Klimi's new dotfiles with stow.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

87 lines
708 B

пре 5 година
  1. associatedtype
  2. class
  3. deinit
  4. enum
  5. extension
  6. func
  7. import
  8. init
  9. inout
  10. let
  11. operator
  12. precedencegroup
  13. protocol
  14. struct
  15. subscript
  16. typealias
  17. var
  18. fileprivate
  19. internal
  20. private
  21. public
  22. static
  23. undef
  24. sil
  25. sil_stage
  26. sil_vtable
  27. sil_global
  28. sil_witness_table
  29. sil_default_witness_table
  30. sil_coverage_map
  31. sil_scope
  32. defer
  33. if
  34. guard
  35. do
  36. repeat
  37. else
  38. for
  39. in
  40. while
  41. return
  42. break
  43. continue
  44. fallthrough
  45. switch
  46. case
  47. default
  48. where
  49. catch
  50. as
  51. Any
  52. false
  53. is
  54. nil
  55. rethrows
  56. super
  57. self
  58. Self
  59. throw
  60. true
  61. try
  62. throws
  63. __FILE__
  64. __LINE__
  65. __COLUMN__
  66. __FUNCTION__
  67. __DSO_HANDLE__
  68. _
  69. #if
  70. #else
  71. #elseif
  72. #endif
  73. #keyPath
  74. #line
  75. #sourceLocation
  76. #selector
  77. #available
  78. #fileLiteral
  79. #imageLiteral
  80. #colorLiteral
  81. #FileReference
  82. #Image
  83. #Color
  84. #file
  85. #column
  86. #function
  87. #dsohandle