# Local IspellDict: en #+STARTUP: showeverything # Copyright (C) 2019 Jens Lechtenbörger # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # Neither generate table of contents nor section numbers #+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:nil # Enable: browser history, fragment IDs in URLs, mouse wheel, links between presentations #+OPTIONS: reveal_history:t reveal_fragmentinurl:t #+OPTIONS: reveal_mousewheel:t reveal_inter_presentation_links:t #+OPTIONS: reveal_width:1400 reveal_height:1000 #+OPTIONS: timestamp:nil #+REVEAL_TRANS: fade #+REVEAL_THEME: white #+REVEAL_PLUGINS: (search zoom) #+REVEAL_TITLE_SLIDE:





# The following is necessary for PDF export. # Note that even without PDF export, the used bibliography file needs # to be declared for org-ref, which can happen in various ways. # First, org-ref understands the printbibliography command below. # Second, addbibresource:references.bib could be used before # the printbibliography command if PDF export is not necessary. # Third, org-ref-default-bibliography can be customized. #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[backend=biber,style=alphabetic]{biblatex} #+LATEX_HEADER: \addbibresource{references.bib} #+TITLE: Sample presentation with bibliography #+SUBTITLE: (Press ~?~ for help; ~n~ and ~p~ for next and previous slide) #+AUTHOR: Jens Lechtenbörger #+DATE: August 2019 * Introduction ** Installation - Install [[https://revealjs.com/][reveal.js]] and ~org-re-reveal~ (from MELPA or [[https://gitlab.com/oer/org-re-reveal/][GitLab]]) - Activate ~org-re-reveal-ref~ - Place this directory into your load path or install it from [[https://melpa.org/#/getting-started][MELPA]] - Load package manually (~M-x load-library~ followed by ~org-re-reveal-ref~) or place ~(require 'org-re-reveal-ref)~ into your "~/.emacs" and restart - Load an Org file and export it to HTML - Make sure that reveal.js is available in your current directory (e.g., as sub-directory or symbolic link) - Load "README.org" (coming with org-re-reveal-ref) - Export to HTML: Press ~C-c C-e v v~ (write HTML file) or ~C-c C-e v b~ (write HTML file and open in browser) ** Rationale - Teaching and learning resources should be free and open - In support of [[https://www.sdg4education2030.org/the-goal][Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4)]] - [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_educational_resources][Open Educational Resources (OER)]] - See cite:HWS+10 for technical and legal requirements of OER - My OER requirements (see cite:Lec19) - (Re-) Usable with [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_and_open-source_software][FLOSS]] - Following paradigm of single sourcing (see cite:Roc01) - Platform independent, also offline use - Support proper license attribution beyond copy&paste - Tool support with [[https://gitlab.com/oer/emacs-reveal][emacs-reveal]], which embeds ~org-re-reveal-ref~ (see cite:Lec19b,Lec19c) * Reveal.js presentations ** Org-re-reveal - [[https://gitlab.com/oer/org-re-reveal/][Org-re-reveal]] provides [[https://orgmode.org/][Org mode]] export functionality to generate HTML presentations with [[https://revealjs.com/][reveal.js]] - See cite:SD11 for an introduction to Org mode - Such presentations offer lots of features - Themes, animations, and slide transitions - Speaker’s view with preview, notes, and timer - Embedding of images, audio, video, mathematical formulas - Many more ** Org-re-reveal-ref - Package ~org-re-reveal-ref~ adds support for citations and bibliography to ~org-re-reveal~ - Use citations of [[https://github.com/jkitchin/org-ref][org-ref]] as usual - With export to reveal.js and PDF - FLOSS software bundle [[https://gitlab.com/oer/emacs-reveal][emacs-reveal]] contains ~org-re-reveal-ref~ - Configuration of additional plugins for reveal.js, in particular audio explanations - Automatic license attribution for OER figures - See [[https://oer.gitlab.io/OS/][OER presentations for a course on operating systems]] for an example * Conclusions ** Summary - Use ~cite~ commands as usual - Insert bibliography on separate slide with ~printbibliography~ - See next slide - Important: You must use a ~CUSTOM_ID~ on that slide, whose value is that of customizable variable ~org-re-reveal-ref-bib~ ** Bibliography :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: bibliography :END: printbibliography:references.bib ** License Information - This file is published under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version.