or
  67. bit-set
  68. bit-shift-left
  69. bit-shift-right
  70. bit-test
  71. bit-xor
  72. boolean
  73. boolean-array
  74. booleans
  75. bound-fn
  76. bound-fn*
  77. butlast
  78. byte
  79. byte-array
  80. bytes
  81. case
  82. cast
  83. char
  84. char-array
  85. char-escape-string
  86. char-name-string
  87. char?
  88. chars
  89. class
  90. class?
  91. clear-agent-errors
  92. clojure-version
  93. coll?
  94. comment
  95. commute
  96. comp
  97. comparator
  98. compare
  99. compare-and-set!
  100. compile
  101. complement
  102. concat
  103. cond
  104. condp
  105. conj
  106. conj!
  107. cons
  108. constantly
  109. construct-proxy
  110. contains?
  111. count
  112. counted?
  113. create-ns
  114. create-struct
  115. cycle
  116. dec
  117. decimal?
  118. declare
  119. definline
  120. defmacro
  121. defmethod
  122. defmulti
  123. defn
  124. defn-
  125. defonce
  126. defprotocol
  127. defstruct
  128. deftype
  129. delay
  130. delay?
  131. deliver
  132. deref
  133. derive
  134. descendants
  135. disj
  136. disj!
  137. dissoc
  138. dissoc!
  139. distinct
  140. distinct?
  141. doall
  142. doc
  143. dorun
  144. doseq
  145. dosync
  146. dotimes
  147. doto
  148. double
  149. double-array
  150. doubles
  151. drop
  152. drop-last
  153. drop-while
  154. dtype
  155. empty
  156. empty?
  157. ensure
  158. enumeration-seq
  159. error-handler
  160. error-mode
  161. eval
  162. even?
  163. every?
  164. extend
  165. extend-class
  166. extend-protocol
  167. extend-type
  168. extenders
  169. extends?
  170. false?
  171. ffirst
  172. file-seq
  173. filter
  174. find
  175. find-doc
  176. find-ns
  177. find-var
  178. first
  179. float
  180. float-array
  181. float?
  182. floats
  183. flush
  184. fn
  185. fn?
  186. fnext
  187. for
  188. force
  189. format
  190. future
  191. future-call
  192. future-cancel
  193. future-cancelled?
  194. future-done?
  195. future?
  196. gen-class
  197. gen-interface
  198. gensym
  199. get
  200. get-in
  201. get-method
  202. get-proxy-class
  203. get-thread-bindings
  204. get-validator
  205. hash
  206. hash-map
  207. hash-set
  208. identical?
  209. identity
  210. if-let
  211. if-not
  212. ifn?
  213. import
  214. in-ns
  215. inc
  216. init-proxy
  217. instance?
  218. int
  219. int-array
  220. integer?
  221. interleave
  222. intern
  223. interpose
  224. into
  225. into-array
  226. ints
  227. io!
  228. isa?
  229. iterate
  230. iterator-seq
  231. juxt
  232. key
  233. keys
  234. keyword
  235. keyword?
  236. last
  237. lazy-cat
  238. lazy-seq
  239. let
  240. letfn
  241. line-seq
  242. list
  243. list*
  244. list?
  245. load
  246. load-file
  247. load-reader
  248. load-string
  249. loaded-libs
  250. locking
  251. long
  252. long-array
  253. longs
  254. loop
  255. macroexpand
  256. macroexpand-1
  257. make-array
  258. make-hierarchy
  259. map
  260. map?
  261. mapcat
  262. max
  263. max-key
  264. memfn
  265. memoize
  266. merge
  267. merge-with
  268. meta
  269. methods
  270. min
  271. min-key
  272. mod
  273. name
  274. namespace
  275. neg?
  276. newline
  277. next
  278. nfirst
  279. nil?
  280. nnext
  281. not
  282. not-any?
  283. not-empty
  284. not-every?
  285. not=
  286. ns
  287. ns-aliases
  288. ns-imports
  289. ns-interns
  290. ns-map
  291. ns-name
  292. ns-publics
  293. ns-refers
  294. ns-resolve
  295. ns-unalias
  296. ns-unmap
  297. nth
  298. nthnext
  299. num
  300. number?
  301. object-array
  302. odd?
  303. or
  304. parents
  305. partial
  306. partition
  307. pcalls
  308. peek
  309. persistent!
  310. pmap
  311. pop
  312. pop!
  313. pop-thread-bindings
  314. pos?
  315. pr
  316. pr-str
  317. prefer-method
  318. prefers
  319. print
  320. print-namespace-doc
  321. print-str
  322. printf
  323. println
  324. println-str
  325. prn
  326. prn-str
  327. promise
  328. proxy
  329. proxy-mappings
  330. proxy-super
  331. push-thread-bindings
  332. pvalues
  333. quot
  334. rand
  335. rand-int
  336. range
  337. ratio?
  338. rationalize
  339. re-find
  340. re-groups
  341. re-matcher
  342. re-matches
  343. re-pattern
  344. re-seq
  345. read
  346. read-line
  347. read-string
  348. reduce
  349. ref
  350. ref-history-count
  351. ref-max-history
  352. ref-min-history
  353. ref-set
  354. refer
  355. refer-clojure
  356. reify
  357. release-pending-sends
  358. rem
  359. remove
  360. remove-method
  361. remove-ns
  362. remove-watch
  363. repeat
  364. repeatedly
  365. replace
  366. replicate
  367. require
  368. reset!
  369. reset-meta!
  370. resolve
  371. rest
  372. restart-agent
  373. resultset-seq
  374. reverse
  375. reversible?
  376. rseq
  377. rsubseq
  378. satisfies?
  379. second
  380. select-keys
  381. send
  382. send-off
  383. seq
  384. seq?
  385. seque
  386. sequence
  387. sequential?
  388. set
  389. set-error-handler!
  390. set-error-mode!
  391. set-validator!
  392. set?
  393. short
  394. short-array
  395. shorts
  396. shutdown-agents
  397. slurp
  398. some
  399. sort
  400. sort-by
  401. sorted-map
  402. sorted-map-by
  403. sorted-set
  404. sorted-set-by
  405. sorted?
  406. special-form-anchor
  407. special-symbol?
  408. split-at
  409. split-with
  410. str
  411. stream?
  412. string?
  413. struct
  414. struct-map
  415. subs
  416. subseq
  417. subvec
  418. supers
  419. swap!
  420. symbol
  421. symbol?
  422. sync
  423. syntax-symbol-anchor
  424. take
  425. take-last
  426. take-nth
  427. take-while
  428. test
  429. the-ns
  430. time
  431. to-array
  432. to-array-2d
  433. trampoline
  434. transient
  435. tree-seq
  436. true?
  437. type
  438. unchecked-add
  439. unchecked-dec
  440. unchecked-divide
  441. unchecked-inc
  442. unchecked-multiply
  443. unchecked-negate
  444. unchecked-remainder
  445. unchecked-subtract
  446. underive
  447. update-in
  448. update-proxy
  449. use
  450. val
  451. vals
  452. var-get
  453. var-set
  454. var?
  455. vary-meta
  456. vec
  457. vector
  458. vector-of
  459. vector?
  460. when
  461. when-first
  462. when-let
  463. when-not
  464. while
  465. with-bindings
  466. with-bindings*
  467. with-in-str
  468. with-local-vars
  469. with-meta
  470. with-open
  471. with-out-str
  472. with-precision
  473. xml-seq
  474. zero?
  475. zipmap