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500 B

  1. # GNU Octave, and probably proprietary MATLAB
  2. # https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/doc/interpreter/Keywords.html
  3. __FILE__
  4. __LINE__
  5. break
  6. case
  7. catch
  8. classdef
  9. continue
  10. do
  11. else
  12. elseif
  13. end
  14. end_try_catch
  15. end_unwind_protect
  16. endclassdef
  17. endenumeration
  18. endevents
  19. endfor
  20. endfunction
  21. endif
  22. endmethods
  23. endparfor
  24. endproperties
  25. endswitch
  26. endwhile
  27. enumeration
  28. events
  29. for
  30. function
  31. global
  32. if
  33. methods
  34. otherwise
  35. parfor
  36. persistent
  37. properties
  38. return
  39. static
  40. switch
  41. try
  42. unitl
  43. unwind_protect
  44. unwind_protect_cleanup
  45. while