- ;;; company-tng.el --- company-mode configuration for single-button interaction
- ;; Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- ;; Author: Nikita Leshenko
- ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
- ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- ;; (at your option) any later version.
- ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
- ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- ;;; Commentary:
- ;;
- ;; company-tng (Tab and Go) allows you to perform completion using just TAB.
- ;; Pressing it will both select the next completion candidate in the list and
- ;; insert it into the buffer (or make it look like it's inserted, in fact).
- ;;
- ;; It cycles the candidates like `yank-pop' or `dabbrev-expand' or Vim:
- ;; Pressing TAB selects the first item in the completion menu and inserts it in
- ;; the buffer. Pressing TAB again selects the second item and replaces the
- ;; "inserted" item with the second one. This can continue as long as the user
- ;; wishes to cycle through the menu. You can also press S-TAB to select the
- ;; previous candidate, of course.
- ;;
- ;; The benefits are that you only have to use one shortcut key and there is no
- ;; need to confirm the entry.
- ;;
- ;; Usage:
- ;;
- ;; To apply the default configuration for company-tng call
- ;; `company-tng-configure-default' from your init script.
- ;;
- ;; You can also configure company-tng manually:
- ;;
- ;; Add `company-tng-frontend' to `company-frontends':
- ;;
- ;; (add-to-list 'company-frontends 'company-tng-frontend)
- ;;
- ;; We recommend to bind TAB to `company-select-next', S-TAB to
- ;; `company-select-previous', and unbind RET and other now-unnecessary
- ;; keys from `company-active-map':
- ;;
- ;; (define-key company-active-map (kbd "TAB") 'company-select-next)
- ;; (define-key company-active-map (kbd "<backtab>") 'company-select-previous)
- ;; (define-key company-active-map (kbd "RET") nil)
- ;;
- ;; Note that it's not necessary to rebind keys to use this frontend,
- ;; you can use the arrow keys or M-n/M-p to select and insert
- ;; candidates. You also need to decide which keys to unbind, depending
- ;; on whether you want them to do the Company action or the default
- ;; Emacs action (for example C-s or C-w).
- ;;
- ;; We recommend to disable `company-require-match' to allow free typing at any
- ;; point.
- ;;
- ;; By default, company-tng doesn't work well with backends that use
- ;; `post-completion' (for actions such as expanding snippets in
- ;; company-yasnippet or company-template). In company-tng, completion candidates
- ;; are inserted into the buffer as the user selects them and the completion is
- ;; finished implicitly when the user continues typing after selecting a
- ;; candidate. Modifying the buffer (by expanding a snippet) when the user
- ;; continues typing would be surprising and undesirable, since the candidate was
- ;; already inserted into the buffer. For this reason company-tng disables
- ;; `post-completion' in all backends.
- ;;
- ;; YASnippet and company-tng both use TAB, which causes conflicts. The
- ;; recommended way to use YASnippet with company-tng is to choose a different
- ;; key for expanding a snippet and moving to the next snippet field:
- ;;
- ;; (define-key yas-minor-mode-map "\C-j" 'yas-expand)
- ;; (define-key yas-keymap "\C-j" 'yas-next-field-or-maybe-expand)
- ;; (dolist (keymap (list yas-minor-mode-map yas-keymap))
- ;; (define-key keymap (kbd "TAB") nil)
- ;; (define-key keymap [(tab)] nil))
- ;;; Code:
- (require 'company)
- (require 'cl-lib)
- (defvar-local company-tng--overlay nil)
- ;;;###autoload
- (defun company-tng-frontend (command)
- "When the user changes the selection at least once, this
- frontend will display the candidate in the buffer as if it's
- already there and any key outside of `company-active-map' will
- confirm the selection and finish the completion."
- (cl-case command
- (show
- (let ((ov (make-overlay (point) (point))))
- (setq company-tng--overlay ov)
- (overlay-put ov 'priority 2))
- (advice-add 'company-select-next :before-until 'company-tng--allow-unselected)
- (advice-add 'company-fill-propertize :filter-args 'company-tng--adjust-tooltip-highlight))
- (update
- (let ((ov company-tng--overlay)
- (selected (nth company-selection company-candidates))
- (prefix (length company-prefix)))
- (move-overlay ov (- (point) prefix) (point))
- (overlay-put ov
- (if (= prefix 0) 'after-string 'display)
- (and company-selection-changed selected))))
- (hide
- (when company-tng--overlay
- (delete-overlay company-tng--overlay)
- (kill-local-variable 'company-tng--overlay))
- (advice-remove 'company-select-next 'company-tng--allow-unselected)
- (advice-remove 'company-fill-propertize 'company-tng--adjust-tooltip-highlight))
- (pre-command
- (when (and company-selection-changed
- (not (company--company-command-p (this-command-keys))))
- (company--unread-this-command-keys)
- (setq this-command 'company-complete-selection)
- (advice-add 'company-call-backend :before-until 'company-tng--supress-post-completion)))))
- ;;;###autoload
- (defun company-tng-configure-default ()
- "Applies the default configuration to enable company-tng."
- (setq company-require-match nil)
- (setq company-frontends '(company-tng-frontend
- company-pseudo-tooltip-frontend
- company-echo-metadata-frontend))
- (let ((keymap company-active-map))
- (define-key keymap [return] nil)
- (define-key keymap (kbd "RET") nil)
- (define-key keymap [tab] 'company-select-next)
- (define-key keymap (kbd "TAB") 'company-select-next)
- (define-key keymap [backtab] 'company-select-previous)
- (define-key keymap (kbd "S-TAB") 'company-select-previous)))
- (defun company-tng--allow-unselected (&optional arg)
- "Advice `company-select-next' to allow for an 'unselected'
- state. Unselected means that no user interaction took place on the
- completion candidates and it's marked by setting
- `company-selection-changed' to nil. This advice will call the underlying
- `company-select-next' unless we need to transition to or from an unselected
- state.
- Possible state transitions:
- - (arg > 0) unselected -> first candidate selected
- - (arg < 0) first candidate selected -> unselected
- - (arg < 0 wrap-round) unselected -> last candidate selected
- - (arg < 0 no wrap-round) unselected -> unselected
- There is no need to advice `company-select-previous' because it calls
- `company-select-next' internally."
- (cond
- ;; Selecting next
- ((or (not arg) (> arg 0))
- (unless company-selection-changed
- (company-set-selection (1- (or arg 1)) 'force-update)
- t))
- ;; Selecting previous
- ((< arg 0)
- (when (and company-selection-changed
- (< (+ company-selection arg) 0))
- (company-set-selection 0)
- (setq company-selection-changed nil)
- (company-call-frontends 'update)
- t)
- )))
- (defun company-tng--adjust-tooltip-highlight (args)
- "Prevent the tooltip from highlighting the current selection if it wasn't
- made explicitly (i.e. `company-selection-changed' is true)"
- (unless company-selection-changed
- ;; The 4th arg of `company-fill-propertize' is selected
- (setf (nth 3 args) nil))
- args)
- (defun company-tng--supress-post-completion (command &rest args)
- "Installed as a :before-until advice on `company-call-backend' and
- prevents the 'post-completion command from being delivered to the backend
- for the next iteration. post-completion do things like expand snippets
- which are undesirable because completions are implicit in company-tng and
- visible side-effects after the completion are surprising."
- (when (eq command 'post-completion)
- (advice-remove 'company-call-backend 'company-tng--supress-post-completion)
- t))
- (provide 'company-tng)
- ;;; company-tng.el ends here