- ;;; moe-dark-theme.el --- An eye-candy theme for Emacser
- ;; Author: kuanyui<azazabc123@gmail.com>
- ;; Based on "tango-dark-theme"
- ;;; Code:
- (deftheme moe-dark
- "Face colors for 256 colors terminal (dark background).
- Moe, moe, kyun!")
- (let ((class '((class color) (min-colors 89)))
- ;; Palette colors.
- (yellow-1 "#fce94f") (yellow-2 "#ffd700") (yellow-3 "#c4a000") (yellow-3-5 "#aaaa11") (yellow-4 "#875f00")
- (orange-1 "#ffaf5f") (orange-2 "#ff8700") (orange-3 "#ff5d17") (orange-4 "#d75f00") (orange-5 "#af5f00")
- (magenta-1 "#ff7bbb") (magenta-2 "#ff4ea3") (magenta-3 "#ff1f8b")
- (green-1 "#afff00") (green-2 "#a1db00") (green-3 "#5faf00") (green-4 "#008700") (green-5 "#005f00")
- (cyan-1 "#87ffff") (cyan-2 "#87d7af") (cyan-3 "#00d7af") (cyan-4 "#00ac8a") (cyan-5 "#5faf87") (cyan-6 "#005f5f") (cyan-7 "#236f73")
- (blue-1 "#5fafd7") (blue-2 "#1f5bff") (blue-3 "#005f87") (blue-4 "#005faf") (blue-5 "#0000af") (blue-6 "#00005f")
- (purple-1 "#d18aff") (purple-2 "#af5fff") (purple-3 "#9a08ff") (purple-4 "#6c0099")
- (red-1 "#ef2929") (red-2 "#dd0000") (red-3 "#a40000") (red-4 "#5f0000")
- (white-1 "#c6c6c6") (white-2 "#c6c6c6") (white-3 "#b2b2b2") (black-1 "#a8a8a8") (black-2 "#8a8a8a")
- (black-2-5 "#6c6c6c") (black-3 "#4e4e4e") (black-4 "#3a3a3a") (black-5 "#303030") (black-6 "#000000")
- (LIGHT_BG "#fdfde7") (white-0 "#eeeeee")
- (green-02 "#5fd700") (green-01 "#d7ff00") (green-0 "#d7ff5f") (green-00 "#d7ff87")
- (cyan-0 "#d7ffd7")
- (blue-01 "#c3c9f8") (blue-0 "#afd7ff") (blue-00 "#d7d7ff")
- (yellow-0 "#ffff87") (yellow-00 "#ffffaf")
- (purple-0 "#af87ff") (purple-00 "#e6a8df")
- (red-0 "#ff4b4b") (red-00 "#ffafaf")
- (magenta-0 "#ffafd7") (magenta-00 "#ffd7ff")
- (orange-0 "#ffaf87") (orange-00 "#ffd787") (orange-000 "#ffd7af")
- (linum-dark "#87875f") (linum-light "#d7d7af")
- )
- (custom-theme-set-faces
- 'moe-dark
- ;; Ensure sufficient contrast on low-color terminals.
- `(default ((((class color) (min-colors 4096))
- (:foreground ,white-1 :background ,black-5))
- (((class color) (min-colors 256))
- (:foreground ,white-1 :background ,black-5))
- (,class
- (:foreground ,white-1 :background ,black-5))))
- `(cursor ((,class (:background ,white-0))))
- ;; Highlighting faces
- `(fringe ((,class (:foreground ,black-1 :background ,black-3))))
- `(linum ((,class (:foreground ,white-3 :background ,black-3))))
- `(line-number ((,class (:foreground ,white-3 :background ,black-3))))
- `(linum-highlight-face ((,class (:background ,green-0 :foreground ,black-4))))
- `(line-number-current-line ((,class (:background ,green-0 :foreground ,black-4))))
- `(highlight ((,class (:background ,black-3))))
- `(hl-line ((,class (:background ,black-4))))
- `(highlight-symbol-face ((,class (:background ,green-5))))
- `(region ((,class (:foreground ,black-3 :background ,green-0))))
- `(secondary-selection ((,class (:background ,blue-3 :foreground ,white-0))))
- `(isearch ((,class (:foreground ,white-1 :background ,orange-3))))
- `(lazy-highlight ((,class (:background ,magenta-3 :foreground ,white-1))))
- `(trailing-whitespace ((,class (:background ,red-3))))
- `(show-paren-match ((,class (:background ,blue-3 :foreground nil))))
- `(header-line ((,class (:background ,blue-3 :foreground ,white-0))))
- `(help-argument-name ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-1 :italic t))))
- `(eldoc-highlight-function-argument ((,class (:foreground ,green-01 :bold t :underline t :background ,green-5))))
- ;; Mode line & frames' faces
- `(mode-line ((,class (:box nil :background ,blue-0 :foreground ,blue-3))))
- `(mode-line-inactive ((,class (:box nil :background ,black-2-5 :foreground ,white-1))))
- `(mode-line-buffer-id ((,class (:box nil :foreground ,black-5 :background nil :bold t))))
- `(vertical-border ((,class (:foreground ,black-3 :background ,black-3))))
- ;; Escape and prompt faces
- `(minibuffer-prompt ((,class (:foreground ,black-3 :background ,green-2))))
- `(escape-glyph ((,class (:foreground ,yellow-3))))
- `(error ((,class (:foreground ,red-0))))
- `(warning ((,class (:foreground ,orange-1))))
- `(success ((,class (:foreground ,green-1))))
- ;; Font lock faces
- `(font-lock-builtin-face ((,class (:foreground ,purple-1))))
- `(font-lock-comment-delimiter-face ((,class (:foreground ,black-2-5 :slant italic))))
- `(font-lock-comment-face ((,class (:foreground ,black-2-5 :slant italic))))
- `(font-lock-constant-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1))))
- `(font-lock-doc-face ((,class (:foreground ,red-0))))
- `(font-lock-doc-string-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow-3))))
- `(font-lock-function-name-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow-2))))
- `(font-lock-keyword-face ((,class (:foreground ,green-2))))
- `(font-lock-negation-char-face ((,class (:foreground ,red-0))))
- `(font-lock-preprocessor-face ((,class (:foreground ,purple-1))))
- `(font-lock-regexp-grouping-backslash ((,class (:foreground ,yellow-1))))
- `(font-lock-regexp-grouping-construct ((,class (:foreground ,purple-1))))
- `(font-lock-string-face ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-2))))
- `(font-lock-type-face ((,class (:foreground ,cyan-3))))
- `(font-lock-variable-name-face ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2))))
- `(font-lock-warning-face ((,class (:weight bold :foreground ,red-2))))
- ;; Completions
- `(completions-annotations ((,class (:foreground ,green-2))))
- `(completions-common-part ((,class (:foreground ,black-2-5))))
- `(completions-first-difference ((,class (:weight bold :foreground ,orange-2))))
- ;; org-mode
- `(org-document-title ((,class (:foreground ,blue-0 :background ,black-5 :weight bold))))
- `(org-document-info ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1 :background ,black-5 :weight bold))))
- `(org-document-info-keyword ((,class (:foreground ,orange-1 :background ,black-2-5))))
- `(org-archived ((,class (:slant italic))))
- `(org-checkbox ((,class (:background ,white-2 :foreground ,black-3
- :box (:line-width 1 :style released-button)))))
- `(org-date ((,class (:foreground ,blue-0 :underline t))))
- `(org-done ((,class (:bold t :weight bold :foreground ,green-4 :background ,green-0
- :box (:line-width 1 :style none)))))
- `(org-todo ((,class (:bold t :weight bold :foreground ,red-3 :background ,orange-0
- :box (:line-width 1 :style none)))))
- `(org-level-1 ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1))))
- `(org-level-2 ((,class (:foreground ,green-2))))
- `(org-level-3 ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2))))
- `(org-level-4 ((,class (:foreground ,cyan-3))))
- `(org-level-5 ((,class (:foreground ,red-1))))
- `(org-level-6 ((,class (:foreground ,purple-2))))
- `(org-level-7 ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-2))))
- `(org-level-8 ((,class (:foreground ,yellow-2))))
- `(org-tag ((,class (:background ,black-3 :foreground ,white-1 :bold t :weight bold))))
- `(org-column ((,class (:background ,black-4 :foreground ,black-3))))
- `(org-column-title ((,class (:background ,blue-0 :foreground ,black-5 :underline t :weight bold))))
- `(org-agenda-structure ((,class (:foreground ,cyan-4 :background nil :bold t))))
- `(org-deadline-announce ((,class (:foreground ,red-3))))
- `(org-scheduled ((,class (:foreground ,white-3))))
- `(org-scheduled-previously ((,class (:foreground ,red-1))))
- `(org-scheduled-today ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1))))
- `(org-special-keyword ((,class (:background ,black-3 :foreground ,white-1))))
- `(org-table ((,class (:background ,black-3 :foreground ,white-1))))
- `(org-time-grid ((,class (:foreground ,black-2))))
- `(org-upcoming-deadline ((,class (:foreground ,red-1))))
- `(org-warning ((,class (:bold t :foreground ,white-0 :background ,red-3))))
- `(org-formula ((,class (:foreground ,purple-2))))
- `(org-headline-done ((,class (:foreground ,green-2))))
- `(org-hide ((,class (:foreground ,black-5))))
- `(org-code ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1 :background ,black-4))))
- `(org-link ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1 :underline t))))
- `(org-footnote ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-3))))
- `(org-ellipsis ((,class (:foreground ,red-2))))
- `(org-agenda-clocking ((,class (:foreground ,blue-3 :background ,blue-0 :bold t))))
- `(org-agenda-date ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1 :background ,black-5 :underline nil))))
- `(org-agenda-date-weekend ((,class (:foreground ,purple-1 :underline nil :bold nil))))
- `(org-agenda-date-today ((,class (:foreground ,blue-0 :background ,black-2-5 :slant italic :weight bold))))
- `(org-agenda-column-dateline ((,class (:foreground ,white-0 :background ,black-3 :underline t))))
- `(org-agenda-todo ((,class (:foreground ,white-0 :background ,red-2))))
- `(org-agenda-done ((,class (:foreground ,green-2 :background nil))))
- `(org-agenda-dimmed-todo-face ((,class (:foreground ,white-0 :background ,red-2))))
- `(org-priority ((,class (:foreground ,red-1 :background ,nil))))
- `(org-block ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1 :background ,black-4))))
- `(org-block-background ((,class (:foreground nil :background ,black-4))))
- `(org-block-begin-line ((,class (:foreground ,white-0 :background ,blue-3))))
- `(org-block-end-line ((,class (:foreground ,black-3 :background ,black-4))))
- `(org-quote ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1 :background ,black-3))))
- `(org-mode-line-clock ((,class (:foreground ,blue-3 :background ,blue-0 :bold t))))
- `(org-mode-line-clock-overrun ((,class (:foreground ,white-0 :background ,red-1 :bold t))))
- `(org-verbatim ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1 :background ,black-3 :bold nil))))
- ;; outline
- `(outline-1 ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1))))
- `(outline-2 ((,class (:foreground ,green-2))))
- `(outline-3 ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2))))
- `(outline-4 ((,class (:foreground ,cyan-3))))
- `(outline-5 ((,class (:foreground ,red-1))))
- `(outline-6 ((,class (:foreground ,purple-2))))
- `(outline-7 ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-2))))
- `(outline-8 ((,class (:foreground ,yellow-2))))
- ;; undo-tree
- `(undo-tree-visualizer-default-face ((,class (:foreground ,white-1))))
- `(undo-tree-visualizer-current-face ((,class (:foreground ,green-2 :weight bold))))
- `(undo-tree-visualizer-active-branch-face ((,class (:foreground ,red-2))))
- `(undo-tree-visualizer-register-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow-2))))
- ;; Markdown-mode
- `(markdown-blockquote-face ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2 :background ,black-3 :italic t))))
- `(markdown-bold-face ((,class (:foreground ,white-1 :bold t))))
- `(markdown-comment-face ((,class (:foreground ,black-2 :italic t))))
- `(markdown-header-delimiter-face ((,class (:foreground ,green-3 :bold t))))
- `(markdown-header-face ((,class (:foreground ,green-2 :bold t))))
- `(markdown-header-rule-face ((,class (:foreground ,green-2 :bold t))))
- `(markdown-header-face-1 ((,class (:foreground ,green-2 :bold t))))
- `(markdown-header-face-2 ((,class (:foreground ,green-2 :bold t))))
- `(markdown-header-face-3 ((,class (:foreground ,green-2 :bold t))))
- `(markdown-header-face-4 ((,class (:foreground ,green-2 :bold t))))
- `(markdown-header-face-5 ((,class (:foreground ,green-2 :bold t))))
- `(markdown-header-face-6 ((,class (:foreground ,green-2 :bold t))))
- `(markdown-link-face ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-1 :underline t))))
- `(markdown-inline-code-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1 :background ,black-3))))
- `(markdown-italic-face ((,class (:foreground ,white-1 :italic t :underline ,white-1))))
- `(markdown-list-face ((,class (:foreground ,green-2 :background ,black-5 :bold t))))
- `(markdown-math-face ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-1))))
- `(markdown-missing-link-face ((,class (:foreground ,red-1 :bold t))))
- `(markdown-pre-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1))))
- `(markdown-reference-face ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2 :italic t))))
- `(markdown-url-face ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-3 :underline ,magenta-3))))
- ;; Twittering-mode
- `(twittering-username-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1 :background ,black-4 :bold t :underline t))))
- `(twittering-uri-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1 :underline t))))
- `(twittering-timeline-footer-face ((,class (:foreground ,white-3))))
- `(twittering-timeline-header-face ((,class (:foreground ,white-3))))
- ;; Jabber
- `(jabber-activity-face ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-2))))
- `(jabber-activity-personal-face ((,class (:foreground ,cyan-3))))
- `(jabber-chat-error ((,class (:foreground ,red-00 :background ,red-2))))
- `(jabber-chat-prompt-foreign ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2))))
- `(jabber-chat-prompt-local ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1))))
- `(jabber-chat-prompt-system ((,class (:foreground ,yellow-2 :weight bold))))
- `(jabber-chat-text-foreign ((,class (:foreground ,white-0))))
- `(jabber-chat-text-local ((,class (:foreground ,white-3))))
- `(jabber-rare-time-face ((,class (:foreground ,black-1))))
- `(jabber-roster-user-away ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2))))
- `(jabber-roster-user-chatty ((,class (:foreground ,purple-1))))
- `(jabber-roster-user-dnd ((,class (:foreground ,red-1))))
- `(jabber-roster-user-error ((,class (:foreground ,red-00 :background ,red-3))))
- `(jabber-roster-user-offline ((,class (:foreground ,black-1))))
- `(jabber-roster-user-online ((,class (:foreground ,green-2))))
- `(jabber-roster-user-xa ((,class (:foreground ,black-1))))
- ;; popup
- `(popup-face ((,class (:background ,black-3 :foreground ,blue-1))))
- `(popup-isearch-match ((,class (:background ,black-3 :foreground ,magenta-2 :bold t))))
- `(popup-menu-face ((,class (:background ,black-3 :foreground ,blue-1))))
- `(popup-menu-mouse-face ((,class (:background ,green-0 :foreground ,black-4))))
- `(popup-menu-selection-face ((,class (:background ,blue-3 :foreground ,blue-0))))
- `(popup-menu-summary-face ((,class (:background ,black-3 :foreground ,blue-1))))
- `(popup-scroll-bar-background-face ((,class (:background ,black-3 :foreground ,black-3))))
- `(popup-scroll-bar-foreground-face ((,class (:background ,black-2 :foreground ,white-3))))
- `(popup-summary-face ((,class (:background ,black-3 :foreground ,blue-1))))
- `(popup-tip-face ((,class (:background ,black-2-5 :foreground ,white-1))))
- ;; company
- `(company-echo ((,class (:background nil :foreground ,white-1))))
- `(company-echo-common ((,class (:background ,black-3 :foreground ,red-1))))
- `(company-preview ((,class (:background ,black-5 :foreground ,magenta-2))))
- `(company-preview-common ((,class (:background ,black-5 :foreground ,magenta-2))))
- `(company-preview-search ((,class (:background ,black-4 :foreground ,magenta-2 :bold t))))
- `(company-scrollbar-bg ((,class (:background ,black-3))))
- `(company-scrollbar-fg ((,class (:background ,white-3))))
- `(company-template-field ((,class (:background ,yellow-00 :foreground ,black-4))))
- `(company-tooltip ((,class (:background ,black-3 :foreground ,blue-1))))
- `(company-tooltip-annotation ((,class (:background ,black-4 :foreground ,red-1))))
- `(company-tooltip-common ((,class (:background ,black-2-5 :foreground ,blue-0))))
- `(company-tooltip-common-selection ((,class (:background ,blue-3 :foreground ,blue-0 :bold t))))
- `(company-tooltip-mouse ((,class (:background ,green-0 :foreground ,black-5))))
- `(company-tooltip-selection ((,class (:background ,blue-3 :foreground ,blue-0))))
- ;; Button and link faces
- `(link ((,class (:underline t :foreground ,blue-1))))
- `(link-visited ((,class (:underline t :foreground ,blue-2))))
- ;; Gnus
- `(gnus-button ((,class (:weight normal :foreground ,blue-1 :underline t))))
- `(gnus-cite-1 ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1 :background ,black-4 :slant italic))))
- `(gnus-cite-10 ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-1 :background ,black-4 :slant italic))))
- `(gnus-cite-11 ((,class (:foreground ,cyan-3 :background ,black-4 :slant italic))))
- `(gnus-cite-2 ((,class (:foreground ,green-2 :background ,black-4 :slant italic))))
- `(gnus-cite-3 ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-2 :background ,black-4 :slant italic))))
- `(gnus-cite-4 ((,class (:foreground ,cyan-3 :background ,black-4 :slant italic))))
- `(gnus-cite-5 ((,class (:foreground ,red-0 :background ,black-4 :slant italic))))
- `(gnus-cite-6 ((,class (:foreground ,purple-1 :background ,black-4 :slant italic))))
- `(gnus-cite-7 ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2 :background ,black-4 :slant italic))))
- `(gnus-cite-8 ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1 :background ,black-4 :slant italic))))
- `(gnus-cite-9 ((,class (:foreground ,green-2 :background ,black-4 :slant italic))))
- `(gnus-emphasis-highlight-words ((,class (:foreground ,red-3 :background ,red-00 :bold t))))
- `(gnus-group-mail-1 ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1))))
- `(gnus-group-mail-1-empty ((,class (:foreground ,black-2))))
- `(gnus-group-mail-1-low ((,class (:foreground ,blue-2))))
- `(gnus-group-mail-2 ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2))))
- `(gnus-group-mail-2-empty ((,class (:foreground ,black-2))))
- `(gnus-group-mail-2-low ((,class (:foreground ,orange-3))))
- `(gnus-group-mail-3 ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-2))))
- `(gnus-group-mail-3-empty ((,class (:foreground ,black-2))))
- `(gnus-group-mail-3-low ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-3))))
- `(gnus-group-mail-low ((,class (:foreground ,yellow-3))))
- `(gnus-group-mail-low-empty ((,class (:foreground ,black-2))))
- `(gnus-group-news-1 ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1))))
- `(gnus-group-news-1-empty ((,class (:foreground ,black-2))))
- `(gnus-group-news-1-low ((,class (:foreground ,blue-2))))
- `(gnus-group-news-2 ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2))))
- `(gnus-group-news-2-empty ((,class (:foreground ,black-2))))
- `(gnus-group-news-2-low ((,class (:foreground ,orange-3))))
- `(gnus-group-news-3 ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-2))))
- `(gnus-group-news-3-empty ((,class (:foreground ,black-2))))
- `(gnus-group-news-3-low ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-3))))
- `(gnus-group-news-4 ((,class (:foreground ,purple-2))))
- `(gnus-group-news-4-empty ((,class (:foreground ,black-2))))
- `(gnus-group-news-4-low ((,class (:foreground ,purple-3))))
- `(gnus-group-news-5 ((,class (:foreground ,cyan-3))))
- `(gnus-group-news-5-empty ((,class (:foreground ,black-2))))
- `(gnus-group-news-5-low ((,class (:foreground ,cyan-4))))
- `(gnus-group-news-6 ((,class (:foreground ,green-1))))
- `(gnus-group-news-6-empty ((,class (:foreground ,black-2))))
- `(gnus-group-news-6-low ((,class (:foreground ,green-3))))
- `(gnus-group-news-low ((,class (:foreground ,yellow-3))))
- `(gnus-group-news-low-empty ((,class (:foreground ,black-2))))
- `(gnus-header-content ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-1 ))))
- `(gnus-header-from ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1 :underline t))))
- `(gnus-header-name ((,class (:foreground ,black-1))))
- `(gnus-header-newsgroups ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-2))))
- `(gnus-header-subject ((,class (:foreground ,white-0 :bold t))))
- `(gnus-server-agent ((,class (:foreground ,black-2))))
- `(gnus-server-closed ((,class (:foreground ,black-2))))
- `(gnus-server-denied ((,class (:foreground ,black-2))))
- `(gnus-server-offline ((,class (:foreground ,black-2))))
- `(gnus-server-opened ((,class (:foreground ,black-2))))
- `(gnus-signature ((,class (:slant italic :foreground ,black-2))))
- `(gnus-splash ((,class (:foreground ,black-1))))
- `(gnus-summary-cancelled ((,class (:foreground ,black-2 :background ,black-5))))
- `(gnus-summary-high-ancient ((,class (:bold t :foreground ,red-3 :background nil))))
- `(gnus-summary-high-read ((,class (:bold t :foreground ,white-1))))
- `(gnus-summary-high-ticked ((,class (:slant italic :bold t :foreground ,red-2 :background nil))))
- `(gnus-summary-high-undownloaded ((,class (:slant italic :foreground ,red-2 :background nil))))
- `(gnus-summary-high-unread ((,class (:bold t :foreground ,red-0))))
- `(gnus-summary-low-ancient ((,class (:foreground ,green-3))))
- `(gnus-summary-low-read ((,class (:foreground ,white-1))))
- `(gnus-summary-low-ticked ((,class (:slant italic :foreground ,green-1))))
- `(gnus-summary-low-undownloaded ((,class (:slant italic :foreground ,green-2))))
- `(gnus-summary-low-unread ((,class (:slant italic :foreground ,green-0))))
- `(gnus-summary-normal-ancient ((,class (:foreground ,blue-2))))
- `(gnus-summary-normal-read ((,class (:foreground ,white-1))))
- `(gnus-summary-normal-ticked ((,class (:slant italic :foreground ,blue-1))))
- `(gnus-summary-normal-undownloaded ((,class (:slant italic :foreground ,blue-1))))
- `(gnus-summary-normal-unread ((,class (:foreground ,blue-0 :bold t))))
- `(gnus-summary-selected ((,class (:background ,green-0 :foreground ,green-5))))
- ;; Helm
- `(helm-bookmark-directory ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1 :background ,black-5 :bold t))))
- `(helm-bookmark-file ((,class (:foreground ,yellow-4 :background ,yellow-0))))
- `(helm-bookmark-info ((,class (:foreground ,green-4 :background ,green-0))))
- `(helm-buffer-directory ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1 :bold t))))
- `(helm-buffer-process ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-2))))
- `(helm-buffer-saved-out ((,class (:foreground ,red-2 :background ,black-5))))
- `(helm-buffer-size ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2))))
- `(helm-candidate-number ((,class (:foreground ,blue-3 :background ,white-0))))
- `(helm-ff-directory ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1 :background ,black-5 :bold t))))
- `(helm-ff-excutable ((,class (:foreground ,green-1 :background ,black-5 :bold t))))
- `(helm-ff-file ((,class (:foreground ,white-1 :background ,black-5))))
- `(helm-ff-invalid-symlink ((,class (:foreground ,white-1 :background ,red-2))))
- `(helm-ff-prefix ((,class (:foreground ,white-1 :background ,orange-2))))
- `(helm-grep-cmd-line ((,class (:foreground ,green-4 :background ,green-00 :bold t))))
- `(helm-grep-file ((,class (:foreground ,purple-1))))
- `(helm-grep-finish ((,class (:foreground ,green-2))))
- `(helm-grep-lineno ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2))))
- `(helm-grep-match ((,class (:background ,black-4 :foreground ,yellow-1 :bold t))))
- `(helm-grep-running ((,class (:foreground ,red-0 :background nil))))
- `(helm-header ((,class (:foreground ,blue-3 :background ,blue-0))))
- `(helm-lisp-show-completion ((,class (:foreground ,black-3 :background ,green-0))))
- `(helm-match ((,class (:foreground ,green-2 :background ,black-5 :bold t))))
- `(helm-selection ((,class (:foreground nil :background ,blue-3))))
- `(helm-selection-line ((,class (:foreground nil :background ,yellow-4))))
- `(helm-source-header ((,class (:foreground ,white-0 :background ,black-2-5 :bold t))))
- `(helm-visible-mark ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-2 :background ,magenta-0))))
- ;; Dired/Dired+
- `(dired-directory ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1 :bold t))))
- `(dired-flagged ((,class (:foreground ,red-1))))
- `(dired-header ((,class (:foreground ,black-5 :background ,green-2 :bold t))))
- `(dired-ignored ((,class (:foreground ,black-1))))
- `(dired-mark ((,class (:foreground ,green-1))))
- `(dired-marked ((,class (:foreground ,green-2))))
- `(dired-perm-write ((,class (:foreground ,red-2 :bold t))))
- `(dired-symlink ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-2))))
- `(dired-warning ((,class (:foreground ,white-1 :background ,red-3 :bold t))))
- `(diredp-compressed-file-suffix ((,class (:foreground ,purple-2))))
- `(diredp-date-time ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1 :background ,black-4))))
- `(diredp-deletion ((,class (:foreground ,white-1, :background ,red-3))))
- `(diredp-deletion-file-name ((,class (:foreground ,red-2))))
- `(diredp-dir-heading ((,class (:foreground ,black-5 :background ,green-2))))
- `(diredp-dir-priv ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1 :background ,black-5 :bold t))))
- `(diredp-display-msg ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2))))
- `(diredp-executable-tag ((,class (:foreground ,green-2))))
- `(diredp-file-name ((,class (:foreground ,white-1))))
- `(diredp-file-suffix ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2))))
- `(diredp-flag-mark ((,class (:foreground ,white-1 :background ,magenta-3 :bold t))))
- `(diredp-flag-mark-line ((,class (:foreground ,black-5 :background ,magenta-1))))
- `(diredp-ignored-file-name ((,class (:foreground ,black-2))))
- `(diredp-link-priv ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-3))))
- `(diredp-mode-line-flagged ((,class (:foreground ,black-5 :background ,green-2))))
- `(diredp-mode-line-marked ((,class (:foreground ,white-1 :background ,magenta-3 bold t))))
- `(diredp-no-priv ((,class (:foreground ,white-1 :background ,black-4))))
- `(diredp-number ((,class (:foreground ,yellow-1))))
- `(diredp-other-priv ((,class (:foreground ,white-1 :background ,blue-3))))
- `(diredp-rare-priv ((,class (:foreground ,white-1 :background ,purple-2))))
- `(diredp-symlink ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-3))))
- `(diredp-read-priv ((,class (:foreground ,green-4 :background ,green-0))))
- `(diredp-write-priv ((,class (:foreground ,blue-5 :background ,blue-0))))
- `(diredp-exec-priv ((,class (:foreground ,red-3 :background ,orange-0))))
- ;; Magit >= 2.1.0
- `(magit-bisect-bad ((,class (:foreground ,red-3 :background ,red-00))))
- `(magit-bisect-good ((,class (:foreground ,green-4 :background ,green-0))))
- `(magit-bisect-skip ((,class (:foreground ,yellow-4 :background ,orange-00))))
- `(magit-blame-date ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2 :background ,black-3))))
- `(magit-blame-hash ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2 :background ,black-3))))
- `(magit-blame-heading ((,class (:foreground ,white-1 :background ,black-3))))
- `(magit-blame-name ((,class (:foreground ,green-1 :background ,black-3))))
- `(magit-blame-summary ((,class (:foreground ,white-2 :background ,black-3))))
- `(magit-branch-current ((,class (:foreground ,white-0 :background ,orange-2 :bold t :underline nil))))
- `(magit-branch-local ((,class (:foreground ,green-4 :background ,green-00 :bold t :underline t))))
- `(magit-branch-remote ((,class (:foreground ,blue-3 :background ,blue-0 :bold t :underline t))))
- `(magit-cherry-equivalent ((,class (:foreground ,purple-2))))
- `(magit-cherry-unmatched ((,class (:foreground ,cyan-4))))
- `(magit-diff-added ((,class (:foreground ,green-0 :background nil :bold t))))
- `(magit-diff-added-highlight ((,class (:foreground ,green-0 :bold t :inherit (magit-section-highlight)))))
- `(magit-diff-base ((,class (:foreground ,yellow-1 :background nil))))
- `(magit-diff-base-highlight ((,class (:foreground ,yellow-1 :bold t :inherit (magit-section-highlight)))))
- `(magit-diff-conflict-heading ((,class (:foreground ,white-0 :background ,orange-2))))
- `(magit-diff-context ((,class (:foreground ,white-1 :background nil))))
- `(magit-diff-context-highlight ((,class (:foreground ,white-1 :inherit (magit-section-highlight)))))
- `(magit-diff-file-heading ((,class (:foreground ,white-0 :bold t))))
- `(magit-diff-file-heading-highlight ((,class (:background ,blue-3 :bold t))))
- `(magit-diff-file-heading-selection ((,class (:foreground ,white-0 :background ,black-2 :bold t))))
- `(magit-diff-hunk-heading ((,class (:foreground ,black-2 :background ,black-3 :bold t))))
- `(magit-diff-hunk-heading-highlight ((,class (:foreground ,black-4 :background ,blue-01))))
- `(magit-diff-hunk-heading-selection ((,class (:foreground ,white-1 :background ,white-1))))
- `(magit-diff-lines-boundary ((,class (:foreground ,white-1 :background ,red-0))))
- `(magit-diff-lines-heading ((,class (:foreground ,white-1 :background ,red-0))))
- `(magit-diff-our ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-3))))
- `(magit-diff-our-highlight ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-3 :background ,magenta-00))))
- `(magit-diff-removed ((,class (:foreground ,red-0 :background nil :bold t))))
- `(magit-diff-removed-highlight ((,class (:foreground ,red-0 :bold t :inherit (magit-section-highlight)))))
- `(magit-diff-their ((,class (:foreground ,cyan-4)))) ;
- `(magit-diff-their-highlight ((,class (:foreground ,cyan-6 :background ,cyan-1))))
- `(magit-diff-whitespace-warning ((,class (:foreground ,red-3 :background ,red-3))))
- `(magit-diffstat-added ((,class (:foreground ,green-3 :background ,green-0 :bold t))))
- `(magit-diffstat-removed ((,class (:foreground ,red-3 :background ,red-0 :bold t))))
- `(magit-dimmed ((,class (:foreground ,black-2))))
- `(magit-filename ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1))))
- `(magit-hash ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2 :background nil))))
- `(magit-head ((,class (:foreground ,orange-4 :background ,orange-000))))
- `(magit-header-line ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2))))
- `(magit-log-author ((,class (:foreground ,green-2 :background nil))))
- `(magit-log-date ((,class (:foreground ,black-2 :background nil))))
- `(magit-log-graph ((,class (:foreground ,black-2 :background nil))))
- `(magit-process-ng ((,class (:foreground ,red-3 :background ,red-00 :underline t))))
- `(magit-process-ok ((,class (:foreground ,green-3 :background ,green-00 :underline t))))
- `(magit-reflog-amend ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-3 :background ,magenta-00))))
- `(magit-reflog-checkout ((,class (:foreground ,green-3 :background ,green-00))))
- `(magit-reflog-cherry-pick ((,class (:foreground ,orange-4 :background ,orange-00))))
- `(magit-reflog-commit ((,class (:foreground ,yellow-4 :background ,yellow-0))))
- `(magit-reflog-merge ((,class (:foreground ,purple-4 :background ,purple-00))))
- `(magit-reflog-other ((,class (:foreground ,white-0 :background ,black-3))))
- `(magit-reflog-rebase ((,class (:foreground ,cyan-6 :background ,cyan-2))))
- `(magit-reflog-remote ((,class (:foreground ,blue-4 :background ,blue-0))))
- `(magit-reflog-reset ((,class (:foreground ,red-3 :background ,red-00))))
- `(magit-section-heading ((,class (:foreground ,orange-3 :background nil :bold t :underline t))))
- `(magit-section-heading-selection ((,class (:background ,blue-0))))
- `(magit-section-highlight ((,class (:background ,black-3))))
- `(magit-sequence-done ((,class (:foreground ,green-3))))
- `(magit-sequence-drop ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2))))
- `(magit-sequence-head ((,class (:foreground ,blue-2))))
- `(magit-sequence-onto ((,class (:foreground ,purple-2))))
- `(magit-sequence-part ((,class (:foreground ,cyan-4))))
- `(magit-sequence-pick ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-2))))
- `(magit-sequence-stop ((,class (:foreground ,red-3))))
- `(magit-signature-bad ((,class (:foreground ,red-2))))
- `(magit-signature-good ((,class (:foreground ,green-3))))
- `(magit-signature-untrusted ((,class (:foreground ,yellow-3))))
- `(magit-tag ((,class (:foreground ,blue-3 :background ,blue-0))))
- `(magit-valid-signature ((,class (:foreground ,cyan-4 :background ,LIGHT_BG :bold t))))
- `(magit-whitespace-warning-face ((,class (:foreground ,white-0 :background ,red-2 :bold t))))
- ;; Magit
- `(magit-branch ((,class (:foreground ,green-4 :background ,green-01 :bold t :underline t))))
- `(magit-diff-add ((,class (:foreground ,green-0 :background nil :bold t))))
- `(magit-diff-del ((,class (:foreground ,red-0 :background nil :bold t))))
- `(magit-diff-file-header ((,class (:foreground ,white-0 :background ,black-2 :bold t))))
- `(magit-diff-hunk-header ((,class (:foreground ,white-2 :background ,black-2-5 :bold t))))
- `(magit-diff-merge-current ((,class (:foreground ,purple-1))))
- `(magit-diff-merge-diff3-separator ((,class (:foreground ,purple-1))))
- `(magit-diff-merge-proposed ((,class (:foreground ,purple-1))))
- `(magit-diff-merge-separator ((,class (:foreground ,purple-1))))
- `(magit-diff-none ((,class (:foreground ,black-2))))
- `(magit-header ((,class (:foreground ,blue-2 :background ,white-0 :underline ,blue-2))))
- `(magit-item-highlight ((,class (:background "#444444" :foreground ,white-0))))
- `(magit-item-mark ((,class (:foreground ,white-0 :background ,blue-3))))
- `(magit-log-author ((,class (:foreground ,green-0 :background ,black-4))))
- `(magit-log-author-date-cutoff ((,class (:foreground ,red-1 :bold t))))
- `(magit-log-date ((,class (:foreground ,white-1 :background ,black-4))))
- `(magit-log-graph ((,class (:foreground ,white-2 :background ,black-4))))
- `(magit-log-head-label-bisect-bad ((,class (:foreground ,red-3 :background ,red-00))))
- `(magit-log-head-label-bisect-good ((,class (:foreground ,green-4 :background ,green-0))))
- `(magit-log-head-label-bisect-skip ((,class (:foreground ,yellow-3 :background ,orange-00))))
- `(magit-log-head-label-default ((,class (:foreground ,green-4 :background ,green-2 :bold t :underline t))))
- `(magit-log-head-label-head ((,class (:foreground ,green-4 :background ,green-01 :bold t :underline t))))
- `(magit-log-head-label-local ((,class (:foreground ,green-4 :background ,green-00 :bold t :underline t))))
- `(magit-log-head-label-patches ((,class (:foreground ,orange-4 :background ,orange-0 :bold t :underline t))))
- `(magit-log-head-label-remote ((,class (:foreground ,blue-4 :background ,blue-0 :bold t :underline t))))
- `(magit-log-head-label-tags ((,class (:foreground ,yellow-4 :background ,yellow-00 :bold t :underline t))))
- `(magit-log-head-label-wip ((,class (:foreground ,white-2 :background ,black-2))))
- `(magit-log-message ((,class (:foreground ,white-1 :background nil))))
- `(magit-log-reflog-label-amend ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-3 :background ,magenta-0))))
- `(magit-log-reflog-label-checkout ((,class (:foreground ,green-4 :background ,green-00))))
- `(magit-log-reflog-label-cherry-pick ((,class (:foreground ,orange-4 :background ,orange-00))))
- `(magit-log-reflog-label-commit ((,class (:foreground ,yellow-4 :background ,yellow-0))))
- `(magit-log-reflog-label-merge ((,class (:foreground ,purple-4 :background ,purple-0))))
- `(magit-log-reflog-label-other ((,class (:foreground ,white-0 :background ,black-3))))
- `(magit-log-reflog-label-rebase ((,class (:foreground ,cyan-6 :background ,cyan-2))))
- `(magit-log-reflog-label-remote ((,class (:foreground ,blue-4 :background ,blue-0))))
- `(magit-log-reflog-label-reset ((,class (:foreground ,red-3 :background ,red-00))))
- `(magit-log-sha1 ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2 :background ,black-4))))
- `(magit-process-ng ((,class (:foreground ,red-3 :background ,red-00 :underline t :bold t))))
- `(magit-process-ok ((,class (:foreground ,green-4 :background ,green-00 :underline t :bold t))))
- `(magit-section-title ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2 :background ,black-5 :underline t :bold ,t))))
- `(magit-signature-bad ((,class (:foreground ,red-1))))
- `(magit-signature-good ((,class (:foreground ,green-1))))
- `(magit-signature-none ((,class (:foreground ,white-1))))
- `(magit-signature-untrusted ((,class (:foreground ,cyan-3))))
- `(magit-tag ((,class (:foreground ,blue-3 :background ,blue-0))))
- `(magit-valid-signature ((,class (:foreground ,cyan-3 :background ,black-5 :bold t))))
- `(magit-whitespace-warning-face ((,class (:foreground ,white-0 :background ,red-3 :bold t))))
- ;; git-commit-mode
- `(git-commit-branch-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue-4 :background ,white-0 :bold t :underline t))))
- `(git-commit-comment-action-face ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2 :background ,black-5 :underline t))))
- `(git-commit-comment-file-face ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-2))))
- `(git-commit-comment-heading-face ((,class (:foreground ,green-01 :background ,black-3 :bold t))))
- `(git-commit-known-pseudo-header-face ((,class (:foreground ,green-1))))
- `(git-commit-no-branch-face ((,class (:foreground ,orange-3))))
- `(git-commit-nonempty-second-line-face ((,class (:foreground ,red-2))))
- `(git-commit-note-face ((,class (:foreground ,cyan-3))))
- `(git-commit-overlong-summary-face ((,class (:foreground ,red-2))))
- `(git-commit-pseudo-header-face ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-3))))
- `(git-commit-summary-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1))))
- `(git-rebase-description-face ((,class (:foreground ,black-3))))
- `(git-rebase-killed-action-face ((,class (:foreground ,black-3))))
- ;; Message faces
- `(message-cited-text ((,class (:foreground ,green-1))))
- `(message-header-cc ((,class (:foreground ,blue-0))))
- `(message-header-name ((,class (:foreground ,white-3))))
- `(message-header-newsgroups ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1 :bold t))))
- `(message-header-other ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-1))))
- `(message-header-subject ((,class (:foreground ,white-0 :bold t))))
- `(message-header-to ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1 :underline t :bold t))))
- `(message-header-xheader ((,class (:foreground ,black-1))))
- `(message-mml ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2))))
- `(message-separator ((,class (:foreground ,black-2-5))))
- ;; Grep
- `(grep-context-face ((,class (:foreground ,red-2))))
- `(grep-error-face ((,class (:foreground ,red-1 :weight bold :underline t))))
- `(grep-hit-face ((,class (:foreground ,green-2))))
- `(grep-match-face ((,class (:foreground nil :background nil :inherit match))))
- ;; Diff
- `(diff-added ((,class (:foreground ,green-0 :background ,black-4 :bold t))))
- `(diff-changed ((,class (:foreground ,yellow-2 :background ,black-4 :bold t))))
- `(diff-context ((,class (:foreground ,black-2-5))))
- `(diff-file-header ((,class (:foreground ,black-5 :background ,blue-0 :bold t))))
- `(diff-function ((,class (:foreground ,black-4 :background ,white-2))))
- `(diff-header ((,class (:foreground ,blue-3 :background ,blue-0))))
- `(diff-hunk-header ((,class (:foreground ,blue-0 :background ,black-3 :bold t))))
- `(diff-index ((,class (:foreground ,black-4 :background ,white-3 :bold t))))
- `(diff-indicator-added ((,class (:foreground ,white-0 :background ,green-3 :bold t))))
- `(diff-indicator-changed ((,class (:foreground ,white-0 :background ,yellow-3 :bold t))))
- `(diff-indicator-removed ((,class (:foreground ,white-0 :background ,red-3 :bold t))))
- `(diff-nonexistent ((,class (:foreground ,white-0 :background ,red-3 :bold t))))
- `(diff-refine-added ((,class (:foreground ,white-0 :background ,green-4 :bold t))))
- `(diff-refine-change ((,class (:foreground ,white-0 :background ,yellow-4 :bold t))))
- `(diff-refine-removed ((,class (:foreground ,white-0 :background ,red-3 :bold t))))
- `(diff-removed ((,class (:foreground ,red-0 :background ,black-4 :bold t))))
- ;; Ediff
- `(ediff-current-diff-A ((,class (:background ,yellow-4))))
- `(ediff-current-diff-Ancestor ((,class (:background ,blue-3))))
- `(ediff-current-diff-B ((,class (:background ,purple-4))))
- `(ediff-current-diff-C ((,class (:background ,orange-5))))
- `(ediff-even-diff-A ((,class (:background ,black-3))))
- `(ediff-even-diff-Ancestor ((,class (:background ,black-3))))
- `(ediff-even-diff-B ((,class (:background ,black-3))))
- `(ediff-even-diff-C ((,class (:background ,black-3))))
- `(ediff-fine-diff-A ((,class (:foreground nil :background ,green-5 :bold t))))
- `(ediff-fine-diff-Ancestor ((,class (:foreground nil :background ,green-5 :bold t))))
- `(ediff-fine-diff-B ((,class (:foreground nil :background ,green-5 :bold t))))
- `(ediff-fine-diff-C ((,class (:foreground nil :background ,green-5 :bold t))))
- `(ediff-odd-diff-A ((,class (:background ,red-3))))
- `(ediff-odd-diff-Ancestor ((,class (:background ,red-3))))
- `(ediff-odd-diff-B ((,class (:background ,red-3))))
- `(ediff-odd-diff-C ((,class (:background ,red-3))))
- ;; smerge
- `(smerge-refined-change ((,class (:background ,blue-3 :foreground ,white-0))))
- ;; Flyspell faces
- `(flyspell-duplicate ((,class (:underline t foreground-color,orange-1))))
- `(flyspell-incorrect ((,class (:background ,red-1 :foreground ,white-1 :bold t))))
- ;; Semantic faces
- `(semantic-decoration-on-includes ((,class (:underline ,black-1))))
- `(semantic-decoration-on-private-members-face
- ((,class (:background ,purple-3))))
- `(semantic-decoration-on-protected-members-face
- ((,class (:background ,magenta-3))))
- `(semantic-decoration-on-unknown-includes
- ((,class (:background ,red-3))))
- `(semantic-decoration-on-unparsed-includes
- ((,class (:background ,black-4))))
- `(semantic-tag-boundary-face ((,class (:overline ,blue-1))))
- `(semantic-unmatched-syntax-face ((,class (:underline ,red-1))))
- ;; CUA
- `(cua-rectangle ((,class (:background ,magenta-3 :foreground ,white-1))))
- ;; Ace-jump
- `(ace-jump-face-background ((,class (:background nil :foreground ,black-2-5))))
- `(ace-jump-face-foreground ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2 :bold t))))
- ;; avy-mode
- `(avy-lead-face ((,class (:background ,cyan-1 :foreground ,black-4))))
- `(avy-lead-face-0 ((,class (:background ,purple-00 :foreground ,black-4))))
- `(avy-lead-face-1 ((,class (:background ,white-2 :foreground ,black-4))))
- `(avy-lead-face-2 ((,class (:background ,green-2 :foreground ,black-4))))
- ;; Rainbow-delimiters
- `(rainbow-delimiters-depth-1-face ((,class (:bold t :foreground ,red-2))))
- `(rainbow-delimiters-depth-2-face ((,class (:bold t :foreground ,blue-1))))
- `(rainbow-delimiters-depth-3-face ((,class (:bold t :foreground ,green-2))))
- `(rainbow-delimiters-depth-4-face ((,class (:bold t :foreground ,magenta-2))))
- `(rainbow-delimiters-depth-5-face ((,class (:bold t :foreground ,cyan-3))))
- `(rainbow-delimiters-depth-6-face ((,class (:bold t :foreground ,orange-2))))
- `(rainbow-delimiters-depth-7-face ((,class (:bold t :foreground ,purple-2))))
- `(rainbow-delimiters-depth-8-face ((,class (:bold t :foreground ,white-1))))
- `(rainbow-delimiters-depth-9-face ((,class (:bold t :foreground ,yellow-2))))
- `(rainbow-delimiters-unmatched-face ((,class (:foreground ,white-0 :background ,red-3 :bold t))))
- ;; EShell
- `(eshell-ls-archive ((,class (:foreground ,purple-2))))
- `(eshell-ls-backup ((,class (:foreground ,black-3))))
- `(eshell-ls-clutter ((,class (:foreground ,black-2))))
- `(eshell-ls-directory ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1 :bold t))))
- `(eshell-ls-executable ((,class (:foreground ,green-2))))
- `(eshell-ls-missing ((,class (:foreground ,white-0 :background ,red-3))))
- `(eshell-ls-product ((,class (:foreground ,white-0 :background ,green-2))))
- `(eshell-ls-readonly ((,class (:foreground ,orange-3))))
- `(eshell-ls-special ((,class (:foreground ,yellow-1))))
- `(eshell-ls-symlink ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-2))))
- `(eshell-ls-unreadable ((,class (:foreground ,black-2))))
- `(eshell-prompt ((,class (:foreground ,white-0 :background ,black-2-5 :bold t))))
- ;; Comint prompt
- `(comint-highlight-prompt ((,class (:foreground ,white-0 :background ,black-2-5 :bold t))))
- ;; which-function-mode
- `(which-func ((,class (:foreground ,white-0 :background ,orange-2))))
- ;; Flymake
- `(flymake-warnline ((,class (:underline ,orange-2))))
- `(flymake-errline ((,class (:underline ,red-2))))
- ;; Flycheck
- `(flycheck-error ((,class (:background ,red-2 :foreground ,white-0 :bold t))))
- `(flycheck-warnline ((,class (:background ,orange-2 :foreground ,white-0 :bold t))))
- ;; Malabar
- `(malabar-error-face ((,class (:underline ,red-2))))
- `(malabar-warning-face ((,class (:underline ,orange-2))))
- `(malabar-info-face ((,class (:underline ,blue-2))))
- ;; MMM-Mode
- `(mmm-cleanup-submode-face ((,class (:background ,orange-00))))
- `(mmm-code-submode-face ((,class (:background ,blue-00))))
- `(mmm-comment-submode-face ((,class (:background ,blue-0))))
- `(mmm-declaration-submode-face ((,class (:background ,cyan-1))))
- `(mmm-default-submode-face ((,class (:background nil))))
- `(mmm-delimiter-face ((,class (:background nil :foreground ,white-0))))
- `(mmm-init-submode-face ((,class (:background ,magenta-0))))
- `(mmm-output-submode-face ((,class (:background ,purple-00))))
- `(mmm-special-submode-face ((,class (:background ,green-00))))
- ;; Clojure/Cider
- `(clojure-test-failure-face ((,class (:underline ,orange-2))))
- `(clojure-test-error-face ((,class (:underline ,red-2))))
- `(clojure-test-success-face ((,class (:underline ,green-3))))
- `(cider-deprecated-face ((,class (:background ,red-4))))
- ;; Javascript
- `(js2-function-param-face ((,class (:foreground ,green-3))))
- `(js2-external-variable ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2 :underline t))))
- `(js2-error ((,class (:foreground ,red-2 :underline t :bold t))))
- `(js2-warning ((,class (:foreground nil :underline t :bold t))))
- ;; rcirc
- `(rcirc-bright-nick ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1 :bold t))))
- `(rcirc-dim-nick ((,class (:foreground ,black-2 :bold t))))
- `(rcirc-keyword ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-2 :bold t))))
- `(rcirc-my-nick ((,class (:foreground ,green-2 :bold t))))
- `(rcirc-nick-in-message ((,class (:foreground ,green-3))))
- `(rcirc-nick-in-message-full-line ((,class (:foreground ,blue-3))))
- `(rcirc-other-nick ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1 :bold t))))
- `(rcirc-prompt ((,class (:foreground ,black-3 :background ,green-01 :bold t))))
- `(rcirc-server ((,class (:foreground ,black-1))))
- `(rcirc-server-prefix ((,class (:foreground ,black-1))))
- `(rcirc-timestamp ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2))))
- `(rcirc-track-keyword ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-2))))
- `(rcirc-track-nick ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1))))
- `(rcirc-url ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1 :bold nil :underline ,blue-2))))
- ;; ERC
- `(erc-button ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1 :underline ,blue-1 :bold nil))))
- `(erc-current-nick-face ((,class (:foreground ,green-1))))
- `(erc-dangerous-hosts ((,class (:foreground ,red-2 :bold t))))
- `(erc-direct-msg-face ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2))))
- `(erc-error-face ((,class (:foreground ,red-2))))
- `(erc-header-face ((,class (:background ,blue-1))))
- `(erc-input-face ((,class (:foreground ,white-0))))
- `(erc-keyword-face ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-2 :bold t))))
- `(erc-my-nick-face ((,class (:foreground ,green-1 :bold t))))
- `(erc-nick-default-face ((,class (:bold t :foreground ,blue-1))))
- `(erc-nick-msg-face ((,class (:weight normal :foreground ,orange-2))))
- `(erc-notice-face ((,class (:foreground ,black-2))))
- `(erc-pal-face ((,class (:foreground ,purple-1))))
- `(erc-prompt-face ((,class (:bold t :foreground ,green-01 :background ,black-2-5))))
- `(erc-timestamp-face ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2))))
- ;; ReStructuredText
- `(rst-level-1-face ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2 :background ,black-5 :bold t))))
- `(rst-level-2-face ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2 :background ,black-5 :bold t))))
- `(rst-level-3-face ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2 :background ,black-5 :bold t))))
- `(rst-level-4-face ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2 :background ,black-5 :bold t))))
- `(rst-level-5-face ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2 :background ,black-5 :bold t))))
- `(rst-level-6-face ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2 :background ,black-5 :bold t))))
- `(rst-level-1 ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2 :background ,black-5 :bold t))))
- `(rst-level-2 ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2 :background ,black-5 :bold t))))
- `(rst-level-3 ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2 :background ,black-5 :bold t))))
- `(rst-level-4 ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2 :background ,black-5 :bold t))))
- `(rst-level-5 ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2 :background ,black-5 :bold t))))
- `(rst-level-6 ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2 :background ,black-5 :bold t))))
- `(rst-adornment ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2 :background ,black-5 :bold t))))
- `(rst-block ((,class (:foreground ,green-1 :background ,black-3 :bold t))))
- `(rst-comment ((,class (:foreground ,red-0 :background ,red-3 :bold t))))
- `(rst-literal ((,class (:foreground ,green-1 :background ,black-3))))
- `(rst-reference ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-2 :background ,black-5))))
- `(rst-definition ((,class (:foreground ,yellow-1 :background ,black-5))))
- `(rst-directive ((,class (:foreground ,purple-1 :background ,black-4 :bold t))))
- `(rst-external ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1 :background ,black-5))))
- `(rst-transition ((,class (:foreground ,green-2 :background ,black-4 :bold t))))
- ;; yalinum
- `(yalinum-bar-face ((,class (:foreground ,black-2-5 :background ,white-1))))
- `(yalinum-face ((,class (:foreground ,white-1 :background ,black-2))))
- `(yalinum-track-face ((,class (:foreground ,white-1 :background ,black-2-5))))
- ;; Ruby
- `(enh-ruby-heredoc-delimiter-face ((,class (:foreground ,purple-2))))
- `(enh-ruby-op-face ((,class (:foreground ,orange-3 :bold t))))
- `(enh-ruby-regexp-delimiter-face ((,class (:foreground ,purple-2))))
- `(enh-ruby-string-delimiter-face ((,class (:foreground ,purple-0))))
- `(erm-syn-errline ((,class (:foreground ,red-00 :background ,red-3 :bold t :underline t))))
- `(erm-syn-warnline ((,class (:bold t :underline t))))
- ;; ansi-term
- `(term-color-black ((,class (:background ,black-5 :foreground ,black-5))))
- `(term-color-blue ((,class (:background ,cyan-3 :foreground ,cyan-3))))
- `(term-color-cyan ((,class (:background ,cyan-3 :foreground ,cyan-3))))
- `(term-color-green ((,class (:background ,green-2 :foreground ,green-2))))
- `(term-color-magenta ((,class (:background ,magenta-3 :foreground ,magenta-3))))
- `(term-color-red ((,class (:background ,red-1 :foreground ,red-1))))
- `(term-color-white ((,class (:background ,white-0 :foreground ,white-0))))
- `(term-color-yellow ((,class (:background ,orange-2 :foreground ,orange-2))))
- ;; ido-mode
- `(ido-first-match ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2 :bold t))))
- `(ido-incomplete-regexp ((,class (:foreground ,red-0 :bold t))))
- `(ido-indicator ((,class (:foreground ,yellow-4 :background ,orange-00))))
- `(ido-only-match ((,class (:foreground ,green-2 :background nil))))
- `(ido-subdir ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1 :bold t))))
- `(ido-virtual ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-3))))
- ;; ivy-mode
- `(ivy-current-match ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2 :bold t :inherit highlight))))
- `(ivy-confirm-face ((,class (:foreground ,green-4 :background ,green-00 :bold t))))
- `(ivy-subdir ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1 :bold t))))
- `(ivy-virtual ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-3))))
- `(ivy-minibuffer-match-face-1 ((,class (:background ,blue-1 :foreground ,white-0))))
- `(ivy-minibuffer-match-face-2 ((,class (:bold t :background ,green-2 :foreground ,white-0))))
- `(ivy-minibuffer-match-face-3 ((,class (:bold t :background ,magenta-2 :foreground ,white-0))))
- `(ivy-minibuffer-match-face-4 ((,class (:bold t :background ,cyan-3 :foreground ,white-0))))
- ;; swiper
- `(swiper-match-face-1 ((,class (:background ,blue-1 :foreground ,white-0))))
- `(swiper-match-face-2 ((,class (:bold t :background ,green-2 :foreground ,white-0))))
- `(swiper-match-face-3 ((,class (:bold t :background ,magenta-2 :foreground ,white-0))))
- `(swiper-match-face-4 ((,class (:bold t :background ,cyan-3 :foreground ,white-0))))
- `(swiper-line-face ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2 :bold t :inherit highlight))))
- ;; volatile-highlights
- `(vhl/default-face ((,class (:foreground ,black-3 :background ,green-0))))
- ;; notmuch
- `(notmuch-search-unread-face ((,class (:weight bold))))
- ;; git-gutter (&-fringe)
- `(git-gutter:added ((,class (:foreground ,green-4 :background ,green-0 :bold t))))
- `(git-gutter:deleted ((,class (:foreground ,red-3 :background ,red-00 :bold t))))
- `(git-gutter:modified ((,class (:foreground ,yellow-4 :background ,yellow-0 :bold t))))
- ;; cfw: Calendar Framework
- ;; `(cfw:face-annotation ((,class (:foreground , :background ,))))
- `(cfw:face-day-title ((,class (:foreground ,white-0 :background "#262626"))))
- ;; `(cfw:face-default-content ((,class (:foreground , :background ,))))
- ;; `(cfw:face-default-day ((,class (:foreht , :background ,))))
- ;; `(cfw:face-disable ((,class (:foreground , :background ,))))
- `(cfw:face-grid ((,class (:foreground ,black-2))))
- `(cfw:face-header ((,class (:foreground ,white-1 :background ,black-3 :bold t))))
- `(cfw:face-holiday ((,class (:foreground ,purple-1 :background "#262626" :bold t))))
- ;; `(cfw:face-periods ((,class (:foreground , :background ,))))
- `(cfw:face-saturday ((,class (:foreground ,blue-01 :background ,blue-3 :bold t))))
- `(cfw:face-select ((,class (:foreground ,black-5 :background ,blue-1))))
- `(cfw:face-sunday ((,class (:foreground ,red-00 :background ,red-3 :bold t))))
- ;; `(cfw:face-title ((,class (:foreground , :background ,))))
- `(cfw:face-today ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2 :background ,black-3))))
- `(cfw:face-today-title ((,class (:foreground ,white-0 :background ,orange-2))))
- `(cfw:face-toolbar ((,class (:foreground ,white-1 :background ,black-3))))
- `(cfw:face-toolbar-button-off ((,class (:foreground ,cyan-5 :background ,black-3))))
- `(cfw:face-toolbar-button-on ((,class (:foreground ,red-1 :background ,white-0))))
- ;; Column marker
- `(column-marker-1 ((,class (:background ,black-2-5))))
- `(column-marker-2 ((,class (:background ,yellow-4))))
- `(column-marker-3 ((,class (:background ,red-3))))
- ;; Swoop
- `(swoop-face-header-format-line ((,class (:foreground ,black-6 :background nil :underline nil))))
- `(swoop-face-line-buffer-name ((,class (:foreground ,green-4 :background ,green-0))))
- `(swoop-face-line-number ((,class (:foreground "#87875f" :background "#d7d7af"))))
- `(swoop-face-target-line ((,class (:foreground ,yellow-1 :background ,black-2-5))))
- `(swoop-face-target-words ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-1 :background ,black-2-5 :bold t))))
- `(helm-swoop-target-line-block-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow-1 :background ,black-3))))
- `(helm-swoop-target-line-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow-1 :background ,black-2-5))))
- `(helm-swoop-target-word-face ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-3 :background ,magenta-0 :bold t))))
- ;; widget
- `(widget-button ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1 :underline t :bold t))))
- `(widget-button-pressed ((,class (:foreground ,blue-0))))
- `(widget-documentation ((,class (:foreground ,green-1))))
- `(widget-field ((,class (:foreground ,green-0 :background ,black-3))))
- `(widget-inactive ((,class (:foreground ,black-2))))
- `(widget-single-line-field ((,class (:foreground ,green-0 :background ,black-3))))
- ;; table
- `(table-cell ((,class (:foreground ,white-0 :background ,black-3))))
- ;; compilation
- `(compilation-column-number ((,class (:foreground ,green-2))))
- `(compilation-error ((,class (:foreground ,red-3 :background ,red-0 :bold t))))
- `(compilation-info ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2 :background ,black-3))))
- `(compilation-line-number ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1))))
- `(compilation-mode-line-exit ((,class (:foreground ,green-4 :background ,green-0 :bold t))))
- `(compilation-mode-line-fail ((,class (:foreground ,red-3 :background ,red-00 :bold t))))
- `(compilation-mode-line-run ((,class (:foreground ,orange-4 :background ,orange-00 :bold t))))
- `(compilation-warning ((,class (:foreground ,orange-3))))
- ;; Neotree
- `(neo-banner-face ((,class (:foreground ,green-3 :background nil))))
- `(neo-header-face ((,class (:foreground ,green-1 :background nil))))
- `(neo-root-dir-face ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-1))))
- `(neo-button-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1 :bold t))))
- `(neo-dir-link-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1 :bold t))))
- `(neo-expand-btn-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1 :background ,black-2-5))))
- `(neo-file-link-face ((,class (:foreground ,white-1))))
- ;; info
- `(info-header-node ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-2 :bold t))))
- `(info-header-xref ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1 :background nil :bold t))))
- `(info-index-match ((,class (:background ,blue-3))))
- `(info-menu-header ((,class (:foreground ,white-0 :bold t :underline t))))
- `(info-menu-star ((,class (:foreground ,red-1))))
- `(info-node ((,class (:foreground ,red-3))))
- `(info-title-1 ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1 :bold t))))
- `(info-title-2 ((,class (:foreground ,green-2 :bold t))))
- `(info-title-3 ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2 :bold t))))
- `(info-title-4 ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-2 :bold t))))
- `(info-xref ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1 :underline t))))
- `(info-xref-visited ((,class (:foreground ,purple-1 :underline t))))
- ;; Tuareg
- `(tuareg-font-lock-error-face ((,class (:foreground ,red-3 :background ,red-00 :bold t))))
- `(tuareg-font-lock-governing-face ((,class (:foreground ,white-1 :bold t))))
- `(tuareg-font-lock-interactive-error-face ((,class (:foreground ,red-3 :background ,red-00 :bold t))))
- `(tuareg-font-lock-interactive-output-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue-3))))
- `(tuareg-font-lock-multistage-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue-3 :background ,blue-0))))
- `(tuareg-font-lock-operator-face ((,class (:foreground ,green-2 :bold t))))
- ;; CPerl
- `(cperl-array-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue-01 :background ,blue-3))))
- `(cperl-hash-face ((,class (:foreground ,orange-0 :background ,red-4))))
- `(cperl-nonoverridable-face ((,class (:foreground ,green-01 :background ,green-5))))
- ;; Haskell
- `(haskell-interactive-face-compile-error ((,class (:foreground ,red-0 :background nil :bold t))))
- `(haskell-interactive-face-compile-warning ((,class (:foreground ,orange-2 :background nil :bold t))))
- `(haskell-interactive-face-garbage ((,class (:foreground ,black-2))))
- `(haskell-interactive-face-prompt ((,class (:foreground ,green-01 :background ,black-2-5 :bold t))))
- `(haskell-interactive-face-result ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1))))
- ;; EMMS
- `(emms-state-current-playing-time ((,class (:foreground ,blue-3 :bold t))))
- `(emms-state-total-playing-time ((,class (:foreground ,blue-3))))
- `(emms-playlist-selected-face ((,class (:foreground ,green-2 :bold t))))
- `(emms-playlist-track-face ((,class (:foreground ,cyan-5))))
- ;; tty-menu
- `(menu ((,class (:foreground ,black-1 :background ,black-3))))
- `(tty-menu-disabled-face ((,class (:foreground ,black-2-5 :background ,black-3))))
- `(tty-menu-enabled-face ((,class (:foreground ,white-0 :background ,black-3 :bold t))))
- `(tty-menu-selected-face ((,class (:background ,blue-3))))
- ;; web-mode
- `(web-mode-comment-face ((,class (:foreground ,black-2-5))))
- `(web-mode-current-element-highlight-face ((,class (:background ,black-3))))
- `(web-mode-current-column-highlight-face ((,class (:background ,black-3))))
- `(web-mode-symbol-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow-2))))
- `(web-mode-type-face ((,class (:foreground ,cyan-3))))
- ;; Custom
- `(custom-button ((,class (:background ,blue-0 :foreground ,blue-3
- :box (:line-width 1 :style released-button)))))
- `(custom-button-mouse ((,class (:background ,blue-00 :foreground ,black-3
- :box (:line-width 1 :style released-button)))))
- `(custom-button-pressed ((,class (:foreground ,black-3 :background ,white-1
- :box (:line-width 1 :style pressed-button)))))
- ;; Hydra
- `(hydra-face-red ((,class (:foreground ,red-0))))
- `(hydra-face-blue ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1))))
- `(hydra-face-amaranth ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-2))))
- ;; rpm-spec-mode
- `(rpm-spec-tag-face ((,class (:foreground ,blue-1))))
- `(rpm-spec-obsolete-tag-face ((,class (:foreground ,white-0 :bold t :background ,red-2))))
- `(rpm-spec-macro-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow-2))))
- `(rpm-spec-var-face ((,class (:foreground ,purple-1))))
- `(rpm-spec-doc-face ((,class (:foreground ,magenta-2))))
- `(rpm-spec-dir-face ((,class (:foreground ,green-2))))
- `(rpm-spec-package-face ((,class (:foreground ,red-0))))
- `(rpm-spec-ghost-face ((,class (:foreground ,red-0))))
- `(rpm-spec-section-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow-2)))))
- (custom-theme-set-variables
- 'moe-dark
- `(ansi-color-names-vector [,black-5 ,red-0 ,green-0 ,yellow-1
- ,blue-1 ,purple-1 ,blue-0 ,white-1])))
- (setq moe-theme-which-enabled 'dark)
- (provide-theme 'moe-dark)
- ;; Local Variables:
- ;; no-byte-compile: t
- ;; End:
- ;;; moe-dark-theme.el ends here